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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Soraka had over 5k health


It's just one of those things you get used to. To be honest I only aim with the middle card; anything that gets hit by the side cards is a bonus.

Also the ult range map thing is the same thing with other champions with long range but non-global ults (like Nocturne).

Panth and TF ults are actually quite a bit longer than Noc's. It would be nice if wild cards used the same targeting thing that Kha'zix gets for evolved void spike.


Who said they were global? I was pointing out a very common misconception that they are all the same range but they aren't (I actually had this same conversation with a friend earlier tonight). Which we'd know if the range indicators didn't suck, which was the point to begin with, lol.


Who said they were global? I was pointing out a very common misconception that they are all the same range but they aren't (I actually had this same conversation with a friend earlier tonight). Which we'd know if the range indicators didn't suck, which was the point to begin with, lol.

Who said they were the same range.

The solution to the problem is to overlay the area within the ult range with a bunch of gold cards to make it harder to pick out a gold card hhehehehe.


I don't know but we've got off track. Point is, it would be nice if there was a better way to see the range than mousing over the icon.


Why are people so aggresive on their smurf accounts?

Eraconis: jesus is a fa****
Eraconis: like you
Eraconis: you both enjoy corn holing each other till either of u start sdripping out puss
Eraconis: son? when im finished with u ima make you my daddy
Eraconis: i use to be like u fiora
Eraconis: then i got a good score

lol I love when people get mad even if they win


Why are people so aggresive on their smurf accounts?

lol I love when people get mad even if they win

A lot of smurfs (vocal ones anyway) are people who got banned from the game. So yeah, they are the asshole smurfs. Kind of why some people want a "prison" server



That's my plan B. But sometimes they just don't understand why you accept what they're considering offensing and just stop.
I generally just find it amusing when I'm insulted. I'm not gay, mexican, female, nor mentally retarded, nor I see anything bad (well, being mentally retarded is pretty bad but not in the way they put it) with any of those things.

I do however take great pleasure in seeing bigots banned out of their fun, so even if I lose the match it still feels like a victory.

I feel really bad that smurfing leads to this, though. New players run into assholes first hand by match 2 and I mean, they suck, they're new at the game, what are they gonna do? I really wish there was a way to prohibit smurfing, I'm only doing it right now because I don't want to play with this other dude, but it always feels bad when I run into a legitimate noob. Which reminds me, Riot should really implement a way to block someone without removing them from your friendslist.

Bind default cast to Shift+R

ive already said this
It's just silly for the range not to be shown on the minimap as soon as you do your first cast. Same with the Q range.

Shows some of his stuff is still pretty outdated if you ask me.

Also, did they shrink him a bit? He didn't look ridiculously tall when I played him.


How far have I fallen where I can go 11/0.

You're like way below me bro. Still wtfing over when you were last pick and i was first pick when I duoed with you a few days ago.

I'm at an average 1510 elo right now if i'm been earning and losing a steady 12-13elo per game since the new system but i highly doubt it.


You're like way below me bro. Still wtfing over when you were last pick and i was first pick when I duoed with you a few days ago.

I'm at an average 1510 elo right now if i'm been earning and losing a steady 12-13elo per game since the new system but i highly doubt it.

Are you gold yet?

It's also probably because I've lost like 100 points while at 0 points.


Hecarim so good, carrying me through solo queue. Just got promoted back to silver 3 after getting demoted to 5 because of a nasty losing streak. Hopefully I'll be able to get to gold before they nerf my pony!


Are you gold yet?

It's also probably because I've lost like 100 points while at 0 points.

Nope. Gone to promotion and failed it because AP Nasus top and rammus Top

Staying near the 70s region for the past 3 games. Hopefully gold this week.


So I finally decided to use my gift cards to buy some skins. Got me Arcade Sona since she's currently my favorite champ. What are your top skins from the game?


Man, I love Eve jungle. 5-1 with her so far. It feels so cheap. She's like ez-mode jungle. I can gank from almost any direction, have crazy movement speed and insane burst. And I can ward without breaking the stealth. I'm constantly stealing buffs right out from under people lol. Even pink wards aren't that much of a threat. Pink one jungle entrance and I'll just go another. Or lane gank.

If I'm going to start ranked, I'll be playing her as often as possible. The only downside is she's not even remotely tanky and the team needs a good tank/initiator that would usually come from the jungle but she crushes so hard in the laning phase it's really strong at my silverish MMR. Most games are total clusterfuck teamfight phases anyways and rarely a real 5v5 late game.

So I finally decided to use my gift cards to buy some skins. Got me Arcade Sona since she's currently my favorite champ. What are your top skins from the game?

For champs I play my favorites are:

mafia MF
Bloodmoon akali


How do you guys build Xin? Currently im going Locket into Warmogs and then from there I build damage such as Black Cleaver or more tanky items if my team needs it. Any suggestions?
How do you guys build Xin? Currently im going Locket into Warmogs and then from there I build damage such as Black Cleaver or more tanky items if my team needs it. Any suggestions?
Usually frozen mallet is better for Xin than warmogs. The added slow combined with his built-in knock-up and E make it dangerous, and he already heals on every third attack with his W, so you don't really need the warmog's passive healing especially if you already have some life steal. Try building a trin force on him if you don't want to trade the warmogs for the frozen mallet - the sheen effect is pretty decent cause he a sort-of caster, and he can use all the stats.

btw, just curious, but why build a locket on him?


How do you guys build Xin? Currently im going Locket into Warmogs and then from there I build damage such as Black Cleaver or more tanky items if my team needs it. Any suggestions?

I'm not sure Locket is needed so early as it will slow his early and mid game builds. You can get an early Brutalizer, then get Warmogs, and then finish off Black Cleaver. Reverse the Brutalizer and Warmogs order if you are having too much trouble surviving. From there, go with what the team needs. If no one builds Randuin's Omen, build that. If someone is building Randuin, get Sunfire Cape to keep you tanky and dealing dmg. If you are already dominating but the enemy is hard to lock down, you may get Frozen Mallet or Triforce instead for the slow proc.


Frozen Mallet isn't that great for him. It isn't that cost effective and his kit has enough sticking power to it. Locket + Warmog's is essentially his tank core.

And you get Locket because the stats on it are amazing. Xin wants tank stats (Armor/HP) and CDR is his best offensive stat. The active helps his all-ins as well as just being a great team fight active anyway.
Usually frozen mallet is better for Xin than warmogs. The added slow combined with his built-in knock-up and E make it dangerous, and he already heals on every third attack with his W, so you don't really need the warmog's passive healing especially if you already have some life steal. Try building a trin force on him if you don't want to trade the warmogs for the frozen mallet - the sheen effect is pretty decent cause he a sort-of caster, and he can use all the stats.

btw, just curious, but why build a locket on him?

It got buffed a lot. For 2000g:
+400 health
+35 armor
+10% cooldown reduction
+10 health regen

plus the active. All Kindlegem items are awesome.


The lolking part is really dumb but I have to agree, somewhat. Champions like Akali or Katarina are pretty frustrating to play against, no mana management, resets, no skillshots, crazy mobility, high base damages, etc...

And it's not like they're champions that require all that much skill. Orianna is just as punishing as Katarina if you mess up your ult and she has mana problems, for instance.

But yeah, it's pretty dumb to pick a Lux against Akali, not buy any defensive items and whine because you're getting killed. If I see Kat/Akali I just pick Cho, start with 1 pink and a ton of pots and nomnomnom.

How do you guys build Xin? Currently im going Locket into Warmogs and then from there I build damage such as Black Cleaver or more tanky items if my team needs it. Any suggestions?
Mandred's, Locket, Aegis/Warmogs is my buddy's build.

So I finally decided to use my gift cards to buy some skins. Got me Arcade Sona since she's currently my favorite champ. What are your top skins from the game?
Mozilla Ahri, Megaman Lux, Arcade Sona.


Terrible players are the ones who don't know to adjust their build based on the opponent.

If you're building the same thing every single game without fail, something is most likely wrong.


Hmm spellthief Lux is on sale. I'm thinking of buying her in hopes one day she gets a splash art remake... hmmm....

I don't like AD carries either.
lol well if we're being honest adcarries don't really have all that variety available to them, I mean, no adc is gonna buy a ruby crystal and a pickaxe instead of a BFS and probably with good reason.


Tragic victim of fan death
Terrible players are the ones who don't know to adjust their build based on the opponent.

If you're building the same thing every single game without fail, something is most likely wrong.

I'm building Warmog's if I'm a tank in every ARAM. lol.
I swear people that play this game just don't think half the time

4 people in our base, were in a team fight. Are ADC goes to farm bot lane

next game we get baron, other teams really tanky, our tank goes to fight another tank 1v1

and we lose 4v4 then he comes and dies

Thank you for clarifying that. AD tf is AA based and that skill needs decent AP plus penetration to hit like it does late game when someone is AP based. UNless your going a hybrid friendly setup with a few big AD items it will always hit like crap.

Abuse that stun it's effect aren't negated regardless of build style so quick and cheesy.

He's beastly with those AAs if you get it rolling, but I'm not a great player so I find myself snowballing negatively more often if I build AD than AP.

So I finally decided to use my gift cards to buy some skins. Got me Arcade Sona since she's currently my favorite champ. What are your top skins from the game?

Special Forces Gangplank. Bought it full price, first day. No regrets.
Arcade Sona is class, too, although I don't play her much (got a card).
Emerald Taric and Shamrock Malphite for the old patriotism, of course.
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