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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Lux is a very rewarding champion to play (very skilllshot oriented). Shen is banned 24/7 so you'll never get to play him. And Pantheon is pretty fun as well if you enjoy dunking nerds.

A good rule of thumb is to only spend RP on 6300 IP champs and only when they're on sale. You can make an exception for a 4800 champ you really want but anything else is just wasteful, specially if you like skins.

Since all the champs you said go for 3150, I'd say just buy the one you want most and play them for however long you feel like it. I mean, 3150 you can get in a week, and buying many champions at once isn't much of an idea.

Lux is my favorite champ in the game so I'd have to go with her, but all of those are pretty good. I wouldn't buy Shen since he's banned all the time and he doesn't seem all that fun for me either, buy Sona and Panth are both pretty awesome. Specially Pantheon, he's in a really good spot right now.

You see, the thing is that I don't want to spend money. I have 400RP just because I made a new account on NA, so the best buy I can do with it is a 3150IP on sale.
And honestly, I need more like 3 weeks to get that IP than one. I play one or two games a day, I don't have usually time for more, so farming IP/XP is looooooooong for me.

Given the ban rates (and that I'm bad at skillshots), I guess I'll wait for pantheon then. Thank you both.


You see, the thing is that I don't want to spend money. I have 400RP just because I made a new account on NA, so the best buy I can do with it is a 3150IP on sale.
And honestly, I need more like 3 weeks to gat than IP than one. I usually play one or two games a day, I don't have usually time for more, so faming IP/XP is looooooooong for me.

Given the ban rates (and that I'm bad at skillshots), I guess I'll wait for pantheon then. Thank you both.

IP comes in pretty steady, but if you don't want to spend money, the free RP might be your only chance to get a skin for a champ you like when they have a skin sale. But it's your RP...


You see, the thing is that I don't want to spend money. I have 400RP just because I made a new account on NA, so the best buy I can do with it is a 3150IP on sale.
And honestly, I need more like 3 weeks to get that IP than one. I usually play one or two games a day, I don't have usually time for more, so faming IP/XP is looooooooong for me.

Given the ban rates (and that I'm bad at skillshots), I guess I'll wait for pantheon then. Thank you both.
Well you know I'm saying you should just use IP based on what's "optimal". If you're never planning on buying more RP and want Nidalee right now go for it, my point is that she's cheap enough so you can buy her in a couple weeks and if you ever feel like buying a skin or an expensive champion you get them half off.
IP comes in pretty steady, but if you don't want to spend money, the free RP might be your only chance to get a skin for a champ you like when they have a skin sale. But it's your RP...

Well you know I'm saying you should just use IP based on what's "optimal". If you're never planning on buying more RP and want Nidalee right now go for it, my point is that she's cheap enough so you can buy her in a couple weeks and if you ever feel like buying a skin or an expensive champion you get them half off.

You have a good point both. I'll try and save them for a skin someday. That'll be better optimization of ressources usage. I didn't think about skins much, but now that you say it, it's true that you can only have them for RP. So I'll wait and see.



Just played 3 normals thinking they were ranked. fml.

On the bright side, it was 2 losses. On the other hand, much try-harding and rage on my end -_-.


*Zed's winrate (like most assassins) goes up with game length -- the longer the game, the more impactful he becomes;

I thought assassin's become less useful as the game progresses.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
*Zed's winrate (like most assassins) goes up with game length -- the longer the game, the more impactful he becomes;

I thought assassin's become less useful as the game progresses.
They have the numbers...so I guess they would know best. In my experience the longer the game goes on the more opportunities there are for squishy champions to build tanky items to avoid being burst down.
Started jungling as Warwick. Been going pretty well. From what I have read, the season 3 changes to the jungle have made self sustain characters like WW viable for the jungle again.

All I know is I have been having a blast playing him there. Seeing as his gank potential is low before lvl 6 I simply go and hold top or mid if my team mate needs to "b" or help push top back if he is getting teamed up on (they have no jungler). Once lvl 6 its gank time.

I build him pretty tanky with my build order of
• Wiggles lantern (the ward and critter damage is very nice)
• boots of mobility (so I can wiz around the map
• Spirit Visage (magic resist and even more self healing)
• frozen heart (tons of armour and slows peoples attack speed)
• wits end (on hit effect damage)
Then last item depends how the game is going but often I will get blade of the ruined king to up my damage (especialy if I initiate the fight due to its % based on hit) after my burst they will be pretty messed up and the ADC or assassin can easily finish them off. However if I need to be even more tanky I will get something else but I have a lot of defensive runes and by this point a lot or armour and magic resist.

I find I have amazing survivability like this and can take most people on 1v1. I can get attacked where they blow all there CDs, then I R then them Q them and can be at full health again and they are half dead. Then the chase is on.

Had some great fun with this. Works great top lane as well but I will normally get boots with MR or armour instead.

It got to the point where I was focused because I became such a threat. This is what I wanted so that while they do that my team can dish out the real damage.

I had one game top laning against poppy and she just couldnt hurt me. Got to the point she just stood under her tower watching me farm till there team helped. However because of wiggles I always had river warded and saw it coming a mile off so I just backed off.

Still cant believe how few people buy wards. They can win the game. But at lvl 22 and playing normals I guess its just the norm. The amount of teemos that get totally screwed over by pink wards is to funny. Just see them standing there thinking they are safe...... GANK.


All I know is I have been having a blast playing him there. Seeing as his gank potential is low before lvl 6 I simply go and hold top or mid if my team mate needs to "b" or help push top back if he is getting teamed up on (they have no jungler). Once lvl 6 its gank time.

Against a team with a jungler that's basically an invitation for the other team to take your jungle, gank mid/bot, or take dragon.

What is happeningggggggggggggg. The WW gods are smiting me.


Alright , 8 ranked wins in a row now! Went from bronze 3 to bronze 2 and only 2 games away from promotion series. This is what happens when my team isn't filled with trolls. Surprisingly the other team just had 1 afk in all those games.
Against a team with a jungler that's basically an invitation for the other team to take your jungle, gank mid/bot, or take dragon.

What is happeningggggggggggggg. The WW gods are smiting me.

Well im pretty new at the whole jungle thing as it doesn't become normal till 20ish and im now 22. The other team either wont have a jungle or like me isn't as experienced.

This may all change later on but for now in the current state of games I'm playing... I'm having fun.

Anyway I try and keep tabs on the map when I am in the jungle and with wards in certain places it minimizes the chances of your jungle being taken or I can see it then go off and stop them.... however...... at my lvl so many supports and tops never ward so it is does kinda depend on me to do it which does slow you item build somewhat.

Also you cant do everything. If top needs to B and there is a chance the enemy will push hard and destroy the tower I would rather get up there and stop that and just warn the team to be defensive while I do to prevent getting ganked. Its a team game and everyone needs to be aware of whats going on.

Had a great game as Kayle mid the other day. Ended something like 17/2/22. Was AP with some additional attack speed. People attack me. Ult while they burst then I just kill them. Was pretty funny. I like that you can switch between DPS or support with her abilities as needed.

Had a LOT of aggressive players lately as well. One game I was Ashe and my support was Thresh. Was against ez and Taric so I knew it would be a tough one. Thresh just sat back and didnt do much. Warded near dragon but never the river bush or the bottom bush / got in there himselft to push taric out. So basically I couldn't CS because the moment I tried Taric leapt out of one bush and stunned me and ez just insta gank me while thresh just watched...... so if i stood back he shouted at me for not cs'ing, If i tried to CS he had a go at me for getting ganked. Then in the same game we had a mid Kha'zix who called everyone a noob / feeder / troll who died. So basically no matter what I did I was just constantly greifed.

I tried asking Thresh to ward the bushes or do something other than sit at the tower but he never listened.

Just accepted we were going to loose hard on this game (we also had a top that was getting beaten and a Vi jungle who was 0/8/0 by about the 12 min mark who was getting the most grief from the 2 morons.

Games like that just make you want to not play. Luckily you can often have games where everyone is nice and supportive as well.

I think what annoys me the most is the people who just insult everyone and never give even one bit of advice.

If it was "you *** noob do this blah blah blah not that" then at the very least you might get something out of it. Just simple insults do nothing but make the team play worse.


oh I also love playing support Nunu when you have a decent ADC. Pretty awesome team up. Alister is really fun in lane as well. He just drops off in team fights because people dont know how to teamfight in solo queue. In the few games I have played him where the team did work together he is great. The flash pulve headbutt carry to the team trick is always so damn funny.



cannot carry this "new at ADC" vayne who had minimal damage output in every team fight because too afraid to shoot at whatever was in front of her that wasn't a squishy

was 11/1 during lane phase but we fell apart at teamfights

hurry up and release quinn so i can start day1 feeding again


I lost my ribbon :mad:

Yeah, me too. Seems like people hand out honor less frequently than they did back in October so I'm not sure I'll get it back. Plus I rarely seem to get honors as a support player. The most I've got recently was after a game where I got sick of support and decided to play Darius and racked up 16 kill steals--I mean, dunks.
Yeah, me too. Seems like people hand out honor less frequently than they did back in October so I'm not sure I'll get it back. Plus I rarely seem to get honors as a support player. The most I've got recently was after a game where I got sick of support and decided to play Darius and racked up 16 kill steals--I mean, dunks.

That's just downright Darius.

All this talk about Sona has convinced me to buy Sona. I wonder how this will go...
That's just downright Darius.

All this talk about Sona has convinced me to buy Sona. I wonder how this will go...

I have never actually used her but she just has a bunch of auto targets / auras. She just looks like she would be boring to play to me. Il try her when she is on free rotation but even if she is good (which she is) she seems a little easy mode for me.


Was sitting on around 15k ip and no Quinn to buy so I picked up Xin yesterday. Might as well learn a new OP jungler. Though really I need to stop picking up new champs and buckle down with the ones I'm good at and start playing ranked.

It's just so much fun to play new champs. Lol.
I lost my ribbon :mad:

They made the requirements for Honourable Opponent a lot harder apparently, and recalled a lot of ribbons, including mine. :/ Very annoying, because I really do try to be a good sport, and certain friends who still have it absolutely do not.

Yeah, me too. Seems like people hand out honor less frequently than they did back in October so I'm not sure I'll get it back.

Yep. Got honor maybe once in the last six games, four of which were wins. Sigh.
Is it possible I'm playing too passively as Vayne? I didn't even bother trying to take shots at Ez+Soraka and just left it to my Janna.

I dunno. Depends if you're getting that sweet sweet dolla (farm). If you are, you can chill and wait for your absolutely beastlike lategame. If not, you need to either step up and harass, or get better at farming.

Against Ez and Soraka, I think you were doing the right thing. He has such crazy poke, and your Janna can't heal that off like Soraka can heal him. But I'm sure someone disagrees. ;D


I have never actually used her but she just has a bunch of auto targets / auras. She just looks like she would be boring to play to me. Il try her when she is on free rotation but even if she is good (which she is) she seems a little easy mode for me.

oh I also love playing support Nunu when you have a decent ADC. Pretty awesome team up.

Speaking of boring in lane ... :x

Sona's one of the more aggressive supports since she has some of the best damage outputs in early game harasses. She'll outdamage the ADC for quite awhile, honestly.

This may all change later on but for now in the current state of games I'm playing... I'm having fun.

It's not about it being "wrong" and "don't have fun" but just something to keep in mind. Jungler showing up in lane should mean something to the enemy team so just be wary of that risk when you have to hold a lane.

It's also something to remember for with enemy junglers. If you see them in top lane, you can make a play for dragon if mid/bot are free to push their lanes and come. Or just go steal enemy jungle, etc.

Essentially, it's just one of those things to recognize for future play. Much like what multiple lanes missing could mean, the jungler being visible also means things.

Had a great game as Kayle mid the other day. Ended something like 17/2/22. Was AP with some additional attack speed. People attack me. Ult while they burst then I just kill them. Was pretty funny. I like that you can switch between DPS or support with her abilities as needed.

The go to build for her these days is Nashor's Tooth + Liandry's Torment* + Situational AP builds (DFG, Rageblade, Lichbane, Zhonya's, Deathcap, etc.). Basically a Q + Auto-attack engage and chase play for lane and an ADC-esque role in teamfights of smart positioning and just beating on people. 36% CDR lets you keep her E up indefinitely so that's your goal for late game.

*Can be subbed out if enemy team has some bizarro comp that won't be stacking Health. Rageblade or Lichbane/DFG/Deathcap to get more raw damage in these instances.

Thresh just sat back and didnt do much. Warded near dragon but never the river bush or the bottom bush / got in there himselft to push taric out. So basically I couldn't CS because the moment I tried Taric leapt out of one bush and stunned me and ez just insta gank me while thresh just watched...... so if i stood back he shouted at me for not cs'ing, If i tried to CS he had a go at me for getting ganked.

Play support -> Sits in back bush. ;_; Worst feel.
The go to build for her these days is Nashor's Tooth + Liandry's Torment* + Situational AP builds (DFG, Rageblade, Lichbane, Zhonya's, Deathcap, etc.). Basically a Q + Auto-attack engage and chase play for lane and an ADC-esque role in teamfights of smart positioning and just beating on people. 36% CDR lets you keep her E up indefinitely so that's your goal for late game.

*Can be subbed out if enemy team has some bizarro comp that won't be stacking Health. Rageblade or Lichbane/DFG/Deathcap to get more raw damage in these instances.

I used to max Q on her for the crazy nuke and that damage amplification. Is that just straight up bad now, or is it situational?


Is it possible I'm playing too passively as Vayne? I didn't even bother trying to take shots at Ez+Soraka and just left it to my Janna.

Against an Ez/Soraka you'd get out poked and out sustained. Farming is the right option.

Talon's free this week. I was thinking of buying him but now I get a test try

Talon is great fun. He's pretty much a direct counter to most AP mids. Unfortunately bruiser mids and other AD casters are getting more and more common so he's a little less effective. I really like him though. One of my favorite champs.


I used to max Q on her for the crazy nuke and that damage amplification. Is that just straight up bad now, or is it situational?

You still max Q. EQQW, R>Q>E>W skill path. E doesn't get enough to warrant maxing first since Q does so much per level (50 Damage and +1% Damage Amp per rank for +5 Mana spent? Sure, okay).

If you're mid, you could probably do R>Q>W>E since Blue Buff will let you spam the heal infinitely but it does lower your kill potential a little in lane. That and without a good amount of AP, the heal doesn't do _that_ much. Plus, the shorter lane means you don't need as much speed to get through it anyway.
You still max Q. EQQW, R>Q>E>W skill path. E doesn't get enough to warrant maxing first since Q does so much per level (50 Damage and +1% Damage Amp per rank for +5 Mana spent? Sure, okay).

If you're mid, you could probably do R>Q>W>E since Blue Buff will let you spam the heal infinitely but it does lower your kill potential a little in lane. That and without a good amount of AP, the heal doesn't do _that_ much. Plus, the shorter lane means you don't need as much speed to get through it anyway.

Oh, cool. I remember her Q being very punishing when botlane opponents would engage on me, but certain teammates insist E is better as ADC. I don't play her mid, really. Maybe I'll try it sometime. Generally I avoid her heal though, it's too easy to get into a spamming habit and end up manaless.
Speaking of boring in lane ... :x

Sona's one of the more aggressive supports since she has some of the best damage outputs in early game harasses. She'll outdamage the ADC for quite awhile, honestly.

It's not about it being "wrong" and "don't have fun" but just something to keep in mind. Jungler showing up in lane should mean something to the enemy team so just be wary of that risk when you have to hold a lane.

It's also something to remember for with enemy junglers. If you see them in top lane, you can make a play for dragon if mid/bot are free to push their lanes and come. Or just go steal enemy jungle, etc.

Essentially, it's just one of those things to recognize for future play. Much like what multiple lanes missing could mean, the jungler being visible also means things.

The go to build for her these days is Nashor's Tooth + Liandry's Torment* + Situational AP builds (DFG, Rageblade, Lichbane, Zhonya's, Deathcap, etc.). Basically a Q + Auto-attack engage and chase play for lane and an ADC-esque role in teamfights of smart positioning and just beating on people. 36% CDR lets you keep her E up indefinitely so that's your goal for late game.

*Can be subbed out if enemy team has some bizarro comp that won't be stacking Health. Rageblade or Lichbane/DFG/Deathcap to get more raw damage in these instances.

Play support -> Sits in back bush. ;_; Worst feel.

Good points. Im still learning a lot in this game and jungle is very new to me. I am trying to be aware of the map while I do everything, especially help lanes if needed. Plus I only hold the lane if they are getting pushed right up to tower and B and it means the tower will likely go or be nearly destroyed. As soon as I push the lane back I will go back to jungle. Due to my lvl and people I play against its rare to get a well warded map by my team and also rare to be against a good jungler as well. Thats not actually a good thing as it slows the learning process. However I learn more each game.

Idealy mid would ward at least top or bottom mid river bush and play safish and near that bush to stop being ganked. Support would ward dragon and river bush and top would ward top river bush. I would then ward red maybe and top entrance near baron.

However all people want is there items asap and so dont buy any wards at all. So I ward a couple of areas if I can to help stop ganks on my team and hope the other team is just as crap.

As support I at the very least ward river bush and after the first one runs out i try and ward bush plus dragon. Unless we get pushed hard then I ward tribush and back bottom bush.

It just annoys me people don't use wards at all and then complain when they got ganked from river bush when they just pushed to hard and left them selves wide open. I find a lot of ganks. I find a lot of ganks work because of lack of wards and people not paying any attention to the map / downsides of push a lane to hard to early.

As with the thresh thing. If thresh was in the back bush I would be happy. He would be stopping Taric camping it. He was sitting by the turret while the creeps were mid lane. I basically couldn't do anything but get ganked or not lvl up / cs fast at all. Was all round fail.

As for the Nunu / Sona thing. I just mean her play style looks boring to me. You dont need to even aim any of her skills do you? I find Nunu's lane game is only boring if you have a terrible ADC who wont initiate if you have some dominance and use your E to initiate a kill. However that does happen quite a lot. Ali is really fun lane stage though but falls off near the end game. Both however are more because of the team and if you have decent players or not.


Oh, cool. I remember her Q being very punishing when botlane opponents would engage on me, but certain teammates insist E is better as ADC. I don't play her mid, really. Maybe I'll try it sometime. Generally I avoid her heal though, it's too easy to get into a spamming habit and end up manaless.

I would never play Kayle as an ADC, to be honest; mid is her ideal place but she works in top just since conditional range beats no range. 525 conditional range is a bit too awkward for laning in bot lane for me.

...and, yeah, I'd still probably do Q first as an ADC build of Kayle. I mean, it's still a 1:1 ratio.

Good points. Im still learning a lot in this game and jungle is very new to me. I am trying to be aware of the map while I do everything, especially help lanes if needed. Plus I only hold the lane if they are getting pushed right up to tower and B and it means the tower will likely go or be nearly destroyed. As soon as I push the lane back I will go back to jungle.

I guess the better way to put it is that going to hold the lane is the right call, just that the situation needing you to do it is bad. It's one of those things that you do it because you must but you'd rather it have not happened at all. :(

Due to my lvl and people I play against its rare to get a well warded map by my team and also rare to be against a good jungler as well. Thats not actually a good thing as it slows the learning process. However I learn more each game.

Yup :/ Playing against bad players doesn't really help much as you can get away with terrible, terrible habits.

Idealy mid would ward at least top or bottom mid river bush and play safish and near that bush to stop being ganked. Support would ward dragon and river bush and top would ward top river bush. I would then ward red maybe and top entrance near baron.

I hate this ward. I honestly see no reason for it. Half the vision range is wasted and you have limited time to react from anyone spotted by this. Putting it at the exit ramp from tri (if blue side; if purple, just put it near baron) gets more vision with a bit more time to react. The only time the bush ward helps is if someone is in the bush for extended periods of time (e.g., enter bush, don't walk out and it's been ~20-30s, what do?). Which ... happens a lot to me, actually. Hm.

Dislike the ward for similar reasons in bot lane.

As for the Nunu / Sona thing. I just mean her play style looks boring to me. You dont need to even aim any of her skills do you? I find Nunu's lane game is only boring if you have a terrible ADC who want initiate if you have some dominance and use your E to initiate a kill. However that does happen quite a lot. Ali is really fun lane stage though but falls off near the end game. Both however are more because of the team and if you have decent players or not.

Sona's ult is a skillshot, though it's rather generous in the AoE size of it; she does a lot in lane though. She'll spend the entire time in lane actively zoning and harassing unless the lane was shut down early (which is easier to do nowadays since she's a lot squishier than before).

You might be surprised and like her. Her kit may be aura bot but her Power Chord passive promotes a lot of aggressive play.


Dislike the ward for similar reasons in bot lane.
Yeah I've given up on that bottom brush ward, like you said it doesn't spot anyone until they are really close to you, which is a waste if they have a decent gap closer ("here comes Kha'zix oh we're dead nm"). The only time I put a ward there is if the enemy support has a pink ward I want to clear out.
I would never play Kayle as an ADC, to be honest; mid is her ideal place but she works in top just since conditional range beats no range. 525 conditional range is a bit too awkward for laning in bot lane for me.

...and, yeah, I'd still probably do Q first as an ADC build of Kayle. I mean, it's still a 1:1 ratio.

I guess the better way to put it is that going to hold the lane is the right call, just that the situation needing you to do it is bad. It's one of those things that you do it because you must but you'd rather it have not happened at all. :(

Yup :/ Playing against bad players doesn't really help much as you can get away with terrible, terrible habits.

I hate this ward. I honestly see no reason for it. Half the vision range is wasted and you have limited time to react from anyone spotted by this. Putting it at the exit ramp from tri (if blue side; if purple, just put it near baron) gets more vision with a bit more time to react. The only time the bush ward helps is if someone is in the bush for extended periods of time (e.g., enter bush, don't walk out and it's been ~20-30s, what do?). Which ... happens a lot to me, actually. Hm.

Dislike the ward for similar reasons in bot lane.

Sona's ult is a skillshot, though it's rather generous in the AoE size of it; she does a lot in lane though. She'll spend the entire time in lane actively zoning and harassing unless the lane was shut down early (which is easier to do nowadays since she's a lot squishier than before).

You might be surprised and like her. Her kit may be aura bot but her Power Chord passive promotes a lot of aggressive play.

Il definately give Sona a go when she comes up free or if I have excess IP as I love the support role its just reading her skills she seemed a bit boring but I am prob totally wrong.

Also getting and liking another character means more cash as I will HAVE to buy a skin for her and I have spent enough for the time being.

Well I do the river bushes because again at my lvl people dont pay any attention to the map and almost all ganks seem to come from there. I find unless they see the ganker sitting in that bush the ADC has no idea its coming despite "ss" and even pings from me.

So like with the Jungling / helping lanes. Its a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Ideally people would hold there lanes at least defensivly if being pushed and not do stuff like B when the enemy is at your turret or top never ping / ask for help despite me saying at the start "if you need help top just ping". Anything to grab my attention in case I havn't noticed my self.

To help learn the game I basically dont even call a position anymore. I just see whats needed. This often means im either support or jungle but im fine with that.

The worst are people who dont select a character and dont call a position.
me: hay "playerx" what position you want? Only support and jungle left?
Me: "times running out if you want a position say"
20 secs to go
me: "OK il go jungle then you be support bot"

2 seconds left selects jungle character and takes smite and flash

game starts

playerx: "WTF im jungle im not going bot?"
whole team: "you didnt call anything go bottom"
playerx: "ffs noobs" - goes bottom
playerX dies a lot.

happens rather a lot.


I hate this ward. I honestly see no reason for it. Half the vision range is wasted and you have limited time to react from anyone spotted by this. Putting it at the exit ramp from tri (if blue side; if purple, just put it near baron) gets more vision with a bit more time to react. The only time the bush ward helps is if someone is in the bush for extended periods of time (e.g., enter bush, don't walk out and it's been ~20-30s, what do?). Which ... happens a lot to me, actually. Hm.

Dislike the ward for similar reasons in bot lane.

I don't play top nearly as much but if I'm any kind of mobile top laner (Khazix, lee, riven, even akali with her shroud), I like warding the very bottom edge of the top river brush. You can see far enough into the river to react and can catch people coming out of tri brush most of the time. If I ward too deep in the river I can miss that.

If I'm Darius or something I ward deep and pray.

I just try to avoid doing it where the opposing laner can see it. Keep their jungler guessing where the ward is.
I keep losing games where we have a strong lead, could win the game but everyone decides to dick around and draw it out, and what do you know the enemy team farms enough to catch up win one team fight and hard push down mid to win. The worst is I can see it happening, point out to the team that we need to win while we can but get ignored :(
I keep losing games where we have a strong lead, could win the game but everyone decides to dick around and draw it out, and what do you know the enemy team farms enough to catch up win one team fight and hard push down mid to win. The worst is I can see it happening, point out to the team that we need to win while we can but get ignored :(

Haha yeah this is so annoying.

The reverse is also annoying. You convince your team to just defend and farm up, ace the enemy team and then final push and then your team decides to go do baron while none of the other team are dead. I just knew straight away that the enemy team would be waiting there. Low and behold instantly ganked, they kill baron and come and wiped out base. We so could have won as well. Gotta just try and laugh it off. There is always someone trying to push for a baron kill at stupid times I find.

I thought the green and red ribbons were for different things altogether. Why would a ribbon change colour?
mine changed from the honourable one to the yellow one (leadership one?). Dunno how I got that lol.


I thought the green and red ribbons were for different things altogether. Why would a ribbon change colour?
Because I got a red ribbon first, then a green ribbon. I thought the green etc. ribbons had always expired, but I didn't know of anyone's red ribbon expiring, so I was trying to find out exactly how it worked, like if it went back to red.

If you get punished in the tribunal or whatever I imagine you could lose the red.

It does seem to me like people would be more unlikely to give you teamwork if they see you already have the teamwork ribbon, though, so it's kind of funny if it requires much continued teamwork honor to keep it.

Serious business, this honor!

The nice thing about green is you almost always get mid lane. The downside about green is I'm not good at anything, such as mid lane, any more. :(


on warding in river bush: depends on the side you are on and their jungler since there are junglers that can hop in there without being spotted by a ward outside of the bush


Man the duoing system is really broken in ranked. I mean, it makes no sense that because I'm duoing with a higher elo friend he has to always pick first and I always have to pick last. I'm always left to support and then we get a player pick Orianna into an Annie and wonder why the hell he keeps getting blown up.

Why can't it be normally random? It seriously makes no fucking sense.
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