Man the duoing system is really broken in ranked. I mean, it makes no sense that because I'm duoing with a higher elo friend he has to always pick first and I always have to pick last. I'm always left to support and then we get a player pick Orianna into an Annie and wonder why the hell he keeps getting blown up.
Why can't it be normally random? It seriously makes no fucking sense.
Well you're already at an advantage duoing....
edit: ^Ya does ranked do that? Thought it did... but never had an explanation.
In Solo/Duo Queue competition, the highest rated player on each team will always be given the privilege of selecting the bans and picking first. The remainder of the pick order is randomly constructed by the matchmaking system.
oh wtf. I did not know that. I always thought it was ranked by elo. That is crazy.
Sona is great, people who don't find her fun probably don't understand her passive.I'm bias here but I don't find Sona boring at all. She can be hella aggressive, but you gotta be smart about it. The champ range priority on Q is about the distance of her auto attack. To land it consistently, you are putting yourself in hella danger. Gotta be smart about positioning your Q, otherwise you can get comboed to death by Taric/Leona/Etc. What I hate seeing is when a Sona is trying to harass with Q and steals a cs from the carry. Stop this!
She has many options with her passive which I've seen used wrong plenty of times due to mashing spells. Q passive to harass, W passive on carries in team fights, E passive to chase or run away.
That ult is too crucial.
Tl;dr: she has many nuances to keep in mind that makes her fun to play.
*calls top*
...douchebag locks in as GP.
le sigh.
Don't worry, I was shown the wonders of GP mid last night.
Eh, GP isn't a troll pick by any means. He farms well and his Parley poke is actually pretty ridiculous.
People playing him bad is another thing entirely
There's about 80 elo different with my duo partner. It doesn't seem enough to have me pick last every single time.The picks in ranked I'm always first pick or second to last pick when duoing. I've had a few instances where I ranked and I was second to last it was great. When I'm first pick I always get sad.
Supports for me in order of fun:
- Zyra
- Leona
- Sona
- Anyone else
- Taric
- Soraka
I don't own Thresh, Blitz or Lulu. I expect those would be fun too.
Ok so wanting to play some Photoshop I looked up for more LoL fanart and um... learned what vore is...
Also female Amumu lol
I absolutely hate how it takes forever for Draven's ulti to turn back after it hits a champion, it gives them too much time to dodge the second part. >=[
I really like Leona, but she's a trial of patience of seeing your adc not proc your passive![]()
Dat Darius nerf.
True, though I wouldn't want to see the female version of Urgot so I'd rather notThere's quite a lot of rule 63 out there for characters. Hell Riot would make a killing if they made female versions of their characters.
They'll probably get some nice burst damage if they combine their procs but i didn't really like Quinn all that much.I suddenly want a Quinn + Leona bot lane harder than anything I've ever wanted in my lifesince the last time I've said this
I'd imagine it's the former. Makes extended fights against him scary but man he's gonna be shit on teamfights and no more gank darius, he gets double kill.So can Darius still get four dunks in a row if they are all within 12 seconds of the previous dunk or is it always just 2 and then you're on cd?
So can Darius still get four dunks in a row if they are all within 12 seconds of the previous dunk or is it always just 2 and then you're on cd?
Instead of resetting if it kills an opponent, Noxian Guillotine ( R ) is now able to be recast for 12 seconds after killing an opponent.
Noxian Guillotine ( R ) cooldown increased to 120/100/80 from 100/90/80.
I check or for PBE patchnotes. Here's a link to these patchnotes: big nerf. Needed though. I would have preferred they do what Morello was talking about ages ago - making him more stack dependent having his ult start REAL low damage and scale depending on how many passive stacks his target has. Would do a lot to tone him down.
Where are you guys seeing these notes?
Just play Leona + Varus, get all the CC and procs in the world!I suddenly want a Quinn + Leona bot lane harder than anything I've ever wanted in my lifesince the last time I've said this
I check or for PBE patchnotes. Here's a link to these patchnotes:
I like surrenderat20 more because people in the comments section sometimes roleplay as Lux or Cho'Gath or Baron and it's pretty funny.
And yeah, the nerf's kinda weird, I feel they made him a lot less rewarding and he's gonna be a lot less fun since all really he had going for him was his dunking. Morello's changes would've given him some degree of strategy to make him more fun to play.
edit: ignore all I said, I read it wrong
Trying to keep AD carries relevant and inadvertently(?) pushing all melee champions into tanky builds.On a side note, what the heck are the doing to Blade of the Ruined king.
You don't take first blood as Sona, you secure it.
So now having reread Darius' nerf, it really seems kinda unclear whether he'll be able to chain ults like he did or not.
They'll probably get some nice burst damage if they combine their procs but i didn't really like Quinn all that much.