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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Those bans.


I apologize for my previous rage post. Someone pm me, letting me know how it takes away from the conversation and reflects poorly on me and I agree therefore, rage post is gone!

But still I am truly curious as to how I went from a 60% winrate on my first 180 matches to a 20% winrate on my last 72 matches. Is it mostly external (ie skill of my teammates) or what?

And also curious why I started getting grouped with trio queuers and pitted against 4 or 5 men premades.


I apologize for my previous rage post. Someone pm me, letting me know how it takes away from the conversation and reflects poorly on me and I agree therefore, rage post is gone!

But still I am truly curious as to how I went from a 60% winrate on my first 180 matches to a 20% winrate on my last 72 matches. Is it mostly external (ie skill of my teammates) or what?

And also curious why I started getting grouped with trio queuers and pitted against 4 or 5 men premades.

The system might have decided that you're quite good at the game and heightened your matchmaking rating a bit. It's strange to see such a drastic change though.


I apologize for my previous rage post. Someone pm me, letting me know how it takes away from the conversation and reflects poorly on me and I agree therefore, rage post is gone!

But still I am truly curious as to how I went from a 60% winrate on my first 180 matches to a 20% winrate on my last 72 matches. Is it mostly external (ie skill of my teammates) or what?

And also curious why I started getting grouped with trio queuers and pitted against 4 or 5 men premades.
No need to edit it out, it's alright to vent, I guess.

If you're solo queueing, whether it's ranked or normals, you gotta be able to carry hard. It's tough as all shit but if you're not, then it's pretty much random. Carry means win your lane, use your advantage and make others win their lanes and take objectives fast. Gank other lanes, don't make mistakes, ping for them if they're not pinging, ward for them, etc. If you're in the lead it's possible that their jungler was occupied elsewhere or people made a mistake (they're humans after all) and their lanes snowballed out of control, etc.

People sometimes feed or throw, but typically if you're decent at the game you will be matched with a carry-able team. It's then up to you to do it, but blaming others won't really help you.

So yeah, matchmaking may have put you in a spot where you're not able to carry your matches or something.


I think you guys are right. It might very well be that I am not adjusting to the playstyle of higher levels and have not been able to carry my team from the jungle mix with a little MMR magic.

I went very offensive on the last match, and like zkylon said, started thinking of it as a chess game. If I make this play to get ahead, what will they do and how do I counter it or a big play just happened, how do I capitalize on it and it worked. I was involved in 11 of our 18 kills and we got a surrender win at 20. Granted it was amumu and their comp was crappy, but still it felt good.

This game is my Chris Brown*

*tasteless reference


Basically common mistakes I see often in solo queue are:
a) not taking objectives after teamfights
b) not warding and lack of map awareness in general
c) not knowing how to respond to the enemy team being ahead

It's not that hard to solve all three, just:
a) let their support surviving support run away and take a tower/dragon/baron/raid their jungle after a teamfight. If you so want their blood you can dive them when you're all grouped up again. No point chasing someone through the map when you could be winning the game.
b) obviously ward and pay attention to other lanes and jungler movement and spawn/abilities timers. If your top laner has his Baron warded and you get ganked you shouldn't whine about Y U NO CALL MIAASSS!!11!, you should've probably seen it coming.
c) gang up on the guy who's fed, choose your fights, use your towers as cover, camp them in brushes, ward everything so they can't get farther ahead, don't overextend, bait them to waste their ults in bad engages, pink ward dragon and sneakily close the gap, etc. If you're 1-10, you're down but you're not out, communicate with the team and just play smart.

Having said that, I sure wish people were just a little better to offset for the amount of work you have to put in to make up for them :p
Wards are my biggest issue with low Elo solo queue. Even as ADC I buy wards and often end up buying most if not all of the wards then teammates just criticize me for not having damage (derp!). I don't actively ward like a support though. I'll only ward Baron, Dragon, and 1-2 spots going to my lane I can safely farm. I really hate not being able to farm because I have no idea where enemies are. I refuse to extend a bit outside my tower if I have no vision and no idea about the locations of the enemy team.


Wards are my biggest issue with low Elo solo queue. Even as ADC I buy wards and often end up buying most if not all of the wards then teammates just criticize me for not having damage (derp!). I don't actively ward like a support though. I'll only ward Baron, Dragon, and 1-2 spots going to my lane I can safely farm. I really hate not being able to farm because I have no idea where enemies are. I refuse to extend a bit outside my tower if I have no vision and no idea about the locations of the enemy team.

I hear you. Probably why my highest win rate is when I play jungle. I'm not even that exceptional at the role. But I get to wander the map placing wards and initiating objectives. I also get to attempt to counter gank when I see a teammate over extending too much.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I hear you. Probably why my highest win rate is when I play jungle. I'm not even that exceptional at the role. But I get to wander the map placing wards and initiating objectives. I also get to attempt to counter gank when I see a teammate over extending too much.

God I wish other junglers would realize this. Looking for ganks is great and all but I just wish they would at least try to think what the other jungler is going to gank so that they can setup counters for it.



dat feeling when you can't carry for shit, I know it fellas.

I hear you. Probably why my highest win rate is when I play jungle. I'm not even that exceptional at the role. But I get to wander the map placing wards and initiating objectives. I also get to attempt to counter gank when I see a teammate over extending too much.
Counterjungling is basically all I do when I'm jungler since I'm terrible at actually ganking.


I just had a Sona in my team that built Sunfire Cape and Warmogs.

I think I'll quit this game until Riot actually nerfs the freaking Giant Belt.


Neo Member
Basically common mistakes I see often in solo queue are:
a) not taking objectives after teamfights
b) not warding and lack of map awareness in general
c) not knowing how to respond to the enemy team being ahead

A and C I can usually keep in mind, but Map awareness is something that I know that I need to work on. Even just glancing at the minimap is something that I get lazy and forget to do.

As it is, there's a lot I need to relearn, more so that I'm actually looking to get back into LoL now (rather, now that I can actually run it properly with a new Custom PC). I haven't played in months, so it's going to be a rough few days overall, trying to find my groove again.

On the other hand, this gives me the opportunity to play more relaxed with Champs that I haven't ever played before. I've taken a liking to Morgana after a couple of rounds with her...likely going to buy her soon.


Yeah I read that and thought about trying it out on Lux but didn't manage to find the right moment. I think ideally it'd be chalice, guise, deathcap, athene and liandrys.

A and C I can usually keep in mind, but Map awareness is something that I know that I need to work on. Even just glancing at the minimap is something that I get lazy and forget to do.

As it is, there's a lot I need to relearn, more so that I'm actually looking to get back into LoL now (rather, now that I can actually run it properly with a new Custom PC). I haven't played in months, so it's going to be a rough few days overall, trying to find my groove again.

On the other hand, this gives me the opportunity to play more relaxed with Champs that I haven't ever played before. I've taken a liking to Morgana after a couple of rounds with her...likely going to buy her soon.
It helps a lot if you're pinged but yeah, I've missed way too many guys sitting right on the mid brushes. It's something to keep in mind.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Level 9 right now. I just bough Amumu. Then I realized I don't know how to play Amumu.
He is an incredibly strong jungle champion. People probably aren't jungling much at your level though and players might not be able to handle the 2v1 lane. When you want to look into that stuff (if you don't already know about it) there are a lot of resources out there to learn. This video is decent.

ILL Virtue

Neo Member
Random thought: although I know this is a team game, I think the majority of us rage bc of awful teammates. I wonder if there was a way to make a ffa mode within this game? Like your own tower plus minions, but in an ffa arena. Seems like a good idea and would be very appealing to play solo...
Random thought: although I know this is a team game, I think the majority of us rage bc of awful teammates. I wonder if there was a way to make a ffa mode within this game? Like your own tower plus minions, but in an ffa arena. Seems like a good idea and would be very appealing to play solo...
More than half the champs wouldn't be viable.

Karthus would be instabanned.


Random thought: although I know this is a team game, I think the majority of us rage bc of awful teammates. I wonder if there was a way to make a ffa mode within this game? Like your own tower plus minions, but in an ffa arena. Seems like a good idea and would be very appealing to play solo...

Then people would rage about people picking 'no-skill champions," backstabbers, and kill stealers.

So nothing new.


Random thought: although I know this is a team game, I think the majority of us rage bc of awful teammates. I wonder if there was a way to make a ffa mode within this game? Like your own tower plus minions, but in an ffa arena. Seems like a good idea and would be very appealing to play solo...

There's always the option to go 1 on 1.

Riot already rejected the idea of having a dedicated sand box mode or at least said it wasn't a priority. I doubt they'd spend anytime on a 1v1v1v1 mode anytime soon. Just look at the time it's taking to get ARAM queues implemented.
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