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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I seem to be at a really strange point in this game. lvl 23

Because its random if the other team will have a jungler each game turns into a bit of a mess.

If I jungle I see so many games where the other team doesn't. This should give me an advantage but it doesn't. Mainly because its very rare our solo top knows how to play against 2 people defensively. They just seem to try and be aggressive still. This means you end up spending most your time trying to help that lane meaning you have to hope your mid and bot lane do fine (and so very often they don't). You inevidably get blamed for not being 2 / 3 places at once by someone but I can ignore that. Same stuff happens if im not jungling of course.

80% of the games I play seem to be a steam roll either against us or for us and to be honest those games are not fun either way. You can almost always tell if you are going to win or loose within about 15 mins.

However those 20% of games that are close are really really fun. Just a shame so many games one of your teams gets hit with the derp hammer.

I know I make mistakes as I'm sure most people do but the attitude can really get annoying at times. You see people feed and then blame everyone else.

Also Some peoples lvls to wins ratio boggle my mind. I saw a lvl 23 with 10 wins...... how is that possible. Must be what? 150-200 games played and only 10 wins. Even with pure double exp bonus you would think thats almost impossible.

I have also seen so many Yi's who have a terrible score (for example 1/7/2) and someone on the team see's them soloing someone and that person is getting away so someone intervenes to secure the kill and instantly get called a KS'er. Its happened to me and many other people. In one game as WW Yi with a terrible score was chasing someone. He had already used his speed boost and hes distant attack thing and was getting away. I ulted him (actually to just suppress him so Yi could get the kill but he didnt do it fast enough and I got the kill) Instant KS noob. I didnt say anything and just carried on playing but he was not contributing anything to the team. I never care if people KS because its often not intended and its also a team game. The only ones that are actually crappy are supports ks'ing from the ADC in my eyes.

I got a bunch of stuff on my vita to play so I might take a break from it for a bit. However in those close matches its a really fun game but in the others I cant help but just feel im wasting my time. If you are on a loosing game, within about 10-15 mins you can tell and you know 20-45 mins of your life are wasted. I try to make the most of those games and sometimes can pull it back and turn it into a fun game but as soon as the negative attitude starts I just know its gonna be a crap one.


I seem to be at a really strange point in this game. lvl 23

Because its random if the other team will have a jungler each game turns into a bit of a mess.

If I jungle I see so many games where the other team doesn't. This should give me an advantage but it doesn't. Mainly because its very rare our solo top knows how to play against 2 people defensively. They just seem to try and be aggressive still. This means you end up spending most your time trying to help that lane meaning you have to hope your mid and bot lane do fine (and so very often they don't). You inevidably get blamed for not being 2 / 3 places at once by someone but I can ignore that. Same stuff happens if im not jungling of course.

80% of the games I play seem to be a steam roll either against us or for us and to be honest those games are not fun either way. You can almost always tell if you are going to win or loose within about 15 mins.

However those 20% of games that are close are really really fun. Just a shame so many games one of your teams gets hit with the derp hammer.

I know I make mistakes as I'm sure most people do but the attitude can really get annoying at times. You see people feed and then blame everyone else.

Also Some peoples lvls to wins ratio boggle my mind. I saw a lvl 23 with 10 wins...... how is that possible. Must be what? 150-200 games played and only 10 wins. Even with pure double exp bonus you would think thats almost impossible.

I have also seen so many Yi's who have a terrible score (for example 1/7/2) and someone on the team see's them soloing someone and that person is getting away so someone intervenes to secure the kill and instantly get called a KS'er. Its happened to me and many other people. In one game as WW Yi with a terrible score was chasing someone. He had already used his speed boost and hes distant attack thing and was getting away. I ulted him (actually to just suppress him so Yi could get the kill but he didnt do it fast enough and I got the kill) Instant KS noob. I didnt say anything and just carried on playing but he was not contributing anything to the team. I never care if people KS because its often not intended and its also a team game. The only ones that are actually crappy are supports ks'ing from the ADC in my eyes.

I got a bunch of stuff on my vita to play so I might take a break from it for a bit. However in those close matches its a really fun game but in the others I cant help but just feel im wasting my time. If you are on a loosing game, within about 10-15 mins you can tell and you know 20-45 mins of your life are wasted. I try to make the most of those games and sometimes can pull it back and turn it into a fun game but as soon as the negative attitude starts I just know its gonna be a crap one.

It'll get better. The 20s are a bit of a strange time with regards to the jungler situation. The only thing I can recommend if you are jungling against that is try to feed the other lanes and only gank the 1v2 lane if he's pushed right against the tower and it looks like a slam dunk.

With regards to the level 23 with 10 wins, it could be dominion games or maybe bot games don't count toward your wins? I don't know. Never played a bot game.

It'll get a little better once you get to 30 and I'd highly recommend draft games. They take longer to set up, but are in general higher quality games. Blind pick is just a train wreck a lot of times.
It'll get better. The 20s are a bit of a strange time with regards to the jungler situation. The only thing I can recommend if you are jungling against that is try to feed the other lanes and only gank the 1v2 lane if he's pushed right against the tower and it looks like a slam dunk.

With regards to the level 23 with 10 wins, it could be dominion games or maybe bot games don't count toward your wins? I don't know. Never played a bot game.

It'll get a little better once you get to 30 and I'd highly recommend draft games. They take longer to set up, but are in general higher quality games. Blind pick is just a train wreck a lot of times.

haha tell me about it. i play both depending on time / mood. both can and often are train wrecks though with people not calling there lanes etc or picking who ever they want ignoring what lane they are in.... or trying chars for the first time etc etc

its not ranked so its technically OK but at least try a char against bots to learn their moves.

I dont think i have both loved and hated a game this much since CoD, although for different reasons.


As long as the other lanes are holding their own, keep ganking the 2v1 lane. They should understand. It'll make the enemy weary of ganks at all times, giving your 2V1 champ some breathing room to farm. If they still are aggressive then hopefully you can capitalize and gank easily.

When I was playing on my smurf account, Amumu was easily dominating lower leveled games. Could try him out if you haven't already. It didn't take much masteries to clear jungles.

And yeah, you WILL love and hate this game. My advice is to just be nice because bitching in the middle of the game will almost always makes people play worse. Save the bitching until you lost, and then you can put the blame on everyone else lol.
As long as the other lanes are holding their own, keep ganking the 2v1 lane. They should understand. It'll make the enemy weary of ganks at all times, giving your 2V1 champ some breathing room to farm. If they still are aggressive then hopefully you can capitalize and gank easily.

When I was playing on my smurf account, Amumu was easily dominating lower leveled games. Could try him out if you haven't already. It didn't take much masteries to clear jungles.

And yeah, you WILL love and hate this game. My advice is to just be nice because bitching in the middle of the game will almost always makes people play worse. Save the bitching until you lost, and then you can put the blame on everyone else lol.

Oh I never bitch and always try and be nice. The only people I will bitch at (if thats even the right word, Mock is more accurate) is the people who did the bitching but also played terribly. Also the problem is in so many games the bot team is terrible. I mostly play support bot and as long as my ADC isn't terrible will at the very least hold the lane just fine. Jungling is just something I have been trying out so I know and understand the role. I actually quite enjoy it as well but you just get those games where you need to help top but bot and mid are sucking so bad you almost don't know where to go lol.
in my experience in pub games, the two lanes that will lose you the game the fastest if they fuck up is the jungler and the bot lane.

In reality I feel that if you have even a slightly compentent team in bot lane you should at least be able to hold it for a long time defensively if you realise your being out matched. However with all the "supports" I see who don't ward and push to hard that lead to them getting ganked it just leads to failure.


In reality I feel that if you have even a slightly compentent team in bot lane you should at least be able to hold it for a long time defensively if you realise your being out matched. However with all the "supports" I see who don't ward and push to hard that lead to them getting ganked it just leads to failure.

With a good CC support, bot lane is so easy to deny once you've got a pretty good lead. A lot of times though I see a bot lane get ahead and they just take the tower or they get WAY too aggressive trying to keep killing the opponents over and over and get punished for it. Now they let the opponents ward their own jungle and freeze the lane to get back into it. The smarter play is to freeze the lane without taking the tower and have the support deny the opponents both CS and xp. The lane will snowball even more and without jungler help, the opponent bot lane is hosed. No getting back into it from there.


Too many bot lanes try to be aggressive instead of just farming cs. The shift towards kill lane setups works at higher level of play (where you don't miss cs for your aggression or time aggression better) but it doesn't work out quite as well with worse mechanics or general game sense. Essentially, they have an idea on what to do but don't know the how, why, or when of it.

A lot of times though I see a bot lane get ahead and they just take the tower or they get WAY too aggressive trying to keep killing the opponents over and over and get punished for it. Now they let the opponents ward their own jungle and freeze the lane to get back into it. The smarter play is to freeze the lane without taking the tower and have the support deny the opponents both CS and xp. The lane will snowball even more and without jungler help, the opponent bot lane is hosed. No getting back into it from there.

Taking the tower isn't bad by itself, it's that people take the tower and then keep farming in lane anyway. You take the outer and then shift to another lane to group up, not farm the lane more. If you're going to sit in lane, don't take the tower until you're ready to shift the game from laning phase.


Tragic victim of fan death
Taking the tower isn't bad by itself, it's that people take the tower and then keep farming in lane anyway. You take the outer and then shift to another lane to group up, not farm the lane more. If you're going to sit in lane, don't take the tower until you're ready to shift the game from laning phase.

This drives me up the whazoo in ranked. I cannot tell you how many times I've lost in ranked, and in normals, due to idiots who want to just farm and not do something if we take towers early and are in the lead. it's like they're stuck in selfish mode.


Decisions decisions. Learn Xin jungle tonight or keep going on ranked with Nocturne and Eve....

Xin is just such a strong jungler right now. He's probably a better play than Eve in most cases.
Decisions decisions. Learn Xin jungle tonight or keep going on ranked with Nocturne and Eve....

Xin is just such a strong jungler right now. He's probably a better play than Eve in most cases.

The thing about Xin is that he's easy. Max E first, get a Razor and maybe a Wriggle's then go Locket, Aegis and Warmogs. Gank at every opportunity, use locket whenever it looks good and farm when there's nothing else to do. In teamfights, it's your job to dash in to their block and knock one or two people into your line, then tank their entire team (thank you free 50+ armor) while your team cleans up the guys you sent them. Only build damage later on, after you've gotten your tank, and then a Black Cleaver and a BotRK are both good.
Lol, never played him. Not going to jump right into ranked first time champ. :)

Xin is never a first time champ. He was within you all along.

Seriously though, there's not much to him. You max E first because you need the slow to land your knockup, and you'll get another slow/dash six seconds later. Other than that it's literally just always build locket, always build Aegis, sometimes finish Wriggle's.


Xin is never a first time champ. He was within you all along.

Seriously though, there's not much to him. You max E first because you need the slow to land your knockup, and you'll get another slow/dash six seconds later. Other than that it's literally just always build locket, always build Aegis, sometimes finish Wriggle's.

Sounds good to me. Probably knock out a normal or two then jump back into ranked then. Want to get my placements out of the way but would prefer to land at least high silver where I was last season.
FFS could they level out the LP from winning and losing, it's not like I can use it to buy champs. Win 2 games, lose 1 and I'm only at net +11. +16 from wins, -21 from the loss.
The trick with Xin is that he gets a lot of damage from his kit, which frees you up to build defensive items. If you find yourself doing too little damage you can get a Brutalizer after Aegis and before completing Warmogs or Runic. I also recommend Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads, but if you're winning then Boots of Mobility can work well.


FFS could they level out the LP from winning and losing, it's not like I can use it to buy champs. Win 2 games, lose 1 and I'm only at net +11. +16 from wins, -21 from the loss.
are you in division I or division V of any tier by any chance? Or did you have a losing streak recently?
To learn Xin, you must meditate on how to press E, Q and W. Facerolling is permitted.

Wrong way around, gotta w before Q - Xin confirmed too hard
Not sure if serious but it's W first. This way you give W three hits of the -1s Cooldown instead of just two hits of it.

Eh, it honestly doesn't matter that much. Q resets the current attack and W is instantaneous, so if you press them at basically the same time there should be a delay with the attack animation that gives W enough time to go onto cooldown. Really, facerolling the keyboard is pretty viable here.


Eh, it honestly doesn't matter that much. Q resets the current attack and W is instantaneous, so if you press them at basically the same time there should be a delay with the attack animation that gives W enough time to go onto cooldown. Really, facerolling the keyboard is pretty viable here.

It should, yeah. Just saying the goal is that W goes on cooldown before the first attack of Q goes off.

You also ideally want an auto-attack to go off before you Q anyway just for the auto attack reset too so might as well WQ. Really though, you can mash the keys and probably get it to work right most of the time anyway.

Edit: Fucking Korea:



riot pls


Tragic victim of fan death
It should, yeah. Just saying the goal is that W goes on cooldown before the first attack of Q goes off.

You also ideally want an auto-attack to go off before you Q anyway just for the auto attack reset too so might as well WQ. Really though, you can mash the keys and probably get it to work right most of the time anyway.

Edit: Fucking Korea:

riot pls

Is that... a tank?
It should, yeah. Just saying the goal is that W goes on cooldown before the first attack of Q goes off.

You also ideally want an auto-attack to go off before you Q anyway just for the auto attack reset too so might as well WQ. Really though, you can mash the keys and probably get it to work right most of the time anyway.

Edit: Fucking Korea:

riot pls
Holy shit, that is one hell of a skin. Should remove that transformers icon on his head tho, copyrights and all.


Holy shit dat Voli

Took me a sec, but that is really cool. :D Been trying to not get that skin ever since I bought her. Reminds me so much of Command Girl from Gotcha Force.
Oh wow that can't be casual. Good catch

I did actually take a break in the middle of the losing streak, evidently it didn't help. XD Ah well, tonight should change things. I'm not much for carrying any lane though. >.>
You mean because you don't play a carry role or because you can't carry?

Hoooly damn. :eek:
:D I dunno why Elise moved during her Zhonya's lol, that's weird :p

reminds me of an old-y but a good-y comic from "back in the day":
Is that from WoW?


I just want the Sailor Moon skins for all my mids. Ahri is so ridiculously Sailor Mars it's stupid.

Tuxedo Mask Twisted Fate, just imagine it.
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