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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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The more I win the worse the people are that I'm getting matched against. It's kinda boring.

Just shit all over a TF last game as Talon. Not even fun.

I'm on a 9 game win streak too :L


The more I win the worse the people are that I'm getting matched against. It's kinda boring.

Just shit all over a TF last game as Talon. Not even fun.

I'm on a 9 game win streak too :L
To be fair TF is pretty bad against assassins in lane. I used to run Akali against him and it's just ridiculous how easily you can snowball off him as soon as you see him waste his W.
To be fair TF is pretty bad against assassins in lane. I used to run Akali against him and it's just ridiculous how easily you can snowball off him as soon as you see him waste his W.

Oh sure, that was just an example :) Even the two Kayle games I played and the game I played over the last few days. Only had one challenging game and I still won (the game where I had an AP Trynd mid on my team).

But yeah, TF is easy mode, especially against someone like Talon. See him throw his Q, just E and end up behind him and he misses them. Too easy.


You might be just be in a win streak (or you turned super good), they do happen.

I don't think I've ever gotten 10 straight wins, though I've gotten a bunch of 9s.


I know you can't fix all the times people can go afk, but in case anyone from Riot like Rayven is reading this, can anyone tell me if there are any problems with this idea:

Please remove the random champion option in ranked matches. If the timer expires and the player has not selected a champion, make them auto-dodge, with the associated league points penalty.

I got enough points to be maybe one match away from a promotion series. Then in the ranked lobby...a player doesn't type, sits afk, apparently gets a random champion (Ahri) for support because they were afk, and is afk for the first 10-12 minutes of the game. When they come back, 6 or so levels down, they wander up to a back tower, then sit afk under that tower for maybe ANOTHER minute or two. Then they finally wander around, plant a ward, die in the jungle alone, and go afk in spawn again for a couple more minutes. I had one of the only two kills on our team, and I believe I had the most CS and the most gold. I took two towers by myself, and helped with a third, the only towers our team took. The Ahri never typed anything in lobby or the entire game or afterwards, as far as I am aware. No excuse, no apology, no foreign language, just nothing.

As a result of all of that, instead of gaining or losing 15-17 points like usual, I seem to have lost 19 points? I think that's a really big penalty with someone who is afk at champion select, since that should be very preventable with my suggestion above. =/ You can't prevent people from going afk AFTER they select a champion, but at least it would prevent people from ending up with a random champion and missing the first 10 minutes of a game.


I know you can't fix all the times people can go afk, but in case anyone from Riot like Rayven is reading this, can anyone tell me if there are any problems with this idea:

Please remove the random champion option in ranked matches. If the timer expires and the player has not selected a champion, make them auto-dodge, with the associated league points penalty.

I got enough points to be maybe one match away from a promotion series. Then in the ranked lobby...a player doesn't type, sits afk, apparently gets a random champion (Ahri) for support because they were afk, and is afk for the first 10-12 minutes of the game. When they come back, 6 or so levels down, they wander up to a back tower, then sit afk under that tower for maybe ANOTHER minute or two. Then they finally wander around, plant a ward, die in the jungle alone, and go afk in spawn again for a couple more minutes. I had one of the only two kills on our team, and I believe I had the most CS and the most gold. I took two towers by myself, and helped with a third, the only towers our team took. The Ahri never typed anything in lobby or the entire game or afterwards, as far as I am aware. No excuse, no apology, no foreign language, just nothing.

As a result of all of that, instead of gaining or losing 15-17 points like usual, I seem to have lost 19 points? I think that's a really big penalty with someone who is afk at champion select, since that should be very preventable with my suggestion above. =/ You can't prevent people from going afk AFTER they select a champion, but at least it would prevent people from ending up with a random champion and missing the first 10 minutes of a game.

Also like Mister Willy says it's completely reasonable so therefore Riot will never do it.


Update! Riot will be removing random select from Ranked Queue and adding dodge penalty to players who do not manually select a champ!


Update2: Due to large demand we will not be removing random select from Ranked Queues. Apologies to all who were looking forward to it.


Update! Riot will be removing random select from Ranked Queue and adding dodge penalty to players who do not manually select a champ!


Update2: Due to large demand we will not be removing random select from Ranked Queues. Apologies to all who were looking forward to it.
PS: new Annie skin, Karma rework delayed again
Oh wow that can't be casual. Good catch

Not sure. Gotcha Force itself is pretty referential and clichéd, it's more than likely a reference to something else. XD

You mean because you don't play a carry role or because you can't carry?

Kinda both. I can do the carry roles, but I'm just not very good. And when I try to use their, you know, 'carry' potential, I just end up doing nothing in teamfights. It's a bit annoying.

Loss streak update: played with team, got to 13(!) losses in a row personally, and was gonna quit. I felt I was too much on tilt to play any more tonight, but I have a very persuasive teammate who knows I love the pirate (even though typically, I fail with him). And so one final game was played:


Beastly tears were shed. The exultation, guys. Feels so good.


So as you guys know from my little "HULK" episode a few days ago, I was on an extremely shit bad streak with 20% win on the last ~70 matches.

Zkylon made a post with some of the basic stuff one learns when one starts playing and I thought "Well yeah, of course that will get you wins, everyone does these things". Then I actually sat down and thought, "Do I REALLY do these basic things?" I looked at a few replays and HEEEELLLL NO I was doing who knows what.

I actually forced myself to be map aware, to push my teammates to ward(Ive always warded), to push forward objectives(baron,dragon,buff,turrets), to counter jungle hard. In addition as a jungler, constantly survey the lanes and gank strong lanes really fast to give them a lead and help weak lanes survive and not feed. Capitalize when a lane gets a kill or a turret and be aware of all situations and position myself in the one where my team benefits the most.

All of this stuff sounds basic and we may think were doing it but we could be forming some bad habits without us noticing. With all that said, I am 7 wins out of 9 matches with Amumu, been involved in 76.3% of all the kills whether by kills or assist. 1 loss was from an afk and the 2nd loss was a really close match.

Yes, you can get some really shitty and derpy team mates, but you can really be the factor that makes your team win. It doesnt matter if youre a jungler, support or carry. Just Force yourself everygame to play "right"

TLDR: You will always get paired with shitty teammates but if you force yourself in each game to make the right decision, you can win the game for your team.


TLDR: You will always get paired with shitty teammates but if you force yourself in each game to make the right decision, you can win the game for your team.

Congratulations, you've learned something that many people don't know (or do).


Did you guys see that vulcan match a few mins ago? It was insane what those guys did!

While your advice is good and I agree with it, just as a side note Amumu is banned in like 90% of the ranked games at my elo. :p

Oh, I know. I just thought that if I can play a champion that is op in my hands, why lose the chance on doing so? Once I get a nice long streak of wins were I'm paired with less derpy people I'll go back to my other junglers :)


So as you guys know from my little "HULK" episode a few days ago, I was on an extremely shit bad streak with 20% win on the last ~70 matches.

Zkylon made a post with some of the basic stuff one learns when one starts playing and I thought "Well yeah, of course that will get you wins, everyone does these things". Then I actually sat down and thought, "Do I REALLY do these basic things?" I looked at a few replays and HEEEELLLL NO I was doing who knows what.

I actually forced myself to be map aware, to push my teammates to ward(Ive always warded), to push forward objectives(baron,dragon,buff,turrets), to counter jungle hard. In addition as a jungler, constantly survey the lanes and gank strong lanes really fast to give them a lead and help weak lanes survive and not feed. Capitalize when a lane gets a kill or a turret and be aware of all situations and position myself in the one where my team benefits the most.

All of this stuff sounds basic and we may think were doing it but we could be forming some bad habits without us noticing. With all that said, I am 7 wins out of 9 matches with Amumu, been involved in 76.3% of all the kills whether by kills or assist. 1 loss was from an afk and the 2nd loss was a really close match.

Yes, you can get some really shitty and derpy team mates, but you can really be the factor that makes your team win. It doesnt matter if youre a jungler, support or carry. Just Force yourself everygame to play "right"

TLDR: You will always get paired with shitty teammates but if you force yourself in each game to make the right decision, you can win the game for your team.
While your advice is good and I agree with it, just as a side note Amumu is banned in like 90% of the ranked games at my elo. :p


I think the idea is that you could lolking the match if you had one name and look up everyone else. But yeah...

I mean what's the worst that could happen if I knew your summoner name.

I guess the only thing I would ever censor was friend chats with non-LoLGAF people or something. Also, if you censor everything how else will you get famous in a Heart of Gold video.


I mean what's the worst that could happen if I knew your summoner name.

I guess the only thing I would ever censor was friend chats with non-LoLGAF people or something. Also, if you censor everything how else will you get famous in a Heart of Gold video.

I check you up everyday when I wake up and laugh at you.

That's the worst. Just think about it corgi.

not saying i do this >:)
Too much Teleport.

Yeah, this was the last game of the night, both randomers took it so I figured why not. I like it on GP anyway.

I mean what's the worst that could happen if I knew your summoner name.

I guess the only thing I would ever censor was friend chats with non-LoLGAF people or something. Also, if you censor everything how else will you get famous in a Heart of Gold video.

Oh, that's not why I censored myself as well, at all. It was just in case people would look up the other players through me.
I'm ProgramTheNinth on EUW (home) and Program IX on NA (don't play there much unless I'm in the States). By all means chat or check up on me LoLGAF. :D

Can be annoying/amusing. One game I kept shitting on Garen as Teemo then SURPRISE 5 MAN GANK FROM EVERY DIRECTION.

We mostly didn't capitalise on it, which was sad, but also meant fewer stupid 5-man ganks when we weren't ready for them. <shrug>
Bought Kassadin and played a lot of games with him.

Pre-6 is just really really horrible. It's just a battle to survive to 6 so I start with flask pots. Last year I tried him and read a guide saying I should max E first (lol). Unless it's Olaf, a very mobile champ or a late game ADC, there's just no retaliation.

I used to take Tear but ditched it. Extra mana and the eventual shield would be nice, but I already have Barrier and Chalice.
Just bought Lee Sin..

He's hard to use.. I can say that

Bought Kassadin and played a lot of games with him.

Pre-6 is just really really horrible. It's just a battle to survive to 6 so I start with flask pots. Last year I tried him and read a guide saying I should max E first (lol). Unless it's Olaf, a very mobile champ or a late game ADC, there's just no retaliation.

I used to take Tear but ditched it. Extra mana and the eventual shield would be nice, but I already have Barrier and Chalice.

Those Q's up to level 6 are deadly lol


Bought Kassadin and played a lot of games with him.

Pre-6 is just really really horrible. It's just a battle to survive to 6 so I start with flask pots. Last year I tried him and read a guide saying I should max E first (lol). Unless it's Olaf, a very mobile champ or a late game ADC, there's just no retaliation.

I used to take Tear but ditched it. Extra mana and the eventual shield would be nice, but I already have Barrier and Chalice.

I don't even get a chalice with him. I start rod of ages then go straight into deathcap. The game is usually over by then. Lol
Those Q's up to level 6 are deadly lol
Yeah, but farming with Kass is just sad. :( I usually try to Q the enemy before last hitting. I can now understand the rage when his Q's range got nerfed.

By the way, is Udyr's Turtle stance equivalent to life/mana steal? As in the effect is dimished for AoE like Phoenix?


It's because Volibear scales really well with Health and his flip is goddamn amazing. He does good damage off Health builds and his passive makes for easy early game dives.
Ran into this major bug twice now in a couple of weeks and it's super annoying.

Game froze up and crashed. First time happened when I detonated an E with Lux, second time when I cast a Q on some creeps with Nocturne. But the real bad part is when I kill the game, re-log and then try to reconnect, nothing happens. I get the League of Legends logo and then it just disappears and goes back to the client saying "Please attempt to reconnect". Click on the button again, same thing happens. And, once the game is over, and I attempt to launch a new game, the game fails to load and it goes back to this "reconnect-> fail to launch" loop. Restarting client and restarting computer doesn't fix it.

The first time it just eventually went away and I was able to start playing again.

Anyone else run into this? This client is such a piece of crap...
Bought Kassadin and played a lot of games with him.

Pre-6 is just really really horrible. It's just a battle to survive to 6 so I start with flask pots. Last year I tried him and read a guide saying I should max E first (lol). Unless it's Olaf, a very mobile champ or a late game ADC, there's just no retaliation.

I used to take Tear but ditched it. Extra mana and the eventual shield would be nice, but I already have Barrier and Chalice.

I usually start with Sapphire Crystal + 2 pots and go -> Rod-> Deathcap -> Lichbane. Kass is an incredibly fun hero to play and shits all over carries in pubs.

Yeah, getting to level 6 is annoying. Since the range on his Q got nerfed to crap, I just don't bother harassing too much against most other mids and I use Q to secure more last hits, especially against champs with good harass. But the great thing is once you hit 6, a lot of enemy mids will underestimate just how much better your ability to dominate the lane is.
Ran into this major bug twice now in a couple of weeks and it's super annoying.

Game froze up and crashed. First time happened when I detonated an E with Lux, second time when I cast a Q on some creeps with Nocturne. But the real bad part is when I kill the game, re-log and then try to reconnect, nothing happens. I get the League of Legends logo and then it just disappears and goes back to the client saying "Please attempt to reconnect". Click on the button again, same thing happens. And, once the game is over, and I attempt to launch a new game, the game fails to load and it goes back to this "reconnect-> fail to launch" loop. Restarting client and restarting computer doesn't fix it.

The first time it just eventually went away and I was able to start playing again.

Anyone else run into this? This client is such a piece of crap...

Was a big problem for me a few weeks ago. I've not had it happen since I repaired my client. I don't want to say that was the solution, because there have been patches since then anyway, but it's worth a go.
not official and pro's dont pick champs because of cool skins.
We never saw much Ezreal until Pulsefire made him appear in every match. Kayle is getting so much more attention thanks to Aetherwing.

GBG vs GIA was pretty good. I particularly liked the part where Nasus tried to gank TF in mid then promptly ulted backward to kill Thresh.


We never saw much Ezreal until Pulsefire made him appear in every match. Kayle is getting so much more attention thanks to Aetherwing.

GBG vs GIA was pretty good. I particularly liked the part where Nasus tried to gank TF in mid then promptly ulted backward to kill Thresh.

Eh kayle started getting played quite a lot before the skin


We never saw much Ezreal until Pulsefire made him appear in every match. Kayle is getting so much more attention thanks to Aetherwing.

GBG vs GIA was pretty good. I particularly liked the part where Nasus tried to gank TF in mid then promptly ulted backward to kill Thresh.
I still hold on to my possibly groundless theory that Pulsefire Ezreal made his animation timing subtly better on that particular skin, which pros liked.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I still hold on to my possibly groundless theory that Pulsefire Ezreal made his animation timing subtly better on that particular skin, which pros liked.
It did. Ezreal was popular before Pulsefire though.


Ezreal was always good and was used even before pulsefire was announced/leaked.

From my own experience, Ezreal became popular when vayne was hit by the nerf bat for the 3rd time and graves got a mana hit on Q.

Vayne was totalled and someone had to take her place.

This was a few months before pulsefire ez was released or announced
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