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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
CDR Tryndamere.


League of Quadras, chapter 13184147151

That match was nuts, they had a jungling Cassiopeia, we saw that and invaded and stole her blue and basically ruined all her match off that lol. We also swapped bot and top for no reason whatsoever and got ridiculously fed.

I get a triple kill with Panth's ult on that one, it's ridiculous :p
OK I think I have to stop playing this game.

Friday my hope was restored with 2 awesome games in a row. I was WW jungle and both went well. Won both but most importantly both games were pretty even and really fun plus no one complained once.

Next day...... oh dear.

First game a guy doesn't call a lane. Only thing left is top. he picks nunu..... mmmm I think he is gonna go bot. He does. Luckily he didn't argue when we asked him to go top and he actually did well against there Darius somehow. I went up and ganked the lane several times.

Nunu has disconnected..... uh oh.

Ok no prob we are doing well enough we can still win.

Cassiopeia has disconnected.

Ah nuts.

3v5. We try for a bit but its pointless as the other team has got there act together and we don't have enough damage output anymore.


OK what ever. Was annoying and a 35 min waste of time but dissconnects happen and I believe they were genuine as we were winning.

One guy from other team adds me and wants to play a game. OK why not.

realise this guy has l33t in his name.... warning sign. Maybe he is OK.

In ban pick he very rudely telling people what to ban and insta noob if they ban someone else. However at least 5 times in a row someone dodges. Eventually get a game going. This guy that invited me is ADC (Draven) and im support (Nunu).

Well our jungle was terrible but worst of all Draven was one of these people who was A) terrible and b) blames everyone else.

He literally walked to his death several times infront of me. One time we had a fight. killed there ADC however Saroka was still alive. Darius had like 5% hp left. So he sits in a bush near there tower and starts farming with Saroka in sight. Before I can even ping to fall back she just walks up to him and ganks him.

Darius "stupid support Nunu, should have been Sona or Taric"

Yeah a few issues with that. I don't have Sona and Taric is so god damn dull to play. Also I didn't know before the match started that you are beyond useless and need 100% baby sitting (AKA a healer support). He blamed Yi the most out of everyone. He just walked straight at Vayne at one point who insta killed him as he was so fed and Darius just was "noob yi jungle". He was on the other side of the map lol. Game ended with Him and Yi with by far the most deaths.

I just don't think the Good games are worth going through all these games with just people that make me lose any faith I have in the human race. The losing isn't the issue. Its the people. They just make me want to bang my head on the table and I have better things to do with my time. If ya crap, that's fine. Its a game. Just don't be a dick about it. Blaming everyone else wont improve your game.

I wish I had 4 RL mates who I could play team games with but at 31 I have a kid on the way and most my mates have kids and finding time to do something like that is impossible.

I'm sure I will still play but I think I'm gonna have to cut it down to just the odd game here and there.
Why is AP Trynd better than hybrid?

Edit: Also, is Trundle good?

He was one of my first true junglers and my go to champion to counter things like Riven top if needed. His 1v1 potential is really good and he has great jungle and dragon control. Having said that, there are much better junglers out there simply because his ganking ability is mediocre. I feel that Xin, Vi, Hecarim, and J4 would contribute more to most team compositions.


Neo Member
I feel ranked is turning me into this horrible person I really don't want to be. I mean, I never throw the first stone but my God the cup gets full as soon as someone starts to bitch and whine. I will let those little third world trafficking whores know that cancer serves them right. It's zero to a hundred in a split second nowadays. And I'm always rather calm whenever I'm playing competitive games otherwise. And the promo games... It's just not worth the stress when you're 1-1, picks mid and last pick is a disgusting little Greek with a shitty connection that pings out and he ends up randoming to Ahri and go on to feed bot lane between disconnects. I just want to kill them all.

I'm so fucking sick of this god-damn community. I really wish Riot would just let me ignore everyone that's not on my friends list. I'm so tired of having little kids spam the chat about how the team should report this player or that player, or last picks losing their shit when someone doesn't give a shit about the fact that they called 'mid' as soon as they entered champ select. There really should be an option for reporting people for "report begging".

And the saddest part of it all is seeing my friends stop wanting to play the game any more because of the fucking travesty that is the LoL community. And that's not even from playing ranked games.


And im just level 21...


Bronze 1 booooyyyy!!! And I'm one of those report beggers. I would've probably banned 70% of the people I played with if I had admin powers on LoL.


Playing solo will definitely be a test of resilience. I find what works better for me is to get some cool music and just try to chill and laugh it up if it all goes to shit and we throw.

I do think that playing this game without friends is just more pain than it's worth, I'm just lucky I have many insomniac friends, really.
Playing solo will definitely be a test of resilience. I find what works better for me is to get some cool music and just try to chill and laugh it up if it all goes to shit and we throw.

Music has been very helpful for me too. Although it can't always stop the frustration, it serves as a nice reminder, during those times, that there is considerably more to the world. Most of the time I even play music if I'm playing with friends over Skype. It's just so nice.

I do think that playing this game without friends is just more pain than it's worth, I'm just lucky I have many insomniac friends, really.

Playing without friends all the time, yes. My games with my team are always a little more grounded. Even if we get stomped (and we do, sometimes), we're on Skype and everyone's in the same boat. We have fun somehow. I have enjoyed my solo queue time overall, though. There's less pressure on me to do well, and nobody knows what I'm normally good/bad at, so strange things can happen (like that Malphite game from yesterday).
Playing solo will definitely be a test of resilience. I find what works better for me is to get some cool music and just try to chill and laugh it up if it all goes to shit and we throw.

I do think that playing this game without friends is just more pain than it's worth, I'm just lucky I have many insomniac friends, really.

I have karrang tv on in the background when playing always. And I try my best to laugh it up but it just got to a point when I think "why am I playing this game still" because I will go play P4G or Ragnarok Odyssey on my vita in bed and have a really peaceful and relaxing time. So much hate in LoL its insane.

Its actually worse that games like CoD because at least in that I can just mute the kids and still have a great score even though our team lost as team work is totally not essential. Team work is so important in this that it just highlights the horrible people even more.

I don't play CoD these days either but for other reasons (its shit)

I think kids these days find the whole talking crap to people part of the fun which I just don't understand. I have heard kids say that about CoD as well. Whats wrong with people lol.

In the very very few games that have gone to shit but the team is light hearted about it its been fine. But its so rare.

I also have no idea why there is a report system that includes options like "bad player" that is used in a non ranked game. Makes the game feel even more unwelcoming that it already is thanks to the community. I have never reported someone for being crap at the game. Only abuse and outright ignoring the team and trolling.


To be perfectly honest, I would advice against playing this game on your own. See if you can play with gaffers or friends, but otherwise, really, I'm with you, people are assholes, Riot does next to nothing to address that, and you're lucky if you find a game in which you're not called retarded or gay or whatever.

LoL is great, but it's not THAT good as to be worth enduring the misery of solo queue.
Its not really that they get to me. I don't care what they call me. They just sap any kinda of hope of a come back or any sense of fun left in the game meaning your just running out the clock at that point.

Its really because my gaming time is limited and I don't really want to spend it surrounded by that attitude. Back when I was in my early 20's, single and living with friends I would have been fine as I could play all night and get a good balance of good and bad games.

If I play this I can play 1 or 2 games a week night (normally 1 though) and then maybe 4-5 on a friday and saturday night IF I'm not busy. Because of this its very easy to have your entire gaming week be surrounded by people calling each other all kinda of things, ruining the game and watching a train wreck right infront of your eyes.

Maybe I will just try playing Friday and Saturday nights only, when I'm in the mood, and see if I enjoy it more that way.


IMO you play with friends or you're Corgi, there's no other way to play this game.

I imagine Corgi's therapist gets lots of entertainment off solo q.


Where the heck is Quinn? I want to get the initial week of "ban or instalock Quinn" crap out of the way so I can start playing her.



Playing solo will definitely be a test of resilience. I find what works better for me is to get some cool music and just try to chill and laugh it up if it all goes to shit and we throw.

I do think that playing this game without friends is just more pain than it's worth, I'm just lucky I have many insomniac friends, really.

I'm too competitive and impatient to play with friends most of the time, but when I do, it's usually a blast since I'm just goofing around.

I dunno why but I cannot play any games with music not from the game. I just can't do it.


Ooh. Pretty decent skin sale today. Frozen terror nocturne and Acolyte Lee Sin are possibilities for me.

I don't like my void Nocturne skin so much and I don't have any skins for Lee Sin. Probably start playing him more again now that I'm jungling so much.

Ooh. Pretty decent skin sale today. Frozen terror nocturne and Acolyte Lee Sin are possibilities for me.

I don't like my void Nocturne skin so much and I don't have any skins for Lee Sin. Probably start playing him more again now that I'm jungling so much.


pls there is only one Nocturne skin.

Eternum or gtfo


Where the heck is Quinn? I want to get the initial week of "ban or instalock Quinn" crap out of the way so I can start playing her.

With EO4 releasing this week, I half want Quinn delayed some more so I have time to play that instead... ;_;


pls there is only one Nocturne skin.

Eternum or gtfo

I just can't bring myself to pay that much for a skin. lol. I can swallow $4 np, I can even do the normal ~$8 if it's a champ I play a lot for a cool new skin. But the ~$14 for a legendary skin is a little on the steep side.

I'm not even going to mention pulsefire Ezreal.


Just 25 pts away from promotion series (Silver I to Gold V).

Only getting 8 pts per win.

Riot plz.

This is the designed intent of it; since promotions are permanent, the LP gains go down at Division I for a few games. Essentially, going from V to I isn't that big of a deal but going I to V will push it a little harder. It doesn't permanently go down to next-to-nothing gains, though. Like, if you do well enough but fail the promotion afterwards, you should still be getting normal LP gains afterwards. It's just more an extra check to get through.

Granted, it still sucks to deal with but, hey, there you go.

I beat a nunu as irelia

Better nerf Irelia?


yeah I wish there was some #s about lp, I was getting like 24 lp at div 1 and I most recently got like 35 at div. 3

I would think that the elo of who you are playing with/against has something to do with it but I still get exorbitant amounts of lp when I'm first pick so I dunno

still #blessed tho


Tragic victim of fan death
yeah I wish there was some #s about lp, I was getting like 24 lp at div 1 and I most recently got like 35 at div. 3

I would think that the elo of who you are playing with/against has something to do with it but I still get exorbitant amounts of lp when I'm first pick so I dunno

still #blessed tho

Isn't it based on MMR as well?


It's essentially an AvgElo vs AvgElo comparison* with more LP given if your MMR is higher than what your rating would indicate (e.g., Plat MMR in Silver Division).

*Sort of, I guess. It compares the two Elo values to determine the odds for the game and calculates how much you gain/lose based off of that. So, essentially, it's a a K-value times the expected win/loss chance: OldElo + K * (1 - ExpectedOdds).

...assuming that LoL uses the conventional Elo system, anyway.

Edit: OldElo + K * (0 - ExpectedOdds) for a loss, I believe.

And if I had to venture a guess closer, it might be due to when you're first pick, the AvgElo of the team is less than yours so the expected odds might be against you (and the opposite for when you're last pick).
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