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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That is the problem. Yes, you can influence the performance of your team to a certain point but you can only push a herd of monkey so far. I dont mind losing, but when you have limited free time, it is extremely frustrating to get a match where any of these happen:
Alright. I really don't care for this philosophy at all and I think getting hung up on this sort of thinking is only going to make you a worse player. Maybe you will get teammates that are awful sometimes, but they're still your teammates and people you have to work with.
I could go on and on. And we all know these happen far too often in Solo Q to be worth your time. There are far better options to spend your free time on, videogame or not. With every match you are playing a probability game, betting your free time that your ability to carry is greater than any of the previous things put together. Again, I feel like it is not worth it unless you have other people to Q with
Yeah this stuff can happen. So what if a game goes sour, but all of this stuff isn't super common or can happen to the other team.
There are far better options to spend your free time on, videogame or not.
If you actually feel this way you obviously do not like the game, so go do something else. The reality of the situation is that you weren't even level thirty two weeks ago. Even if something goes wrong on your team every game is an opportunity to improve your fundamentals, learn more about champion synergy and counters, and generally just pick up better game knowledge.
With every match you are playing a probability game, betting your free time that your ability to carry is greater than any of the previous things put together.
Chance is a factor in most almost all aspects of life. If you are so amazing the odds should be heavily in your favor, and again, are you playing to win or to have fun? Nobody cares if you win or lose. You are probably not even as good as you think you are and most of the "plays" you make are just mistakes on the enemy teams part. The same ones you complain about your team making. Welcome to League of Legends.


Homigod. :eek:

So there we are in draft pick, banning for the final round of our promotion series from Bronze V to IV. We've been waiting to play this game for weeks. Things keep interrupting it. We've got a comp in mind, everything's golden. I first pick Vi, we get our AD, and then our top disconnects right as he's about to pick Jarvan. Randoms Shaco, he's gone from Skype, we are freaking out. He can't jungle because runes and summoners will be wrong. We can't dodge because we'll auto-lose the series (not certain, but not worth risking).

We get into game, and top reconnects in time to actually play. Singed top seems worrying, but then they do a laneswap and Fizz ends up against him. Somehow he demolishes Fizz on farm, while I gank all around the place. We start getting crazy kills, and the game snowballs hard to an incredible win.

Feels good man. Hey there Bronze IV. :D



I swear the lag Im experiencing lately is beyond words. This never happened to me. And what is weirder is that the internet connection is doing just fine. I seriously dont know whats happening, but I simply cant play like this. I think I will just wait...


Alright. I really don't care for this philosophy at all and I think getting hung up on this sort of thinking is only going to make you a worse player. Maybe you will get teammates that are awful sometimes, but they're still your teammates and people you have to work with.

Yeah this stuff can happen. So what if a game goes sour, but all of this stuff isn't super common or can happen to the other team.

If you actually feel this way you obviously do not like the game, so go do something else. The reality of the situation is that you weren't even level thirty two weeks ago. Even if something goes wrong on your team every game is an opportunity to improve your fundamentals, learn more about champion synergy and counters, and generally just pick up better game knowledge.

Chance is a factor in most almost all aspects of life. If you are so amazing the odds should be heavily in your favor, and again, are you playing to win or to have fun? Nobody cares if you win or lose. You are probably not even as good as you think you are and most of the "plays" you make are just mistakes on the enemy teams part. The same ones you complain about your team making. Welcome to League of Legends.

I couldn't agree more.


out of my last 20 ranked games only in 1 i didn't play 4v5. why do so many people start game and are instantly afk. of course i lost all 20.

why can't i quit this stupid game why?

Forgive me if I dont believe you.

That is the problem. Yes, you can influence the performance of your team to a certain point but you can only push a herd of monkey so far. I dont mind losing, but when you have limited free time, it is extremely frustrating to get a match where any of these happen:

a)afk whether from the start or mid game
b)meta sheep who play LoL the same way every time, do not adapt to the situation.
This one includes people that stay in their lane the entire match, build what their guide says no matter what the other team comp is etc etc etc
c)people that do not communicate or do not respond to efforts of the team communicating with them. If I ping you 3 times when theres a mia, dont freaking push your lane because you are getting ganked. If I ping you when I'm chasing someone to your lane, come because I only pinged after seeing you are not engaging your lane and we can get a kill
d)people that play this like it was call of duty. 1v3? fuck it they are superman they will get it for sure, 8th time is the charm.
e)people that do not understand that the goal of the game is to destroy turrets and eventually the nexus.
f)get matched against a premade that is on vent and experience playing with each other and in your team you have a semi decent player that q'd with his newbie friend to teach him the game.

I could go on and on. And we all know these happen far too often in Solo Q to be worth your time. There are far better options to spend your free time on, videogame or not. With every match you are playing a probability game, betting your free time that your ability to carry is greater than any of the previous things put together. Again, I feel like it is not worth it unless you have other people to Q with

@ the people whining about bad team mates - you really despise those ragers/afkers/ppl who sit in lane, 1v3-ers the easiest solution is to increase your elo. Theres no reason why you should be stuck there unless you let yourself.


I'm not arguing against your points, in fact I agree with them. The thing is that you are not seeing mine, perhaps because you have crossed that threshold line were shitty matches are rare. I have reason to believe this is the case, when you say the examples I gave are rare. I see them in every single match.

Also I am not saying that I'm good. Ive never said that and quite frankly I understand that there are many people out there that are better than me. Not only that but even the best players can learn something new with every match.

My particular point is that the time investment needed in order to get to the point where you are matched with people that understand the basics of the games, and/or where you can carry shitty teams consistently, is simply not worth it.

Again, I'm not saying that if you are shitty player I hate you with all my life or that I am a better player than you (hypothetical you) but when you do one of the previous things I mentioned it simply detracts heavily from the experience. If you simply get outplayed in your lane, thats fine. If you get outplayed, blame your team and still continue to go 1v3, that's not fine etc etc.

I'm pretty sure no one has fun getting shit on when you're losing 20 to 40+ when your team is doing and keeps doing the things I mentioned before among others, even when you politely point out what they could do differently (you normally get a big "Fuck you niggah" thrown back at you). I have had fun in matches where we simply got owned from minute one but we still worked as a team, but it is a rare occasion.

I enjoy the game, but if the question is, do I think that I would enjoy some other entertainment more than making a bet in solo q? Then yes, I guess you can say i do not like the game if that is your definition of not liking it.

@ the people whining about bad team mates - you really despise those ragers/afkers/ppl who sit in lane, 1v3-ers the easiest solution is to increase your elo. Theres no reason why you should be stuck there unless you let yourself.

Sure, with time, eventually you will get matched to people that are your same skill but the cost of opportunity is too high for me to justify regular play. Like I said I will probably still play 2 or 3 matches a week and I imagine eventually I will get to a point with less shitty team mates but it wont be at my current rate of games.


I should've sent it to plays of the week lol this is what I get for listening to Ferrio

Double Zhonya's what does it mean :D


I swear the lag Im experiencing lately is beyond words. This never happened to me. And what is weirder is that the internet connection is doing just fine. I seriously dont know whats happening, but I simply cant play like this. I think I will just wait...

Yeah I was getting crazy lag just now and another player of ours got disconnected. Good thing we were in the lead and were able to recover from it.

I'm famous :D

That Lux play makes me so hot!

Woot got promoted a division. I thought I had two more games to win for some reason lol. 2 other people got their promotions to plat too. I did pretty bad that game because the team didn't want to peel for me. Last few fights, they finally agreed to peel and I was doing my dmg. Protect that carry!

Agkel: Only you can decide how much effort you want to put into getting better. With enough games, you will fall into where you truly deserve to be. If you can't stand random players, I guess just get a squad to play with. There was a really simple guide by Reginald I think about how to improve ranked play. I'll post it when I find it.
I watched part of it off and on. It was funny.
Everyone was yelling about how bruisers and HP are OP and etcetera etcetera, but there had to have been something we could have done. We had more CS in every lane by a good amount, but they would just clear and push and get towers and then we couldn't kill them.


Everyone was yelling about how bruisers and HP are OP and etcetera etcetera, but there had to have been something we could have done. We had more CS in every lane by a good amount, but they would just clear and push and get towers and then we couldn't kill them.

%health damage items?


Neo Member
Haha. That double Zhonya's was pretty damn funny, Zkylon.

I was surprised to see it at #2 in the clip and wondered what could possibly beat that until I saw the
Maokai Quadra assisted by Orianna
People always post screenshots of when I feed so this is to balance.


I know, the Kayle build, but she did alright in lane.

%health damage items?
I should have built Liandry's and Caitlyn should have built BRK. Olaf built it. I'm not sure things would have been much different.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nasus build is really bad too. We might have been in trouble if he spent his gold right.


I will have to try that all tanks approach. I think following team would be very strong:
Top : Nasus, end game will push towers like no other with his Q
Mid: Shen, just one of the best tanks in the game
Jungle: Rammus, fast and easy jungler + end game unkillable
Bot: Mundo and Malphite, bot can harass and have good sustain

End game tower dive with rammus (shield on), nasus bashes tower while the rest attack the ADC.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Apart from the AD item with the active, what was so bad?
It's just very illogical in almost every respect to me. You go Iceborn instead of Triforce now. Triforce is just bad in general but Iceborn is great on Nasus because it's CDR + Sheen. Loads of mana and guaranteed slow. And now that Q doesn't crit there is literally zero reason to go Triforce because it also costs so much more.

Warden's Mail is just a bizarre choice for our extremely AP heavy comp. If he had Gauntlet he'd have already had all the armor he needed. I'm guessing he was going for Randuin's, again, just not a good fit. All he had to do was go Iceborn -> Warmog's -> Spirit Visage.
Low Elo gaming. No AP Team. Get Vayne to mid beyond 6.

I'm really glad I managed to make Mundo snowball though since he was losing really badly against Darius. By the end he even dared a 1v5 and killed 2 in the process.
"Support" Orianna? :S

And is that a mid Xin? Whut?

Top Darius, mid Vayne, jungle Cho, bot Xin + Garen.

Vayne could have punished me a lot before I hit 6 though, but she didn't really try. I got pretty worried since other lanes were losing. Shaco had fantastic moves but just couldn't get kills so he was really falling behind in levels. Mundo losing to Darius was a given and Garen+Xin were too tanky for bot.

My friend plays support Orianna on occasion and somehow he usually gets fed enough to transition to AP Carry. Then again he still plays Karma too.

Uh cho is ap and I find it offensive that you ignore his ap citizenship
Not enough magic damage relative to the entire team to be worried about imho.
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