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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I beat a nunu as irelia

Bad Nunu then. Nunu is an absolutely monstrous lane bully. He gets free spells and free health potions, has the highest base hp iirc, he's in the second highest base movement speed category and he has spells that slow you and boost his speed. If he's playing correctly he should never be too low, he's almost impossible to catch if you try to gank and if the jungle ganks it's almost impossible to run away.



Support Mundo and AP Trynd in the same team. Still win. GG.

tbh Ashe did most of the work, I just peeled the bruisers offa her.


AP tryn... builds last whisper.


Towers don't have armor!
edit: okay.. wow i didn't realize towers had armor... learn something new...

edit: but uneffected by armor pen, so my original statement stands!


Man. I just started playing Diana and really enjoy her.

Wish I tried her out prior to her nerfs. I can't imagine what it was like before the re-verted the cast range nerf on her though ... that had to be hell.
What's so great about AP trnd? The heals will be hilariously high and his spinning slash I would say is more effective due to the cost per AP point being less than the cost per AD point. But other than that wouldn't it be pretty bad. He won't be able to chunk as hard anymore with his auto attacks? What am I missing here. All this talk about this makes me want to play him again. He was my the first champ I tried learning in League when I started :)

When the AP Tryndamere nerf patch comes out, they need to update the log in splash with a picture of Tryndamere wearing a Deathcap while impaled on his sword just so everyone knows they should stop doing it.



Ah I assumed it was magical because of the AP scaling, silly me.

Yeah, I get mixed up on what's physical damage and magical damage all the time with champs I don't see often. I'd be nice if the official site had the skills broken out like that on the champ page.
What's so great about AP trnd? The heals will be hilariously high and his spinning slash I would say is more effective due to the cost per AP point being less than the cost per AD point. But other than that wouldn't it be pretty bad. He won't be able to chunk as hard anymore with his auto attacks? What am I missing here. All this talk about this makes me want to play him again. He was my the first champ I tried learning in League when I started :)

His E lets you bypass walls and you deal .4*AP to towers. He will absolutely crush them. AP Trynd doesn't fight heroes, he backdoors all day and is impossible to catch.


His E lets you bypass walls and you deal .4*AP to towers. He will absolutely crush them. AP Trynd doesn't fight heroes, he backdoors all day and is impossible to catch.

Seems like a direct counter to AP Trynd is an AP nidalee with Morellonomicon (grievous wounds on hit) and frozen fist. Slow him, reduce his healing and jump the same walls as him.
Seems like a direct counter to AP Trynd is an AP nidalee with Morellonomicon (grievous wounds on hit) and frozen fist. Slow him, reduce his healing and jump the same walls as him.

He can jump walls from farther distances and he can jump wide walls as well unlike nidalee. But yea those would be good items to counter his sustain.

His E lets you bypass walls and you deal .4*AP to towers. He will absolutely crush them. AP Trynd doesn't fight heroes, he backdoors all day and is impossible to catch.
The thing is AD trynd is good at backdooring towers as well and he does a ton of damage too while still being useful in teamfights.


He can jump walls from farther distances and he can jump wide walls as well unlike nidalee. But yea those would be good items to counter his sustain.

The thing is AD trynd is good at backdooring towers as well and he does a ton of damage too while still being useful in teamfights.

AD trynd is easy to kill. AP tyrnd is impossible to kill without multiple people trying to do it, so sending the normal one person back to stop a backdoor attempt doesn't work. Allows his team to engage 4v2 and 4v3 when the other team has to send multiple people to stop him. And even if they send multiple people, he will just heal/spin/ult away, heal up in a bush, then start backdooring again.
Seems like a direct counter to AP Trynd is an AP nidalee with Morellonomicon (grievous wounds on hit) and frozen fist. Slow him, reduce his healing and jump the same walls as him.

Well, except for the fact that Tryndamere will just crush her, sure. Even with greivous wounds on him Tryndamere still heals more effectively than Nidalee, his spin takes him farther than her pounce, he moves faster than her and his ult is a get out free card. Not to mention that he can just spin away and wait until greivous wounds is off before healing for 1k hp.


Remember, the change to Tryndamere won't impact his ability to Heal for all of his HP ever. It's that he can't just hit it whenever it's up due to the scaling being tied to his Fury.

He'll backdoor and duel really well. He just won't be as stupid in lane.

Edit: And I say "just" here but I should emphasize that this really, really hurts his laning. He'll still have better heals than AD Tryndamere in lane (.3 AP base AP Ratio and all) so it'll still potentially work. It just won't be as absurdly dumb of the big heals every cooldown regardless of what he's doing.
Nah, being able to heal without rage is really important. Right now you can do anything at all in the game to him and no matter what he'll be back in 15 seconds with full health. With the changes he has to farm some minions and get some rage, which will slow him down quite a bit and remove a lot of his ability to heal on the chase.
Remember, the change to Tryndamere won't impact his ability to Heal for all of his HP ever. It's that he can't just hit it whenever it's up due to the scaling being tied to his Fury.

He'll backdoor and duel really well. He just won't be as stupid in lane.

Edit: And I say "just" here but I should emphasize that this really, really hurts his laning. He'll still have better heals than AD Tryndamere in lane (.3 AP base AP Ratio and all) so it'll still potentially work. It just won't be as absurdly dumb of the big heals every cooldown regardless of what he's doing.
Wait did I miss something? Trynd had changes? Can someone link to the correct patch note for this?


Nah, being able to heal without rage is really important. Right now you can do anything at all in the game to him and no matter what he'll be back in 15 seconds with full health. With the changes he has to farm some minions and get some rage, which will slow him down quite a bit and remove a lot of his ability to heal on the chase.

Right. I'm aware that the reason he works so well right now is because he can just hit his Heal whenever it's up and get the full effect of it. I'm saying that, as far as split-pushing and dueling is concerned, he still has access to the full 1.5 AP Ratio heal since he'll most likely have full Fury at some point. It's not close to the same thing but he still has a massive heal to pop once or twice (due to ult) in these situations.

It is definitely going to be worse post-change but it is his laning that really feels the brunt of the change. He can't pop massive heals without getting some Fury and that's usually just not possible for him to do.

Wait did I miss something? Trynd had changes? Can someone link to the correct patch note for this?

The one I'm referring to (.3 AP Ratio on the Heal, +.012 AP per Fury) has not hit live yet. As far as I know, the last change to Tryndamere's Heal was right before I started playing (where the Heal lost the cast animation).


Hmm, Obsidian Malphite.

I really shouldn't, I rarely even play him since he's always banned...

I bought glacial malphite. I didn't even own him before that sale. I just really liked the skin. Did the same thing with Blackthorn Morg. Lol

edit: Obsidian malphite is a pretty cool skin. I'm actually tempted to buy all three. I hardly ever play Malphite though so I'll probably just stick with Glacial.
out of my last 20 ranked games only in 1 i didn't play 4v5. why do so many people start game and are instantly afk. of course i lost all 20.

why can't i quit this stupid game why?
The one I'm referring to (.3 AP Ratio on the Heal, +.012 AP per Fury) has not hit live yet. As far as I know, the last change to Tryndamere's Heal was right before I started playing (where the Heal lost the cast animation).
Ah alright, thanks. Gonna try him top tonight before the nerf(Flare, teach me how to top lane plz)

I bought glacial malphite. I didn't even own him before that sale. I just really liked the skin. Did the same thing with Blackthorn Morg. Lol

:p same. As soon as they hit sales for those skins I grabbed the champs. Haven't used malphite yet outside of ARAMs though yet. Morgana I've played a ton of support with though. So much fun successfully popping out those clutch spell shields on teammates, and I'm fairly good at landing her snare skillshot.


I bought glacial malphite. I didn't even own him before that sale. I just really liked the skin. Did the same thing with Blackthorn Morg. Lol

edit: Obsidian malphite is a pretty cool skin. I'm actually tempted to buy all three. I hardly ever play Malphite though so I'll probably just stick with Glacial.
I always have trouble with Malph skins, I was tempted to buy Obs last time it was on sale but chickened out since I wasn't really buying RP at the time, and then Glacial come around and I was out of town.

I played him once some time ago and did pretty good, but he's 100% of the times banned, so why bother.


I always have trouble with Malph skins, I was tempted to buy Obs last time it was on sale but chickened out since I wasn't really buying RP at the time, and then Glacial come around and I was out of town.

I played him once some time ago and did pretty good, but he's 100% of the times banned, so why bother.

Just have to get high enough where he's no longer banned (he's always banned at my elo too :p)


The thing about Malph is that he doesn't need gold to do his thing, as long as he lands his ult and E he can die in a split second for all it matters.

But his laning phase can be easily abused and top/jungle/mid can really feed off him since he can't really defend all that much.

So yeah, I dunno why people are so scared of him, just counterplay him. Same goes for all the mandatory picks at my elo: Blitz, Amumu, etc...

I kinda hope they nerf them to the ground so I can ban MF.


19 out of 20 ranked games in a row with 4v5? I don't think even Corgi has been that unlucky. :( Are 4v5 ranked games really that common? I would assume the tribunal or afk buster would at least ban people for a few days if they were doing it.


Same as OneTree, I am hanging my LoL gloves.

It is such a burden to play the game solo Q and to have your little free video game time depend on 4 other people that it is not worth it. It is easy to fall to the sunken cost fallacy both in time and money but I feel Ive gotten a worthy amount of enjoyment for the amount of money invested.

I will probably continue to play maybe 2 or 3 matches a week tops, but this is it for me, until I find someone to queue with.


I enjoy Yolo Queue.

Won more ranked games than I have lost anyway.

150-125 ... almost completely solo. Maybe 30 of those games with my friend who is in Silver 1.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If winning is the only thing that can make League a fun experience you need to reassess why you play the game. Obviously the game can be frustrating at times, but at the end of the day you just have to chill. It's a team based game but you have more influence over your team than you think. Very rarely is anything stopping you from being a leader and pushing your team to make the right choices.


If winning is the only thing that can make League a fun experience you need to reassess why you play the game. Obviously the game can be frustrating at times, but at the end of the day you just have to chill. It's a team based game but you have more influence over your team than you think. Very rarely is anything stopping you from being a leader and pushing your team to make the right choices.

That is the problem. Yes, you can influence the performance of your team to a certain point but you can only push a herd of monkey so far. I dont mind losing, but when you have limited free time, it is extremely frustrating to get a match where any of these happen:

a)afk whether from the start or mid game
b)meta sheep who play LoL the same way every time, do not adapt to the situation.
This one includes people that stay in their lane the entire match, build what their guide says no matter what the other team comp is etc etc etc
c)people that do not communicate or do not respond to efforts of the team communicating with them. If I ping you 3 times when theres a mia, dont freaking push your lane because you are getting ganked. If I ping you when I'm chasing someone to your lane, come because I only pinged after seeing you are not engaging your lane and we can get a kill
d)people that play this like it was call of duty. 1v3? fuck it they are superman they will get it for sure, 8th time is the charm.
e)people that do not understand that the goal of the game is to destroy turrets and eventually the nexus.
f)get matched against a premade that is on vent and experience playing with each other and in your team you have a semi decent player that q'd with his newbie friend to teach him the game.

I could go on and on. And we all know these happen far too often in Solo Q to be worth your time. There are far better options to spend your free time on, videogame or not. With every match you are playing a probability game, betting your free time that your ability to carry is greater than any of the previous things put together. Again, I feel like it is not worth it unless you have other people to Q with
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