Master Yi needs to be thrown in the garbage bin and basically come out a new hero.
Tried AP Eve mid for the first time today. Amazing burst and dear lord that W escape so good. I want to try to master this role, I'm not used to playing assassins.
Her ult originally was like, once every 2-3 minutes or something, I thought. You could use it so rarely that you just kind of hung around when it wasn't up. Then they buffed the ult timing.I can definitely see a nerf to her ult's damage. :/ Might go down to 10%/15%/20% and maybe have the shield be based off the damage it did.
She's just a really good roaming assassin. *Any* loner is a guaranteed kill when your DFG and ult are both up. Seeing your HP instantly drop by 50-60% will make you run away, which just means a free kill for Eve. The only games I lost with her so far is a 4v5 plus two matches where a teammate hyperfed a carry. Doesn't matter a lot if you get zoned out in lane as long as you get your DFG and mpen. If you have good teammates who actually ward it becomes a lot easier.
My pick: KennenMore visual upgrades please.
We should make a list of old champs that need one the most.
Ever walk back to lane from base, and as you're walking, you start to watch some action going on elsewhere on the map. Next thing you know, you're walking into enemy turret and basically gave a free kill to the enemy? Yeah, I did that twice last night. :|
Wasn;t she just nerfed pretty big a month or two ago?
Her remake nerfed her ability numbers almost across the board if I recall correctly -- I think Scarra, one of the most well-known Kat players, commented that her early game became even more awkward. The idea was that the late game worked a bit better since you could melee people with W for extra damage even if they cancel your ult, assuming they don't kill you.
I didn't like the remake Katarina much, but I think the win rate went up so everyone else must have. Then yes, I think they nerfed her after the remake, and if there's another nerf coming up I guess I was right to be cynical when they originally came out with the remake.I wish they would have just left her alone, even if that made her unviable in most situations, rather than ending up in a place in which they keep chipping away at her abilities.
I'm concerned for another nerf if there's one coming, it wouldn't surprise me at all. This may sound strange but I'm not finding a lot of easy counters to her anymore. She may be less damage than before the remake but she makes up for it with speed of execution. Her Q->E->W combo is a lot of harass in the space of a second and the W comes back up so quickly. Her R now dishes all it's damage very quick and since they buffed her passive she's a killing machine. With a decent early game, any enemy with half health needs to be scared.
I love the remake, she's turned into my favorite mid by far.
Ever walk back to lane from base, and as you're walking, you start to watch some action going on elsewhere on the map. Next thing you know, you're walking into enemy turret and basically gave a free kill to the enemy? Yeah, I did that twice last night. :|
Looks like first match is going to be Frost vs Invictus.
I get caught in my own jungle like this because I never expect it.Something similar happens to me sometimes. A fight breaks out on another lane so I try to get there quickly but I don't notice I just walked past an enemy who promptly murders me.
It actually makes playing nunu harder because it's so damn troll-worthy that I want to keep spamming it while I play(Laughing stops your movement route so you have to reclick the movement path).
If you click fast enough, you won't even break your stride.
I can definitely see a nerf to her ult's damage. :/ Might go down to 10%/15%/20% and maybe have the shield be based off the damage it did.
She's just a really good roaming assassin. *Any* loner is a guaranteed kill when your DFG and ult are both up. Seeing your HP instantly drop by 50-60% will make you run away, which just means a free kill for Eve. The only games I lost with her so far is a 4v5 plus two matches where a teammate hyperfed a carry. Doesn't matter a lot if you get zoned out in lane as long as you get your DFG and mpen. If you have good teammates who actually ward it becomes a lot easier.
DFG is the real OP.
I'd rather have a world with DFG than a world with tanky DPS champions stacking armor/magic resist and/or HP. More anti-tank weaponry please.Yep.
Low cooldown on an item that can do ridiculous damage with no drawback that is also cheap.
You're really hitting me hard with this wombo combo of words.I'm kind of annoyed that "wombo combo" has somehow entered the lexica of League players, and is used for things that aren't really even "combos", just one champ casting things sequentially.
I'm kind of annoyed that "wombo combo" has somehow entered the lexica of League players, and is used for things that aren't really even "combos", just one champ casting things sequentially.
Screw wombo combo, we can create our own words - like EMPIREEEEEEE
Is this a wombo combo?
It's certainly a better use of "wombo combo" then a lux snare-lasering me at half health and going "WOMBO COMBO".Screw wombo combo, we can create our own words - like EMPIREEEEEEE
Is this a wombo combo?
Why's it gotta be Yi :|I want free stuff I don't already have.
After more time with her, she's just in a vastly better place now than she ever was before. Her really early game is a little awkward but her harass combo has such a quick engage/disengage that it makes use of basically any opening. By 4 or 5, she picks up steam and at 8-10+, she dominates her lane and farms tremendously well. Getting a huge cs lead with her is easy. Pushing lanes and roaming is something she just does remarkably well. She just needs to be passive in the first few levels or get some jungle support (and not all-in support, just force them away from lane support).
Her worst matchups are basically limited to champs that point-and-click their damage and like being up close just as much as her (e.g., Kassadin, Diana to an extent). Anything skillshot based is open to be outplayed once they miss.
Alienware website got hammered. Clicked, waited, 502 error, keys all gone.
Alienware website got hammered. Clicked, waited, 502 error, keys all gone.
Yes. I already had it. It sucks and I never use it.Is it still that free Yi sin thing?
I thought a wombo combo was an air juggle between characters.
like that. Or getting knocked up constantly by characters like jarvan and janna.
Not going to post the War Hero Janna Skin?Chamionship Riven Skin:
Not going to post the War Hero Janna Skin?
Haha that's hilarious. They would have a horrible late game team though if things went badly due to lack of an adc. And you couldn't use that team comp in ranked where blitz and Ali Srebrenica usually banned. But looks like amazing blind pub stomping goodness. If only my league friends were down to attempt such stupid comps. Flare is the only friend I have willing to do crazy shit.
I thought a wombo combo was an air juggle between characters.
like that. Or getting knocked up constantly by characters like jarvan and janna.