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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Can I ask ya'll a favor?

I'll likely miss a lot of good matches this weekend; I have to move the family out of the house and I have to fly back to California.

Can anyone recommend good matches to watch and/or places to download them? It'd be fun to watch them on the flight over.



Can I ask ya'll a favor?

I'll likely miss a lot of good matches this weekend; I have to move the family out of the house and I have to fly back to California.

Can anyone recommend good matches to watch and/or places to download them? It'd be fun to watch them on the flight over.


Read my OP yo.


So... is Rengar considered good or bad right now? I tried him during his free week after release and he seemed pretty bad, but lately, I've seen a few dominate.


So... is Rengar considered good or bad right now? I tried him during his free week after release and he seemed pretty bad, but lately, I've seen a few dominate.

he was up on release, then he got op, but he is fine now after the last nerf.


So... is Rengar considered good or bad right now? I tried him during his free week after release and he seemed pretty bad, but lately, I've seen a few dominate.

I usually either suck with him or snowball hard (more of the latter). He's pretty good though, and alot of fun to play.
So I'm trying to level my NA account... just for giggles I tried Eve.

Couldn't carry hard enough, but people were really nice. I was spending a good amount of money for wards which delayed my Void and eventual GA. Of all people, it was Tryn who bought wards for the team. No trashtalking from either side so it was fun overall. Their Malph played smart and knew why I was frequently popping in on loners. I had to immediately leave fights after dropping my abilities since I didn't have GA and I'll get instantly focused. I went back after the regular abilities go up again then clean up.

We still don't have the Honor System in our region, so it felt nice to see a +4.

To get rid of my wards. :C Once I get my Sorc Shoes and DFG I ward buffs then start hunting.

I feel embarrassed with our last match. 30 mins and I only had 7000 gold. There also this one time where I could've saved Kog with an ult.


Well, the chat makes it sound like he wanted Oracles to "see you coming." I mean, I guess if it's to see "Oh, look, a fresh ward!" but that's not really the case. You see Eve coming by just watching when she vanishes. And then praying.

And eh, last game was just out of control. I was expecting top or mid (probably top, hence the Skarner pick for a trade). Anivia should do well vs Karthus so I'm not sure what happened mid and we let bot go bad early with the early death while I was out helping the blue steal. Top was alright all things considered (30 vs 13, no runes masteries!). Didn't the lane basically push even?


Is there a trick to playing Rengar? I just bought him and he seems absolutely terrible.. no damage, one skill is basically worthless because it scales off of AP so I have one damage skill and a mediocre slow. I played two games of Dom to try and learn him and it was absolutely terrible. Felt like I was playing w/ a negative damage handicap.

I built him AD/Tanky.. tried Brutalizer+tanky items first game, then tried the Sanguine Blade + his necklace and a brutalizer the next... couldn't even 1v1 anyone. Tried hanging out in bushes, but it's hard to position, especially in Dom. Had a vamp scepter in both games and that didn't help at all.


So, how about those Riot servers, eh guys?

Crashes changing the face of the finals! FTW!
So it's the internet at the venue. Nonetheless, there are ways to prevent this. (Local servers for tourneys, pure LAN, ect)


Is there a trick to playing Rengar? I just bought him and he seems absolutely terrible.. no damage, one skill is basically worthless because it scales off of AP so I have one damage skill and a mediocre slow. I played two games of Dom to try and learn him and it was absolutely terrible. Felt like I was playing w/ a negative damage handicap.

I built him AD/Tanky.. tried Brutalizer+tanky items first game, then tried the Sanguine Blade + his necklace and a brutalizer the next... couldn't even 1v1 anyone. Tried hanging out in bushes, but it's hard to position, especially in Dom. Had a vamp scepter in both games and that didn't help at all.

Not sure what to tell you. His early game damage potential is amazing and he harasses really well. His slow is amazing for laning phase and his W is a great wave clear and lets him sustain forever. His Q is a one-point wonder skill so don't level it beyond the first point until you have nothing else to raise. I like E first if I need the harass in lane, W first if I plan to push the waves and feel like I need the armor/MR for trades. He has great damage, a good lane gap closer, amazing sustain, and mana free harass. His kit is pretty damn good for basically anything you'd need for lane.

As far as him in Dom goes, I dunno. I haven't played much Dom since he came out, really.

Edit: Build wise, just forget his item until you're done with laning phase.



I haven't really played in 2 years or so. I have enough IP for a new champion and would like some recommendations. Last champion I bought was Swain or Irelia, so I'm looking for something newer than those. My preference is ability power/mage/range... and I'm probably going to be playing more Dominion/3v3 since I like the faster paced matches. Any advice?



I haven't really played in 2 years or so. I have enough IP for a new champion and would like some recommendations. Last champion I bought was Swain or Irelia, so I'm looking for something newer than those. My preference is ability power/mage/range... and I'm probably going to be playing more Dominion/3v3 since I like the faster paced matches. Any advice?

Many of the same AP champs that have always dominated the game continue to be at the forefront.

Ahri might be worth a look, but not really for dom/TT (As far as I know).

What's your current champion roster look like?


Many of the same AP champs that have always dominated the game continue to be at the forefront.

Ahri might be worth a look, but not really for dom/TT (As far as I know).

What's your current champion roster look like?

I have Alistar, Ashe, Corki, Dr. Mundo, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Irelia, Janna, Kayle, LeBlanc, Lux, Nasus, Nidalee, Nunu, Poppy, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, and Swain

My faves to play from what I can remember are Mundo, Evelynn, Janna, Kayle, Poppy, Nidalee, Sona, and Swain.

But yeah, I see a lot of the older champions still being played, which is cool. I know they've made some changes to the older ones too, so really, just looking for anything that's a good fit for Domination/3v3.


I have Alistar, Ashe, Corki, Dr. Mundo, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Irelia, Janna, Kayle, LeBlanc, Lux, Nasus, Nidalee, Nunu, Poppy, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, and Swain

My faves to play from what I can remember are Mundo, Evelynn, Janna, Kayle, Poppy, Nidalee, Sona, and Swain.

But yeah, I see a lot of the older champions still being played, which is cool. I know they've made some changes to the older ones too, so really, just looking for anything that's a good fit for Domination/3v3.

Morg is still used in high level play, and still banned on occasion in draft mode.
Zyra's new, but no escape.
Ziggs... not really competitive, but a lot of fun.
Xerath has some awesome long range poke, but not mobile and an easy target.
We just AP Oriana mid in the World Championships vs Ryze.
AP Lux is more common than you'd think for non-competitive play
Karthus can still give everyone a hard time.
Anivia seen in tourneys.
Syndra's the latest AP, she has a lot of potential, but very hard to play.
AP Twisted Fate has potential if you exploit his mobility with his ult.
You'll see some pros do AP Leona or Master Yi on their smurf accounts.

There's a lot of options; it all comes down to your playstyle and personal preference. Maybe someone more seasoned than myself has better suggestions.

Check this page:
Apparently there's a rumor going around that the Asian teams are cheating because they can see the display on the big display screens for the crowd while playing which have the mini map.




Yeah I've seen that dumb rumour and the thing is, the minimap is situated behind him and to his left, but hes looking to his left infront of him.

The people who honestly think hes looking at the minimap from that picture are really retarded.
Yeah then you have Facebook comments and all the forums yelling otherwise because they're butthurt that TSM lost or are racist or something.

I hope Riot doesn't cave in and start to believe that they could see the minimap.


Someone pick up a Teemo hat for me.

League is so refreshing after being in GW2 for the past month.



People hate Korean food confirmed.


Tempa lol: bro
Tempa lol: i carry games
Tempa lol: check my history
Tempa lol: lmfoa
HAN6: stfu lol
HAN6: check my history
Tempa lol: you're trash
Tempa lol: i did
HAN6: noobass
Tempa lol: and its ugly
Tempa lol: lol
HAN6: better than u
HAN6: homo
Tempa lol: thats why you are below
Tempa lol: me

Two top in my ranked team woo.
Someone pick up a Teemo hat for me.

League is so refreshing after being in GW2 for the past month.


People hate Korean food confirmed.

OK that looks really blatantly like he's looking up at the minimap and he's pinging exactly where TSM is at that time, and it's absolutely not a ping you would normally and innocently make. I was totally skeptical but to me that picture is definitive proof that Azubu Frost cheated.



o dear how did that work

I need to work on my ADC. That and top are my weakest roles because

a) I can't last hit.
b) I can't get away with spamming abilities to farm like some mid champs.
c) I hate not being in control of ward placement early on in bot lane.


OK that looks really blatantly like he's looking up at the minimap and he's pinging exactly where TSM is at that time, and it's absolutely not a ping you would normally and innocently make. I was totally skeptical but to me that picture is definitive proof that Azubu Frost cheated.

I think that AF would've won either way, but after watching the pause and then the players I think it's pretty obvious they looked and pinged top.


Apparently there's a rumor going around that the Asian teams are cheating because they can see the display on the big display screens for the crowd while playing which have the mini map.


So much dumb shit in this tourney. They just couldn't set the huge map screens not pointing in the enemy team's direction, couldn't they?
Well you guys are going to love:

It's just that reddit is one big circle TSM jerk that has buried it/made excuses for it. Dyrus looked at the minimap during pause too.

And told Reginald that you can see the minimap. Who went to the refs and said you can see the minimap. Dat cheating.


Well you guys are going to love:

It's just that reddit is one big circle TSM jerk that has buried it/made excuses for it. Dyrus looked at the minimap during pause too.

Well, that's kind of the point and how we know about this in the first place. You can see in the video how he stretched and saw AF looking at the minimap, then checked himself and knew their gank was blown. Riot should've known this could happen.


And told Reginald that you can see the minimap. Who went to the refs and said you can see the minimap. Dat cheating.

Were you there? how do you know he said those things? His word right? You're not one of those TSM circle jerkers are you? TSM was complaining about their chat being broken during that pause. Look, I'm not saying AZF didn't cheat, but TSM isn't looking good either.

Anyway, point is, he got to make sure people were going to the top side of the map and most importantly, the way they set up the minimap was retarded.


Were you there? how do you know he said those things? His word right? You're not one of those TSM circle jerkers are you? TSM was complaining about their chat being broken during that pause. Look, I'm not saying AZF didn't cheat, but TSM isn't looking good either.

Anyway, point is, he got to make sure people were going to the top side of the map and the way they set up the minimap was retarded.

Watch the video, don't just look at pictures. Right after Dyrus looks, you can see Regi talking to an official, he even points at the screen and the official looks up at them. Both teams cheated during the pause, but TSM was the only one to mention to the officials that you can see the minimaps.

Just a sad showing for Riot with this tournament. What major tournament doesn't have sound proof booths these days? Oh wait, having the floor rotate was more important.


Sound proof booths arent even the major issue here. I thought the venue was set up in a way that the players couldnt see anything. I mean its not hard to inset the map more and put it directly above the players... I mean, Riot was naively believing in its players. But its always better to not tempt people in the first place.

RE: booths v no booths: (bla bla open air is more exciting for viewers and more comfortable for players and looks less nerdy) I mean, I can understand the logic, as long as the headphones are good and theres no spectator screen visibility

I know riot is new to all this shit, and luckily they probably learnt a lot from it. It is also lucky that the cheating happened where it didn't matter at all - tsm was going to lose that game.


Sound proof booths arent even the major issue here. I thought the venue was set up in a way that the players couldnt see anything. I mean its not hard to inset the map more and put it directly above the players... I mean, Riot was naively believing in its players. But its always better to not tempt people in the first place.

RE: booths v no booths: (bla bla open air is more exciting for viewers and more comfortable for players and looks less nerdy) I mean, I can understand the logic, as long as the headphones are good and theres no spectator screen visibility

I know riot is new to all this shit, and luckily they probably learnt a lot from it. It is also lucky that the cheating happened where it didn't matter at all - tsm was going to lose that game.
Yes, but having soundproof booths would have prevented every major issue except the internet connection being shitty. Sun? Nope, they got a roof. Screen peeking? Nope, they got a roof so they can't see anything behind them. Reacting to crowd noise(The WE player seems to look up when he heard the crowd unexpectedly cheer.)? Nope, can't here the crowd.

You can't really say for certain TSM would lose that match had neither team cheated. Considering when they did cheat, it was the very beginning of the game. And the WE cheating happened during the middle of the game.


Yes, but having soundproof booths would have prevented every major issue except the internet connection being shitty. Sun? Nope, they got a roof. Screen peeking? Nope, they got a roof so they can't see anything behind them. Reacting to crowd noise(The WE player seems to look up when he heard the crowd unexpectedly cheer.)? Nope, can't here the crowd.

You can't really say for certain TSM would lose that match had neither team cheated. Considering when they did cheat, it was the very beginning of the game. And the WE cheating happened during the middle of the game.

Yes, soundproof booths are the easy solution, but if Riot really likes their open pro players, they can work around that easily.

Cheating prevented TSM from getting FB on Jayce most likely. But the thing is, Dyrus counterpicked himself and also, even with their massive lead in game 2, they failed to win. So I'm 85% certain that TSM would've lost that game as well.

I don't think WE cheated at all. Or at least, that the image going around shows that they were cheating


There are pretty easy ways to fix this. Don't think Riot should let this happen again when the playoffs resume, and they should definitely fix all these things for the Grand Finals (5 days to deal with this is enough).
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