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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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The three times I've played Quinn I was against a Teemo Volibear bot lane.

The worst lane to play against.

Volibear as a support is fucking broken. Does too much damage without items. His early game is ridiculous.

Edit: I also don't like Blade of the Ruined King as a first item. Not enough damage in trades at all.


It's comparable DPS compared to an IE vs low health targets, worse at single-hit situations. vs High Health targets, that completely goes out the window entirely and it outperforms IE always.

It's also 1000 Gold cheaper, gives better burst (Active), and survivability (Lifesteal, Active Lifesteal + Slow).


You should dodge in ranked games - no LP is at stake
I thought this was the situation:

The first time you queue dodge in Ranked Solo you’ll lose three League Points and get banned from matchmaking for six minutes. If you’ve already queue dodged recently, successive dodges will cost you 10 League Points and a 30 minute ban from matchmaking.

For teams, the penalty is always 10 League Points and a one minute ban from matchmaking.
Of course, you were probably being sarcastic, but if so that's kind of mean to people who don't know.
I still like Bloodthirster better.

The effect of having a B.F. Sword item is notably more impressive on a situation in lane than the BotRK. If someone like a Miss Fortune or something goes B.F. Sword first while you buy a Cutlass, that's a huge gap in damage. They'll easily out trade you in early situations.

Plus on Quinn it has very little effect on her other abilities, something the higher damage damage of a B.F. Sword item does have. She gets passive attack speed on her W, so having the extra damage of a B.F. Sword scale with her passive and then the attack speed bonus on her W seems like a much better way to go on her IMO.

She's got an AS steroid that's at least comparable to other AD carries, if not better, and the damage onher passive would go way up with a BT, especially if it's fully charged.

I'd probably go Blade second.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I still like Bloodthirster better.

The effect of having a B.F. Sword item is notably more impressive on a situation in lane than the BotRK. If someone like a Miss Fortune or something goes B.F. Sword first while you buy a Cutlass, that's a huge gap in damage. They'll easily out trade you in early situations.

Plus on Quinn it has very little effect on her other abilities, something the higher damage damage of a B.F. Sword item does have. She gets passive attack speed on her W, so having the extra damage of a B.F. Sword scale with her passive and then the attack speed bonus on her W seems like a much better way to go on her IMO.

She's got an AS steroid that's at least comparable to other AD carries, if not better, and the damage onher passive would go way up with a BT, especially if it's fully charged.

I'd probably go Blade second.
Use the active, use the active, use the active. BotRK was overbuffed and AD carries should take advantage of it.


I still like Bloodthirster better.

The effect of having a B.F. Sword item is notably more impressive on a situation in lane than the BotRK. If someone like a Miss Fortune or something goes B.F. Sword first while you buy a Cutlass, that's a huge gap in damage. They'll easily out trade you in early situations.

Plus on Quinn it has very little effect on her other abilities, something the higher damage damage of a B.F. Sword item does have. She gets passive attack speed on her W, so having the extra damage of a B.F. Sword scale with her passive and then the attack speed bonus on her W seems like a much better way to go on her IMO.

She's got an AS steroid that's at least comparable to other AD carries, if not better, and the damage onher passive would go way up with a BT, especially if it's fully charged.

I'd probably go Blade second.

25 AD + 12% Life Steal vs 45 AD. Cutlass Active is flat 100 Magic Damage so it takes about 5 auto-attacks for the BF Sword to compensate. Edit: Actually, double-checking things, I suppose that's not so bad due to the double Harrier.

BotRK is just flat out better. BF Sword will do more per hit but BotRK will give you more in any given time frame and the active spike is huge. If you're losing trades with the Cutlass, you're just not playing the situation properly (or, basically, not using the active).

Edit: Just to note as well, Harrier works with Life Steal, not Spell Vamp, so it's something to keep in mind.

This also doesn't discredit that some ADCs work better with BT instead of BotRK. The closer towards an AD Caster the ADC is (e.g., Ezreal, Graves), you'll see more out of the BF items. Quinn is a weird case as she has bad spell ratios (.85 bonus AD) but her Harrier helps a lot. But, right now, BotRK is just a bit too generally strong so it's a hard item to pass up. With some numbers tweaks, it'll probably be as you say, BT for Quinn since it helps her passive a fair amount.
Unless you're really far behind, (lower level than bot lane) I'd focus more on getting to the jungle side that you want to be in to help a lane over farming the jungle. Exceptions apply to when buffs are up. Also, when fights happen in a sidelane where you can help, immediately go to help instead of clearing your camp unless you're too low to actually do anything.

If you are on the other side from where the jungler is ganking, try to make a play on your side of the map since you don't have the repercussions of a countergank looming.

That's what I usually try to do. I probably just need more practice.


25 AD + 12% Life Steal vs 45 AD. Cutlass Active is flat 100 Magic Damage so it takes about 5 auto-attacks for the BF Sword to compensate. Edit: Actually, double-checking things, I suppose that's not so bad due to the double Harrier.

BotRK is just flat out better. BF Sword will do more per hit but BotRK will give you more in any given time frame and the active spike is huge. If you're losing trades with the Cutlass, you're just not playing the situation properly (or, basically, not using the active).

Edit: Just to note as well, Harrier works with Life Steal, not Spell Vamp, so it's something to keep in mind.

This also doesn't discredit that some ADCs work better with BT instead of BotRK. The closer towards an AD Caster the ADC is (e.g., Ezreal, Graves), you'll see more out of the BF items. Quinn is a weird case as she has bad spell ratios (.85 bonus AD) but her Harrier helps a lot. But, right now, BotRK is just a bit too generally strong so it's a hard item to pass up. With some numbers tweaks, it'll probably be as you say, BT for Quinn since it helps her passive a fair amount.
I'd like to see the difference in burst damage between say Graves' BT EQR and EBjorkQR.
To anyone interested in the Mac client:

1) Still has FPS issues. Windows partition runs at 60 FPS with everything high (low shadows, though) and the Mac client runs at 30 FPS everything high except the environment (middle or low) and shadows (off).

2) Don't forget to load your maps in a bot game first, because the first game will be entirely unplayable for 4 minutes while everything loads for the first time.

3) Don't forget to re-enable smartcast and all the other things that make the game playable.


I really wish people who picked support knew how to play support. Playing ADC and getting stuck with a bad support...

Good support play is wasted on most ADCs anyway.

Also, this must be the worst splash art in LoL:
Really getting to grips with Quinn now. I totally outplayed their Quinn every time.

Jax and Ori were scary as fuck, but I managed to get myself out of their Jax-jump-plus-Ori-ult combo enough times to clean them up.

Also the enemy was mad. They got baron and all because they got me in one of the team fights, but they still lost.



formerly sane
I still like Bloodthirster better.

The effect of having a B.F. Sword item is notably more impressive on a situation in lane than the BotRK. If someone like a Miss Fortune or something goes B.F. Sword first while you buy a Cutlass, that's a huge gap in damage. They'll easily out trade you in early situations.

Plus on Quinn it has very little effect on her other abilities, something the higher damage damage of a B.F. Sword item does have. She gets passive attack speed on her W, so having the extra damage of a B.F. Sword scale with her passive and then the attack speed bonus on her W seems like a much better way to go on her IMO.

She's got an AS steroid that's at least comparable to other AD carries, if not better, and the damage onher passive would go way up with a BT, especially if it's fully charged.

I'd probably go Blade second.

BotRK has a very specific application and on some like vayne it's easily up to the task of damage. Though if you're not using it at the right time, which is high health situations, it's a waste. You're still gonna need a bt or ie eventually. That lane situation isn't practical for me I tend to go neutral or snowball vs feeding my opponents. Letting any adc get bf well before I get cutlass means I'm slow.


You do realize they changed Blade of the Ruined King, right? It's essentially the best ADC first item right now.

Also, Cutlass and B.F. Sword are roughly the same cost (1400, 1550) so ... a neutral lane would mean both get them around the same time.


Did you guys know kill lane supports don't buy wards and build 100% AP.

XionLong: ugh
AyanamiContra: im not playing
AyanamiContra: for quinn top
xNumbx: Oh gawd a quinn
XionLong: ...
Fiosplintz: guys...
xNumbx: Hes gold
AyanamiContra: lets pick more adcs
Fiosplintz: my mom..... asked me ...to do homework
XionLong: quit pls
XionLong: then dodge
Fiosplintz: i can still play 10 min~~
XionLong: listen to your mom
xNumbx: Its cogi's first game with quinn
Fiosplintz: just push and win this...
XionLong: u r fuking kidding me ?????????????????
XionLong: 10 mins game



Holy shit, I just won a straight up 4v5 without an ADC. Plus we had two kids fighting over mid so we ended up having Nida and Fidle mid with me having to "jungle" bot. Crazy, crazy game.

I raise you this gender-bending atrocity:

You're right. That is actually worse. My God...


Yay Syndra! On a 2 game win streak with her. She's awesome :)
She's crazy fun, I got fucked up by a very good Veigar player in lane but managed to get myself back after a couple good teamfights (got a triple kill and a whole bunch of doubles), so ended up 19 8 10.

I wasn't sure what to build her, so I figured I'd go my straight mid build and do chalice, NLR, athene, boots, deathcap, void staff, but I was getting destroyed by that Veigar so ended up with sorcs, athene, abyss, banshee's and void staff. I think it was kind of a good choice since I still could burst down Veigar and Quinn, but it was a little too deathcapless an inventory for my taste.

She's harder than Ori to manage, since stunning multiple people takes quite an effort, but her damage's nuts and I felt really useful in teamfights just QWing people from afar with a sliver of health. I also messed up a couple times and E'd before Q'ing, that was really bad lol.

All in all she's pretty good, gonna try her out some more, and I have exactly 976 RP so I can skin her and have some change.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Quinn gets so much free attack speed. I can't see attack speed heavy builds being good on her.


Obviously I'm not a very good player, but here are my thoughts on Quinn anyway:

  • The menu screen and music are good. Not best ever, not bad.
  • Getting BotRK gives a lot of attack speed, like I don't really feel like I need another AS item if I get it.
  • Her early game damage seems decent in lane, but I really don't feel like she does a lot of damage compared to say, Graves with burst AD damage. Or, compared to a late game Caitlyn since she was going traditional infinity edge + tons of AD, while I presumably had a bad build.
  • I went top lane with her one game, and it worked okay. One really nice thing is being able to check the river bush before you go down the river to ward. I was against Darius, and he complained endlessly about how the backflip slow was annoying, and how he thought Quinn was a bot lane ADC, how Darius got nerfed, etc. Quinn -might- actually work against Darius for a while due to the backflip escape, but I suspect in the end he can simply out-tank her damage while still doing tons of true damage with the ult.
  • Using the backflip to slow someone chasing you may not help much, the hawk helps more, but the really nice thing is that I think you can wait until someone dives you, or is next to you, and THEN use backflip. In that case you will fly back to near your maximum attack range and have a chance of escaping.
  • Does smartcasting her Q make her walk to within range before firing? I kept trying to fire in certain directions and misjudging her range, apparently.
  • Her range feels low, like Vayne, and her move speed feels super slow. With level 2 shoes and MS quints, I think I had 380 MS. Of course the ult brings this up until you get into combat.


Wow I've played too many games so far today. What's after Platinum? Diamond? Then Challenger?

What's weird I'm on this winning streak and I continue to win around 25pts but only lose around 15pts. It's making me move divisions fairly quickly. Don't you normally have to win 3/5 games to get promoted? I'm only having to do 2/3.

I'm never gonna get the Veteran Emblem. Didn't even knew it existed until now haha. I either get a good streak and go up a division or a terrible one and go down.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What's weird I'm on this winning streak and I continue to win around 25pts but only lose around 15pts. It's making me move divisions fairly quickly. Don't you normally have to win 3/5 games to get promoted? I'm only having to do 2/3.
Promotions between leagues are five game series. Promotions between divisions are three game series.
Mr. Fiora man what's your Syndra build?

I usually go Athene's + Tear first, then if I need some survivability Zhonya's, if not straight for Deathcap. After that probably Void Staff, Archangel's. Sorc Shoes obvs.

Btw, Abyssal isn't great on her. You generally out-range it.

So Chalice -> Sorcs -> Athene's -> Tear -> Zhonya's -> Deathcap -> Void Staff -> Archangel's/Seraph's.

Could probably still do with some work in terms of order, but generally that's what I like.


I thought this was the situation:

Of course, you were probably being sarcastic, but if so that's kind of mean to people who don't know.
I meant in placement matches oops - there is no LP at stake when you dodge in placement.

I'd rather save the frustration and dodge
you can dodge in placement, but yes you lose 3lp when you dodge later which is totaly worth it

When will be the point where you lose more LP than you gain?
when your MMR is lower than your current position


I usually go Athene's + Tear first, then if I need some survivability Zhonya's, if not straight for Deathcap. After that probably Void Staff, Archangel's. Sorc Shoes obvs.

Btw, Abyssal isn't great on her. You generally out-range it.

So Chalice -> Sorcs -> Athene's -> Tear -> Zhonya's -> Deathcap -> Void Staff -> Archangel's/Seraph's.

Could probably still do with some work in terms of order, but generally that's what I like.
Yeah, abyss was more of a way of surviving some of veigar's burst since the guy was taking like 1/3 my hp with his q alone, and he wasn't building any magic pen.

Personally I on a whole dislike tear builds, with my most mana heavy champion, Anivia, I'm usually good with a chalice all game, even better with blue buff, so I always find the tear to be a weird item to build, considering I'll still probably want a cdr item (or blue elixirs). Buying a tear also serves no other purpose than giving you mana, so I'd rather get a chalice that'll also help me win trades.

I dunno why people like it, really, but I've been wrong in the past (I now think RoA is a great item).


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
MOBI BOOTS FOR THE FUCKING WIN! Played a long as 50 minute game that was a dead statemate and we started losing because enemy lux was super fed but I managed to catch out an Elise who overextended a bit too much and led the team to a glorious victory! :D

Edit: Also qualified for my series again. I will get out of bronze!


Mr. Fiora man what's your Syndra build?

I go Chalice > Rabadon's > Athene's > Zhonya's > Rylai's on her ... that is as far as I ever get.

Last game with her was 14-2-5 a little bit ago. Wrecked a Kassadin mid.

I almost always rush Rabadon's on every mid I play. Too good.

Also. I will never get out of Gold IV. I've gotten boned on my promotion series about 12 times now. Got the ribbon for playing 100 games in the tier on my league ladder now :(

I go 10-2 on Hecarim and my team chucks the game cause our Caitlyn was a damn moron. Makes me sad. I so thought I was gonna be promoted finally :(
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