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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Last game I played with her wasn't that great... against an akali. Damn mana restrictions.... might have to redo my runes.

I think that Syndra has a hard time against anyone with mobility, although she could probably punish Akali pretty well pre-6.

The worst thing to happen I find when playing Syndra is when you have a jungler that doesn't want to give up blue. Blue effects her kit so much.


I think that Syndra has a hard time against anyone with mobility, although she could probably punish Akali pretty well pre-6.

The worst thing to happen I find when playing Syndra is when you have a jungler that doesn't want to give up blue. Blue effects her kit so much.

Unless you're manaless or somebody like TF, you should always be getting get blue number 2 and on. Jungler is bad otherwise.


fucking hell, Hecarim is must have for junglers right now.

imo Hecarim is worse than Xin or Vi. He's stupid fast and tanky. He can gank from almost any angle, his ult is a gap closer and a fear with no target necessary. Just a really strong jungler.

His win rate on lolking is way up there too.
I'm like 5-6 with Kassadin

Can't say he's the funnest champ, but his ult is so good for bad situations

How do people get new avatars on the game? I've been stuck with the same ones for months. Except for the Chinese new year one.


I think that Syndra has a hard time against anyone with mobility, although she could probably punish Akali pretty well pre-6.

The worst thing to happen I find when playing Syndra is when you have a jungler that doesn't want to give up blue. Blue effects her kit so much.

Ya pre six she fucks up akali bad... .I just couldn't secure the kill


Just to expand on this, A-Click gives you an Attack Move command. That is, you attack the target clicked or attack the closest target to your champion in the direction you clicked. It's the latter that's important. If you miss right-clicking a minion or champion or whatever, you'll move next to them; if you miss A-Click a target, you'll just attack nearest target.

Basically, it's to keep accidental movements from happening.

The biggest thing you'd notice is Anivia's Q and Diana's Q as firing faster due to not having to hit Q, aim, click. You get to aim, Q. That's it. It removes a fraction of a second of delay. Like ... that's really it. It removes that extra click at the end but, sometimes, it's the most important thing in the world.

If you have him, the most obvious case of how great this is is with Ryze. He tends to mash all of the buttons (QRWEQEQWQEQ etc. etc.) so having to do Q-Click, R, W-Click, E-Click, Q-Click, E-Click, etc. 10+ times in an engage will eventually cost you.

It's not really trying to pigeonhole her so much as it was kind of absurd she got so much free Armor and MR out of Cougar form. Granted, they maybe could've just reduced it instead of lopping it all off but eh.

I can try it at some point. Nashor's Liandry's BotRK Kayle!

I haven't played Ryze yet but I went ahead and turned smartcasting on for everything. At first I had initial concerns about anivias wall being smartcast but I've recognized that I know exactly what it'll look like from playing her so much. I'm able to follow up my full combos and consistently catch people who are running away with my Q now.
Although, my first time playing Lee Sin while trying to get used to smartcasting was a bit of a headache. That is one zippy champion!


generally you should get second blue for mid if mid needs it to be competitive with an assumed enemy blue mid

2 blus is the best tho
Finally won a game as Syndra. Went 8/9, which is better than my other games. Absolutely trounced Lux mid. Our frontline wasn't great, so Vayne and Rengar kept getting to me in team fights, but once I got Zhonya's it was generally fine.

She's so strong. She's a really really rewarding champion. Getting your full combo off and just melting someone is super satisfying because it isn't easy to do. Her and kha' Zix are easily my favourite mids at the mo.


Just to expand on this, A-Click gives you an Attack Move command. That is, you attack the target clicked or attack the closest target to your champion in the direction you clicked. It's the latter that's important. If you miss right-clicking a minion or champion or whatever, you'll move next to them; if you miss A-Click a target, you'll just attack nearest target.

Basically, it's to keep accidental movements from happening.

I need to work on my shift+right click.


Sooooo Taric jungle is a thing and its a thing of fucking beauty. Watched someone earlier jungle with him and it was crazy how good it was. I personally had not seen him been played as jung.
edit:stonewall has a video up too so it might have something to do with the patch? *shrugs*

It's because his new passive does bonus magic damage, so I guess his clear isn't awful now?

If this make Taric jungle viable to avg players, I can see Taric hate reach Teemo levels
Sooooo Taric jungle is a thing and its a thing of fucking beauty. Watched someone earlier jungle with him and it was crazy how good it was. I personally had not seen him been played as jung.

It's because his new passive does bonus magic damage, so I guess his clear isn't awful now?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sooooo Taric jungle is a thing and its a thing of fucking beauty. Watched someone earlier jungle with him and it was crazy how good it was. I personally had not seen him been played as jung.
edit:stonewall has a video up too so it might have something to do with the patch? *shrugs*

If this make Taric jungle viable to avg players, I can see Taric hate reach Teemo levels
could you not.


Perpetuate this junk.

Best AP Trynd banned. Justice exists in this world.
What do you mean justice? Why is it bad to play champions in an unusual way?

And what do you mean "perpetuate this junk"? Taric just got changed, how can a new thing be perpetuating something that did not really exist before?
That's good. Vi, Nocturne and Xin have been my goto junglers for the last few weeks. Would like to keep it that way.

I'm sorely disappointed Hecarim didn't get that much of a nerf. Guess I'm going to have to pick him up.
I've been doing nothing but Vi. I've forgotten how to jungle with everyone else but it's usually lee sin or Olaf. I've been thinking about picking up xin or hecarim. The 6300 is holding me back from hecarim though.

I've never really played ranked league. Went 5-5 and was placed into bronze II. Won my first two games after that.

My biggest problem with jungling is positioning myself to make a play especially when trying to counter gank while still clearing camps. Lots of times I see one of my lanes overextended but I'm on the other side of the map and not in the position to help.


I've been doing nothing but Vi. I've forgotten how to jungle with everyone else but it's usually lee sin or Olaf. I've been thinking about picking up xin or hecarim. The 6300 is holding me back from hecarim though.

I've never really played ranked league. Went 5-5 and was placed into bronze II. Won my first two games after that.

My biggest problem with jungling is positioning myself to make a play especially when trying to counter gank while still clearing camps. Lots of times I see one of my lanes overextended but I'm on the other side of the map and not in the position to help.

Unless you're really far behind, (lower level than bot lane) I'd focus more on getting to the jungle side that you want to be in to help a lane over farming the jungle. Exceptions apply to when buffs are up. Also, when fights happen in a sidelane where you can help, immediately go to help instead of clearing your camp unless you're too low to actually do anything.

If you are on the other side from where the jungler is ganking, try to make a play on your side of the map since you don't have the repercussions of a countergank looming.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The player?
What do you mean justice? Why is it bad to play champions in an unusual way?
He's a troll. And seriously, who do you think you are talking to about playing champs in an unusual way?
And what do you mean "perpetuate this junk"? Taric just got changed, how can a new thing be perpetuating something that did not really exist before?
It's really just bad. Dealing with Taric picks like this is going to be a pain for a few weeks.


Tragic victim of fan death
Whatever game you played last that got you demoted and threw you into this fit.

I played fine in bot lane. Both top and mid were also doing relatively okay from what I saw. However once laning ended our team went full on derp mode. If you're insinuating I'm a terrible player thanks. That makes me feel all better.... *sigh*....

Anyway, I was talking about the latter part of your original statement about me being bent out of shape. How was I bent out of shape? I


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I played fine in bot lane. Both top and mid were also doing relatively okay from what I saw. However once laning ended our team went full on derp mode. If you're insinuating I'm a terrible player thanks. That makes me feel all better.... *sigh*....

Anyway, I was talking about the latter part of your original statement about me being bent out of shape. How was I bent out of shape? I
I'm not saying you're terrible. Just that you gotta take it easy. You didn't do enough for your team and shouldn't be expecting a win. You are Gold already. I dunno what you're expecting.
Anyway, I was talking about the latter part of your original statement about me being bent out of shape. How was I bent out of shape? I
You are talking about quitting and blew up worse than I've ever seen in chat.


Tragic victim of fan death
I'm not saying you're terrible. Just that you gotta take it easy. You didn't do enough for your team and shouldn't be expecting a win. You are Gold already. I dunno what you're expecting.

You are talking about quitting and blew up worse than I've ever seen in chat.

It's a team game. I expect players to play like a team in a team environment. However, that game singlehandedly revealed to me that there are players in Gold that do not know what to do outside of laning phase. It's disappointing especially when i told the team what we should be doing. when advice gets ignored and we lose objectives and give away free kills as a result of it i think my response is a valid one. Now, whether the current level of emotion was warranted is something that can be debatable, sure, but i go into a team game expecting team effort. not something from a single player game.

I didn't mean to bombard the chat with my problems of the game. That game easily summarizes what I find inherently flawed with many of the players in solo-queue and honestly the lack of a talk function.

If my previous paragraph didn't properly state it, it was an apology. Sorry guys.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It's a team game. I expect players to play like a team in a team environment. However, that game singlehandedly revealed to me that there are players in Gold that do not know what to do outside of laning phase. It's disappointing especially when i told the team what we should be doing. when advice gets ignored and we lose objectives and give away free kills as a result of it i think my response is a valid one. Now, whether the current level of emotion was warranted is something that can be debatable, sure, but i go into a team game expecting team effort. not something from a single player game.
You have moved beyond blaming your team to blaming your entire league. You are not even winning your lane that hard, the scores you put up aren't even impressive, so why expect to carry or win? If your lane is so easy destroy the turret and move around the map to get things done.

Honestly I find it surprising that you are even Gold. Focus on improving your play and stop worrying about your ranking. You aren't building the right items, making plays, or creating good comps with your picks.


You have moved beyond blaming your team to blaming your entire league. You are not even winning your lane that hard, the scores you put up aren't even impressive, so why expect to carry or win? If your lane is so easy destroy the turret and move around the map to get things done.

Honestly I find it surprising that you are even Gold. Focus on improving your play and stop worrying about your ranking. You aren't building the right items, making plays, or creating good comps with your picks.


soraka's trousers 4 lyfe

also the real solo q starts at chollonger v
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