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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Getting better everyday.



lol Akali is just too hard a counter to Syndra it seems. It's like FUCK lol.

Yeah basically anyone with a large gap closer.

But at least you can drop an orb on her when she dashes at you and then stun her with it. Then just hopefully walk far enough away before she kills you.


Third Syndra match, we had our support AFK for the first 5-10 minutes but somehow we were ahead regardless, and I dunno why the enemy Elise was so afraid of me, she flashed away from my basic harass like three times and I ended up being almost 90 cs ahead of her lol. I also did a really cool thing in that she jumped on me almost in turret range so I flashed in front of her, Q then E'd her inside my turret :D

All in all I think I did better by landing a lot more stuns and building up Qs for her ult. I'm kinda unsure how good she really is, her damage is insane and she has decent utility but I dunno if it's worth the hassle, Orianna hits just as hard and is as easy as Annie by comparison.

So far my skill level is like: Anivia > Lux > Orianna > Cho >>> the rest (Ahri, Akali, Annie, Kat, Morg) > Syndra >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TF


I go Chalice > Rabadon's > Athene's > Zhonya's > Rylai's on her ... that is as far as I ever get.

Last game with her was 14-2-5 a little bit ago. Wrecked a Kassadin mid.

I almost always rush Rabadon's on every mid I play. Too good.
Yeah my default buildset is kinda like that, though I hate Rylai's with a passion and never build it ever.

I'm Chalice > NLR > Sorc boots > Athene > Deathcap > Void Staff > Zhonya's.

I'm lately doing a lot of Chalice > Void Staff (sometimes I get Haunting Guise) > Athene > Sorc Boots > Zhonya's and it works really well if you're not doing all that well. Void Staff gives you a hefty damage boost that puts you back in the game and it's pretty cheap.

I'm also defaulting to starting either two fairy charms and a 3 red pots or one fairy charm, one ward and a bunch of red pots. I may do boots if I'm playing against Lux or Ahri, but it's rare.

Yeah basically anyone with a large gap closer.

But at least you can drop an orb on her when she dashes at you and then stun her with it. Then just hopefully walk far enough away before she kills you.
Yeah, I was unfortunate enough to have my first two matches as Syndra against very good opponents that really punished my noobness.

I like to take like 20 or so matches before I feel confident with a champion.


When do you guys build liandrys? With more and more people going for health instead of armor I feel it's perfect on ap mids (especially those with a slow) but I can't quite figure out when to get it.

I usually main Anivia and Lux.
Good night tonight. 7-2 in ranked games in and 50 points into Gold 1. You are mine platinum 5!

In other news I think I have more fun in ranked than I do in normals. I lose such much more with my friends lol.
When do you guys build liandrys?
Anyone who can reliably reapply it on enemies, preferably someone who uses Rylai or has a built-in slow. Or someone with very low AP ratios. Or against teams stacking HP/warmogs. Or Swain, because it makes his E hurt like hell.

Liandry is alright on Anivia assuming you build her a more for DPS rather than nuke.


When do you guys build liandrys? With more and more people going for health instead of armor I feel it's perfect on ap mids (especially those with a slow) but I can't quite figure out when to get it.

I usually main Anivia and Lux.
Get it on spammers (rumble for instant).


In other news I think I have more fun in ranked than I do in normals. I lose such much more with my friends lol.

That's pretty much how I feel right now lol. I know it's more casual and they aren't the greatest players. I try to take it lightly but I will still get piss if we lose lol.


So I just played a game with Top Taric, running 5/21/0 (I'm not 30 yet. =P). Went against an Olaf, and did surprisingly well. A few ganks got the jungler ahead and I was able to deny the Olaf a lot with my E. Armor shred made it so I was doing true damage to him until he bought some more armor. First buy was a frozen heart (They had a Cait, I figured it would be more useful lategame), and the mana made last hitting a lot easier.

We got shredded by an Eve and Cait who got farmed though. I had Warmog, Spirit Visage, Frozen Heart, and a Runic on the support, and I still only lasted a few seconds against them. Was painful. =\


Oddone has been playing a lot of jungle taric. Its pretty legit lol. Clear times look average, shatter and the stun give pretty good ganks.

Don't think I'm going to try it though


So I just played a game with Top Taric, running 5/21/0 (I'm not 30 yet. =P). Went against an Olaf, and did surprisingly well. A few ganks got the jungler ahead and I was able to deny the Olaf a lot with my E. Armor shred made it so I was doing true damage to him until he bought some more armor. First buy was a frozen heart (They had a Cait, I figured it would be more useful lategame), and the mana made last hitting a lot easier.

We got shredded by an Eve and Cait who got farmed though. I had Warmog, Spirit Visage, Frozen Heart, and a Runic on the support, and I still only lasted a few seconds against them. Was painful. =\

No offense, but anyone can do extremely well vs olaf now.


Are there some skins that are available temporarily or something? I ask because I've definitely seen some skins that are not there to buy.


Are there some skins that are available temporarily or something? I ask because I've definitely seen some skins that are not there to buy.
Yes, there are limited time skins like the Kitty Kat Katarina skin from Halloween years back.

What's especially funny is that I think once or twice Riot has been like, we're going to let people buy one of those old skins again, and the community responded with OUTRAGE, and Riot was like ok ok you can never buy them again.
Yes, there are limited time skins like the Kitty Kat Katarina skin from Halloween years back.

What's especially funny is that I think once or twice Riot has been like, we're going to let people buy one of those old skins again, and the community responded with OUTRAGE, and Riot was like ok ok you can never buy them again.

That was one of the stupidest things I've ever goddamn seen, especially the outrage over Goth Annie.


Yup, same issue. Riot probably fucked up, again.

I only started playing again over the past few days and there has been some sort of server issue every couple hours it seems. My friends that got me back told me this has been happening for a while now, but they use a lot of hyperbole usually. Is this true with these servers?
But you can't buy them.

And it seems they are going back and retroactively making some of those old shit skins better. Go figure.
Riot brings back retired skins every once and a while. Once they are back in the store they tell everyone they are only back for a limited time.

I only started playing again over the past few days and there has been some sort of server issue every couple hours it seems. My friends that got me back told me this has been happening for a while now, but they use a lot of hyperbole usually. Is this true with these servers?
I think this is the only major server issue I've had in a while. I've had a few minor problems like randomly disconnecting but that's probably because of my internet.

Edit: 30 minute queue for me now.


When do you guys build liandrys? With more and more people going for health instead of armor I feel it's perfect on ap mids (especially those with a slow) but I can't quite figure out when to get it.

I usually main Anivia and Lux.
You can get an early Haunting Guise and leave it there until you see enemies stacking Warmogs. Also buy if you're playing DPS rather than burst, but even then it could be a good lategame item since you'll probably be at 30+ CDR and will spend a good time just throwing poke.

I think Lux doesn't naturally have a way to apply the double damage since her slow vanishes when you explode her E, and I dunno if Liandry procs on her passive, but on Anivia it's a pretty good pick if you like to ult the whole team during teamfights.
Is there any way to disable scroll zoom in this game? I tried doing a .cfg edit, but that didn't work. Best solution I have right now is to turn off smooth scrolling on my mouse.


Hecarim is a bit strong at the moment.


And yet they buffed him lol. I am really surprised he hasn't been showing up in the LCS. I guess jarvan, xin and vi are stronger on their patch.

I feel like I need to get him but I only have enough IP for one champ and I want Quinn.


And yet they buffed him lol. I am really surprised he hasn't been showing up in the LCS. I guess jarvan, xin and vi are stronger on their patch.

I feel like I need to get him but I only have enough IP for one champ and I want Quinn.

Eh.. they didn't really buff him. His early game was made stronger, but his end game is a little weaker.

>buffed his Q a bit, but they also nerfed Elder Lizard a bit (which every Hec gets)... early game is a little stronger, but late game it's a wash

>buffed W % for early levels, but nerfed late game with lower % and increased CD

I wouldn't call it a buff. It's more like they took away some late game power and added it to his weak early game. Overall I think he's pretty much the same.


Yes, there are limited time skins like the Kitty Kat Katarina skin from Halloween years back.

What's especially funny is that I think once or twice Riot has been like, we're going to let people buy one of those old skins again, and the community responded with OUTRAGE, and Riot was like ok ok you can never buy them again.

Wow, lol, I fail to see the reason why this would be a good choice for Riot to make. @_@

The one I saw I think was Crimson Akali or something like that. And one of the Ahri skins also recently disappeared apparently, I may be wrong though.

I don't like the way Hecarim plays at all and I don't want to bother figuring him out even if it is free ELO.

Vi on the other hand.

I think I watched a match in which you were playing one of these days. Im pretty sure I saw your name there. lol
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