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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Trundle is really good now, BotRK was already pretty good on him, and after all those other junglers got nerfed he seems pretty strong!


Bruiser? Get Botrk.
Jungler? Get Botrk.
Adc? Get Botrk.
It's the new Warmogs!

Had a pretty serious promotional series. 2/3 games. First game I lost. Uh oh not looking good. Second game my team fell behind from the start, but we were able to win mid and late game. Now I'm 1-1. Third game was looking so bleak. Our team KD ratio started out 0-7. We were getting stomped and I was thinking, that's karma for saying I'd never play more than 100 games in a division haha! My team is fighting, talking smack and being all sorts of dysfunctional. I just kept quiet and continued to play. We eventually came back to win it!

I won all my divisional series in platinum so far. Time to win the one to get me to Diamond!


Bruiser? Get Botrk.
Jungler? Get Botrk.
Adc? Get Botrk.
It's the new Warmogs!

Had a pretty serious promotional series. 2/3 games. First game I lost. Uh oh not looking good. Second game my team fell behind from the start, but we were able to win mid and late game. Now I'm 1-1. Third game was looking so bleak. Our team KD ratio started out 0-7. We were getting stomped and I was thinking, that's karma for saying I'd never play more than 100 games in a division haha! My team is fighting, talking smack and being all sorts of dysfunctional. I just kept quiet and continued to play. We eventually came back to win it!

I won all my divisional series in platinum so far. Time to win the one to get me to Diamond!

Wow. Congratz!! Very very nice :)

I'm different, I was getting botrk on Noc and Vi before the buff/nerf. It was seriously OP before. Like solo baron at level 14 on Nocturne OP. That passive was so strong. I think it was just starting to catch on too.

I assume the next fotm will be Warden's Mail in some form.

It already kind of is. You can bet on at least 2 people per team to have Randuin's.


I saw that too.. Bloodmoon is a much better skin overall.. but you know.. Nurse akali.... :eek:

I'll probably buy it :(

When I play a champion I do not have a skin for ... I feel real bad on the inside.

I also own every legendary besides Brolaf. Dunno if that feels bad or good. I think good.
When I play a champion I do not have a skin for ... I feel real bad on the inside.

I also own every legendary besides Brolaf. Dunno if that feels bad or good. I think good.

I know how you feel, I've been playing lots of jungle Kayle recently and I don't have a skin :( Obviously I really want Aether Wing, but I can't afford it at the mo.

If I had a refund I'd refund Pulsefire Ez and get it, but they're all gone :(


Don't you know? it's the league of the BOTRK
Well I play AP mids so...

Also I was playing Ori and she can kite but not nearly as well as Lux or Anivia and I really could've used a nice, thick, fucker-blocking Anivia wall.

It's one of the risks of blind pick, we had no disengage because we went for very strong initiates (Maokai, Blitz, Jarvan IV) and we run into a team full of non-targets for Blitz or Mao (Thresh, Singed, Nasus, even Vlad). Even if I did pull off a couple good ultis Blitz was unfortunately completely useless (of all adcs they had to have Tristana) and we had almost zero peel so Nasus and Singed would just zone/blow us carries up.

I think if I had picked Anivia we could've won, and we also probably should've invaded Nasus, the guy was ridiculously strong, we should've denied him blue buff at least.
Is there a stats website that is up to date? Also, what is the method they use to obtain the data?

Trying to find what champs are good right now because I haven't played the game seriously in a long time.


Neo Member
Is there a stats website that is up to date? Also, what is the method they use to obtain the data?

Trying to find what champs are good right now because I haven't played the game seriously in a long time.

www.lolking.net sounds like what you're after. I'd caution against using winrates (and even more so loss rates) as an answer to a binary "is this champ good" question though. The data is fun to browse though.
www.lolking.net sounds like what you're after. I'd caution against using winrates (and even more so loss rates) as an answer to a binary "is this champ good" question though. The data is fun to browse though.

Is there any way to expand it to show all the heroes?

Yeah I know win rate isn't the end all but looking at the lower winrates is usually an indication of what heroes I should avoid :p (even that is sometimes a mistake, Lone Druid, a hero in dota 2, has a 45% win rate even though he's one of the best carries, prob due to his difficulty). I see some of my anecdotal experiences line up with the data, I remember olaf being a bit better the last time I played him.


Yeah, it's fucking stupid. I don't understand this need to make dramatic changes instead of smaller, incremental changes. The item is too good for too many things.

Riot makes stacking HP too good, so then they make an OP item to circumvent it... but not fix the problem.

Reminds me of the whole getting a cat to catch the mouse, but now you need a dog to catch the cat... etc.


Has it really been 2 years since J4 came out? Did they fix the "impassable terrain" bug where heroes like Vayne and Riven that can't normally go through walls can go through Cataclysm?
Riot makes stacking HP too good, so then they make an OP item to circumvent it... but not fix the problem.

Reminds me of the whole getting a cat to catch the mouse, but now you need a dog to catch the cat... etc.
Why not just nerf Warmogs? I do think some AD item in the game should punish HP stacking, like Madred's Razor used to. The problem is making it too comprehensive and the bonus a little too ridiculous. Combined with IAS, the % based damage is out of control. I was playing Nasus vs a Teemo and a Draven the other day, and we almost won, but once they both built BOTRK, I just melted instantly before I could do jack shit, as did Amumu. We might as well have not been tanks at that point. I didn't have Warmogs, but enough HP from Spirit Visage/Randuin's/my ult that it didn't matter.

And did they ever explain why they got rid of Force of Nature... I just come back to playing after a while and see it's not there.


Why not just nerf Warmogs? I do think some AD item in the game should punish HP stacking, like Madred's Razor used to. The problem is making it too comprehensive and the bonus a little too ridiculous.

And did they ever explain why they got rid of Force of Nature... I just come back to playing after a while and see it's not there.
Because it was like the weirdest item ever, health regen, movement speed and magic resist all bunched up together for whatever reason.

I agree the problem is with Giant Belt->Warmogs, I don't get why they can't just cut 80 HP off Giant Belt and 200 off Warmogs (and maybe backtrack on the passive change?).
Well I don't know much about Nasus but I guess he farm Q uncontested and he's a pretty strong duelist and counterganker so why not?

Really all this Nasus did was steal our Mao's jungle and just gank me from behind T_T

There aren't nearly enough minions in the jungle to properly farm Q, especially since you have to full clear Wolves/Wraiths to get the little ones to respawn, and killing the big Wolf and the big Wraith at the early levels is a giant pain in the ass. Also Q cooldown early on is pretty long and it takes forever to clear out a single camp. Haha, there are like 100 different reasons not to put Nasus in the jungle, but I guess fuck-around games do happen. Also I can see throwing him the red buff and getting to level 2 to do a Wither + Siphon Strike + red buff gank, but after that it would be back in lane.
There aren't nearly enough minions in the jungle to properly farm Q, especially since you have to full clear Wolves/Wraiths to get the little ones to respawn, and killing the big Wolf and the big Wraith at the early levels is a giant pain in the ass. Also Q cooldown early on is pretty long and it takes forever to clear out a single camp. Haha, there are like 100 different reasons not to put Nasus in the jungle, but I guess fuck-around games do happen. Also I can see throwing him the red buff and getting to level 2 to do a Wither + Siphon Strike + red buff gank, but after that it would be back in lane.

Tell all that to Gambit Diamond, who's been shitting all over the LCS with Nasus jungle.


Tell all that to Gambit Diamond, who's been shitting all over the LCS with Nasus jungle.
And SK- gaming, and Triple- A...

A lot of EU- teams utilized Nasus- jungle during the super week with good success. I think Nasus even got respect- banned a couple of times against some of these teams.


There aren't nearly enough minions in the jungle to properly farm Q, especially since you have to full clear Wolves/Wraiths to get the little ones to respawn, and killing the big Wolf and the big Wraith at the early levels is a giant pain in the ass. Also Q cooldown early on is pretty long and it takes forever to clear out a single camp. Haha, there are like 100 different reasons not to put Nasus in the jungle, but I guess fuck-around games do happen. Also I can see throwing him the red buff and getting to level 2 to do a Wither + Siphon Strike + red buff gank, but after that it would be back in lane.
Well since now Q gives double bonus damage if used on big monsters, maybe it's just as worth it in jungle as in lane? One cannon minion every three waves versus 3 or 4 per jungle sweep?

Alright, I didn't get any feedback last time on if any of you guys would be interested in a LoL documentary.

I decided to do a kickstarter anyways because people on GAF steam community were positive to the idea.

If you guys just want to check out the page you can click here.
Sounds good, I just have a thing with videogame documentaries, so it'll probably not be for me.

Best of luck, though :D
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