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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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So, I've around 2 weeks playing.

I decided to play against one of my friends, that he said he was level 30 but he was banned (just when he hit level 30).

1v1, Providing Grounds.

He used Olaf and me Caitlyn. I lost. Not too bad at all, I make some mistakes at the end, I used my net in the wrong direction, instead of making him fall against 2 of my mines I shoot to the other direction and he ended killing me. (I had lost the inhibitor at that point).

Any suggestion against Olaf?

One mistake was that I had Cleanse, in that game Health could have helped me a lot. I only had like 1600 of healh and no armor, and Olaf 3300.

I just bought health and armor in my last death, and well, it has already ended for when I spawned.

My friend insisted that ingnite would have been more useful for me just because I'm ranged, but I was telling him that it wasn't necessary for Caitlyn, I mean, her ultimate works perfectly for those moments where someone would use ignite.

Besides he didn't had armor...

(My last 2 items (health and armor) were bough when it didn't matter anymore, I lost before I could even spawn.
(I used this image to convince him of why it would have helped me Health more.)
(We didn't know which champion will use the other)


You simply shouldn't pit an adc one on one with someone like Olaf. Your net matters nothing if he has his ult up and he can instagib you and you can't even kite him. That'll be true for pretty much every single adc and probably even mages too.

Also I've come to the conclusion Caitlyn is the hardest champion to play in the game, specially with my ping.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
1v1 games don't really matter, and you are playing a champion who relies on their team a lot when you pick a role like AD carry.
Yeah that's not even a proper Olaf build, he literally just wanted to dunk you all the time and do as much damage as possible. Kinda a dick move by your friend.


So, I've around 2 weeks playing.

I decided to play against one of my friends, that he said he was level 30 but he was banned (just when he hit level 30).

1v1, Providing Grounds.

He used Olaf and me Caitlyn. I lost. Not too bad at all, I make some mistakes at the end, I used my net in the wrong direction, instead of making him fall against 2 of my mines I shoot to the other direction and he ended killing me. (I had lost the inhibitor at that point).

Any suggestion against Olaf?

One mistake was that I had Cleanse, in that game Health could have helped me a lot. I only had like 1600 of healh and no armor, and Olaf 3300.

I just bought health and armor in my last death, and well, it has already ended for when I spawned.

My friend insisted that ingnite would have been more useful for me just because I'm ranged, but I was telling him that it wasn't necessary for Caitlyn, I mean, her ultimate works perfectly for those moments where someone would use ignite.

Besides he didn't had armor...

(My last 2 items (health and armor) were bough when it didn't matter anymore, I lost before I could even spawn.

(I used this image to convince him of why it would have helped me Health more.)
(We didn't know which champion will use the other)

Well, overlooking the team game aspect of LoL, you're already at a serious disadvantage given the champions chosen. Cleanse isn't going to help you much against Olaf because the only thing it works against is the slow from his axe (not including any summoners he may have chosen, of which ghost should've been one of them for him).

As an ADC, your strength is your damage output and your weakness is your durability. You really need a frontline to protect and peel for you while you unload your autoattacks into whoever is closest. Olaf, by himself, is designed to just tear right through that frontline and eat up ADCs for breakfast. His ultimate, Ragnarok, grants him total CC immunity and lets him walk through your traps and nets with impunity.

Re: Ignite, once you get past the mid-game, ignite is more about keeping the 50% healing debuff on a champion to ruin their sustain as you're trying to kill them, as opposed to last hitting/finishing them off like you imply. Since Olaf has a skill that grants him a lot of lifesteal, ignite probably would've been a decent choice of a summoner.

Overall, the 1v1 matchup you describe is heavily in Olaf's favor and you'd need to severely outplay him mechanically to stand a chance given equal farm. Personally, I'd just pick another champ to play against Olaf if this is the case.
Yeah that's not even a proper Olaf build, he literally just wanted to dunk you all the time and do as much damage as possible. Kinda a dick move by your friend.

He's pretty... close-minded, I was just saying why I felt health would have helped me more than cleanse in that game, and when he felt like I have made some good points he just went all "I would still have won [something I wasn't arguing about], you may be better than me in some other videogames, but you'll never beat me in LoL", and I'm just like... never is a pretty long time, he has been playing since October, and I just started 2 weeks ago.

That and he still said that nothing can beat Teemo.
I'm just thankful he didn't used Veigar, that is the only champions that has mananged to get a reaction from me since I'm the calm type of player, and don't do rage quits or stuff like that... perhaps that's one of the reason I play with someone like him, because if not, I don't think I would stand him.

Still, thanks for the replies, I haven't bought any champions so, I only have the free ones and Tristana-Alistar.

I'm really bad with Alistar, I've already lost a 1v1 with Tristana, and I just played a match with Caitlyn, and felt like playing more with someone I had just played with than with someone I didn't know.


Re: Ignite, once you get past the mid-game, ignite is more about keeping the 50% healing debuff on a champion to ruin their sustain as you're trying to kill them, as opposed to last hitting/finishing them off like you imply. Since Olaf has a skill that grants him a lot of lifesteal, ignite probably would've been a decent choice of a summoner.

Overall, the 1v1 matchup you describe is heavily in Olaf's favor and you'd need to severely outplay him mechanically to stand a chance given equal farm. Personally, I'd just pick another champ to play against Olaf if this is the case.

Well, that is new for me. I only used ignite to finish off champions, never through you could use ignite for that. Thanks for the heads up!

Well... I think I lasted good enough(for now), he was saying I wouldn't last even 15 minutes...

Which champions (if you can give many options) would you use against Olaf? (or Teemo)

Right now I'm working in my last hitting, I was really really bad in that aspect (I had 20 when all my team had 80 for example), and I more or less in the same level with those of my skill-level. (rookies :p)



I hate when I get a Diamond V toolbag on my team cause he duo-queued with his Silver II friend.

Thinks he is gods gift to LoL. Proceeds to go 16-21-12 with Rengar.

I go 17-5-16 as Ziggs but he is nonstop saying I'm trash and got half my kills from him.

Least the enemy team had my back by several of them saying I was carrying the team.

His name was Ramble by the way. If you get in a game with him ... expect doucheness.


Why would she be the hardest?
Because she's all about kiting and mantaining your range while having very complicated tools to do so (net is single target, slow moving dodgeable skillshot, your "dash" is also pretty slow, the net is kind of unintuitive to aim, traps require time, Q and R bait you into stop moving), and her damage is mostly sustained so she requires more time to kill people than carries like Vayne, Graves or MF and that's just more time to make mistakes in. She also has a terrible mid game phase in which she does almost no damage for whatever reason, so you feel incredibly useless.

I bought MF and I do 10 times better with 10 times less effort. MF has great speed that helps her escape and avoid damage, her slow is instant and AoE, she can burst people up, her early and mid game are incredibly strong, etc.

Also 170-220 ping is not all that bad but it doesn't favor champions like Caitlyn that depend so heavily on timing and positioning.


Because she's all about kiting and mantaining your range while having very complicated tools to do so (net is single target, slow moving dodgeable skillshot, your "dash" is also pretty slow, the net is kind of unintuitive to aim, traps require time, Q and R bait you into stop moving), and her damage is mostly sustained so she requires more time to kill people than carries like Vayne, Graves or MF and that's just more time to make mistakes in. She also has a terrible mid game phase in which she does almost no damage for whatever reason, so you feel incredibly useless.

I bought MF and I do 10 times better with 10 times less effort. MF has great speed that helps her escape and avoid damage, her slow is instant and AoE, she can burst people up, her early and mid game are incredibly strong, etc.

Also 170-220 ping is not all that bad but it doesn't favor champions like Caitlyn that depend so heavily on timing and positioning.

But you're only comparing here against other ADs... not all champions. Say there's a lot more other champions that need better positioning, kiting etc.


He's pretty... close-minded, I was just saying why I felt health would have helped me more than cleanse in that game, and when he felt like I have made some good points he just went all "I would still have won [something I wasn't arguing about], you may be better than me in some other videogames, but you'll never beat me in LoL", and I'm just like... never is a pretty long time, he has been playing since October, and I just started 2 weeks ago.
Your friend sounds like the most bitter ego- centrist ever. Pitting fresh players in full game- length duels (fyi most proper duel- formats are resolved after the first kill) has to be the lowest form of self- gratification anyone can think of.


Well, that is new for me. I only used ignite to finish off champions, never through you could use ignite for that. Thanks for the heads up!

Well... I think I lasted good enough(for now), he was saying I wouldn't last even 15 minutes...

Which champions (if you can give many options) would you use against Olaf? (or Teemo)

Right now I'm working in my last hitting, I was really really bad in that aspect (I had 20 when all my team had 80 for example), and I more or less in the same level with those of my skill-level. (rookies :p)

Err, basically any champ that can thrive in top lane would be okay for 1v1 proving grounds I'd think. The majority of my experience lies in playing SR though, and not in top lane for that matter so I don't really know the counter match-ups for Olaf specifically. I think I'd try to run Kayle/Elise/Jax myself if I were to vs. an Olaf. If you're planning to play the game 5v5 like most people do, any advice given for 1v1 Proving Grounds will more than likely end up as being moot. At best, it'll help you learn your champion mechanically, but offer nothing else for playing the actual game.

Also, since you're new to the game I'd pick/find a champion that you enjoy playing, and focus on learning the ins and outs of that champ and being the best you can be with them. 1v1, Teemo and Olaf can both be beaten with proper knowledge of the timings and abilities of their champions as well as your own.

Your friend sounds like the most bitter ego- centrist ever. Pitting fresh players in full game- length duels (fyi most proper duel- formats are resolved after the first kill) has to be the lowest form of self- gratification anyone can think of.
This too. Usually if you do a 1v1 duel it's to first blood or first tower, whichever happens first. The game is just too snowball-y for a full game of 1v1.


But you're only comparing here against other ADs... not all champions. Say there's a lot more other champions that need better positioning, kiting etc.
Oh, I did that since it's hard to objectively compare champions among different roles. Personally, I've found Orianna to be way easier, Syndra too (even tho prolly one of the hardest mids I've played), etc.

I mean from my experience, taking the 90+ difficulty champions I'd say:
* Cassiopeia - haven't played much, probably even
* Orianna - ori's much easier, not nearly as much micromanagement, though wasting one ult is game over
* Syndra - syndra's probably even, tons of micromanagement, but you can do everything while moving so you can just cast stuff from afar
* Shaco - haven't played him
* Janna - janna's way easier, just a bit of reflexes on her shield and making sure you don't fuck up your ult, that about it
* LeBlanc - about even since it takes a lot to make her work she's really bad IMO
* Twisted Fate - tf's easier, but still hard, good ults are hard to pull off but it took me like three matches to get sort of reliable at picking cards

I'm not gonna lie, I don't like ad carries all that much and I'm pretty bad at playing them, but I have no problems with Ezreal or Graves or MF. I tried Twitch, Kog'Maw and still did better.


Caitlyn is the easiest ADC to play in the game imo.

You just sound like you need to play her more.
No way, MF must be next to Taric like the easiest champion in the game.

Really I've played about 15-20 matches with Cailtyn, I did really good on my first few but then her lack of burst became a huge problem because people would just run jump me if I had no dedicated peel, and positioning is just a lot more punishing with her than other champions for that reason.


Deadly Paw said:
That and he still said that nothing can beat Teemo.

Teemo tends to be very strong against people who are newer to the game, since it's easy to exploit new players with any combination of blinding, kiting, and poisoning them.

However, Teemo has his fair share of weaknesses. Champions that can close a gap, burst quickly, and do high damage through abilities will have less trouble. Jayce, Pantheon, maybe Talon? Most ranged casters can also unload spell damage a lot faster than Teemo, and some can stun him. What I want to emphasize is: no champion is unbeatable or without weakness.

Deadly Paw said:
I'm just thankful he didn't used Veigar, that is the only champions that has mananged to get a reaction from me since I'm the calm type of player, and don't do rage quits or stuff like that... perhaps that's one of the reason I play with someone like him, because if not, I don't think I would stand him.

Cleanse can make it very hard for Veigar to do damage, especially if you aren't an AP carry. If you get stuck by the edge of the circle, cleanse to get out quickly. Flash can help too if cleanse is down, depending on how fast your enemy is with his key-pressing fingers. If you are in the middle of the circle, you can move until you touch an edge. This gives you a little room to dodge his meteor. Once his spells are on cooldown, he can't do any damage for a few seconds so it's your turn to unload on him.

Caitlyn is the easiest ADC to play in the game imo.

You just sound like you need to play her more.

Other ADCs can unload huge burst if their support stuns you. It's why the Taric/Graves combo is so feared. Caitlyn has to get her positioning just right and constantly poke to get the same damage. Sure, she has range and some ok escape tools, but I wouldn't say she's the easiest. Not by a long shot.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Caitlyn is the easiest AD carry in the game and her utility and incredible range are incredibly forgiving.


Not by a long shot.


Caitlyn is one of the easier ADCs but she has one of the worst straight up kill potentials in lanes. Most other ADCs just have better bursts.

...but that's not really why/how you play Caitlyn/ADC anyway so it's not that big of a deal really.



Caitlyn is one of the easier ADCs but she has one of the worst straight up kill potentials in lanes. Most other ADCs just have better bursts.

...but that's not really why/how you play Caitlyn/ADC anyway so it's not that big of a deal really.

Yeah, I'll agree with that.


No way, MF must be next to Taric like the easiest champion in the game.

Really I've played about 15-20 matches with Cailtyn, I did really good on my first few but then her lack of burst became a huge problem because people would just run jump me if I had no dedicated peel, and positioning is just a lot more punishing with her than other champions for that reason.

Ok I mispoke.

Instead of easiest ... I will say safest.
Dear Cait, I don't care if you're playing with 600ms the entire match. We warded top lane for you so you can safely farm. You do not "need blue to farm" so don't even ask for it or try to steal it from me when I'm taking it. The team needs that for me so I can carry harder.

Love, 20/4 hyperfed Kass with bought a full Mejai to carry the team in what is essentially a 4v5, going home only to refill mana.

Cait still had the balls to call the enemy team weak immediately after we won.


Cait is the safest, but because you have to abuse every auto opportunity, the most mechanically demanding in lane

haha it's more that I inadvertently took a break whilst playing Fire Emblem, and now I'm looking forward to playing SC2 (when it comes out), MTGO (Damn you boken) and more Fire Emblem over more LoL currently.

Whats your MTGO name ; D

also, botrk hotfixes inc. woot.


I’m hopping in this thread because there is a lot of positive discussion is going on and I wanted to give you guys a heads up as to what is happening with the item. We will be hotfixing this item and I want to give some heads up as to our changes and why.

The item is too cost effective.
We’ll be increasing the cost a bit and we’re shaving a few points off of the AD when you upgrade the item. BotRK is geared towards attack speed and making these changes helps bring it in line and keeps its intended purpose while keeping the unique elements of the item intact and powerful.
As yashinihao mentions earlier this thread a lot of high tier items are cost effective. This inherently isn’t a bad thing but in this case in particular due to the power of the unique effects we really want to keep the power of the item into its unique elements and not be just about the stat efficiency so we’re lowering the cost effectiveness overall a bit. It is currently too effective compared to comparable choices.

The active heal will apply post-mitigation instead of pre-mitigation.
Currently Armor is the proper counter to this item and although many players have not made the transition to purchasing armor items we feel the active heal is too strong atm. This may not be the most elegant change to the problem as it does make the heal more effective against low armored targets instead of tanks and fighters due to their substantially higher armor values. We will however, continue to assess and test different approaches but we did not want to ignore this issue in the short term.

We're reducing the damage cap of the item versus minions.
This item’s identity is that of a counter to high health enemies, currently it is providing far too much power in securing global objectives (baron, dragon, spider boss) and almost trivializing these objectives. By reducing this element of the item we can focus on its core power as an item meant to counter high health enemies."
Tentative Bjork nerfs.

Kinda ridiculous they had to hotfix it, but at least they're on the case.


also, botrk hotfixes inc. woot.

Wonder what they're doing to it. Probably nerfing the attack speed.

That item was a good item for my favorite junglers. Now its a good item for everyone. When they are done it'll probably be unseen.:(

Edit: OK. Saw the above post. Guess they are nerfing the lifesteal against minions,shaving some ad and raising the cost. That'll definitely make it less attractive. Especially to my junglers :(
^They're nerfing the cost, base AD and making the active's heal be based after armor mitigation.

I think they're nerfing it the right way. Item is supposed to counter HP stackers, not give great AD for ADCs too. It's also really darn cheap for all its stats.


^They're nerfing the cost, base AD and making the active's heal be based after armor mitigation.

I think they're nerfing it the right way. Item is supposed to counter HP stackers, not give great AD for ADCs too. It's also really darn cheap for all its stats.

I just don't know why they put so much attack speed on it. They should have just left it alone and maybe toned down the passive heal just a bit.


I just don't know why they put so much attack speed on it. They should have just left it alone and maybe toned down the passive heal just a bit.
Maybe as a counter to randuin's? You get debuffed, so you debuff them for the duration of your own debuff and everybody's useless for a couple seconds.
Is it worth getting a second Warmog's on Mundo? Or would it be better to save up and get something like a Frozen Mallet?
Yeah, you should probably some other HP item. Mallet, Sunfire, Bulwark, Randuin... anything really. Extra Warmogs isn't really awful but you'll have better choices.
yea, again.

right as i get out of a horrible normal draft match where a really self-confident and talkative Alistair proceeded to lose bot lane horribly with a Quinn, and then complain about how I picked Kassadin vs Khazix (I did fine, even if it isn't easy). They fed Varus 6 kills, I had to babysit bot and came out of lane 5/1/1. He also kept pinging all game. End game I'm 10/4/7 with only positive record and Alistar is still complaining and constantly pinging. Fucking retards like these kill my desire to continue.


Decided to jump in LOL after months of not playing...

logged on and HOLY CRAP 33 minute WAIT TIME
I am 20 THOUSAND spots behind! wtf?



Tragic victim of fan death
Any tips for getting in to LoL as a Dota 2 player? I've sunk a solid 400 hours into the latter and want a bit of break.

Welcome. I think if you have core mechanics down from DOTA2 then you're on a good start. It's just a matter of learning what the items do, what to build on each champ, knowing match ups, and learning the champs. Just get used to the flow of the game for starters.


Any tips for getting in to LoL as a Dota 2 player? I've sunk a solid 400 hours into the latter and want a bit of break.

Don't play against bots. Don't think that higher level games will be the same as your games when you under level 30. Use the time between level 1-30 to learn the meta and adapt to it.

You'll transition into Lol easily if you understood dota well.


Neo Member
yea, again.

right as i get out of a horrible normal draft match where a really self-confident and talkative Alistair proceeded to lose bot lane horribly with a Quinn, and then complain about how I picked Kassadin vs Khazix (I did fine, even if it isn't easy). They fed Varus 6 kills, I had to babysit bot and came out of lane 5/1/1. He also kept pinging all game. End game I'm 10/4/7 with only positive record and Alistar is still complaining and constantly pinging. Fucking retards like these kill my desire to continue.

Turn them into a bot.

Seriously, the game became so much better after I discovered and started liberally using the mute feature.


Turn them into a bot.

Seriously, the game became so much better after I discovered and started liberally using the mute feature.

I have over 100people on my mute list i think. All from the last 3 weeks of ranked play.

Past 2-3 years of playing, i only had like 4 people on my ignore list before the past 3 weeks. Ranked is so damn full of assholes.


What champion's ult would be the most broken if it was on a CD 50% of what it currently is?

Does Alaki count? She'd murder everything, always and forever (and I'd still be terrible with her).

I was planning on practicing her tonight (If I can figure out Fizz I should be able to learn her too), then I saw the 33 min queue. I guess I'll work on my Fire Emblem spotpass team instead.


BOTRK nerf is here

Blade of the Ruined King
Item Cost: 3200 (from 2850, ouch)
Recipe Cost: 1000 (from 650)
+25 Attack Damage (from 30)
+40% Attack Speed
+15% Life Steal

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 5% of the target's current Health in bonus physical damage (max 60 (from 90) vs. monsters and minions) on hit.
UNIQUE Active: Deals 15% of target champion's maximum Health (min. 100) as physical damage, heals for the same amount, and steals 30% of the target's Movement Speed for 4 seconds (60 second cooldown).
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