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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Also carries will buy magic/armor penetration to counter your armor (and Void Staff/Last Whisper are about 1k cheaper than Liandrys/New Bjork) so yeah, health is the easy way. It also makes you stronger against both damage types, so it's never a bad idea to buy a giant belt.

Still, if you're tanking you should also buy armor/mr to make your health more efficient.


Man did I ever abuse a Katarina as Diana mid last night.

Probably the most evil fun I've had mid in a while.

Everytime she tried to pop off a ult in a teamfight she promptly was moonfalled. Was hilarious.

I also got fed and ping ponged around their team in fights often getting at least a triple kill.

And then in another game .... good fucking god .... mid against AP Yi.

He HAS to be my one most hated champion to see on the opposing side of the lane. Granted I picked Swain second and he picked Yi last .... but there was just 0 fun to be had. One time he just popped off his heal as Olaf and I were beating on him when he was rooted ... then the heal stopped and he popped his ult and ran away spamming CTRL - 4 ... felt fucking bad.
Two losses in a row. Fed in both. Sometimes this game makes me feel like I'm the worst player in every match...

EDIT: Ah well, practice makes perfect.
The new pings are nice but at least for now people use them way too much. I guess because they're still new.

Before no one would call MIA, now everyone pings MIA the moment someone disappears from view for half a second.


I'm still just using G and V. When I have a moment to think I'm trying to remember to use the new ones. In time they'll be second nature and very valuable.

I also don't recognize any of them by sound yet which will come in handy.


The new pings are nice but at least for now people use them way too much. I guess because they're still new.

Before no one would call MIA, now everyone pings MIA the moment someone disappears from view for half a second.
The thing about MIA is that people call it to save face in case anyone gets ganked. I got tired of people saying Y U NO CALL MIAA U FUCKER LUCKER!! after they got wrecked by the enemy AP carry going bot straight from base after I killed him, so now I just call MIAs until people stop paying attention to them and I can say FUCK YOU TOO BITCH.

Ahhh, the LoL community...


Not sure why you'd be getting an IE on Talon to begin with. Bloodthirster works better for him.

BotRK also gives you an extra 15% MaxHP burst which helps him assassinate (and getting the fuck out) so it's not really that bad of a choice.

I thought BT might be redundant since I was going BOTRK, so I was trying out IE. Should I go Brutalizer -> BT -> Cleaver -> BOtRK?


I thought BT might be redundant since I was going BOTRK, so I was trying out IE. Should I go Brutalizer -> BT -> Cleaver -> BOtRK?

BT is still the highest attack damage for the money and Talon scales pretty well with AD. I don't think his abilities can crit but he definitely doesn't auto often for damage so the higher AD makes a bigger difference in his burst damage than the crit chance, especially for a lower cost.

I'd throw a last whisper before Cleaver in that list, but other than that, sure.


So where does the hotfix leave Bjork now? How does life steal stack?

I feel doing BT->Bjork might be good on Graves, instead of SS/PD.


Yes, mia is mostly to give you a chat log excuse when someone tries to blame you for dying, but you have to make sure you have timestamps turned on too since they will claim you called it 5 seconds before the gank and you'll have to calculate the differences to try to prove them wrong.

Also I feel like normal pings to target enemies are super laggy now for some reason, like 500-1000 ms laggy. I asked ingame and apparently I'm not the only one?


Ok, I think Nidalee's gonna be my new top. Her new default splash art is badass, you can build her whatever which I find to be pretty fun, and I'm probably gonna end up playing her mid anyways lol.

I really want to get some of them double penetration red runes too, but they're so freaking expensive :/

Also I feel like normal pings to target enemies are super laggy now for some reason, like 500-1000 ms laggy. I asked ingame and apparently I'm not the only one?
First time I hear about it, but I play at 200 ping so maybe I just don't notice it?


So after playing a ton of Quinn top, I've decided she's really good in lane but then she seems pretty weak late game. Really fun to play though.


Warmogs are the cancer killing LOL. All games are ultimately reduced to "the team with more tanks wins". AP champs are all worthless late game. ADCs get THORNMAIL'D mercilessly. There is just no way for a team with just one tank to beat a team that has 3 or more tanky champions.


BT is still the highest attack damage for the money and Talon scales pretty well with AD. I don't think his abilities can crit but he definitely doesn't auto often for damage so the higher AD makes a bigger difference in his burst damage than the crit chance, especially for a lower cost.

I'd throw a last whisper before Cleaver in that list, but other than that, sure.

Hmmm but Talon does auto a lot, seeing as how my Q gives me bonus damage to my next auto attack. Can I crit off of that bonus AD?

I still think I'm going to keep the BOTRK in my build because the active is really good for assassinating. LW usualyl comes last for me though, unless people build armor really quickly. The top guide on solomid said Cleaver is awesome with Talon..
Warmogs are the cancer killing LOL. All games are ultimately reduced to "the team with more tanks wins".

That's not always true. There's still CC to consider, and the damage obviously isn't insignificant either.

In fact, solo queue can also devolve into "the team with more AOE teamfighting and disables wins". (e.g. Amumu + Viktor or something like that).


Was just subjected to a humiliating loss in Dom on my lvl 25 alt acct. The other team had imaqtpie. We got rolled. I didn't even take a picture.

Edit: Guess he was playing with a lvl24 (lady)friend Lisha.



Zed was so mad all match long for whatever reason, he kept calling me cunt and tryhard and stuff like that.

I dunno why lol, but at least it gave me the satisfaction of making someone mad :D


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well they had no support, so I think an inevitable loss is probably what they expected.


I finally understand why I dislike Quinn now. That bloody auto attack animation

Reminds me of old morgana's auto attacks. Attack moving is so damn hard at early levels.


I personally find that she has a really fluid auto-attack animation so eh.

And it was IronStylus who mentioned that she had a really fulfilling auto-attack due to the passive, not so much the animation.
Really having trouble determining the amount of burst damage I do with Riven. It gets really strange when I EWQR and then they run back with low health.


My god, jungle taric is so beastly. Build some cdr and noone gets away from ganks.

Just build aura items and bam, you have a never dying tank who can peel by stunning every 6 seconds for mid game.

Wish i could put up a screenshot but nope, client is screwed up.
Yea I just won a 3v1 Ranked game and got +1 LP for it, was great. We almost surrendered when our two teammates DC'd. Then we realized that the only person on their team we were seeing was their Rumble, so we pushed to win. Also:


The sweet, sweet taste of winning 6 ranked games in a row only to gain a total of +10 LP. I'm now 8-1 as WW this season, like a boss.


Yea I just won a 3v1 Ranked game and got +1 LP for it, was great. We almost surrendered when our two teammates DC'd. Then we realized that the only person on their team we were seeing was their Rumble, so we pushed to win. Also:


The sweet, sweet taste of winning 6 ranked games in a row only to gain a total of +10 LP. I'm now 8-1 as WW this season, like a boss.
lol that's hilarious.
The server down thing was hilarious last game. We were losing all early game, but had a great AOE team comp (AOE owns pubs indeed) so I was pretty confident about late game. I was Leona, my friend was jungling Amumu and we had Ryze/Olaf/Vayne to round it out. We mount a great comeback thanks to Ryze great DPS and Amu and I locking down the shit out of their whole team. Then Ryze disconnects after we kill two inhibitors.

I'm like FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK we worked so hard for this fucking win. And they were still definitely in the game. Then we see poor Anivia just running around their base trying to handle super minions and Eve helping her. We came in and took out the respawning inhib. Still see them running around. We fight them a little and kill1 then go back due to low health from diving nexus towers. Still see them running around after respawn. No sign of other 3 teammates of theirs. Finally right as we are running down to finish off them and their nexus all three of the other enemies quit game in quick succession due to DC.

Felt glorious.


Tried Karthus today.

Got wrecked, wasted ults out of FUCK I CANT DEFEND MYSELF MUST SPAM ATTACKS and was mostly bored.

Not my style.

Bought Nidalee tho. I'm guessing she'll be my new top, or maybe I'll play her mid so I can get blue buff.
Tried Karthus today.

Got wrecked, wasted ults out of FUCK I CANT DEFEND MYSELF MUST SPAM ATTACKS and was mostly bored.

Not my style.

Bought Nidalee tho. I'm guessing she'll be my new top, or maybe I'll play her mid so I can get blue buff.

Karthus is best champion ever. Carries bad teams like no other hero, best part is he carries even if they focus you first


How to play Karthus

1. Farm farm farm.
2. Press R a few times.
3. In team fights, flash in and make everything hurt. Maybe press R.
4 Take free LP.
5. Press R.


Just stand really still and they'll think you're in your passive already and ignore you.

who the hell ignores karthus

It's more like:


Kill karthus.

Stand in defile.

Lose fight.

One team mates says: I think we should have backed off after killing karthus

Rest of team: yeah

Repeat until lose (or win if enemy karthus gets caught.)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kayos has a hernia whenever you pick it

he just doesnt get it
I'll pick it back up more soon. Nami phase is kind of over.

Good game to anyone on my team last game. It was like Grace, Panda, RGB(?). Such a long game that my client crashed after it was over.
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