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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Played some Zyra and Diana last night. Both were fun, Diana can make you feel pretty godlike. Zyra I am very interested in spending more time with. She has a great toolset but I don't have it down yet. I bought dragon lady on sale but haven't tried her yet.
Played some Zyra and Diana last night. Both were fun, Diana can make you feel pretty godlike. Zyra I am very interested in spending more time with. She has a great toolset but I don't have it down yet. I bought dragon lady on sale but haven't tried her yet.

I'm not really a fan of mid lane Zyra. Try her as a support, great fun.

I love Diana, especially jungling her.


New Bjork is a godsend for carries, really, those seconds you get from the slow can really save your life if your teammates are shit at peeling (mine are).

I kinda not want to build it with MF since I really like doing BT-BC-PD but I'm guessing it won't be so bad, since MF already has a ton of AS from her W (I'm pushing back/taking out PD).

I gotta also try Frozen Mallet too.

Playing ADC right now is atrocious.
What's your skill order? I can't decide between vault for single target burst or Q as a more general harass. Any other tips? I've been thinking of playing Quinn on a more regular basis instead of Vayne for some of my ADC picks.

I max Q first, at max rank it's a 7 second cooldown that does 230 damage plus 0.65 of your AD, as opposed to Vault which is at an 8 second cooldown at max rank and does 160 damage plus 0.2 of your AD. Vault does a lot less damage. Also the more you can blind the easier it is to win duels.

Most of the tips I'd give are pretty similar to most ADCs; don't initiate, despite how much you might want to with Vault. She has (I think) the shortest range of all ADCs, or it's at least tied with a few, so you're putting yourself in dangerous territory.

Valor is immensely fucking strong and no ADC can out duel her when you use her ult (and very few could even do it when she doesn't have her ult because of the blind).

She scales super well with attack speed, so you don't need a whole lot of attack speed items. Get a damage item first because it scales so well with her passive that you'll just faceroll anyone in lane, then get some attack speed so you just pump out the damage. Bloodthirster into Blade of the Ruined King works.

Don't be afraid to use Valor in a sticky situation. He gains a massive attack speed boost and since Blade of the Ruined King and Bloodthirster together will give you about 27% - 33% life steal, you'll probably heal as much damage as people do to you, realistically.

She is super snowbally, especially in the mid game, so if you're ahead snowball as much as you can so you're unbeatable late game.
lol that TF was broke as fuck

Oh I terrorised the poor bastard in lane. Every time our Janna landed a whirlwind or even a slow I would blind him, vault into him and get the harrier shot off. He couldn't even cs.

A few times he tried some really awful desperation teleport ults to try and kill me too. Like I would have about 200 health or something and he would teleport in and I'd still kill him because of how fed I was.

Their Zyra was doing ok in mid too, but she tried to gank me and I killed her every time.


Oh I terrorised the poor bastard in lane. Every time our Janna landed a whirlwind or even a slow I would blind him, vault into him and get the harrier shot off. He couldn't even cs.

A few times he tried some really awful desperation teleport ults to try and kill me too. Like I would have about 200 health or something and he would teleport in and I'd still kill him because of how fed I was.

Their Zyra was doing ok in mid too, but she tried to gank me and I killed her every time.
Still those are pretty bad picks to go mid and adc. You use your ult as TF and you support gets wrecked and Zyra has pretty weak base damages for laning unless you always combo them up with seeds.

And yeah, TF into someone with a blind is game over for him.
Make sure there's kill potential before you gank, you always gotta weight the cs you'll miss versus the kill/assists you might get. If your friendly lanes are pushed you're maybe better off doing wraiths unless you're planning on diving with the help of your jungler.

It's always a good idea to time your ganks with your jungler's, it makes your ganks all the more deadlier and profitable, since the gold's better split among the team. If you can do a four man dive bot and get a couple kills you might be able to get a tower or dragon, same thing top.

So basically pay attention to the map, make sure you don't waste your time on lanes that don't bother setting up the gank by letting themselves get pushed or alert you about wards because otherwise farming won't do you any wrong.


Thank you.


DotA2 has a $35 dollar hat item

basically new hair for Lina + ONE spell particle change


cherish your steel legion luxes


DotA2 has a $35 dollar hat item

basically new hair for Lina + ONE spell particle change


cherish your steel legion luxes

Heck yeah. For 35 bucks we get pulse fire ezreal :) its not just a skin, its a theme!

Too bad we cant trade our cosmetic items though


Lux is all fun and games until I have to fight another Lux. :(
Waddya talking about? She's always fun, always.

Besides, there's nothing more awesome than killing a Lux with your laser as she's firing hers.

DotA2 has a $35 dollar hat item

basically new hair for Lina + ONE spell particle change


cherish your steel legion luxes
Yeah, new 975rp skins really put old ones to shame.

And yeah Valve is really scammy on those things.
That blew. Got placed into bronze II. I won three straight to get to promo series. I learned I should always play who I want to if I'm positioned ahead. Let someone jungle and he never ganked; Lost the first promo game, then jungled and carried the second, and lost the last with a crappy gold on my team. I'd much rather have two silver 1-2 than 1 gold like the other team had.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What would you build on Kennen exactly? Pretty much the perfect build.
Wota rushed too soon. Liandry's is not neccesary on Kennen, especially against that team. How can you even think you have a perfect build without Deathcap or Rylai's?
Wota rushed too soon. Liandry's is not neccesary on Kennen, especially against that team. How can you even think you have a perfect build without Deathcap or Rylai's?

I didn't rush Will, I rushed Seeker's Armguard as I was against Jayce. Haunting Guise gives a bit of HP, and spell pen which is incredibly good on Ken. Since I was top instead of mid, I went for a bit of tankiness, Rylai's would have been my last item.

Edit: I've been playing Kennen constantly since he was released, in general going squishy Kennen is not a good idea.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I didn't rush Will, I rushed Seeker's Armguard as I was against Jayce.
Wota before key items is pointless. Why prioritize spell vamp when your AP is super low with that build and you won't get good returns on it? You get higher returns off Deathcap + Revolver.
Haunting Guise gives a bit of HP, and spell pen which is incredibly good on Ken. Since I was top instead of mid, I went for a bit of tankiness, Rylai's would have been my last item.
Spell Pen is only good if it brings AP with it. Haunting Guise isn't terrible on Kennen, but Lyandri's is simply too big of a gold sink. The passive on it isn't worthwhile to Kennen in most situations.
Edit: I've been playing Kennen constantly since he was released, in general going squishy Kennen is not a good idea.
I don't think you conceptually understand Kennen. He builds into enough tankiness while prioritizing AP which gives him survivability. As long as you are timing your Zhonya's properly tankiness should be a non-issue, and saying Lyandri's makes you tanky is kind of a joke. Not building Deathcap on Kennen is silly.
I didn't rush Will, I rushed Seeker's Armguard as I was against Jayce. Haunting Guise gives a bit of HP, and spell pen which is incredibly good on Ken. Since I was top instead of mid, I went for a bit of tankiness, Rylai's would have been my last item.

Edit: I've been playing Kennen constantly since he was released, in general going squishy Kennen is not a good idea.
Haunting Guise is one thing, but it doesn't help you that much to upgrade to Liandry's. Same goes for the Revolver and WotA. The reason it seems like you rushed them is because you upgraded them before you bought Deathcap and Rylai's.


to be fair, any lane as lux is a skill dependent matchup.

I mean you can play lux but until you can Q-E-R within a second and hit everything, you aren't playing the "free win lux".
Yeah what I mean is that Kayle can ult your combo up but as Lux you can abuse your range and that's about it (it's what I do :p).
Liandry's, Rhabadon's, and rylais are nearly required on all AP characters. The damage is just stupid plus defense and turns all your abilities slow.

Also somebody has datamined the items for JAC and Lissandra. A tanky ap jungler and traditional ap mid from the item builds.


the Zaun Amorphous Combatant (ZAC) seems like an AP jungle yordle

His recommended items:

1039 Hunter's Machete
2003 Health Potion [5]

3117 Boots of Mobility
3065 Spirit Visage
1080 Spirit Stone

3116 Rylai's Crystal Scepter
3206 Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
3001 Stinger

3105 Aegis of the Legion
3083 Warmog's Armor
3068 Sunfire Cape
3207 Spirit of the Ancient Golem

2003 Health Potion
2044 Sight Ward

so he seems like a tanky AP on hit jungle yordle

Lissandra will probably come after him - some AP ice mage
Haunting Guise is one thing, but it doesn't help you that much to upgrade to Liandry's. Same goes for the Revolver and WotA. The reason it seems like you rushed them is because you upgraded them before you bought Deathcap and Rylai's.

Our team was sieging pretty constantly that game, which is why the WotA helped. I can understand the Liandry's thing, but that was literally something I bought as the game ended.


Sigh just played with the worst support ever. Catch enemy taric warding our jungle early. I tell him to ward at choke point. He doesn't do it. We see enemy Shaco invading, our team does nothing about it. Sona fails to ward tribush after knowing Shaco is in our jungle. Proceeds to get gank and die. She then proceeds to let us get zoned all day in lane and continues to die whenever going too far out to ward in river. A bad support can totally ruin an adc.


Sigh just played with the worst support ever. Catch enemy taric warding our jungle early. I tell him to ward at choke point. He doesn't do it. We see enemy Shaco invading, our team does nothing about it. Sona fails to ward tribush after knowing Shaco is in our jungle. Proceeds to get gank and die. She then proceeds to let us get zoned all day in lane and continues to die whenever going too far out to ward in river. A bad support can totally ruin an adc.

I know that feel. Made me quit playing adc all up after a couple of bad solo queue games.

Never thought I would hate a role that i've been playing exclusively for over 1.5years after only 6 bad ranked games in a row. (gold elo at the time)

I'm gradually coming back into playing adc but i prefer supporting most of the time because it's a lot easier to get a bad adc fed than trying to struggle through laning while your support does absolutely nothing for you.
He isn't a yordle.... he is an ooze monster and the stinger was an error. Was supposed to be abyssal sceptor.

The diary notes say that. And ZAC stands for Zaunian Amorphous Combatician.

So yes an ooze monster. You can see a baby him in the Mac release video in Caitlyn's trap.


He isn't a yordle.... he is an ooze monster and the stinger was an error. Was supposed to be abyssal sceptor.

The diary notes say that. And ZAC stands for Zaunian Amorphous Combatician.

So yes an ooze monster. You can see a baby him in the Mac release video in Caitlyn's trap.

Not a goo girl? so sad...
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