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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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It was when they changed Tryndamere's Heal to no longer have a cast animation. Xypherous (I think?) noted that AP Trynd might become an issue with it being a huge heal that bypasses his Fury mechanic.

To be fair, Nashor's becoming a viable item for him (along with a few other AP item changes) is what really helped him along. But, as far as his Heal is concerned, it's been that way for quite some time now.


well yeah its been like that for years even

if they seriously thought itd be a problem they shouldve premptively fixed it with their sustain hate

Copenhagen Wolves confirmed to always start with boots.


Uh i think calling it an exploit is kinda stretching it.

an exploit is taking advantage of an unintended component of a game

the AP ratio was very much intended by Riot, they just never foresaw the way people could use it
They pretty much destroyed AP Trynda the next patch after it became popular, my bet is that it was unintended to be this ridiculous.

@zky - whats your ping to BR server?
I dunno, probably about 40. I can't speak portuguese so I'd rather play with americans tho.

I think you're exaggerating. Every single champion Frost picked is super strong right now. They got Elise/Lux/Shen/Lulu/Twitch all on the same team. You gotta fight fire with fire. For all the gold Ez picked up he was almost useless, and M made some really poor calls that had them reaching too far on grabbing inhibs.
Super strong and downright broken are two different things, though.

AP Trynda does nothing except pushing his lane. It's super boring to watch, that's all I'm saying.

Millenium's comp was interesting and the match was fun, I just hate seeing that dude heal himself for like 500 health every two seconds.

edit: apparently mediafire didn't appreciate my "humor" of naming the file lol porn.rar so uploading again....


AP Tryndamere is a such an idiotic exploit, I really wish Riot would've hotfixed him for watchers' sake.
How is it an exploit to use the ability scaling Riot put in, in the first place? And what's wrong with watching that? I would think it would be FUN to watch. But I guess if it's just split pushing I could see how some might find it boring. I like when there are opportunities for different champion builds, or even changing the meta if Riot permits it.

On an unrelated note, if anyone likes anatomy and splash art, here are some female splash arts, but with Tryndamere:



How is it an exploit to use the ability scaling Riot put in, in the first place? And what's wrong with watching that? I would think it would be FUN to watch. But I guess if it's just split pushing I could see how some might find it boring. I like when there are opportunities for different champion builds, or even changing the meta if Riot permits it.
Maybe I'm alone in this, but AP Trynda is the single most boring build in the game. Sure, it was funny and goofy when we found out about it, but seriously it's the guy spinning to push the lane, then he annoys whoever goes clear it until he gets Trynda low on HP, so he heals like half his health then spins to safety, wanders about for a couple seconds looking for something to do (there's nothing for AP Trynda to do, he's useless at everything else) until he realizes it's time to go shove the lane back.

Shen at least involves the real action of maybe fighting him or having his team force a 4v5 fight at baron using his ult or something.

I have an absolute hate for champions that make the game boring :)

Sexy trynda is kind of awesome tho
So I decided to have a few relaxing games tonight. Didn't go well.

First game we had two trolls on our team, a Nunu and Shen who decided they were going bot, forced Ashe top and I had to jungle without smite. They just trolled and fed the whole game.

Second game I had to 2 v 1 against an Olaf and full ADC Xin and we had an afk jungler.

Third game I decided to play ADC and we had 2 afks, our mid Brand and my support Lux. I had to go against a Twitch + Hecarim bot and our Jax was 2 v 1 against another full ADC Xin and an AP Trynd. Lux came back after about 15 mins, and proceeded to go 1/7, our Brand came back at 20 minutes and just immediately got 2 shotted by their Xerath every time he came out of base.

This game man. Loved it last night, shit luck today.


I've seriously won like 90% of the ranked games I've played in the last week or so. And I've played like 20-30 games. I don't know what's going on, I can't seem to lose. I've won straight up 4v5 or games where I've fed and fucked up my build, doesn't seem to matter, I win anyway. This world is so strange.

Edit: Also, people have less meltdowns in my games as well. It's like I'm playing in an alternative dimension!


But then I played Nocturne again for the first time in ages and it was k.


I love Nocturne. He's my number 1 jungler by far.

My favorite build with him right now is early BotRK, bezerker greaves then spirit of the ancient golem. At that point you have good lifesteal, an active slow, huge attack speed and some good tenacity and tankiness. If the game is still going I'll get warmogs, randuins or hexdrinker depending on the situation. I want to try spirit visage against a magic heavy team as well. It should synergize with the botrk pretty well but there's rarely that much AP on a team these days.


so i've started to notice that once you get a shitty game...you just keep on getting shitty games. I'm not sure what's up, but once I get hit by a game with really shit people doing shit things, the next 2 are almost guaranteed to be the same

took a break, come back an hour later and i get fine people again

is this just luck or is matchmaking just weird?


Junior Member
OHAI GUYS! I'm totally still alive... Just job/school/apartment-less for a bit. But it's cool, whatever doesn't kill us makes us jaded and bitter, right?!

It'll be another week before I can grace the LoL chat and mumble with poor plays and empty threats once again. <3 So what have I missed since Thresh? A little recap would be nice!

PS: My friend and fellow LoLer Stakenborg has been playing some games here and there with GAF for a while, but for some reason his demand to join our lovely forum got denied. Can someone in here who is also a moderator please revise that? Kthxbye


so i've started to notice that once you get a shitty game...you just keep on getting shitty games. I'm not sure what's up, but once I get hit by a game with really shit people doing shit things, the next 2 are almost guaranteed to be the same

took a break, come back an hour later and i get fine people again

is this just luck or is matchmaking just weird?
It's luck.

Sometimes you get bad streaks.

Best medicine is to play something else for a couple days, then get your groovy music on and then win like a mean mofo.


OHAI GUYS! I'm totally still alive... Just job/school/apartment-less for a bit. But it's cool, whatever doesn't kill us makes us jaded and bitter, right?!

It'll be another week before I can grace the LoL chat and mumble with poor plays and empty threats once again. <3 So what have I missed since Thresh? A little recap would be nice!

PS: My friend and fellow LoLer Stakenborg has been playing some games here and there with GAF for a while, but for some reason his demand to join our lovely forum got denied. Can someone in here who is also a moderator please revise that? Kthxbye
Good to see you around again. The only thing I know of that gets account requests denied is using a free email address...usually people have to have a school address.


Hey guys, after a flawless D1 two days ago trying this thing out (I can see where the addiction comes from), the regional server (Garena) has started farting and disconnecting me every 30 seconds yesterday and today. It's hideously unplayably bad.

Seeing as how you're all on NA anyway, should I just make a new account there? I get a 150-200 ping.


Didn't expect to see another Garena player. What region are you playing in, and what country?

I'm Singaporean, but I'm in Johor for a few months. My D1 games were spot-on perfect, <50ms ping, lag-free, I'd often load first ahead of players in Singapore etc. Dunno what happened after that.

It's not overcrowding on my pipe, I'm certain, because there are only 3 of us in the house and I'm the only one who hogs the connection. No one else runs P2P or streams or anything.


Just had a Shyvanna go AP runes to try her out, then ragequit after getting killed by double golems.

Yup, some should go to jail for what they do in LoL.


Oh wow, you guys weren't kidding about your NA queue! Truly hilarious first game, but my teammates decided that their Rize feeding (0/11/0) had to be outmatched (0/15/0) and that we should DC to make it a 5v4 to boot.

Not disheartened yet, though. It's at least playable connection-wise compared to Garena. Things improve at higher ELOs, ya?


Oh wow, you guys weren't kidding about your NA queue! Truly hilarious first game, but my teammates decided that their Rize feeding (0/11/0) had to be outmatched (0/15/0) and that we should DC to make it a 5v4 to boot.

Not disheartened yet, though. It's at least playable connection-wise compared to Garena. Things improve at higher ELOs, ya?

youre like, lvl 2 :/

dont listen to ken hes like ultra copper tin elo



No but sometimes yes but goes to no quite quickly then yes sometimes and back to no but there isn't a clear yes in some cases but yeah no, there aren't any yes or no questions that end with a maybe so i don't know if i can yes or say no sometimes i just need to so im going to say sometimes yes but no


Ahh hell, ate the multi-disconnects on NA too.

Still, the ratio of playable:not is still far better than Garena, and I get to speak English (of a kind) with people. Will stick with it!
boken explain this ignite on support meta please

I thought it was edward only doing it, but now everyone is

It allows the ADC to take a more defensive summoner spell, like barrier or cleanse or something as well as flash, but ensures the damage is still there.


Blaze too stronk. I dislike Jarrett Cale.


boken explain this ignite on support meta please

I thought it was edward only doing it, but now everyone is

ign beats cleanse/exh/barrier/heal in lane so you have to have it for lane

while ur adc can get exh for league of assasins or barrier/cleanse
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