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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Because there's nothing else to talk about without a new champion announced:

In the meantime, here’s a quick overview of the two primary minimap incidents we’ve been reviewing:

TSM/Azubu game

Azubu Frost had a microphone issue that didn’t allow them to communicate during the opening of the game. As a result, the game was paused.
It was noticed that both teams had players that were shifting their bodies during the pause. Blanket warnings were issued to both Azubu Frost & TSM.
Referees decided to issue a restart, as a) Reginald & Chaox had concerns about screen looking and b) Azubu’s communications disadvantage could reasonably be interpreted as requiring a restart under tournament rules.
No further incidents of screen-looking were witnessed during this match.

Team WE/CLG.eu game

A player from Team WE was not facing forward for a moment during the 3rd and final restarted game before we wrapped for the night.
We’ve reviewed the existing footage and firsthand accounts from our referees, and we believe the player’s head turn may have been in response to a loud vuvuzela and crowd cheering. We haven’t found conclusive evidence either way and are continuing to investigate.



With her W, shes pretty good at minimising damage until she gets enough farm to trade like a mofo

But seriously, Olaf.

I figured out how to beat the olaf match up.

Get the normal 30+armour rune page +mastery with 15ad

Level 1 = Get W. See olaf, activate W, chase and auto attack that mofo until he dies when he is too scared to comeback.

Minions won't do much with the defense mastery page and with the 70 armour at level 1.

It was hilarious watching olafs sob and whine at how they can't beat poppy when they are olaf.


How sure are we that Azubu didn't make that up so they'd have an excuse to pause the game and get a good peek?

Uh thats going way too far. You sound like the crazies on reddit now. Did they make up the sunlight on their face as well?

Dont forget TSM had a good peek during the pause too.
It's plausible.

This is why every questionable match should just be redone. There will always be questions raised like that once the tourney is done.


No, it's NOT plausible. It is only plausible if there exists a reason to suspect some crazy level 1 strategy. It is only plausible if level 1 strategies win games.

so no, it is NOT plausible. The pause happened, both teams took the opportunity to look. Please dont be dumb.

Are we sure some crazy CLGeu fan didnt cut the ethernet cables in the 2nd CLG v WE game?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Fucking jungle Warwick. Why would you pick a jungler that is absolutely, totally and completely worthless for six levels and only ok afterwards.
Because he's a wolf. I dunno, I saw HotshotGG playing him today and I was thinking about playing him some. I kind of just do whatever I feel like though.


I play warwick when I need to do something else for the first 7 minutes of the game.

Or to punish people for making me jungle



I can't connect to the LoL forums right now. Did Riot address Azubu pinging TSM a few seconds into the game?

Uh I don't know. Here's the whole thing from that link if that's what you're trying to access.

Hey guys,

After two days of smooth sailing during the World Playoffs, Day 3 was disappointing. We’ve spent today investigating and reviewing the problems, and I’d like to go through and address some of the community’s big concerns surrounding yesterday’s issues.

In hindsight, the potential visibility of minimap screens for players was a mistake. Despite on-site referees, close monitoring of player cams backstage, and stage design that ensured players would have to turn more than 90 degrees to be able to catch a glimpse of the minimaps, even the possibility of unfair play was simply unacceptable. We’re taking steps to ensure the minimap screens are not visible to players.

We are re-examining photos, videos and renders of the stage layout to definitively understand sight lines between the players on-stage and the minimaps overhead. We’re taking it a step further moving forward to completely ensure the screens aren’t visible to players.

Forward-facing camera angles can be misleading and we want to make sure everyone has the full picture before drawing any conclusions. This is something that we believe requires a comprehensive investigation but we absolutely understand why it’s cause for alarm.

In the meantime, here’s a quick overview of the two primary minimap incidents we’ve been reviewing:

TSM/Azubu game

Azubu Frost had a microphone issue that didn’t allow them to communicate during the opening of the game. As a result, the game was paused.
It was noticed that both teams had players that were shifting their bodies during the pause. Blanket warnings were issued to both Azubu Frost & TSM.
Referees decided to issue a restart, as a) Reginald & Chaox had concerns about screen looking and b) Azubu’s communications disadvantage could reasonably be interpreted as requiring a restart under tournament rules.
No further incidents of screen-looking were witnessed during this match.

Team WE/CLG.eu game

A player from Team WE was not facing forward for a moment during the 3rd and final restarted game before we wrapped for the night.
We’ve reviewed the existing footage and firsthand accounts from our referees, and we believe the player’s head turn may have been in response to a loud vuvuzela and crowd cheering. We haven’t found conclusive evidence either way and are continuing to investigate.

Those are the primary incidents that have been reported, but we are also investigating other alleged instances. More importantly, we are taking steps to completely ensure the screens are not visible to players at the conclusion of the Playoffs and Finals.

Hardware and connection issues are harder to prepare for. Video cards can explode. Network cables can short out. Headsets can die. While we can pause and restore games, if any of those things happen in the middle of a teamfight, it will impact the course of the game dramatically. Long-term, we know we need better solutions for this and it is a priority.

Regarding yesterday’s connection failures, we had a string of issues including a power failure, and two internet connectivity incidents we are continuing to investigate. It sucks that this happened, but we’re going to dive deep into the root cause to see if there are any other redundancies that could safeguard against this in the future.

We’re trying to deliver an extraordinary experience for viewers, and yesterday didn’t live up to our goals. We’re going to take everything we’ve learned from the Playoffs and strive to make the remainder of the Quarter- and Semifinals, as well as the Finals, as great as we can make them.

In the long run, looking to season 3 and beyond, we’re always learning and we’re reading all your feedback and taking it to heart. We believe the most important concern here is about fairness, and we’re going to do everything we can to preserve that moving forward.

League of Legends as an eSport is young, and we’re learning a lot with each event. This is the run-up to our Super Bowl, and we’ve really been pouring our blood, sweat and tears into it. We’re as disappointed as you are that yesterday had so many issues, but we’re committed to improving, so that’s what we’re going to try to do.

Right now we’re focused on setting up the conclusion of the Playoffs, and we’ll have more details on that shortly.




Uh I don't know. Here's the whole thing from that link if that's what you're trying to access.

That's a pretty good response from Riot. Hopefully the players and viewers don't look too poorly on the whole event just because of the technical issues on Saturday.

The only thing I wholeheartedly disagree with is the restart of the 3rd game when CLG was at the door of the nexus. It's like baseball, if a team is ahead after X inning and the game is called, the leading team wins. The first restart where WE was ahead was only 15-20 min into the game? This was almost an hour long game and CLG had minions at the nexus. They had the advantage in towers, gold, kills and had baron buff. There was no way you could say WE was ahead in any category. It should have been called in favor of CLG.


Some people know my poppy well like kiunch and jrizzle

I just love your poppy rage.

-Everyone died from teamfight while poppy farming top for 25min-
Rex "GG guys, I got triforce and gunblade"

-Rex dive into group of 5 killed the enemy carry-

-Rex got killed by the remaining 4 enemies-
Rex "See! It took 4 of them almost 30s to kill me! 30 seconds!"

Rex "GG guys, I got GA"
-Second teamfight, everyone but poppy survives, 4 enemies remain-

-Remaining enemies chase poppy for another 30s-
Rex "See how tanky I am!"

Rex "GG guys, I got rand"
-Enemy force a fight while poppy still in death counter, we wiped again-

-Rex dive into group of 5 killed the enemy carry-
Rex "GG guys, I got.....

Keep looping this until our nexus destory, yeah that's our poppy game.
I just love your poppy rage.

-Everyone died from teamfight while poppy farming top for 25min-
Rex "GG guys, I got triforce and gunblade"

-Rex dive into group of 5 killed the enemy carry-

-Rex got killed by the remaining 4 enemies-
Rex "See! It took 4 of them almost 30s to kill me! 30 seconds!"

Rex "GG guys, I got GA"
-Second teamfight, everyone but poppy survives, 4 enemies remain-

-Remaining enemies chase poppy for another 30s-
Rex "See how tanky I am!"

Rex "GG guys, I got rand"
-Enemy force a fight while poppy still in death counter, we wiped again-

-Rex dive into group of 5 killed the enemy carry-
Rex "GG guys, I got.....

Keep looping this until our nexus destory, yeah that's our poppy game.

Sounds like you need to get good and get as good as Poppy.
Hello. I'm in my mid teens in levels and have been playing with Jax. Really enjoying him so far. Anyways, I ended up playing with two other friends last night. We are levels 16, 17, and 20. It felt that as soon as one of us hit 20 (with real Runes finally!) we were all of a sudden matched with people who go up to level 30. Was a rough night with lots of losses.

Instead of moping about not having real runes yet (please disregard that last paragraph) I figure I might as well try to think on how I can improve my game to compensate for this unfair advantage for the next few levels.

In the general sense I try to start with Boots and health potions, and generally follow up with Dorans Blad and Ninja Tabi, order depending on how things are going. I think this is generally pretty safe but moving forward is where I think I can definately improve. I know the following items are good for me but don't really have a clue on build order:

Trinity force: I usually go for the phange first for the slow. Not sure if I should follow through with the whole thing or do some other item builds before following up on the rest of it.

Guinsoos rageblade: It's generally solid for Jax.

Hexetech Gunblade: I feel like I want to do this for life steel first during the build and finishing it for the active to help nuke guys down, but it takes a long time to build.

If I need defense for AP I usually go Banshees veil as it's quick and seems to get the job done. I don't know what is best for defense against AD though.

Also, what is the best laning strategy for Jax? I've been trying to last hit as best I can but when trying to poke I've been getting my Q and then E first to jump in and retreat, and then max out my W as it's my best damage in full fights. Or is it generally best to concentrate on pure farm with this character and get W to help with last hitting?


Hello. I'm in my mid teens in levels and have been playing with Jax. Really enjoying him so far. Anyways, I ended up playing with two other friends last night. We are levels 16, 17, and 20. It felt that as soon as one of us hit 20 (with real Runes finally!) we were all of a sudden matched with people who go up to level 30. Was a rough night with lots of losses.

Instead of moping about not having real runes yet (please disregard that last paragraph) I figure I might as well try to think on how I can improve my game to compensate for this unfair advantage for the next few levels.

In the general sense I try to start with Boots and health potions, and generally follow up with Dorans Blad and Ninja Tabi, order depending on how things are going. I think this is generally pretty safe but moving forward is where I think I can definately improve. I know the following items are good for me but don't really have a clue on build order:

Trinity force: I usually go for the phange first for the slow. Not sure if I should follow through with the whole thing or do some other item builds before following up on the rest of it.

Guinsoos rageblade: It's generally solid for Jax.

Hexetech Gunblade: I feel like I want to do this for life steel first during the build and finishing it for the active to help nuke guys down, but it takes a long time to build.

If I need defense for AP I usually go Banshees veil as it's quick and seems to get the job done. I don't know what is best for defense against AD though.

Also, what is the best laning strategy for Jax? I've been trying to last hit as best I can but when trying to poke I've been getting my Q and then E first to jump in and retreat, and then max out my W as it's my best damage in full fights. Or is it generally best to concentrate on pure farm with this character and get W to help with last hitting?

I play jax starting with boots + pots first, and one thing you can do with this is at 1:30 back to base and buy a 4th pot. You will make it to lane in time to get a last hit on that first creep.

I would max W first, as that will also help you trade and harass against your opponent. Q and E will both hog your mana and you may end up backing a lot if you spam those to harass. It should be noted that W will also reset your autoattack timer, so the best time to use it is right after you swing to get a 'double hit' effect for more damage.

Regarding items, I'm a fan of building the hextech revolver (not gunblade) first for the sustain, but another good strategy is to build sheen->phage->rush triforce and buy more potions to continue sustain. After completing both of one of those, if you need the defense, build a Guardian Angel. Remember that your ult will give you defense based on what you build, so against AP build more AP heavy, and vice versa for AD.

Edit: Farming should be your primary focus regardless of who you play. Keep in mind that 12 CS is the equivalent of a champion kill. That's only 2 waves! Second is to try and zone your opponent from farm, and if possible, experience. The best way is to scare him (if he's melee) from taking CS by giving him an auto+W burst combo when they go in for a last hit. And lastly, ward your river to watch for ganks once you start winning the lane.
I play jax starting with boots + pots first, and one thing you can do with this is at 1:30 back to base and buy a 4th pot. You will make it to lane in time to get a last hit on that first creep.

I would max W first, as that will also help you trade and harass against your opponent. Q and E will both hog your mana and you may end up backing a lot if you spam those to harass. It should be noted that W will also reset your autoattack timer, so the best time to use it is right after you swing to get a 'double hit' effect for more damage.

Regarding items, I'm a fan of building the hextech revolver (not gunblade) first for the sustain, but another good strategy is to build sheen->phage->rush triforce and buy more potions to continue sustain. After completing both of one of those, if you need the defense, build a Guardian Angel. Remember that your ult will give you defense based on what you build, so against AP build more AP heavy, and vice versa for AD.

Edit: Farming should be your primary focus regardless of who you play. Keep in mind that 12 CS is the equivalent of a champion kill. That's only 2 waves! Second is to try and zone your opponent from farm, and if possible, experience. The best way is to scare him (if he's melee) from taking CS by giving him an auto+W burst combo when they go in for a last hit. And lastly, ward your river to watch for ganks once you start winning the lane.

Thanks! This all makes sense. I've been more focusing on scaring the opponent off with Q, but I should just concentrate on W and farming and maybe getting a few hits when I can. It's one of those things you "know" you should do be find it hard to follow up on. It's just that pouncing on guys is so tempting!

I started out rushing triforce (though with phage first, I'll switch to sheen) but my last couple game I was experimenting with switching things around. I couldn't tell if this was causing my problems or if it was the 20+ leveled (and thus more masteries and lvl 3runes) people or my build order. Should I go for a Dorans Blade before moving onto Trinity force/Hexetech revolver, or just ignore the Dorans altogether?


Thanks! This all makes sense. I've been more focusing on scaring the opponent off with Q, but I should just concentrate on W and farming and maybe getting a few hits when I can. It's one of those things you "know" you should do be find it hard to follow up on. It's just that pouncing on guys is so tempting!
It's quite tempting! But I wouldn't unless you're confident you can win an extended trade. Using your Q early commits you to the fight more since it's also your escape tool. Another reason to keep a ward on you at all times. :D

Don't forget W adds to your Q damage, so if you're trying to harass a ranged character who will likely run away as soon as you get in their face, W first to add the damage to Q and then run away yourself. :p

I started out rushing triforce (though with phage first, I'll switch to sheen) but my last couple game I was experimenting with switching things around. I couldn't tell if this was causing my problems or if it was the 20+ leveled (and thus more masteries and lvl 3runes) people or my build order. Should I go for a Dorans Blade before moving onto Trinity force/Hexetech revolver, or just ignore the Dorans altogether?

Oh maybe I got it wrong, Legato goes phage first for that. But regarding Doran's I wouldn't even bother.

No, do this:

boots + pots

phage -> vamp

sheen -> triforce

hextech gunblade


armor/mr depending on enemy team (randuins/banshees)

get GA after triforce if 2-0/3-0
Rageblade isn't a too common item on him now, but it's still a decent pick for him.

People normally just get Boots, Triforce, Gunblade and GA in some order are pretty much his items and they're very expensive. The upside is that it leaves you with 2 slots for situational items.

I personally prefer Abyssal for MR. It gives more MR than the other big MR items during ult, and the other stats are great.

Armor, I typically go with Randuin.


sounds like poppy is nasus 2.0, play 4v5 for 40 minute until he reach 200 cs.

There's a bit different, in late game, poppy can carry the game sniping the enemy carry because of her ult, while Nasus will get melt by enemy carry before he can reach them.

No matter how fed a champion is, there are just some game you can't carry, Rex poppy rage made every losing game fun =p!


Hello. I'm in my mid teens in levels and have been playing with Jax. Really enjoying him so far. Anyways, I ended up playing with two other friends last night. We are levels 16, 17, and 20. It felt that as soon as one of us hit 20 (with real Runes finally!) we were all of a sudden matched with people who go up to level 30. Was a rough night with lots of losses.

Instead of moping about not having real runes yet (please disregard that last paragraph) I figure I might as well try to think on how I can improve my game to compensate for this unfair advantage for the next few levels.

In the general sense I try to start with Boots and health potions, and generally follow up with Dorans Blad and Ninja Tabi, order depending on how things are going. I think this is generally pretty safe but moving forward is where I think I can definately improve. I know the following items are good for me but don't really have a clue on build order:

Trinity force: I usually go for the phange first for the slow. Not sure if I should follow through with the whole thing or do some other item builds before following up on the rest of it.

Guinsoos rageblade: It's generally solid for Jax.

Hexetech Gunblade: I feel like I want to do this for life steel first during the build and finishing it for the active to help nuke guys down, but it takes a long time to build.

If I need defense for AP I usually go Banshees veil as it's quick and seems to get the job done. I don't know what is best for defense against AD though.

Also, what is the best laning strategy for Jax? I've been trying to last hit as best I can but when trying to poke I've been getting my Q and then E first to jump in and retreat, and then max out my W as it's my best damage in full fights. Or is it generally best to concentrate on pure farm with this character and get W to help with last hitting?

The biggest disadvantage is actually rather your runes and masteries. They will be ahead of you in this department. I know there's a better guild out there for runes but since masteries is easily adjustable, I'd suggest putting them usually on the defensive tree so you can soak up as much dmg as possible.
It's quite tempting! But I wouldn't unless you're confident you can win an extended trade. Using your Q early commits you to the fight more since it's also your escape tool. Another reason to keep a ward on you at all times. :D

Don't forget W adds to your Q damage, so if you're trying to harass a ranged character who will likely run away as soon as you get in their face, W first to add the damage to Q and then run away yourself. :p

Oh maybe I got it wrong, Legato goes phage first for that. But regarding Doran's I wouldn't even bother.

Rageblade isn't a too common item on him now, but it's still a decent pick for him.

People normally just get Boots, Triforce, Gunblade and GA in some order are pretty much his items and they're very expensive. The upside is that it leaves you with 2 slots for situational items.

I personally prefer Abyssal for MR. It gives more MR than the other big MR items during ult, and the other stats are great.

Armor, I typically go with Randuin.

Thanks for the reply guys. I'll go boots + pots + E to start and then play around with Hexetech Revolver/Phage/Sheen and see how that goes. I'll hold out on the Rageblade for those games where it's a stomp and have money to burn. Thanks for the defensive suggestions too. I don't know why but I have a much harder time figuring out defensive items I want vs offensive ones.

Hopefully I'll hit 20 soon so I won't be able to use that as an excuse when I get stomped!


y2dvd said:
The biggest disadvantage is actually rather your runes and masteries. They will be ahead of you in this department. I know there's a better guild out there for runes but since masteries is easily adjustable, I'd suggest putting them usually on the defensive tree so you can soak up as much dmg as possible.

This is probably a good idea. I've been going all offensive but if I'm going to refocus on getting ahead on farm through the laning phase I should concentrate more on staying alive than getting kills. Let the kills come with my items and solid ganking opportunities. One of the things I decided to work on after last nights decimation was to do a much better job on NOT following up to score a kill, to be content at letting them walk away and port back to base. Died too many times trying to seal the deal.


Sup guys. Looking to jump on board the LoL train and not sure where/how to start understanding the game and how to play outside of the glorious OP. Advice? Tips?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sup guys. Looking to jump on board the LoL train and not sure where/how to start understanding the game and how to play outside of the glorious OP. Advice? Tips?

Lol has an ingame tutorial that does a good job of explaining things. Also, try playing a couple beginner bot matches before jumping in to the real thing.


being low level and playing against +20 is frustrating, its like ur starting the game 3 level behind handicap. try playing solo or with your other friends who didnt reach 20 yet to level up and win to gain more xp.
being low level and playing against +20 is frustrating, its like ur starting the game 3 level behind handicap. try playing solo or with your other friends who didnt reach 20 yet to level up and win to gain more xp.

Yeah, I was thinking of starting with some AI games to test out builds and playing with my other sub-20 friend. I mean, if my level 20 friend gets on I'll definitely play with him, just that maybe some AI wreckage here and there will keep my spirits high enough to trudge through the final few levels.


Yeah, I was thinking of starting with some AI games to test out builds and playing with my other sub-20 friend. I mean, if my level 20 friend gets on I'll definitely play with him, just that maybe some AI wreckage here and there will keep my spirits high enough to trudge through the final few levels.

i hope that u saved tons of ip, u will need every ip u have when u reach 20.


playing with a handicap helps you get better
think about dragonball z dawg, you'll get so strong after you take the weighted clothing off
i hope that u saved tons of ip, u will need every ip u have when u reach 20.

I'm at 13-14k and counting. Besides the free week characters I've picked up the free Alistar, Ashe, and Jax, so I should have enough to put a good dent into things rune wise.

playing with a handicap helps you get better
think about dragonball z dawg, you'll get so strong after you take the weighted clothing off

You won't even believe my real power level!


Sup guys. Looking to jump on board the LoL train and not sure where/how to start understanding the game and how to play outside of the glorious OP. Advice? Tips?

I started with the new user guide (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/learn/new_user_guide), the ingame tutorial and then I jumped right into pvp. You'll be with and against other low level people and you can learn the game at your own pace.

The only catch to that is there will be smurfs (experienced players starting a new account for whatever reason) that could help or hinder the game and if they are on the other team, they will own you. However, just shrug it off and keep on playing. The game is fun!!

the vs AI games are a lot better than they used to be but I always preferred the true pvp.

I'd also recommend watching some streams of other people playing once you get a handle on the game. I've learned a lot that way as well.


I play jax starting with boots + pots first, and one thing you can do with this is at 1:30 back to base and buy a 4th pot. You will make it to lane in time to get a last hit on that first creep.

You can start backing at 1:28/1:29 for top lane. You can start walking back to lane as soon as you get to base and you'll get 35 gold right when you hit the last step before being out of range to buy.

...okay, so it doesn't matter at all for the extra second but hey, min max every little bit.


I just love your poppy rage.

-Everyone died from teamfight while poppy farming top for 25min-
Rex "GG guys, I got triforce and gunblade"

-Rex dive into group of 5 killed the enemy carry-

-Rex got killed by the remaining 4 enemies-
Rex "See! It took 4 of them almost 30s to kill me! 30 seconds!"

Rex "GG guys, I got GA"
-Second teamfight, everyone but poppy survives, 4 enemies remain-

-Remaining enemies chase poppy for another 30s-
Rex "See how tanky I am!"

Rex "GG guys, I got rand"
-Enemy force a fight while poppy still in death counter, we wiped again-

-Rex dive into group of 5 killed the enemy carry-
Rex "GG guys, I got.....

Keep looping this until our nexus destory, yeah that's our poppy game.

Pfft please

I don't need gunblade. I only need a triforce then i'll start going crazy.

and I remember the game you're talking about. WE WON THAT!

I remember because that graves was the most annoying piece of crap i've ever come across in all my poppy games lol. I remember I 5v1 them at baron and managed to kill 3 of them solo and you guys came and cleaned up

It was nice destroying his nexus
I got into Gold, so I'll officially get the Janna skin. I climbed myself up from ~1400 a few days ago to 1523 right now. Mainly been running ADC and Nocturne jungle, which works out pretty well.

I've figured out how to out CS most other carries by applying constant pushing pressure. This only works with a good support who wards, but if you push the other team into the tower they are most likely gonna start losing pretty hard CS wise.

Noct allows you to gank all lanes which is nice, and he is still useful late game.


Cross posting from S2 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP thread:

Semis will be held on Oct 10, 5pm PST(-7gmt)

Clg.eu v WE will be a fresh Bo3
*confirmed false* TSM v Azubu frost will rematch

The night might go to 3am lol
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