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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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3 thrown matches in a row

Panth on our team had 17 kills, but refused to group up and kept trying to take the team by himself

the other team won while they were down 20 kills. Score was 20-4 and we still lost lol

It's like people try their hardest to lose

When people get fed, they get so cocky. I hate it, they think they can take on the whole team and just end up feeding

I'm 0-3 with Diana and all games we had won, but someone started trolling at the end.

First game we were up in kills, our support refused to ward anywhere and said he was Ap-Mid-Support and he doesn't buy wards. He was taric. They had our whole jungle warded, and lost the game when we were up by 10 kills. He ended up just saying gems are outrageous over and over to continue trolling.

2nd game were up by 15 kills, and we start to notice we do no damage, because we had 2 tanks and a support. We kept on almost getting aced, our support (Nami) would just stay around and try to fight off 3 of them when shes the only one alive, giving them like 3 aces when she could've survived.

Then the next game yea.. up by 20 and still lose because people want to troll

Its rare to get a team of people that are actually going for the win, like people would rather farm then try to get an objective. They'll be absent in every team fight, then say "Dude you have 30 less cs than me, shut up kid"

Ah well, hopefully I get AC3 tonight so I have an excuse not to play


Playing Xin jungle isn't even fun any more.

You just shit all over people.

I had a good streak of wins with him. He's a little boring to play though. I greatly prefer Vi and Nocturne. I expect I'll pull Xin out here and there when I start playing ranked again.

His nerfs didn't seem to hit him TOO hard. A little damage output nerf when he ults but with his typical locket build he gets some decent cooldown reduction still so the cooldown nerf isn't too bad.

I still see him getting banned here and there too. Not nearly as much as Vi still but it happens.
I had a good streak of wins with him. He's a little boring to play though. I greatly prefer Vi and Nocturne. I expect I'll pull Xin out here and there when I start playing ranked again.

His nerfs didn't seem to hit him TOO hard. A little damage output nerf when he ults but with his typical locket build he gets some decent cooldown reduction still so the cooldown nerf isn't too bad.

I still see him getting banned here and there too. Not nearly as much as Vi still but it happens.

To be honest he didn't even feel any different to me. Still feels incredibly strong.


Whoever said people aren't playing ranked anymore because of servers, I guess you weren't kidding. Two promotion games last night -- one had a disconnect on the other team, but they still won I think after they came back. Second promotion game, two people on our team went disconnected/afk/stood in spawn and danced at the end of game (they were both dancing outside spawn and voted yes to surrender so I know they weren't disconnected at that point).

Today, jungler afk or 3k ping virtually all game, 4v5. In addition, someone played alistar and claimed it was their first time playing alistar (after asking for them), "idgaf" etc...in a ranked promotion game?

Like do people not even do the tribunal anymore because there's no IP reward? Does nothing at all happen to people who do stuff like this? You'd think people would at least try not to actively grief or something in promotions.
Whoever said people aren't playing ranked anymore because of servers, I guess you weren't kidding. Two promotion games last night -- one had a disconnect on the other team, but they still won I think after they came back. Second promotion game, two people on our team went disconnected/afk/stood in spawn and danced at the end of game (they were both dancing outside spawn and voted yes to surrender so I know they weren't disconnected at that point).

Today, jungler afk or 3k ping virtually all game, 4v5. In addition, someone played alistar and claimed it was their first time playing alistar (after asking for them), "idgaf" etc...in a ranked promotion game?

Like do people not even do the tribunal anymore because there's no IP reward? Does nothing at all happen to people who do stuff like this? You'd think people would at least try not to actively grief or something in promotions.

People are dickheads man. The amount of actual trolls in games has gone up exponentially recently, for some reason. It's so annoying. I always report and give a description of why if someone's trolling, but they seem to be out in their droves these days.
I didn't have any problem getting out of bronze in ranked while duoing with a friend, which was surprising. Actually, I only had two losses, and one of them was a leave from the night the servers took a dump mid-game for most people.


What're people's opinions on quinn balance-wise? Too strong or too weak or just average?

Every Quinn that I've played with so far has been a beast in lane. Team fighting is less effective but still good if fed.

I haven't tried her myself yet. Just what I've seen.
go 11/3/9 as Quinn, team feeds enemy Lux, GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

Not had any luck again tonight. Really bad teams.

Was 7/0 as Skarner earlier and our team still managed to throw it by feeding Tryndamere.


bronze was actually pretty easy to get out of, people actually tried perform so they can get out of dead bottom ranked

silver is hell though, so many fucking trolls I don't know what's up

from what i hear gold is only just a bit better


How do you not die? Most of the games I played had me getting around 6-10 deaths.
Buy tons of pots so you don't get harrassed to the point you have to either die/leave lane, buy defensively if you're losing, ward possible gank routes, watch the map for people missing, etc.

edit: be less aggressive if you don't have flash, memorize enemy skill cooldowns, use as a rule of thumb "it's not worth to risk dying to get a kill", etc.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
bronze was actually pretty easy to get out of, people actually tried perform so they can get out of dead bottom ranked

silver is hell though, so many fucking trolls I don't know what's up

from what i hear gold is only just a bit better

Silver is just full of players who get retarded whenever they get ahead and end up throwing the whole game because of it. I'm stuck at Silver III because it seems to be happening so often =/.
Northwestern US players are fucked as of right now. Comcast and Telus seem to be the ISPs having the issue. Somehow it didn't disconnect me and I got to finish my ranked game, but then I couldn't connect to pvp.net, tried to restart, and then found about the authentication error.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I will never understand why people complain about the other people in their division or rank or whatever it's called.
I will never understand why people complain about the other people in their division or rank or whatever it's called.


Though my friend in plat 4 says that plat is saturated with really bad people right now and refuses to play until its settles. Buuut, he might also be saying that because he is afraid to play and lose his plat cause he's not really plat worthy. MYSTERIES.



Though my friend in plat 4 says that plat is saturated with really bad people right now and refuses to play until its settles. Buuut, he might also be saying that because he is afraid to play and lose his plat cause he's not really plat worthy. MYSTERIES.

But you can't lose platinum for losing. You would lose it from inactivity.
So... I helped one of my friends(lvl 30) to try out Akali, and this just happened.


Didn't Riot buffed her recently? (Her passive, I think)

Yeah, that is my second 0 deaths game. I don't like any of the champions in this week rotation, so I am sticking with Tristana (from Facebook) till next week.


Wow gg riot client.

Go into a ranked queue and 3/5 of my team (plus me) can't choose a champ or change summoners. What the fuck.

Past 4 ranked games have been screwed up by people unable to reconnect. The win I had wasn't even satisfying since everyone on the enemy team dced for 5 minutes.


Wow gg riot client.

Go into a ranked queue and 3/5 of my team (plus me) can't choose a champ or change summoners. What the fuck.

Past 4 ranked games have been screwed up by people unable to reconnect. The win I had wasn't even satisfying since everyone on the enemy team dced for 5 minutes.

Pfft, with all the shit you have to deal with sometimes in this game I feel like I deserve a bullshit win like this every so often. I had a ranked game the other day that was pretty much 3v5 the entire game. I was happy as shit.

dat jewplank OPness

Beastly. :D I play him as often as I can get away with it. Special Forces GP is the only skin I bought as soon as I saw it.

Playing a fair bit with my team these days, it is so much better than solo. The banter on Skype, the freedom to pick whatever/try new stuff/tryhard when the mood strikes, and especially the coordination we can get. It's just so damn good. I certainly would not have gotten into jungling without them. Or tried Fiddle support (still one of my greatest immediate successes).

We do need to get back into ranked though. Right at the bottom of Bronze IV after an incredible final promotion match, I think we're afraid of what will happen. XD
Accidentally found an old topic on Garena's first days of LoL in PH. The maximum price is 9600IP and some champs can only be purchased with RP christ.

Yup Philippines. It very slowly improved. It launched 2011. Patches were delayed from 3 months to only about a week nowadays. Prices are now sane. We dont have the 7800IP pricing on new champs and wehave a crapton of events that give away skins. Its usually win X games in Y gametype or get first blood, most minions and catch the teemo.
Worked up enough IP on my acct to buy elise. She's actually really fun to play and I enjoy jungling on her. Is this viable in ranked play?

It feels like riot moved out of their safe zone with this hero, and its awesome.


That Phillipines stuff is nuts. Worst thing here is that 5USD is about an hour's pay or something.

Worked up enough IP on my acct to buy elise. She's actually really fun to play and I enjoy jungling on her. Is this viable in ranked play?

It feels like riot moved out of their safe zone with this hero, and its awesome.
Yeah she's pretty good though the PBE nerf will bump her down a bit (IMO fairly, since her human Q was pretty dumb).


Wow gg riot client.

Go into a ranked queue and 3/5 of my team (plus me) can't choose a champ or change summoners. What the fuck.

Past 4 ranked games have been screwed up by people unable to reconnect. The win I had wasn't even satisfying since everyone on the enemy team dced for 5 minutes.
That's what I and other people have been saying. I think out of my last 5 ranked games probably at least 3 had 1 or more disconnect (or just go afk, like the one with two people dancing outside of spawn). I just won one, but it was 4v5 on our side for maybe 3-5 minutes while our top laner had to reconnect not once but twice.

Not to mention stuff like having to restart the client because initial login fails, or restart the client twice after a lobby before the game join will actually work.


I keep getting +1 teamworks all the time now as Soraka!

Should I learn ADC as a sub-role? I figure that way I can learn how to sup better.


My secret weapon for getting good games in normal is queue-dodging, based on a simple yes/no dichotomy of "Will I receive a comprehensible reply to my question of 'Hey guys who wants which role?' or won't I?"
GG laptop.

Just had some issues that forced me to restore my laptop to a previous point (1 month ago). The issue was solved, but it caused another issue, league of legends didn't run, it seemed to work, it even appeared in the task manager, and then it just disappeared.

I solved it the same way I solved it when I have just installed W8 after formatting my laptop. Creating a new user account. One of my teachers (when I told him my issues with my laptop) said something something about .dll of the system, I didn't pay too much attention to the fine details.

Now, my laptop is running as fast as it was the first day, but now I have to reinstall everything, and re-download League of Legends.

The goods news is that, when I made my previous user account after reading that it could fix my problem (the same that forced me to create this new user account) I didn't believe it would be that easy and named the user account "League", and you can't change the username, not the one that appears in C:\Users\League\forexample.png

So now I was able to name it as I wanted to name it.


Just when I was about to start playing a mini-marathon of 4 hours of LoL. Meh. Sometimes things happen for a reason... right?

... hard cause our trist was awful. ...

Well, if it helps. If you had played with me, I would have given you a whole new definition to what is to be awful when playing with Trist(or any other champion for the matter). You would put a whole forest in fire with how bad I am. haha. I wish I was kidding.

Just take a break, hopefully next time you will get better teammates.
I really don't know why I play this game sometimes. I'm playing ranked cause I'm trying to get away from the idiots in normals and there are just as many in ranked. First two mins into the game Morde on my team wants to troll. Second game was better I'm legendary on fizz and carrying and my team is doing OK but we are being pushed into towers hard cause our trist was awful. Enemy is in our jungle and we have it warded, trist literally walks 2 inches from where they are just gets shit on, they push in and win. I hate this game.

Also been trying to just get my win of the day for the last three hours and I've carried every game and my team has just been awful. Ugh.

Sorry for this, just needed to ran. Oh leagues....


I really don't know why I play this game sometimes. I'm playing ranked cause I'm trying to get away from the idiots in normals and there are just as many in ranked. First two mins into the game Morde on my team wants to troll. Second game was better I'm legendary on fizz and carrying and my team is doing OK but we are being pushed into towers hard cause our trist was awful. Enemy is in our jungle and we have it warded, trist literally walks 2 inches from where they are just gets shit on, they push in and win. I hate this game.

Also been trying to just get my win of the day for the last three hours and I've carried every game and my team has just been awful. Ugh.

Sorry for this, just needed to ran. Oh leagues....

Yeah youll have to look after yourself in placement matches

it gets a little better higher up
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