3 thrown matches in a row
Panth on our team had 17 kills, but refused to group up and kept trying to take the team by himself
the other team won while they were down 20 kills. Score was 20-4 and we still lost lol
It's like people try their hardest to lose
When people get fed, they get so cocky. I hate it, they think they can take on the whole team and just end up feeding
I'm 0-3 with Diana and all games we had won, but someone started trolling at the end.
First game we were up in kills, our support refused to ward anywhere and said he was Ap-Mid-Support and he doesn't buy wards. He was taric. They had our whole jungle warded, and lost the game when we were up by 10 kills. He ended up just saying gems are outrageous over and over to continue trolling.
2nd game were up by 15 kills, and we start to notice we do no damage, because we had 2 tanks and a support. We kept on almost getting aced, our support (Nami) would just stay around and try to fight off 3 of them when shes the only one alive, giving them like 3 aces when she could've survived.
Then the next game yea.. up by 20 and still lose because people want to troll
Its rare to get a team of people that are actually going for the win, like people would rather farm then try to get an objective. They'll be absent in every team fight, then say "Dude you have 30 less cs than me, shut up kid"
Ah well, hopefully I get AC3 tonight so I have an excuse not to play
Panth on our team had 17 kills, but refused to group up and kept trying to take the team by himself
the other team won while they were down 20 kills. Score was 20-4 and we still lost lol
It's like people try their hardest to lose
When people get fed, they get so cocky. I hate it, they think they can take on the whole team and just end up feeding
I'm 0-3 with Diana and all games we had won, but someone started trolling at the end.
First game we were up in kills, our support refused to ward anywhere and said he was Ap-Mid-Support and he doesn't buy wards. He was taric. They had our whole jungle warded, and lost the game when we were up by 10 kills. He ended up just saying gems are outrageous over and over to continue trolling.
2nd game were up by 15 kills, and we start to notice we do no damage, because we had 2 tanks and a support. We kept on almost getting aced, our support (Nami) would just stay around and try to fight off 3 of them when shes the only one alive, giving them like 3 aces when she could've survived.
Then the next game yea.. up by 20 and still lose because people want to troll
Its rare to get a team of people that are actually going for the win, like people would rather farm then try to get an objective. They'll be absent in every team fight, then say "Dude you have 30 less cs than me, shut up kid"
Ah well, hopefully I get AC3 tonight so I have an excuse not to play