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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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harrassing with autos is something that no one does at my elo. no one. i was almost happy to see an enemy ziggs to test my theory.

i'm all alone

Maybe he didn't realize his passive does massive damage? And that his AA range is quite good.

What a derpington!


Played ranked for the first time in ages, still 100% in solo with Diana jungle. So good.

Riot pls make this skin. Pls.
that's like super boring. all grey, i don't like.

though medieval stuff can be super awesome


Maybe he didn't realize his passive does massive damage? And that his AA range is quite good.

What a derpington!
what a derpington!
Blerg. The worst, worst Fiddle jungler I've ever seen. Failed counterjungling at level 2, died to Yi, then proceeded to fail-gank and feed every lane, including mine. I was GP top against Wukong so already not having an easy time of it. Just about survived laning phase, saw Fiddle's stats worsening and was like, screw it, let's go Critplank. And boy did I. Almost carried the game, 13/11/10. Our Swain was pretty beastly as well, but we couldn't unfeed Wukong and they ended up winning after a bad teamfight. Feels bad, because I never have that sweet sweet carry feeling in games. The one time I get it, I lose. >.<


Played a game today as jungle Volibear. Bot and mid had a bad early game and the enemy team started trash talking through /all. We were down 6 turrets and I thought it was pretty much GG. Until mid game, Irelia (top) and I started carrying incredibly hard. We won every single team fight and I got a score of 13/3/23. Felt good beating the shit out of /all abusers!
one win away from plat placement, akali top dives twice, complains that she wasnt getting ganks, and then afks.

Then I saw that compared to my 64 ranked wins, she is sitting on 394....

How she hasn't been banned yet is mind boggling, and more so that I would be even playing with her considering our win differential. Hopefully she gets banned soon....


God damn renekton is such a beast when you get ahead by just a little bit. Love vsing people who don't know renekton well enough. Instagibs at level 3.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
God damn renekton is such a beast when you get ahead by just a little bit. Love vsing people who don't know renekton well enough. Instagibs at level 3.

That red pot ult.



they said it couldn't be done, that i was beyond saving, but here I am, 2/4 on a thursday night, like a champ.

the anivia match was at least decent, they had a better comp than us and beat us with no carry, and the first ori match was pretty bad, our caitlyn had some weird fixation with their blue buff and just cost us the match by ridiculously feeding the enemy quinn by just doing everything wrong (i mean literally checking for blue over the wall using her e).

at least i gotta say i had good teammates in 3/4 so that's alright.


they said it couldn't be done, that i was beyond saving, but here I am, 2/4 on a thursday night, like a champ.

the anivia match was at least decent, they had a better comp than us and beat us with no carry, and the first ori match was pretty bad, our caitlyn had some weird fixation with their blue buff and just cost us the match by ridiculously feeding the enemy quinn by just doing everything wrong (i mean literally checking for blue over the wall using her e).

at least i gotta say i had good teammates in 3/4 so that's alright.

Funnily enough, your KDA is mostly positive, so at least you can rest easy in knowing that your teammates do drag you down ! (You're not carrying hard enough, brah ! Lift more!)



they said it couldn't be done, that i was beyond saving, but here I am, 2/4 on a thursday night, like a champ.

the anivia match was at least decent, they had a better comp than us and beat us with no carry, and the first ori match was pretty bad, our caitlyn had some weird fixation with their blue buff and just cost us the match by ridiculously feeding the enemy quinn by just doing everything wrong (i mean literally checking for blue over the wall using her e).

at least i gotta say i had good teammates in 3/4 so that's alright.

That Pantheon ruins a perfectly good Waifu match history. Rectify that.


Picked up and played some Hecarim for the first time last night. Really enjoyed myself though I need to put more time into him for sure. If I am not jungling I still prefer Renekton but Hecarim will be my jungle from now on most likely.


Im late but thanks for the advice guys. Bought Orianna.
ps: I also bought Irelia lol help.gif

The two games I played I lost though. >_> Someone teach me how to play her pls.


Im late but thanks for the advice guys. Bought Orianna.
ps: I also bought Irelia lol help.gif

The two games I played I lost though. >_> Someone teach me how to play her pls.

Orianna is pretty hard to max her potential. GL

you can play pretty defensively with her and just farm until team fights then you just shield a diving melee and ult their back line

Irelia has easier basics, i think you should start with that!


He is a high skill floor (and cap) champion that honestly doesn't offer much over many similar champions with easier kits. If you like him, that's fine. Just saying that he's not that easy-to-use and he's just not super amazing right now (though he should be, Liandry's, his passive, and his ult are all really good when things go right).

Like I said, there's no hard counters. That is, a matchup you literally cannot win because they picked that into you. At worst, you'll have really, really bad ones that are hard to overcome but it isn't impossible.

How the fuck do I play against Kassadin as Ahri?


How the fuck do I play against Kassadin as Ahri?

shit on him pre-6. this is important. AA whenever he tries to cs, push his lane, hit him if he tries to last hit the ranged minions when at his tower, dont get ganked

then post 6, push hard and gank other lanes. ahri out pushes kass so easily, and her passive means he cant constantly nuke you as easily not only that, ahri is an amazing ganker - dont get ganked tho since kass assists ganks pretty well.

kassadin counters other things a lot harder, im surprised ahri is the one you chose? infact i think the matchup is slightly in ahri's favour. he can harass you better at 6 sure, but you push harder and punish his mistakes harder since your ult jump cd is lower than his

if you cant handle it, then desperation move - buy a chalice. free mana for pushing and reduces his burst.

people who complain about kassadin either picked low mobility low cc stuff like karthus or just dont know how to deal with him

source: im a kassadin player


How do I change my pick after he counters me?

Anyway, he said there are no hard counters...but yea....

Oh I know. I was just saying.

Just abuse him as much as you can pre-6. Have your jungle camp him even. Post-6 ... it just is not going to be fun at all.

shit on him pre-6. this is important. AA whenever he tries to cs, push his lane, hit him if he tries to last hit the ranged minions when at his tower, dont get ganked

then post 6, push hard and gank other lanes. ahri out pushes kass so easily, and her passive means he cant constantly nuke you as easily not only that, ahri is an amazing ganker - dont get ganked tho since kass assists ganks pretty well.

kassadin counters other things a lot harder, im surprised ahri is the one you chose? infact i think the matchup is slightly in ahri's favour. he can harass you better at 6 sure, but you push harder and punish his mistakes harder since your ult jump cd is lower than his

if you cant handle it, then desperation move - buy a chalice. free mana for pushing and reduces his burst.

people who complain about kassadin either picked low mobility low cc stuff like karthus or just dont know how to deal with him

source: im a kassadin player

Kassadin can clear waves pretty fucking fast if he wants to use his E to do so. If you're pushing the lane hard with your spells he can just clear the minions back with his E.

And who cares about your lane when you can go gank every other lane whenever you want.

Kassadin can also do a ton of auto attack damage to AP champs who get in his face due to his passive. A lot of Kassadin players never take advantage of his passive + Nether Blades.

Also a 2.6 second silence on a champ like Ahri is no f'ing fun at all.


Oh I know. I was just saying.

Just abuse him as much as you can pre-6. Have your jungle camp him even. Post-6 ... it just is not going to be fun at all.

Kassadin can clear waves pretty fucking fast if he wants to use his E to do so. And who cares about your lane when you can go gank every other lane whenever you want.
He needs charges to get his E up. Ahri q will definitely be up more often. And sure he can go gank, but smart warding means you just follow him and counter gank while he loses farm or you can just take his tower.

People who get dominated by kass post 6 just let him get free shots off on them - they don't know how to play against kass

As Ahri, use your cat like reflexes and e him when he rifts in and activate your W. You'll get hit by his silence and slow, but the taunt will keep him in range (and this is important, don't run away from him - if he's in melee, kite to your minions) and Q his retreat once silence is over. Even if your Q is on cd because you uses it to push, follow him and AA him constantly. If you let him trade on you for free then sure you lose.


He needs charges to get his E up. Ahri q will definitely be up more often. And sure he can go gank, but smart warding means you just follow him and counter gank while he loses farm or you can just take his tower.

People who get dominated by kass post 6 just let him get free shots off on them - they don't know how to play against kass.

As Ahri, use your cat like reflexes and e him when he rifts in and activate your W. You'll get hit by his silence and slow, but the taunt will keep him in range (and this is important, don't run away from him) and Q his retreat once silence is over. Even if your Q is on cd because you uses it to push, follow him and AA him constantly. If you let him trade on you for free then sure you lose.

How do you stop Kassadin ult'ing closer to you, dropping a Q on you and then retreating back for harrassment? You're silenced ... you can't cast any spells on him for damage when he does this. You get a few autos off if you react fast enough?

Good luck using your "cat-like" reflexes to guess when Kassadin is going to harass you with his R>Q combo. You're just going to waste mana if you constantly throw out your charm hoping to catch him if he feels like Rift walking to close in to harass you.

Kassadin is much more a counter to Ahri than Ahri could be considered a counter to him. That and to properly play Ahri you have to be good with skill shots .... Kassadin not at all.

If you want to counter Kassadin you pick some sort of AD bruiser like Pantheon ... or you play Kha'zix / Talon or something.


How do you stop Kassadin ult'ing closer to you, dropping a Q on you and then retreating back for harrassment? You're silenced ... you can't cast any spells on him for damage when he does this. You get a few autos off if you react fast enough?

Good luck using your "cat-like" reflexes to guess when Kassadin is going to harass you with his R>Q combo.

Kassadin is much more a counter to Ahri than Ahri could be considered a counter to him.

If you want to counter Kassadin you pick some sort of AD bruiser like Pantheon ... or you play Kha'zix / Talon or something.
A Kassadin player is giving advice and you're just dismissing it?
I'm not saying you pick ahri to counter kass, I'm giving him advice on how to play against him as ahri. I believe you're mistaking what I'm trying to say.

Anyway, you don't predict when he is going to harass you, you throw your stun at him as soon as he rifts near you since his Q has a travel time.

Oh and Ashhong, whenever you Q his retreat, try to position yourself so you hit his minions


How the fuck do I play against Kassadin as Ahri?

Just to pile on then, you harass him 1-6. You don't go "Oh, he silenced me, I guess I'll back away for the next ten seconds and th--oh, he silenced me, I guess I'll back away for the next ten seconds and th--" over and over. His entire deal is to use his Q to cause you to disengage. Eat the silence and use the 5-7 seconds of time where he has no defenses to harass him.

Kassadin can clear waves pretty fucking fast if he wants to use his E to do so. If you're pushing the lane hard with your spells he can just clear the minions back with his E.

If his E can clear waves, then he hasn't been maxing his Q and you're safer to engage him. If his Q is maxed, then he can't clear waves. He can't do both simultaneously.


I chose Ahri because I main her and always get facerolled by him. There's no way it's in any way in her favor..
Try what I told you, otherwise I can play Ahri and you, kass and I show you.

The key point really is to make sure you don't let him hit you for free whenever he ult Q's you. And pushing your lane is an easy way to force him to play passive.


Try what I told you, otherwise I can play Ahri and you, kass and I show you.

The key point really is to make sure you don't let him hit you for free whenever he ult Q's you. And pushing your lane is an easy way to force him to play passive.

I'll give it a shot. But if I push my lane that hard, chances are I'm running low on mana as well, which will make it hard to defend/harass him if the time comes. Blue doesn't come for me until what, level 5 or more? I can't remember when it's up by.


Funnily enough, your KDA is mostly positive, so at least you can rest easy in knowing that your teammates do drag you down ! (You're not carrying hard enough, brah ! Lift more!)
yeah, my kda being positive kinda makes it worse. it's like, half of those matches could've been won if people just engaged properly and whatnot

i'm also really bad at not dying once the match's gone to shit which is why i have a pretty bad death count

That Pantheon ruins a perfectly good Waifu match history. Rectify that.
i was gonna play akali but then was reminded of how bad my akali is so take it up on them.

also anivia's a majestic bird, i'm not sure if i consider her a waifu, more like a pet

Im late but thanks for the advice guys. Bought Orianna.
ps: I also bought Irelia lol help.gif

The two games I played I lost though. >_> Someone teach me how to play her pls.
mana is gonna be an issue until you get your first blue buff or you get a chalice or something, so play passive early on and just last hit and harrass with autos (they do a bunch thanks to her passive). later on you can harrass with Q+W+self E combo. just focus on farming and setting up ganks for your jungler (ie freeze the lane next to your tower, etc), your own ganks are kinda weak since you have no hard cc.

orianna doesn't have all that many bad matchups, her range is kinda average and she'll get destroyed by your typical assassins (you can sorta counter them with maxing E before W) but other than that she's really strong and brings a lot of utility and damage to the team.

in teamfights just make sure you don't miss your ult and try to set it up with a good initiator (malph, mumu, j4) so that everyone's bunched up and easy to grab. just E your initiator and as he gets in, wait for the stun/knockup/whatever to be almost out and ult them. unless you're half behind if you can pull that combo off the fight will be usually won.

the cooldown is kinda killer so make sure you don't waste it on someone that'll survive and flash out.

and i build her straight up damage, deathcap, athenes/morello, sorc shoes, void staff, zhonyas, etc. sometimes i start RoA if i feel i'm gonna have a hard time but meh...

How the fuck do I play against Kassadin as Ahri?
you don't, push the lane and go gank. same as akali, shit on them pre-6, then you don't want to be on the same lane as them.

also accept that he's an assassin and you won't be able to 1v1 on him. ahri is kind of an assassin too, so she may be an exception, but if you play her more passive like i play my mids, just forget about it. ward his possible gank routes to deny him the gank kills and just starve him like that

champions like kassadin just need one kill to get their thing rolling


A Kassadin player is giving advice and you're just dismissing it?
I'm not saying you pick ahri to counter kass, I'm giving him advice on how to play against him as ahri. I believe you're mistaking what I'm trying to say.

Anyway, you don't predict when he is going to harass you, you throw your stun at him as soon as he rifts near you since his Q has a travel time.

Oh and Ashhong, whenever you Q his retreat, try to position yourself so you hit his minions

I play Kassadin all the time as well. I'm saying Ahri really doesn't have the best chance in the world against Kassadin. I'm not arguing that Ahri can do things against Kassadin. Any champion can make plays and turn losing lanes around in their favor.

I'm saying if someone picks Kassadin to counter you when you pick Ahri ... you're looking at a steeper hill than that Kassadin is.

Just to pile on then, you harass him 1-6. You don't go "Oh, he silenced me, I guess I'll back away for the next ten seconds and th--oh, he silenced me, I guess I'll back away for the next ten seconds and th--" over and over. His entire deal is to use his Q to cause you to disengage. Eat the silence and use the 5-7 seconds of time where he has no defenses to harass him.

If his E can clear waves, then he hasn't been maxing his Q and you're safer to engage him. If his Q is maxed, then he can't clear waves. He can't do both simultaneously.

Sure pre-6 is easy against Kassadin. Kassadin shines mid-late game. Any good Kassadin post 6 will come in with his full combo. You're silenced, you're slowed and he's retreating away scott free.

Give me a lane against Ahri as Kassadin and 9 times out of 10 I will win it.


I'll give it a shot. But if I push my lane that hard, chances are I'm running low on mana as well, which will make it hard to defend/harass him if the time comes. Blue doesn't come for me until what, level 5 or more? I can't remember when it's up by.
It really takes kass a while to push waves so you can just go back after a wave dies and yours is going to his tower

Or if you just wanna push, a chalice solves mana and reduces his damage. Don't feel it much on Ahri though. Might be ok if they have an ap top. Otherwise, a dorans ring is pretty good on her.

I play Kassadin all the time as well. I'm saying Ahri really doesn't have the best chance in the world against Kassadin. I'm not arguing that Ahri can do things against Kassadin. Any champion can make plays and turn losing lanes around in their favor.

I'm saying if someone picks Kassadin to counter you when you pick Ahri ... you're looking at a steeper hill than that Kassadin is.

Sure pre-6 is easy against Kassadin. Kassadin shines mid-late game. Any good Kassadin post 6 will come in with his full combo. You're silenced, you're slowed and he's retreating away scott free.

Give me a lane against Ahri as Kassadin and 9 times out of 10 I will win it.

look, i appreciate what youre saying and yes, the best way to stomp kass is with an ad champion mid. however, ashong is asking how he can deal with kass as ahri and your advice of "youre fucked, ahri cant do shit, play panth" didnt help him

what happens if ahri lands her E on kassadin as he rifts in. thats not scott free. like sure, kass has a lower skill floor, but we dont assume the ahri cant play her own character


The two games I played I lost though. >_> Someone teach me how to play her pls.

Ori is gonna take a lot more than two games, but I think she's worth it. Like most champs you really have to worry about positioning, but instead of you just your position you also have to be aware of the Ball's position. That's the hardest part. Here's a bunch of random stuff:

* Chalice is almost always your purchase during first b. If I'm not too afraid of the enemy mid's skillshots I sometimes start double mana charm and pots. If you're up against someone like Talon or Kha'zix maybe go for armguard on your first back, but then get that chalice next. CDR and mana regen are super good on Ori.

* Pay attention to the little arrow around Ori that points in the direction of the Ball. It will change colors as you get farther away. In colorblind mode it gets red just at the edge of max range. In normal mode it is probably some stupid fucking color because Riot hates colorblind people. I'm not bitter.

* Her autoattacks do decent damage because of her passive. Make sure you get the spellsword mastery, too. Ori has really good AA harass.

* The travel time on Command: Protect (E) is a lot faster than the travel time on Command: Attack (Q). If the Ball is way on the other side of the screen behind you and you want to throw it in front of you don't just press Q, it will take forever to move up. Instead, press E to recall the Ball quickly and then Q.

* Don't forget that the Ball still does some damage while travelling to its target when you E. This is useful for wave clearing. You Q to the back of the minion line, W then E.

* Keep the Ball moving in team fights. At max level with decent CDR and blue the cooldown on Q is like 2 seconds. It does good damage so use it as much as you can.

* Like Boken said, make sure you E your initiator before a team fight. They'll get a shield and you can speed them up with W if they don't have a good gap closer or save the W to use once the Ball is in the middle of the enemy team. Once your initiator is in the shit try to ult when you think you can hit a bunch of people.

* Also remember that whoever has the Ball gets a passive armor/MR boost as long as they have it, it isn't just the four second shield. Putting that on your tank or someone who is trying to escape can be a big help.

* Don't be afraid to ult just to kill off one person. Especially late game when you know it will give your team a 5v4 for a good 60-70 seconds. QWRQ does a ton of damage, especially to carries. When they are hiding under turret I try to get a QW in to soften them up, then the next chance I get I go for the whole combo. Good times, good times.


It really takes kass a while to push waves so you can just go back after a wave dies and yours is going to his tower

Or if you just wanna push, a chalice solves mana and reduces his damage. Don't feel it much on Ahri though. Might be ok if they have an ap top. Otherwise, a dorans ring is pretty good on her.

I don't think I have ever bought a chalice on Ahri. I've been starting flask+2 pots lately as Ahri mid instead of boots+3pots. Should I start dorans against Kass?


I don't think I have ever bought a chalice on Ahri. I've been starting flask+2 pots lately as Ahri mid instead of boots+3pots. Should I start dorans against Kass?

start flask 3 pots or red elixer 6 pots if you wanna be real cheesy

never start dorans ^^ you can buy it first item though.
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