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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Tried jungle Jarvan and somehow really fell behind in levels. I was ~2 levels behind everyone else. Clear speed not as fast as I was hoping for.

Eventually caught up and won though.


Tried jungle Jarvan and somehow really fell behind in levels. I was ~2 levels behind everyone else. Clear speed not as fast as I was hoping for.

Eventually caught up and won though.
Did you max E first and get madred ? His clear is not the fastest but definitely fast enough to keep with any other jungler.

Sometime you fell behind when enemy lanes dies and their jungler farm the lanes.


I run flat armor pen reds and quints, I think it's better than AS past the first couple of levels, you already get a lot of innate AS from flag, you don't need anymore.
Did you max E first and get madred ? His clear is not the fastest but definitely fast enough to keep with any other jungler.

Sometime you fell behind when enemy lanes dies and their jungler farm the lanes.

Yeah it's exactly what I did. Rushed Madred > Boots1 > Warmogs > Bulwark sprinkled with potions and wards

Maybe I had bad luck with Madred procs. I rotate targets around once a while so I can keep proccing J4's passive.
"I don't know what the fascination with mid is that people feel the need to ruin games if they don't get it." --- I spit out my drink at the oblivious irony in this sentence.

Are you new/ low-level to League? It looks to me like 2 people insta-locked in unranked-blind pick...mid was never "your lane". Either be a bigger man and move to another lane or deal with 2 people mid (which is not against the rules). If you are upset from something said in the game chat then mute the people. You are also in for a bad time if you are already saying "I do good but everyone else feeds" at this point in the game. This game is only as good as you choose to make it. welcome to league

Eh? Did you even read my post? Have you read any of my posts in these forums?

I had called mid in the chat at the start, picked Ahri and locked in with about 20 seconds to go, then with ten seconds to go this guy says "fuk u I mid" and locked in Diana, came into my lane and fed my opponent first blood.

No having 2 mid isn't against the rules, but when I already said I was going mid and I picked a mid chamion and we have no top laner that person is being a dick.

Like I don't know what your post is trying to achieve. It's so patronising. Please don't spout bullshit like that at me again.


Eh? Did you even read my post? Have you read any of my posts in these forums?

I had called mid in the chat at the start, picked Ahri and locked in with about 20 seconds to go, then with ten seconds to go this guy says "fuk u I mid" and locked in Diana, came into my lane and fed my opponent first blood.

No having 2 mid isn't against the rules, but when I already said I was going mid and I picked a mid chamion and we have no top laner that person is being a dick.

Like I don't know what your post is trying to achieve. It's so patronising. Please don't spout bullshit like that at me again.

To be fair, some of the details you left out in the original post would have helped.
To be fair, some of the details you left out in the original post would have helped.

Sure it could have been a bit more specific, but I didn't think I needed to be so specific considering my previous comments re: instalockers here.

Still, the rest of his post was patronising bullshit.


Those gp10s. I don't know why I got it in my head that s3 supports don't really need gp10s. I think some pro talked about it and I bought it. But the last few support games I've played Zyra and I get a philo and kage's right off (even before a sightstone). Then build the normal support aura items etc etc.

Looking at my match history, I have a Zyra game where I was 4/4/22 with 56 cs and I had 13.7k gold @ 39 min.

This compares to some of my jungler games in my match history:

9/5/22 - 153 cs @ 38min - 14.2k gold - 5 more kills, 100 more cs, only 500 more gold
9/4/11 - 147 cs @ 43min - 13.7k gold - 5 more kills, 100 more cs, half the assists, same gold
13/4/13 - 100 cs @ 50min - 12.9k gold - 9 more kills, 50 more cs, little more than half the assists, LESS gold

Now that was some better games. Some worse games it's still telling.

Zyra game 0/6/8 w/ 36 cs. 9k gold @ 37min
Noc game 6/4/6 w/ 133 cs 9.7k gold @ 33min - 6 kills, 2 less assists, 100 more cs and only 700 gold difference.

Maybe I'm the only one that stopped getting those gp10s going early s3 but just in case anyone else fell into that trap with the increased global gold, jump back out it it. GP10s are easily worth a handful of kills and 100+ cs.


mebbe I'll write something about gamecribs later today
from memory, immediate highlights:
dyrus popping pills like nonstop
xpecial talking about how if his team didn't let him tell crs, fuck his team, he has a pretty good line about what it would mean if they didn't say anything
chaox and xpecial realizing that things actually happen outside of buildings and computers and then going back to the hotel as oddone plays with action figures in the really bare hotel room
scarra saying I see you cameraman as the cameraman sees him and we see scarra being looked at by the cameraman and also as scarra looks into the camera at "us"


Zyra game 0/6/8 w/ 36 cs. 9k gold @ 37min
Noc game 6/4/6 w/ 133 cs 9.7k gold @ 33min - 6 kills, 2 less assists, 100 more cs and only 700 gold difference.

Maybe I'm the only one that stopped getting those gp10s going early s3 but just in case anyone else fell into that trap with the increased global gold, jump back out it it. GP10s are easily worth a handful of kills and 100+ cs.

Four minutes with 2xGP10 + global gold is probably close to 400g+, but I see your point. GP10s are definitely still worth it on supports. I wouldn't be surprised if GP10s on junglers make a comeback at some point too, even with the focus now on bruiser junglers as opposed to support junglers.


also does TSMs "strategy" meeting in the van bring to the surface the nature of American capitalism, of the disposablity and replacibility of the working class? recall saint (the boss) saying that they didn't need elementz they could just get l0cust, and regi (the boss) saying they could get dbl. think also about the place of race in work in america (and also, by extension, of the globalized world)

"si senor

I really think we need to rethink our strategy

si senor

Some of us were playing poorly, we really cant let that happen

si senor"

regi, in enacting a really really banal strategy meeting, definitely seems to be performing something other than what he is doing on the surface

the product placement, like in the other episodes, was heavy-handed, almost a cry for help
That awkward moment when you start an ARAM game... on the wrong map.
Thankfully everyone played along.


It's pretty rare for there to ever be a direct hard counter in LoL.

That said, Brand vs Fizz is hilariously bad. Just don't ever pick Brand. Problem instantly solved!

Brand 36 7.5/game 3.7/game 7.4/game 192.7/game

What's wrong with Brand? My ranked stats in Gold with him. I've beaten Kassadin ... Fizz ... several champs in lane with him. Could they have been bad players? Sure. But I do recall just playing passively and farming ... not letting them roam by constantly wave clearing.

Just play cautiously against them and farm CS .... then ruin a team in a teamfight with your ult / passive / liandry combo.

Ziggs 32 9.3/game 3.3/game 8.6/game 213.7/game

I've also had several Fizz's pick against my Ziggs (Fizz counters him) .... I generally stomp everyone with Ziggs. Just gotta L2P against certain champs I guess.


He is a high skill floor (and cap) champion that honestly doesn't offer much over many similar champions with easier kits. If you like him, that's fine. Just saying that he's not that easy-to-use and he's just not super amazing right now (though he should be, Liandry's, his passive, and his ult are all really good when things go right).

Like I said, there's no hard counters. That is, a matchup you literally cannot win because they picked that into you. At worst, you'll have really, really bad ones that are hard to overcome but it isn't impossible.


He is a high skill floor (and cap) champion that honestly doesn't offer much over many similar champions with easier kits. If you like him, that's fine. Just saying that he's not that easy-to-use and he's just not super amazing right now (though he should be, Liandry's, his passive, and his ult are all really good when things go right).

Like I said, there's no hard counters. That is, a matchup you literally cannot win because they picked that into you. At worst, you'll have really, really bad ones that are hard to overcome but it isn't impossible.

True. I'd much rather play Syndra than Brand .... but I get bored playing the same champ over and over.

Every time I've played Brand I've led in damage to champs (the damage which matters) .. get a good ult off (landing your passive on the target you ult is key to this) and all those damages you do (especially with Ryali's) really adds up.


Brand isnt even that hard to play compared to the higher skill cap champions

definitely easier to play than syndra :/

his godly level 1 trades with E and his huge w cant even be missed


Brand isnt even that hard to play compared to the higher skill cap champions

definitely easier to play than syndra :/

his godly level 1 trades with E and his huge w cant even be missed

His E is his saving grace for ease of use in lane. Good damage on a point-and-click. The W can be juked (~0.75s time to dodge at most around 300 units? Plus it has a cast animation you can watch for) so it's not impossible to miss with it. Really, his problems come down to the stun combo setup compared to other mids.

And Syndra is fairly "easy" to play once you get the hang of her ranges. She can cast freely while moving (for the most part) and she has better hitboxes on many of her spells. Ultimately, she's just a smoother champion with similar skillshot designs. It helps that her stun is easier to land despite it being harder to aim; the faster travel speed and ability to go through minions just makes it that much better.

Truthfully, I wouldn't really call either of them easy or simple but, between the two, I'd say Syndra is the better off of the two.


I see you is also in Gold. I'd offer to duo queue with you ... but you seem to also like Mid AP!

I do whatever.

I just like to call out whatever is fun to me at the time; was spamming Fiddle jungle last week and Nasus top before that. Gotta mix it up!


Didn't see much a difference not running mp5 yellows. Also took two points from expanded mind and put them on wanderer and again not much difference.

Need further testing but seems alright. Don't really notice the armor yellows tho


Fiora mid works. Was against a Gragas, so mid game was tough, but I won early and late.

It honestly shouldn't have. He has an ASPD slow and a Movement slow and a better AD Steroid (that also gives him DR%). Just one of those match ups that should be stacked against you, really.

Need further testing but seems alright. Don't really notice the armor yellows tho

I suppose if you play against people who never harass then this would be the case. In which case, HP/Level Yellows are probably better if only for the late game effectiveness.


I suppose if you play against people who never harass then this would be the case. In which case, HP/Level Yellows are probably better if only for the late game effectiveness.
it's what I'm saying, I went against a Ziggs of all champions and was hoping I'd get to test it and the dude kept throwing (and missing) his bouncy bomb thingie and I don't think he auto'd me even once.
It honestly shouldn't have. He has an ASPD slow and a Movement slow and a better AD Steroid (that also gives him DR%). Just one of those match ups that should be stacked against you, really.

That's why mid game was horrible. Early game I was able to out-harass him if I was smart (wait for him to barrel, stay away from it and QQ->2x AA), but once he got his RoA I couldn;t kill the fucker. Too much health and too had to catch. I picked up some kills by roaming to keep up with him, then once I got some of my core items I just out-scaled everyone.

I can see it working a lot better against people other than Gragas.


it's what I'm saying, I went against a Ziggs of all champions and was hoping I'd get to test it and the dude kept throwing (and missing) his bouncy bomb thingie and I don't think he auto'd me even once.

Ziggs should be autoing like a champ. He's a candidate for Lichbane. Sounds like a poor Ziggs.


it's what I'm saying, I went against a Ziggs of all champions and was hoping I'd get to test it and the dude kept throwing (and missing) his bouncy bomb thingie and I don't think he auto'd me even once.

Play Ziggs.

Never auto.


That's why mid game was horrible. Early game I was able to out-harass him if I was smart (wait for him to barrel, stay away from it and QQ->2x AA), but once he got his RoA I couldn;t kill the fucker. Too much health and too had to catch. I picked up some kills by roaming to keep up with him, then once I got some of my core items I just out-scaled everyone.

I can see it working a lot better against people other than Gragas.

You know, typing that up, I was like, "Shit, Gragas has a ton of random stuff on his kit."
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