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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I'm saying if someone picks Kassadin to counter you when you pick Ahri ... you're looking at a steeper hill than that Kassadin is.

Wasn't that my original point? It's not an impossible lane. There's times where you can do things but you're not looking at a situation of literally being unable to do anything. Where you have no hope from Level 1 and no chance at any point during the game.

Kassadin wouldn't have been my go to example for this "HARD COUNTER PLS HELP" to be honest. It's lopsided post-6, sure, but 1-6 is just as lopsided in the other direction. I was half expecting to have to explain what to do vs an Akali (though it's a similar situation so I dunno) or Swain, honestly.

Sure pre-6 is easy against Kassadin. Kassadin shines mid-late game.

And that's why the entire emphasis for EVERYONE vs Kassadin is to shut down his 1-6. If he dies early or doesn't get any cs then you need to use that advantageous situation to deal with his better 6+.

Any good Kassadin post 6 will come in with his full combo. You're silenced, you're slowed and he's retreating away scott free.

How good are we talking about? Kassadin's R has an animation and it's relatively predictable if you're familiar with how Kassadin wants to go in. It's not impossible (or that hard, truth be told) to Charm the ult in.

Now, a good Kassadin will vary his engages and approaches but there's still a delay window to get a Charm in before the Q can be cast. But a good Ahri still has options.


So I really just started playing this game a week ago (mac) and I absolutely love it. Six game winning streak right now using Malphite. Malphite is pretty good, i'll probably stick with him for now.


So I really just started playing this game a week ago (mac) and I absolutely love it. Six game winning streak right now using Malphite. Malphite is pretty good, i'll probably stick with him for now.

are you on NA? I think horse detective needs a friend

food for thought:
ahri charm missile speed: 1500
kass Q missile speed: 1400


So I really just started playing this game a week ago (mac) and I absolutely love it. Six game winning streak right now using Malphite. Malphite is pretty good, i'll probably stick with him for now.

Awesome! Malphite is a great champ, someone who plays him well is a great addition to most teams. Good luck :) Also, don't forget to join the neogaf chat channel (see the Community section of the OP).


Neat, more fresh meat.

Malphite is pretty good, i'll probably stick with him for now.

I'll go ahead and warn you then: Malphite is still banned with some frequency so you might not be able to play him in some Draft games down the road. That doesn't mean don't play him or anything, just that you should keep an eye on something to play those times you can't use him :x


look, i appreciate what youre saying and yes, the best way to stomp kass is with an ad champion mid. however, ashong is asking how he can deal with kass as ahri and your advice of "youre fucked, ahri cant do shit, play panth" didnt help him

what happens if ahri lands her E on kassadin as he rifts in. thats not scott free. like sure, kass has a lower skill floor, but we dont assume the ahri cant play her own character

I dunno. In a lot of my gold Solo Queue games ... it is safe to assume that a lot of people can't play the champions they have picked in my experiences.

So I really just started playing this game a week ago (mac) and I absolutely love it. Six game winning streak right now using Malphite. Malphite is pretty good, i'll probably stick with him for now.

As Scy stated, Malphite is banned at my ELO in what feels like 95% of the games I have played. People fear strong initiators it seems.

Just learn as many champs as you can. Try new things ... you never know who you might end up loving.

I thought Diana seemed mega boring .... then I finally got around to buying her and giving her a shot and I absolutely love playing her.

are you on NA? I think horse detective needs a friend

food for thought:
ahri charm missile speed: 1500
kass Q missile speed: 1400

I get it man. All I'm saying ... thats a much easier lane for Kassadin than it is Ahri. Her damage is too dependent on skillshots.


So I really just started playing this game a week ago (mac) and I absolutely love it. Six game winning streak right now using Malphite. Malphite is pretty good, i'll probably stick with him for now.
malph's cool but he has like a 90% ban rate on low elo ranked/draft normals so don't get too cuddly with him
So I really just started playing this game a week ago (mac) and I absolutely love it. Six game winning streak right now using Malphite. Malphite is pretty good, i'll probably stick with him for now.

Welcome indeed! This is a friendly thread, I've found.

Malphite is a beast. You can play him top, jungle, or (apparently) mid. Get tanky, dive into teamfights and upset people, let your team do the damage. OR, build AP and magic pen. and do the damage yourself. :D Either way health and armour are really nice on him.


honestly, these days aren't that bad on kass players as it used to be

pre-6 used to be hell on earth, now it feels like we have enough options to survive any lane

seeker's armguard + ninja tabi is enough to survive ad casting gapclosers, and frost gauntlet is so damn good for dealing with AD teams

the expansion of defensive ap items in general have helped out a ton


Why are you guys making him worry about something that is like 150 games away? I doubt he's going to just play malph all the way to 30.
Why are you guys making him worry about something that is like 150 games away? I doubt he's going to just play malph all the way to 30.

Agreed. I'm just telling him what I wish people had told me when I first played Malph. I hated doing no damage with him, but never thought of building some AP/pen to rectify that.


are you on NA? I think horse detective needs a friend
Yea, I am NA.

Awesome! Malphite is a great champ, someone who plays him well is a great addition to most teams. Good luck :) Also, don't forget to join the neogaf chat channel (see the Community section of the OP).
Yea, it seems Malph is a great tank, and I always try to get the ice gauntlets. I also love his little spinning disk attack, when I kill someone with it it feels like i'm bowling and got a strike lol.

I'll go ahead and warn you then: Malphite is still banned with some frequency so you might not be able to play him in some Draft games down the road. That doesn't mean don't play him or anything, just that you should keep an eye on something to play those times you can't use him :x

As Scy stated, Malphite is banned at my ELO in what feels like 95% of the games I have played. People fear strong initiators it seems.

Just learn as many champs as you can. Try new things ... you never know who you might end up loving.

I thought Diana seemed mega boring .... then I finally got around to buying her and giving her a shot and I absolutely love playing her.

malph's cool but he has like a 90% ban rate on low elo ranked/draft normals so don't get too cuddly with him
Oh dang, he gets banned? Why?

And i'm more of a tank/melee fighter, so that's why I chose Malph. I used Alistar at first, but didn't like him that much. Saw Malph was free this week and figured i'd give him a try.

I'm mainly just using Malph to get a good grip on the game too, learn more about the items, how to attack people, etc.

Welcome indeed! This is a friendly thread, I've found.

Malphite is a beast. You can play him top, jungle, or (apparently) mid. Get tanky, dive into teamfights and upset people, let your team do the damage. OR, build AP and magic pen. and do the damage yourself. :D Either way health and armour are really nice on him.
I go top or bottom with him and I play with my friend who just started last week as well and he uses Garen. We are a pretty good duo and hard to beat. I always try to upgrade my armor, mana, and ability power as well.


Oh dang, he gets banned? Why?

When the game gets to the "we group up and fight together!" stages of the game, his ultimate is a really simple and efficient way to initiate a fight. He has one of the best ultimates for this role so when choosing bans, it's just one of those, "Let's just not deal with it, okay?" ones that get done.

Like boken said, I wouldn't really worry about it until you're Level 30 really. I said it thinking that you had been playing for awhile and were getting closer to 30 and shifting to draft games :x


play him for now, bans shouldn't be a problem until later on.

he's basically banned because people are bad and can't deal with his ult. I wouldn't ban him, personally.

nocturne and jarvan are both free right now and are good alternatives if you wanna try someone else. they're not exactly the same but still.
play him for now, bans shouldn't be a problem until later on.

he's basically banned because people are bad and can't deal with his ult. I wouldn't ban him, personally.

I don't ban him in ranked 5's because I'm communicating with people I know and trust and we can all deal with Malphite. In solo/duo though he's worth a ban, simply because I don't know if my team mates can deal with him and I'd rather not find out.


Oh dang, he gets banned? Why?
Try not to worry about it too much. I played hundreds of blind pick games before even trying draft.

The best advice I think you can get while learning is to just do whatever is fun. If you've found a champ you really like there's nothing wrong with sticking with 'em. Sure it's good in the long run to have a wide range of champs you play well but early on it's fine to play one champ a lot. Try out different builds, see what works for you. In the end learning as much as you can about Malphite will help you learn new champs when you do decide to move on.


I don't ban him in ranked 5's because I'm communicating with people I know and trust and we can all deal with Malphite. In solo/duo though he's worth a ban, simply because I don't know if my team mates can deal with him and I'd rather not find out.
I like banning MF so you people know how much my bans are worth
And i'm more of a tank/melee fighter, so that's why I chose Malph. I used Alistar at first, but didn't like him that much. Saw Malph was free this week and figured i'd give him a try.

I'm mainly just using Malph to get a good grip on the game too, learn more about the items, how to attack people, etc.

I go top or bottom with him and I play with my friend who just started last week as well and he uses Garen. We are a pretty good duo and hard to beat. I always try to upgrade my armor, mana, and ability power as well.

Hah! That was exactly my progression. Although I went back to Alistar after a while because I wanted to learn support, and support Malphite wasn't a thing then.

Well, botlane Malphite and Garen isn't what you might call popular later on, but early in the game it really is just do what works, play what you're competent with, and try to improve. Sounds like you're doing that anyway. :)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nobody bans Malphite anymore. If you are that scared of his ultimate Hecarim will do the same thing to you.


Orianna is pretty hard to max her potential. GL

you can play pretty defensively with her and just farm until team fights then you just shield a diving melee and ult their back line

Irelia has easier basics, i think you should start with that!

mana is gonna be an issue until you get your first blue buff or you get a chalice or something, so play passive early on and just last hit and harrass with autos (they do a bunch thanks to her passive). later on you can harrass with Q+W+self E combo. just focus on farming and setting up ganks for your jungler (ie freeze the lane next to your tower, etc), your own ganks are kinda weak since you have no hard cc.

orianna doesn't have all that many bad matchups, her range is kinda average and she'll get destroyed by your typical assassins (you can sorta counter them with maxing E before W) but other than that she's really strong and brings a lot of utility and damage to the team.

in teamfights just make sure you don't miss your ult and try to set it up with a good initiator (malph, mumu, j4) so that everyone's bunched up and easy to grab. just E your initiator and as he gets in, wait for the stun/knockup/whatever to be almost out and ult them. unless you're half behind if you can pull that combo off the fight will be usually won.

the cooldown is kinda killer so make sure you don't waste it on someone that'll survive and flash out.

and i build her straight up damage, deathcap, athenes/morello, sorc shoes, void staff, zhonyas, etc. sometimes i start RoA if i feel i'm gonna have a hard time but meh...

Ori is gonna take a lot more than two games, but I think she's worth it. Like most champs you really have to worry about positioning, but instead of you just your position you also have to be aware of the Ball's position. That's the hardest part. Here's a bunch of random stuff:

* Chalice is almost always your purchase during first b. If I'm not too afraid of the enemy mid's skillshots I sometimes start double mana charm and pots. If you're up against someone like Talon or Kha'zix maybe go for armguard on your first back, but then get that chalice next. CDR and mana regen are super good on Ori.

* Pay attention to the little arrow around Ori that points in the direction of the Ball. It will change colors as you get farther away. In colorblind mode it gets red just at the edge of max range. In normal mode it is probably some stupid fucking color because Riot hates colorblind people. I'm not bitter.

* Her autoattacks do decent damage because of her passive. Make sure you get the spellsword mastery, too. Ori has really good AA harass.

* The travel time on Command: Protect (E) is a lot faster than the travel time on Command: Attack (Q). If the Ball is way on the other side of the screen behind you and you want to throw it in front of you don't just press Q, it will take forever to move up. Instead, press E to recall the Ball quickly and then Q.

* Don't forget that the Ball still does some damage while travelling to its target when you E. This is useful for wave clearing. You Q to the back of the minion line, W then E.

* Keep the Ball moving in team fights. At max level with decent CDR and blue the cooldown on Q is like 2 seconds. It does good damage so use it as much as you can.

* Like Boken said, make sure you E your initiator before a team fight. They'll get a shield and you can speed them up with W if they don't have a good gap closer or save the W to use once the Ball is in the middle of the enemy team. Once your initiator is in the shit try to ult when you think you can hit a bunch of people.

* Also remember that whoever has the Ball gets a passive armor/MR boost as long as they have it, it isn't just the four second shield. Putting that on your tank or someone who is trying to escape can be a big help.

* Don't be afraid to ult just to kill off one person. Especially late game when you know it will give your team a 5v4 for a good 60-70 seconds. QWRQ does a ton of damage, especially to carries. When they are hiding under turret I try to get a QW in to soften them up, then the next chance I get I go for the whole combo. Good times, good times.

Thanks guys. Those are some very useful tips. :) I will keep trying.


Garen and Malph, most annoying lane ever. GG.

Lol. It does seem like it would be pretty annoying.

I played earlier (my 9th or 10th match) and I went 3-0-13 and I think my friend went 11-0-2 going bottom with Malphite and Garrus. I felt bad for who we played against. The only annoying thing was we were going up against an Ashe, and I couldn't close the gap on her except when using my ult. The ult really is good for closing the gap, the recharge time on it seems justifiable.
Lol. It does seem like it would be pretty annoying.

I played earlier (my 9th or 10th match) and I went 3-0-13 and I think my friend went 11-0-2 going bottom with Malphite and Garrus. I felt bad for who we played against. The only annoying thing was we were going up against an Ashe, and I couldn't close the gap on her except when using my ult. The ult really is good for closing the gap, the recharge time on it seems justifiable.

His ult is widely considered one of the strongest abilities in the game. Rightly so to my mind.


riot pls release I need an anivia skin


So people who pick Shaco for Jungle are selfish right? I mean what's the point? He offers nothing to the team after laning phase is over.


So people who pick Shaco for Jungle are selfish right? I mean what's the point? He offers nothing to the team after laning phase is over.

If he does his job right he snowballs your lanes enough so you guys can hold/push as 4v5 and then splitpushes himself.
It really takes kass a while to push waves so you can just go back after a wave dies and yours is going to his tower

It really does. Kass takes a while to clear lanes, and he gives up ganking potential when he does so, since it uses significant mana and he'll have to use a bunch more to re-charge (or wait longer, same shit).


So people who pick Shaco for Jungle are selfish right? I mean what's the point? He offers nothing to the team after laning phase is over.
nah, not really, he can be the bane of some jungler's existence and win you the game over very early.

I really like when I get a shaco in my team, it's like a weight off my shoulders to carry the game

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Lol. It does seem like it would be pretty annoying.

I played earlier (my 9th or 10th match) and I went 3-0-13 and I think my friend went 11-0-2 going bottom with Malphite and Garrus. I felt bad for who we played against. The only annoying thing was we were going up against an Ashe, and I couldn't close the gap on her except when using my ult. The ult really is good for closing the gap, the recharge time on it seems justifiable.

I played earlier (my 9th or 10th match) and I went 3-0-13 and I think my friend went 11-0-2 going bottom with Malphite and Garrus.


I'm having trouble nailing down a champion to play with, since I've been away from the game for a while. I played back in closed beta with Jax, but he got nerfed pretty hard. Then I mained Annie for a while, but I got tired of going up against Brands and Veigars mid that shut me down cold. I jungled Nunu for a week when he was free and I enjoyed that, although my ganking skills need some work. Then I went Caitlyn for some ranged AD damage but I can never figure out how to snowball with her.

What's a good champion to play right now? I haven't played LoL in over a year so I'd like someone relatively lenient that I can get back in the groove with.



I'm having trouble nailing down a champion to play with, since I've been away from the game for a while. I played back in closed beta with Jax, but he got nerfed pretty hard. Then I mained Annie for a while, but I got tired of going up against Brands and Veigars mid that shut me down cold. I jungled Nunu for a week when he was free and I enjoyed that, although my ganking skills need some work. Then I went Caitlyn for some ranged AD damage but I can never figure out how to snowball with her.

What's a good champion to play right now? I haven't played LoL in over a year so I'd like someone relatively lenient that I can get back in the groove with.
What position? What kind of champs you like?

there's tons of good champions right now, too broad a question

or just play lux

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
What position? What kind of champs you like?

there's tons of good champions right now, too broad a question

or just play lux

Well I don't prefer one type of champ over another. Like I noted, I've played melee top, AD bot, AP mid, and I dabbled in jungling. Characters I really enjoyed playing were Jax, Xin Zhao, Cait, and Annie. I guess if I had to choose, I'd say I enjoy melee characters like Jax and Xin.


seems like karma like thresh comes equipped with her own locket of iron solari.

poor janna

Well I don't prefer one type of champ over another. Like I noted, I've played melee top, AD bot, AP mid, and I dabbled in jungling. Characters I really enjoyed playing were Jax, Xin Zhao, Cait, and Annie. I guess if I had to choose, I'd say I enjoy melee characters like Jax and Xin.
well, xin's super strong right now so it's a good choice as any.

i dunno really, I like graves, lux, ori, syndra, diana, sona, lulu, zyra, leona, they're all fun in their own ways

anivia is not really fun unless you're me, I think

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
well, xin's super strong right now so it's a good choice as any.

i dunno really, I like graves, lux, ori, syndra, diana, sona, lulu, zyra, leona, they're all fun in their own ways

anivia is not really fun unless you're me, I think

Cool, maybe I'll start off with Xin and take it from there. I see Lux being played a lot too, maybe I'll check her out during her free week to see what she's like.


zac has a aoe % health damaging spell.

no way riot will be able to balance that.

he seems fun to play with and against, though. I really want to know what happens if I laser kill him from afar.

edit: uses no mana either rofl riot pls
zac has a aoe % health damaging spell.

no way riot will be able to balance that.

he seems fun to play with and against, though. I really want to know what happens if I laser kill him from afar.

edit: uses no mana either rofl riot pls

He damages himself with his abilities so it makes sense he has no mana. Can't wait to play him, his kit looks incredibly fun.


zac is gonna be mindbendingly OP

and then he will get nerfed to hell

and then buffed and come back to ban/pick status in S4

alternatively, be UP as hell and nobody will use him (unlikely with that silly kit)


Zac is probably going to be strong on release. Health % AOE, long range gap closer. Ward those bushes people.

I'll buy him. Hope his skin is good though. His default looks pretty boring :(
new karma kit sounds really fucking boring to be honest

Q - just another goddamn nuke + slow now (everything in this game slows. Everything.) and has exciting gameplay of R->Q, where Q now does a second bit of dmg. Woo.

W- Leblanc's E, except, omg it's a dot. So 99% same as Leblanc's E. R->W gives bonus damage and heal. uh ok.

E- shield + MS bonus, standard combo of two super generic moves that this game loves to throw on every other champion. R->E makes it do damage and gives allies a bit of the shield+move. Amazing.

In conclusion we figured out that you guys didn't like Karma because she was unique and interesting and reliant on good teamplay, so we instead we reached into our generic grab-bag of {shield | MS Steroid | AS Steroid | damaging move that slows | damaging thing that does bonus damage when you do something else first | gap closer | knockup | short stealth move | % max health damage | ....}

Seriously annoying, especially that they're ALSO changing her look in a pretty shitty way. The new "traditional skin" is not the original skin at all, and removing the fans alters the entire visual concept of the character.

Also given the above, I'm pretty sure they're going to ruin Sun Goddess, which is one of my fav skins in the game.


Tragic victim of fan death
New Karma is even more OP in ARAM? kk.

Well.... we're going to have to see the numbers but that kit sounds real good for ARAM.
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