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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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just saying if you rank all MOBA champs i would put every single lol champ in the range from very easy to normal. in dota there is literally a champ that can have 5 different versions of himself at the same time on the map. each with unique cooldowns and fully controllable, if one dies, they all die. they keep lol easy to play (hard to master) on purpose, to not lose the mainstream appeal, which is not a bad thing.

Meepo is not really representative of how DotA heroes play.

uh i think thats a gross simplification of lol and a complete romanticisation of dota. while dota does have a higher top end in stuff like chen and meepo, but they still have stuff like drow ranger or skeleton knight who are way less mechanically demanding than the average league of legends champion

While I agree with you generally - that none of the kits recently have captured the imagination (cept zed), but i dont think you should assume people are retarded. people can remember 6 skills, they can notice renektons fury bar or his glowing sword or the sound of hitting 50 fury
Did you read the post I was responding to? I was saying the same thing you are.

That Karma should have a more interesting kit (with more different mantra effects) because champs like Nid/Elise/Jayce already exist, so this idea about "no one will know wtf she does" isn't a very good one. Hell, I like her current kit, the only real change I'd make is to have a W that's less dependent on your teammates knowing all the nuances of someone else'es skill.

As for the bit about memory, I do think that most of the playerbase doesn't remember what all 6 of those skills do, most of the playerbase doesn't know what >50% of the spells in the game actually do. I regularly play with a friend from work who has played 500+ games but always plays Yi and has only a limited knowledge (sometimes none at all) about most other champs in the game.


Zac is going to be a tank/utility jungler who focuses on ganking. It's like Maokai but adjusted to fit into season 3's jungle play style.

You heard it here first.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
No I just don't think he's a "utility" jungler. He has nothing in common with Maokai.

He is someone looking to initiate and create opportunities to team fight in mid to late game, where he can deal a lot of damage and try to be disruptive enough to draw attention from his allies. Also his ganks seem pretty weak. Sooooooooo yeah. Probably better to look to counter gank tbh.


I can't see any other way you can build this guy. He needs the hp to do what he has to do and you might as well get aura items.

His level 2 ganking seems amazing. E into a Q. Hitting the E is pretty much a free kill for your laner. You can also go into the enemy jungle to gank bot lane from their turret by using E to jump from the enemy tribush into lane, Q for slow then R for the cc.

Unless you have the ability to double flash, I seriously don't think you can escape Zac's ganks.

He is someone looking to initiate and create opportunities to team fight in mid to late game, where he can deal a lot of damage and try to be disruptive enough to draw attention from his allies. Also his ganks seem pretty weak. Sooooooooo yeah. Probably better to look to counter gank tbh.

But that's what Maokai did in season 2 which was made even stronger with his items from heavy, early game ganking. Maokai did absurd amounts of damage and cc mid game if you had any cdr. You could single handedly shut down a carry from spamming Q.

Zac is going to do the same in my opinion but he has more up front damage with his ult. I just can't see Zac being a bruiser or a carry right now. Probably because of the AP ratios. I can't see any reason to build any items outside of tanking/cdr items.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't want to say "you don't get it", but you don't get it.

His ganks are like...the opposite of amazing. Knock back is not the same as knock up. His E is so bad. If you aren't able to understand that then I don't really know where to go with this. It immobilizes you, has a decently long charge time, can only be fired off into a certain radius, meaning people can easily move to the sides of this and get away, and takes a huge chunk of your health. Oh, and it's like the easiest thing in the world to interrupt.

First of all, who is this even going to work on? Not mid lane. Not bot lane. Only top, and they will know it is coming. Congrats, you got into range at level two. Now you can apply some awful slow that has a terrible range on it and kill yourself while you pretend you can deal damage.

Most good level two gankers have some form of hard CC to lock opponents while being very mobile and hard to escape from.

Zac does not provide the peel or damage reduction Maokai does for his team, and isn't anywhere near as tanky to soak everything up.

Nothing you are saying even makes sense. Going into the enemy jungle early game as Zac is a death wish. Jumping walls to avoid wards is a joke with the huge health cost and 24 second cooldown. On item builds: he probably needs spell vamp.


zac cant possibly have as much early game presence as maokai

all you have is a knockback and slow while mao had that and a targeted root


i thought you had one

it has no games

ill get one when its cheaper + panic mode nintendo + super smash + zelda + retro studios game

his size scales with ACTUAL HP, not %
look at dis yo (8675 hp + lulu ult n stormshield)


Man, I think ZAC looks cool.

PBE up. Replays are in, or at least the interface for them. I can't buy Zac yet because the store doesn't work.
According to Riot replays are going to come and go on PBE, they are on a separate development path from the next few patches and may not go live for months.

[*]Slingshot is annoying. I hate abilities like this. Do I hold the button down? Do I tap it once to start it and another to activate it? It always seemed to break and was easily interrupted.
Looks like Varus Q. If you are smartcasting you hold down, if not you click twice. Difference is that moving cancels it.
uh i think thats a gross simplification of lol and a complete romanticisation of dota. while dota does have a higher top end in stuff like chen and meepo, but they still have stuff like drow ranger or skeleton knight who are way less mechanically demanding than the average league of legends champion

yes what i was trying to say that all LoL champs fit from very easy to normal other Dotas go from very easy to very hard. i wasn't trying to say that all champs in dota are hard. even though the game itself is more demanding than lol.


So I have come to the conclusion everybody hates losing to a Talon, I never get honorable opponent.
I mostly think of honorable opponent as the consolation prize. If you win a game, you hope you get teamwork honor, but it's not like anyone on the other team would ever give you honorable opponent since everyone lost their red ribbons. On the other hand, if you lose, and you had 2 afk teammates all game, well, maybe they will give you honorable opponent honor to make up for your 40 minutes of suffering.

And "gg" is such a weird thing. It originally meant "good game" I would assume, congratulating your starcrafting enemy on outstarcraftering you. But now it has come to mean "gg im trolling" or "gg someone made a slight mistake" or [series of 5 chat lines, from the same person, within 5 minutes, all containing gg]. In none of these cases does the person believe it was a good game at all! In several they may not even use all chat, so it is not like the other team would see the congratulatory, good sportsmanship gg! Instead, it's just "I'm going to do my best to ruin the game for my team" or "I am going to rage because of one thing" or "I have given up but will type gg 5 times instead of 1 because maybe then it will make me feel better and/or convince my team that they should feel bad and/or surrender".

It's also interesting looking at text styles -- certain people never use capitalization or a period to end their sentences, and certain people almost always do. And then certain people presumably only use no-punctuation no-capitalization SOME times, which may in itself be a subtle imitation of the style of the worst of LoL communities.



I mostly think of honorable opponent as the consolation prize. If you win a game, you hope you get teamwork honor, but it's not like anyone on the other team would ever give you honorable opponent since everyone lost their red ribbons. On the other hand, if you lose, and you had 2 afk teammates all game, well, maybe they will give you honorable opponent honor to make up for your 40 minutes of suffering.

And "gg" is such a weird thing. It originally meant "good game" I would assume, congratulating your starcrafting enemy on outstarcraftering you. But now it has come to mean "gg im trolling" or "gg someone made a slight mistake" or [series of 5 chat lines, from the same person, within 5 minutes, all containing gg]. In none of these cases does the person believe it was a good game at all! In several they may not even use all chat, so it is not like the other team would see the congratulatory, good sportsmanship gg! Instead, it's just "I'm going to do my best to ruin the game for my team" or "I am going to rage because of one thing" or "I have given up but will type gg 5 times instead of 1 because maybe then it will make me feel better and/or convince my team that they should feel bad and/or surrender".

It's also interesting looking at text styles -- certain people never use capitalization or a period to end their sentences, and certain people almost always do. And then certain people presumably only use no-punctuation no-capitalization SOME times, which may in itself be a subtle imitation of the style of the worst of LoL communities.

gg = game over
ggwp = sign of respect on loss

and what are you talking about, i never use capitalisation and im the best duder
So having played a jungle game with him, I genuinely think Zac is weak at the moment. His early game is pure trash, honestly. He's got some of the worst sustain for a jungler. He'll be really easy to counter jungle. Just invade his red, let him wear himself down and just destry him.

Also I'm kind of at odds as to what his best build path is. Do I just built a tonne of health? He does decent damage, but he just kind of feels bad to play right now. I think his health costs are too much, way too much. Especially on his E. 12% of your health to jump into a gank, before you're even in a fight? No thanks, I'd rather just have mana. At 4500 health, that's about 540 health to get into a fight. He relies so much on picking up the health blobs that it hurts his gameplay. As dimb mentioned earlier, his range is terrible and they fly pretty far away, so if you want even acceptable sustain you're putting yourself in danger and losing clear speed.

His ganks are pretty strong. If you can get his E off without it bugging (because seriously, it bugs a lot) and the slow, his early ganks will be decent enough. He's at his strongest when he hits 6 though, and he relies on his ult for ganks A LOT. If you don;t have your ult when ganking, it's really risky to do so.

His late game should be awesome, but the health costs are so high that it really isn't as good as it should be.

He feels like a champion who works well on paper, but in practice he's just all over the place.

Think I'll wait and see on this one.


gg = game over
ggwp = sign of respect on loss

and what are you talking about, i never use capitalisation and im the best duder
In that case, everyone should transition to using "go" to mean "game over". If we don't got consistency, what do we got!

Also, the last couple of pages are a roller coaster of emotions. Zac reviews went from amazing to terrible before I ever got to try him. ;(
Also, the last couple of pages are a roller coaster of emotions. Zac reviews went from amazing to terrible before I ever got to try him. ;(

On paper, he seems incredible. In practice, he really isn't.

All his weaknesses (for me) surround around his health costs for abilities mechanic.

Morde and Vlad's sustain abilities work because they eventually outscale the health costs so it's worth it in lieu of no mana. Once they get a bit of spell vamp they're super strong.

Zac's health costs don't feel worth it at all. He's intended to be a jungler, but his early sustain is really bad.

He's intended to be a tank and initiate, but when you burn 12% of your health to get in there, 6% of current to slow and 4% of current for the AoE, you're down 20% of your health in total just to initiate, and your only sustain flies out of the fight in forms of gooey blobs.

He's totally all over the place as a champion (excuse the pun).


On paper, he seems incredible. In practice, he really isn't.

All his weaknesses (for me) surround around his health costs for abilities mechanic.

Morde and Vlad's sustain abilities work because they eventually outscale the health costs so it's worth it in lieu of no mana. Once they get a bit of spell vamp they're super strong.

Zac's health costs don't feel worth it at all. He's intended to be a jungler, but his early sustain is really bad.

He's intended to be a tank and initiate, but when you burn 12% of your health to get in there, 6% of current to slow and 4% of current for the AoE, you're down 20% of your health in total just to initiate, and your only sustain flies out of the fight in forms of gooey blobs.

He's totally all over the place as a champion (excuse the pun).

expectations are all over the place, but the champion isnt. his mechanics all work together, and the % hp costs are to gate his power, since manaless high cc sounds very strong (cos it is)
expectations are all over the place, but the champion isnt. his mechanics all work together, and the % hp costs are to gate his power, since manaless high cc sounds very strong (cos it is)

His cc isn't very strong though, it really isn't. Maybe in an area, but even someone like Jarvan has more cc than him. Xin Zhao has more, Vi has more and they all have better cc than he does. He has an ok slow, a 0.5 second knockup and a 1 second knockup.

The % hp costs are too high, simple as really.

His mechanics work together, if you can use them perfectly without that jump bugging, but he feels poor to play.
Still going on, Gambit won the first one and are pretty much beasting this one. I think the next game starts at 5pm EST? I could be wrong.

Edit: Gambit just won. Volibear 10/0/2. Baller.

Rerun? I saw that game earlier today.

Volibear is a great champ. He's my newest waifu.

It's always funny when the pros complain about how shitty and what a joke a champ is and then a day later it's FOTM OP. I always thought Voli's kit was weird but he works as an initiator in certain comps.

Kayle I think is the biggest victim of this.
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