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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Results from the poll of the other day: (25,385 votes)

(The original poll was asking what 3 champions the voter considered the strongest in the game, not their personal best characters.)


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OT Hard Carry

new meta: send a squishy ad against burst assassins mid and put your AP carry into support roles. Also everyone has to buy that fancy burger king sword thing.

Thankfully we had Nasus as our non-AD item AD carry.

Nerdy Fergy

Neo Member
Could someone recommend me a summoner similar to Fiddlesticks? I realize he is kind of unique, but I need to learn someone else. My summoner level is 7.

I like Fiddle because he is ranged, has CCs and a decently powerful ult. I usually play more for my team, than for kills, so I don't mind if I go down in a team fight, as long as it helps out. Is there anyone that would be a good fit for me?

Thanks for the help. I'm still kind of new.


Could someone recommend me a summoner similar to Fiddlesticks? I realize he is kind of unique, but I need to learn someone else. My summoner level is 7.

I like Fiddle because he is ranged, has CCs and a decently powerful ult. I usually play more for my team, than for kills, so I don't mind if I go down in a team fight, as long as it helps out. Is there anyone that would be a good fit for me?

Thanks for the help. I'm still kind of new.

same question for me but with garen.


Could someone recommend me a summoner similar to Fiddlesticks? I realize he is kind of unique, but I need to learn someone else. My summoner level is 7.

I like Fiddle because he is ranged, has CCs and a decently powerful ult. I usually play more for my team, than for kills, so I don't mind if I go down in a team fight, as long as it helps out. Is there anyone that would be a good fit for me?

Thanks for the help. I'm still kind of new.

I would say kennen.


OT Hard Carry
Could someone recommend me a summoner similar to Fiddlesticks? I realize he is kind of unique, but I need to learn someone else. My summoner level is 7.

I like Fiddle because he is ranged, has CCs and a decently powerful ult. I usually play more for my team, than for kills, so I don't mind if I go down in a team fight, as long as it helps out. Is there anyone that would be a good fit for me?

Thanks for the help. I'm still kind of new.

Lux is ranged, has a lot of CC to bring utility and a hilariously awesome ult on short cooldown. She'll teach you to land skillshots, combo abilities in rapid succession and manage your mana resource. Extremely safe to play too. Might want to try smartcast with her if you're not doing it already.

Oh, and bind /L so you can press it every ten seconds.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Could someone recommend me a summoner similar to Fiddlesticks? I realize he is kind of unique, but I need to learn someone else. My summoner level is 7.

I like Fiddle because he is ranged, has CCs and a decently powerful ult. I usually play more for my team, than for kills, so I don't mind if I go down in a team fight, as long as it helps out. Is there anyone that would be a good fit for me?

Thanks for the help. I'm still kind of new.

You might wanna try Nunu. He's a support but he's very good at buffing his friends and debuffing his enemies. His ult is also pretty good at changing the momentum of team fights.


red post

I would have clicked punish.

Game 4:
Mordekaiser [00:01:15] 1st time jungle morde

When I queue for ranked I could care less who you play or where you play them. What I do care about is that you're trying your hardest to win the game in the role you've chosen with a champion you are comfortable with. If that's Ap Tryndamere or GP then so be it. If you want to go "experiment" with some off-build for the first time you can queue for normals.

To be clear, I would not vote punish because he picked "jungle Morde" I would vote punish because he picked "1st time jungle Morde YOLO this'll be silly."

good thing i never tell people it's my first time with champion x in ranked hue


surprising to see lux up there

If you think about it, she is pretty ridiculous.

Base damage of 1190 with her combo (or 1380 if you proc the second illumination). Every 24 seconds too.

Most lux players will have around 400ap around the 30minute mark so with scaling, it's around 2200 magic damage every 24 seconds.

Plus she can wave clear and stall games pretty easily for her team to catch up in levels.


If it's a new support champion, no one cares if you're playing them day of release. If it's a carry, people will explode and mash report in champion select.
I don't disagree, but I'm not most people and I'd report on both cases.

If you think about it, she is pretty ridiculous.

Base damage of 1190 with her combo (or 1380 if you proc the second illumination). Every 24 seconds too.

Most lux players will have around 400ap around the 30minute mark so with scaling, it's around 2200 magic damage every 24 seconds.

Plus she can wave clear and stall games pretty easily for her team to catch up in levels.
oh yeah I'm not saying she's not strong, but her being only 3 spots behind TF seems a bit wrong to me.


I agree with the red, if you try out champions in ranked fuck you

But I do that

That's how I started playing any role outside of adc
Get forced into a role then I'll start experimenting. Sure, I stuck with some champs like Vi for a few games since they were easy win but more than 50% of my ranked games is me trying new builds and champions.

I get paired with premade 4s in normal draft almost all the time. Rather deal with solo queue ranked players than being told I'm a shit player from the first minute of the game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nope. Some of it might be, yeah. But I would say 6 or 7 in the top 15 are in pretty decent standing.
Bad players are too scared of Akarin and Kha6. Stuff like Blitz and Xin being that high is just outdated. Other champs like Taric and Amumu have been mixed up as being powerful champions rather than easy ones. It's an inaccurate understanding of the game, which is pretty much what I would expect given the source.


Bad players are too scared of Akarin and Kha6. Stuff like Blitz and Xin being that high is just outdated. Other champs like Taric and Amumu have been mixed up as being powerful champions rather than easy ones. It's an inaccurate understanding of the game, which is pretty much what I would expect given the source.

da fuck is this

also, lux is easily one of the best solo queue ap mids now


But I do that

That's how I started playing any role outside of adc
Get forced into a role then I'll start experimenting. Sure, I stuck with some champs like Vi for a few games since they were easy win but more than 50% of my ranked games is me trying new builds and champions.

I get paired with premade 4s in normal draft almost all the time. Rather deal with solo queue ranked players than being told I'm a shit player from the first minute of the game.
sorry bro but it's very douchy of you to disrespect people that put their ranking on the line because you don't want to maybe deal with premades in normals.

trying out builds or champions is not the point of ranked, the point of ranked is winning.

So you'd report me?

I am, I have been chosen to bring upon death swift justice to lowly beings such as ye


sorry bro but it's very douchy of you to disrespect people that put their ranking on the line because you don't want to maybe deal with premades in normals.

trying out builds or champions is not the point of ranked, the point of ranked is winning.

I am, I have been chosen to bring upon death to lowly beings such as ye

Hey, I still win. And I'm usually not a liability as well. I know mechanics and know how to make calls. In about 70% of my games, I'm able to make the team listen to my pings because I do well in the lane/jungle.

It's not like I'm feeding or anything.

Feeding isn't okay. Learning is. And it's not like I'm not trying to win. I think you misinterpreted the Red post.


Hey, I still win. And I'm usually not a liability as well. I know mechanics and know how to make calls. In about 70% of my games, I'm able to make the team listen to my pings because I do well in the lane/jungle.

It's not like I'm feeding or anything.

Feeding isn't okay. Learning is. And it's not like I'm not trying to win. I think you misinterpreted the Red post.
If you want to go "experiment" with some off-build for the first time you can queue for normals

edit: also I'm not basing it on the red post alone. it takes literally between 20 to 40 minutes to go from me thinking you're an asshole to me not thinking you're an asshole. just play the champion on a normal match so you at least have some experience on him. I don't care if you're great at the game, you're not respecting my time and effort by not trying your hardest.


If you want to go "experiment" with some off-build for the first time you can queue for normals

Eh, jungle Morde is a pretty off build.

First time Quinn building standard ADC items is no worse than 100th time Akali building Warmogs first item.


If you want to go "experiment" with some off-build for the first time you can queue for normals

But what's the difference if I end up winning and doing well anyway?

It's not like I go ap vayne or bullshit like that. I do builds that have the potential to work and they do. I am in no way a liability to the team.


If you want to go "experiment" with some off-build for the first time you can queue for normals

I think the difference is that he was playing morde jungle in that example, which is obviously something new and untested, not quite the same as playing something really standard for the first time because then you at least know it should work if you play it decently.


I don't really see the problem with playing a champion you've never played before in ranked, obviously it's annoying if someone on your team uses it as an excuse for why they're doing badly but if they keep it to themselves what difference does it make really? I've done worse on champions I've played hundreds of times in a couple games than I usually do with champions I'm playing for the first time.


did you guys read my edit?

I'll just break down a couple things I find understandable/not:
* it's ok to try out new runes
* it's ok to try out a new build, as long as it's not ap ashe or something like that
* it's ok to try maxing w before e or something like that
* it's not ok to try out a champion you have never played
* it's not ok to try some cheesy thing you have never tried (jungle morde)

I know you guys are cool but I don't know the guy in ranked I'm playing with. if he goes "believe me I'm really good at ashe ap" I don't care, fuck you dude. and if you tell me "I'm really good I always do good no matter what" well sorry dude but you're putting me in the awful position of trusting some solo queue's random's opinion of himself.


did you guys read my edit?

I'll just break down a couple things I find understandable/not:
* it's ok to try out new runes
* it's ok to try out a new build, as long as it's not ap ashe or something like that
* it's ok to try maxing w before e or something like that
* it's not ok to try out a champion you have never played
* it's not ok to try some cheesy thing you have never tried (jungle morde)

I know you guys are cool but I don't know the guy in ranked I'm playing with. if he goes "believe me I'm really good at ashe ap" I don't care, fuck you dude. and if you tell me "I'm really good I always do good no matter what" well sorry dude but you're putting me in the awful position of trusting some solo queue's random's opinion of himself.

I'm looking at my ranked stats. Over 60% of my champs there were me playing them in ranked for the first time. Lux, Zed, Vi, garen, nocturne top, wukong, pantheon, twisted fate, thresh, kha zix, akali, etc.... they were all me thinking: fuck it, i want to learn how this champ works so i can learn how counterplays to them in the future. I never fed, I played my role well but it was my first time playing the character. I didn't feed, I farmed well, managed to ward whenever i had the chance. Are you still going to tell me that I should go back to draft because the team lost because I was trying a new champ?

And I still got gold from playing new champs and learning them. In no way was I carried to gold either. I worked and raged silently behind the keyboard for that shit.

Even my most played champ of all time (Graves) was me buying him in early season 2 and bringing him into ranked with no knowledge of the champ and winning 12games in a row to get to gold within 4 days.
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