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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I'm looking at my ranked stats. Over 60% of my champs there were me playing them in ranked for the first time. Lux, Zed, Vi, garen, nocturne top, wukong, pantheon, twisted fate, thresh, kha zix, akali, etc.... they were all me thinking: fuck it, i want to learn how this champ works so i can learn how counterplays to them in the future. I never fed, I played my role well but it was my first time playing the character. I didn't feed, I farmed well, managed to ward whenever i had the chance. Are you still going to tell me that I should go back to draft because the team lost because I was trying a new champ?

And I still got gold from playing new champs and learning them. In no way was I carried to gold either. I worked and raged silently behind the keyboard for that shit.

Even my most played champ of all time (Graves) was me buying him in early season 2 and bringing him into ranked with no knowledge of the champ and winning 12games in a row to get to gold within 4 days.
I would suggest, however, that you are a better player than some people. Some people are terrible like me, and may take 10-20 games to even remotely figure out a champion and become consistent with them. Others are good at picking up a new champion almost immediately. I think it's safest as a general rule for people to not try new champions in ranked, but obviously there will be exceptions where people do well anyway.


It's not like there's a steep learning curve for most champions.

I like to joke around in ranked when I don't get the role I asked for so I say things like "I'll jungle but I don't know how" and "hold on reading a guide." I don't get reported though so I guess I'm not convincing enough, although occasionally people will actually tell me jungle routes to go on so I'm not sure!


It's not like there's a steep learning curve for most champions.

I like to joke around in ranked when I don't get the role I asked for so I say things like "I'll jungle but I don't know how" and "hold on reading a guide." I don't get reported though so I guess I'm not convincing enough, although occasionally people will actually tell me jungle routes to go on so I'm not sure!
Did you jungle Kayle tonight?


I'd report that guy too.

Jungle Morde. AD Karma. Get the fuck out of here.

did you guys read my edit?

I'll just break down a couple things I find understandable/not:
* it's ok to try out new runes
* it's ok to try out a new build, as long as it's not ap ashe or something like that
* it's ok to try maxing w before e or something like that
* it's not ok to try out a champion you have never played
* it's not ok to try some cheesy thing you have never tried (jungle morde)

I know you guys are cool but I don't know the guy in ranked I'm playing with. if he goes "believe me I'm really good at ashe ap" I don't care, fuck you dude. and if you tell me "I'm really good I always do good no matter what" well sorry dude but you're putting me in the awful position of trusting some solo queue's random's opinion of himself.

I never played Syndra until one ranked game after she stomped one against me.

I stomped with her. I generally pick up champs quick though. Some people I can see needing time.


Uh, what? Only 4 pts? That's the fewest I've ever won. ;[



I'm looking at my ranked stats. Over 60% of my champs there were me playing them in ranked for the first time. Lux, Zed, Vi, garen, nocturne top, wukong, pantheon, twisted fate, thresh, kha zix, akali, etc.... they were all me thinking: fuck it, i want to learn how this champ works so i can learn how counterplays to them in the future. I never fed, I played my role well but it was my first time playing the character. I didn't feed, I farmed well, managed to ward whenever i had the chance. Are you still going to tell me that I should go back to draft because the team lost because I was trying a new champ?

And I still got gold from playing new champs and learning them. In no way was I carried to gold either. I worked and raged silently behind the keyboard for that shit.

Even my most played champ of all time (Graves) was me buying him in early season 2 and bringing him into ranked with no knowledge of the champ and winning 12games in a row to get to gold within 4 days.
dude if you want to be the exception, fine, I don't care, I'm at the bottom of silver and will never get matched with you, but like I said before, you/whoever can be great and all but you're still not bringing 100% to a match. ranked is meant for 100%, no 70% or 80%. sure, you may already be at 80% because your rent just went up or something but at least this is under your control, and even in that scenario, I'd suggest you shouldn't play the game if you're upset.

I'm not saying be a master of the champion, I'm saying play one or two games to give your teammates the benefit of at least having some experience with the champion before gambling with their ranking.

also I keep getting out of my slump, won my two mid matches today, so all gooood.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Played my first few games today in over a year. Played a game as Ahri and did really crappy (it was my first time playing her, and I wanted to try her since she was free), and then I played a game as Jax and did really well. Think I might stick with Jax for the time being since I know how to play/build him.


Played my first few games today in over a year. Played a game as Ahri and did really crappy (it was my first time playing her, and I wanted to try her since she was free), and then I played a game as Jax and did really well. Think I might stick with Jax for the time being since I know how to play/build him.

oh, hi ymdanli


dude if you want to be the exception, fine, I don't care, I'm at the bottom of silver and will never get matched with you, but like I said before, you/whoever can be great and all but you're still not bringing 100% to a match. ranked is meant for 100%, no 70% or 80%. sure, you may already be at 80% because your rent just went up or something but at least this is under your control, and even in that scenario, I'd suggest you shouldn't play the game if you're upset.

This just doesn't make sense unless you only play like 5 champions in ranked though (1 for each role) Because unless you're playing your best champion that you have the most games with you're not really giving 100% to try and win. It's fine if you want to make playing ranked all about getting as high an elo as possible, but for me it's about getting as good as I possibly can, and that includes learning new champions in ranked too from time to time.
This just doesn't make sense unless you only play like 5 champions in ranked though (1 for each role) Because unless you're playing your best champion that you have the most games with you're not really giving 100% to try and win. It's fine if you want to make playing ranked all about getting as high an elo as possible, but for me it's about getting as good as I possibly can, and that includes learning new champions in ranked too from time to time.

It's not that at all. You don't have to play your singular best champion in ranked all the time, but I think it's at least a bit of common courtesy to play a champion you at least know how to play.

I'm ok at this game, but the one thing I am good at is picking up new champions very quickly, usually within a singular game. Does that mean I'm going to try out a new champ in a ranked game? Absolutely not. It's unfair to the people you're playing with, as a starter. This is a team game, and in ranked especially your team mates are relying on you to bring your A game. If you're playing a champion for the first time in ranked, you aren't doing that. You're saying I don't really care about winning, I just want to try this champion. That isn't what ranked is for; ranked is about winning and getting as high as you can in the ranks.

If you pick up a champion really quickly, what's the harm in doing a quick normal to get to grips with the champion before playing them in ranked? It's a bit of common courtesy you should afford to your team. While you may be a good player, chances are you're going to be going against someone as good as you, so if they bring their A game and you don't, you're running the risk of getting your ass handed to you and not being able to carry for your team.

Since everybody in here is so adamant that if you lose it;s because you didn't carry your team, playing a champion for the first time in ranked means it's absolutely your fault if you lose, because you didn't give yourself the opportunity to carry your team. Simples.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Nobody really uses that, just sit in the GAF channel and friend some of the lowbies

Oh OK, sounds good. I sit in the channel but it doesn't seem like people chat very much.

Question for you guys: for my Jax I generally build Frozen Mallet and Hextech Gunblade as my first two items. I've been out of the game for a while, is that still a solid build? I'm looking at a guide that suggests Trinity Force and Hextech instead, followed by Warmog's/Black Cleaver/Atma's.

Also I just hit level 20 so I want to start buying tier 3 runes. What are some good sets to have? I'm thinking a set of armor pen reds, armor yellows, scaling magic resist blues, and armor pen quints. And then another set for AP champs that swaps out the armor pen reds for magic pen reds.


Oh OK, sounds good. I sit in the channel but it doesn't seem like people chat very much.

Question for you guys: for my Jax I generally build Frozen Mallet and Hextech Gunblade as my first two items. I've been out of the game for a while, is that still a solid build? I'm looking at a guide that suggests Trinity Force and Hextech instead, followed by Warmog's/Black Cleaver/Atma's.

Also I just hit level 20 so I want to start buying tier 3 runes. What are some good sets to have? I'm thinking a set of armor pen reds, armor yellows, scaling magic resist blues, and armor pen quints. And then another set for AP champs that swaps out the armor pen reds for magic pen reds.
Trinty force is probably the best item jax can get, but it's pretty expensive. Blade of the ruined king is a nice, cheaper alterative. Hp is pretty good now, so after your first dmg item you should get an hp item. Warmogs for magic damage or randuins for ad.

I think ad reds and quints are more universal and are better on jax anyway. I also think flat MR is a better first buy so you don't get owned by a random elise, rumble, singed, akali in top. And they're good for mid lane.

It's currently a down period, people are playing other games. Sc2 just came out, people taking breaks etc. Everybody will be back when aram queue goes live


Not feeding != playing well.
Not feeding != carrying your weight.
Not feeding != being useful.

Don't use that as a measure of "I play this for the first time and it worked."

Love the tribunal. Got banned for this:


I understand the one game as Eve but the others?

Fuck Riot they need to fix the Tribunal.

I'd have banned you too. You're more toxic than the people you're complaining about in those games.


It's so hard to stay nice when you're tilting, but you'd be amazed how much better it feels to be the bigger man.

I'm trying out that famous mid Kayle. Think I'm averaging 50 or so cs at 10 minutes... I want my Lux AA back.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Trinty force is probably the best item jax can get, but it's pretty expensive. Blade of the ruined king is a nice, cheaper alterative. Hp is pretty good now, so after your first dmg item you should get an hp item. Warmogs for magic damage or randuins for ad.

I think ad reds and quints are more universal and are better on jax anyway. I also think flat MR is a better first buy so you don't get owned by a random elise, rumble, singed, akali in top. And they're good for mid lane.

It's currently a down period, people are playing other games. Sc2 just came out, people taking breaks etc. Everybody will be back when aram queue goes live

Got it, thanks. Flat MR is better for early game right? I guess by the time the late game rolls around you should already have enough gear to tank through AP burst.

Man, pro gamers never cease to bewilder me when it comes to this whole eSports thing. They just had an interview with Ocelot after his game and he actually used the phrase "balls deep" in the interview. Someone please get these guys some media training.


Got it, thanks. Flat MR is better for early game right? I guess by the time the late game rolls around you should already have enough gear to tank through AP burst.

Essentially. Scaling MR gives more overall but it's just easier to go with Flat MR for the most part.

Man, pro gamers never cease to bewilder me when it comes to this whole eSports thing. They just had an interview with Ocelot after his game and he actually used the phrase "balls deep" in the interview. Someone please get these guys some media training.

Hahaha, so true ;__;


It's so hard to stay nice when you're tilting, but you'd be amazed how much better it feels to be the bigger man.

I'm trying out that famous mid Kayle. Think I'm averaging 50 or so cs at 10 minutes... I want my Lux AA back.

I had this issue to start with, just spam your E - if you take double dorans you'll be losing no mana (potentially gaining it in fact) if you focus the caster minions first. Takes a little longer for you to be able to start deleting people with Q but sometimes it's worked better for me if I can't roam.
Got it, thanks. Flat MR is better for early game right? I guess by the time the late game rolls around you should already have enough gear to tank through AP burst.
I personally prefer pure Flat MR over any kind of MR mix for my AP carries. It helps you tank the lane phase much better, which helps you get the upperhand once both of you reach 6 which is when a kill will definitely happen. I take it on AD carries too because supports usually deal magic damage.

Scaling MR is just... eh. At its peak, you can already expect %pen items to come along.

I'd take pure scaling MR my jungler though.
I can't be the only one who thinks zac looks like majin buu right?

He looks like a really cool hero, I personally am starting to like the jungling role more than the other stuff, so I hope he is decent in the jungle.


This just doesn't make sense unless you only play like 5 champions in ranked though (1 for each role) Because unless you're playing your best champion that you have the most games with you're not really giving 100% to try and win. It's fine if you want to make playing ranked all about getting as high an elo as possible, but for me it's about getting as good as I possibly can, and that includes learning new champions in ranked too from time to time.
it's common sense dude, there's a pick order and if I'm not allowed to mid is not my fault, I'll pick my best champion on the position I'm left with. Hopefully my second position will be better than the dude that went mid's second position and it'll all be ok.

Not feeding != playing well.
Not feeding != carrying your weight.
Not feeding != being useful.

Don't use that as a measure of "I play this for the first time and it worked."

Got it, thanks. Flat MR is better for early game right? I guess by the time the late game rolls around you should already have enough gear to tank through AP burst.

Man, pro gamers never cease to bewilder me when it comes to this whole eSports thing. They just had an interview with Ocelot after his game and he actually used the phrase "balls deep" in the interview. Someone please get these guys some media training.
well kobe used the same expression yesterday and I heard rivington say AP trynda was "retarded" once too.

I always figured american sports work like that, here in football people is ridiculously respectful and will never say "the match was an easy win" or anything like that.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
well kobe used the same expression yesterday and I heard rivington say AP trynda was "retarded" once too.

I always figured american sports work like that, here in football people is ridiculously respectful and will never say "the match was an easy win" or anything like that.

Ocelot is French if I'm not mistaken, not American. In any case I think it has more to do with the fact that these guys are all like 15 year old kids so they really know what is and isn't respectful to say on a broadcast.


I always figured american sports work like that, here in football people is ridiculously respectful and will never say "the match was an easy win" or anything like that.
The cultures are drastically different between professional sports and eSports. Pretty much every expression people use in the video game world wouldn't be used on a professional sports broadcast. Eventually, if eSports get big enough (or until people start calling them out on it), they will need to be more careful.


Tip #36: When enemy targets you, they will have an orange outline. If a Taric is strafing and randomly glows orange, I know its a gank.

I never noticed... maybe because I'm playing in colorblind mode?


Wow, Miss Fortune is considered good now. I haven't played in over 7 months and there is no correlation between who was good in August and who is good now. Really shows how much the game changes. Or, at least how people's opinion of who is good changes.

Yeah that happens a lot (see Volibear), but in this case, MF got some buffs to her ultimate. She became stronger and more popular as a result.

I kinda wish volibear didn't become popular recently. They were about to give him some buffs. That's probably not going to happen now. lol


Yeah that happens a lot (see Volibear), but in this case, MF got some buffs to her ultimate. She became stronger and more popular as a result.

I kinda wish volibear didn't become popular recently. They were about to give him some buffs. That's probably not going to happen now. lol

Its better that way, Riot is way too quick to react to the communities cries of OP or UP, especially when those champs are played in tournaments. They never let people figure out how to beat something or how to play something. Especially when a champ like Voli was already around a 51% win rate, buffing him would have been dumb.
Holy shit I just got dumpstered by jayce.

I don't know if its because jayce's burst is just stupidly insane, or if vlad just sucks now. Honestly.....


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Holy shit I just got dumpstered by jayce.

I don't know if its because jayce's burst is just stupidly insane, or if vlad just sucks now. Honestly.....

Little bit of column A little bit of column B.


Its better that way, Riot is way too quick to react to the communities cries of OP or UP, especially when those champs are played in tournaments. They never let people figure out how to beat something or how to play something. Especially when a champ like Voli was already around a 51% win rate, buffing him would have been dumb.

There wasn't a large outcry to buff him, I don't think. It was more that nobody played him. I used to play him occasionally as jungle or top and was curious to why I never saw him. He has a few issues, but he's alright power wise.

I was really hoping for some quality of life changes, more than buffs, when they were discussing it. His kit is kinda messy. Each one of his skills scales on a different stat, and his ultimate has a cast time to activate. He could use a little cleaning up, but they probably forgot about him, given his recent popularity.


There wasn't a large outcry to buff him, I don't think. It was more that nobody played him. I used to play him occasionally as jungle or top and was curious to why I never saw him. He has a few issues, but he's alright power wise.

I was really hoping for some quality of life changes, more than buffs, when they were discussing it. His kit is kinda messy. Each one of his skills scales on a different stat, and his ultimate has a cast time to activate. He could use a little cleaning up, but they probably forgot about him, given his recent popularity.

I would like to see Voli cleaned up as well, specifically for his scaling. It's just so...weird.

It would be easier to see what champions really needed work if LoL didn't have such a *huge* hivemind regarding what does and doesn't work though.

I understand that some champs just aren't made for some items or are harder to play or genuinely UP/OP or whatever, but it seems wrong for so many people to want to reenact the latest tourney stream as accurately as possible, and anyone who does not is a troll. Ironically, many champs/builds that are former trolls are suddenly legitimate after a tourney stream where someone *tried* something new with no buffs applied (AP Trynd/Yi, support Zyra/Fiddle, ect). I can ignore it most of the time, especially in ranked where I know people like "safe" picks as some illusion of normalcy/comfort but it's still kind of annoying. I'm not gonna try AD Karma or anything, but I do think going too far in the opposite direction with hostility for anything out of the norm at all is also an issue. It's like people want a scapegoat for every game they don't win.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It begins. Korean overlords have descended upon the western tournament scene.
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