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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Is a pure AD rune Fiora viable? I've met two of them so far and lost hard, though I forgot who I was using. With Doran Blade I think she had like 110AD by Lv1.


People in ranked are so terrible.

Ezreal cries for red after we successfully invade and I give it to him. He loses it to Lee Sin 30 seconds later while standing in the river bush trying to gank mid or something stupid.

I don't have smite and no one will leash blue so I'm set back a few levels.

Teemo thinks he's some AP carry and constantly cries about how he's being targeted even though he's trying to 1v2 Taric and Twitch.

Ezreal and Teemo keep arguing over minions and kills.

The WORST game I have played in a long time. I really shouldn't have given Ezreal the red. Not sure what I was thinking.



He's so broken that it doesn't matter what you build on him.

In my short experience in solo ranked, I either get a team that is nice to each other and does well and we win or we get the ADC who feeds bot then calls the jungler shit and continues to try to 1v2 the people they fed. Then purposefully feeds, then votes no on surrender, then continues to call EVERYONE shit.


Why do people build TF on Shen? I've only seen in in the semis... I think it was either AZF or iG.

TF on shen drastically improves his 1v1 ability. The logic is that if you make him an amazing 1v1-er, he is much harder to deal with when he split pushes because the enemy team must send a champion who can 1v1 better than him.

Wits End/Sunfire in comparison is good at pushing, but once somebody comes... chance are he will have to leave. With TF, he has a chance at killing most defenders.

TF - split push forever, kill people who defend, try to get a 2v1.
WE/SF - split push hard but leave for an objective when somebody comes.


Is a pure AD rune Fiora viable? I've met two of them so far and lost hard, though I forgot who I was using. With Doran Blade I think she had like 110AD by Lv1.

Generally speaking, Armor Pen lets her trade better (and scale better) while she uses her kit AD instead.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why do people build TF on Shen? I've only seen in in the semis... I think it was either AZF or iG.
Ability spam so he benefits from the Sheen, gets Phage procs, and massively gains from attack speed. He gains from all the stats but the mana.
TF for split pushing, never thought of that. And yeah, when I split push as Shen I just have to run away since it'll just be a long battle where I'll lose. I guess 4 seconds on Q should be short enough for TF.

I'm still Lv13 on NA. Either low levels are getting much better these days, or I just fought against 5-man smurfs. I was solo top Eve against Irelia and Olaf. They did a 5 man invasion on our jungler and ALL of them camped top for quite a while. I let them push sorta close to my tower. For a million times, they tried baiting me to push the lane so they can jump from the bush. It was REALLY irritating.

Still once I got my DFG and Sorc shoes I grabbed blue, warded buffs and roamed a lot. I got 10/1/3 but still lost anyway. Their items surprised me; they were actually getting MR! Their Ashe got really annoyed at me. She was basically "why the hell are you always behind me when we're attacking?".


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
started banning ezrael in rank, hate seeing his broken ass in every fucking game.

Waste of a ban. Every other AD carry is just as capable or sometimes even more so, so whatever you think you're banning out is still pretty much there for people to pick. There are also more than six champions that are higher priorities on a ban list.

Champions who should not be getting through:

Maybe also Eve, Kat, Twisted Fate, Yorick. They are really less important though.


and yet, there is something to banning something you don't like going against

Guess it is still at best a rumour right now.

But what Regi drama? I think what they did was highly shady, (but not conclusive) and I love AZF.

Like the more farcical it gets the more I love it.
It's definitely shady but it's also "counterproductive" for Riot to address in a satisfying way
TSM made the best stink of it that they could, but LoL fans are pretty, uh, forgetful



1 of 17 Riot Posts 4 Hours Ago

It’s been over one week since we launched the Honor Initiative, one of the largest experiments ever conducted at Riot. Today, I’d like to take some time to share a few results we’ve seen, and talk a little more about how we’re preventing Honor spamming.

Honor So Far

Negative Attitude reports: -29% in normals and -11% in ranked
Offensive Language reports: -35% in normals and -20% in ranked
Verbal Abuse reports: -41% in normals and -17% in ranked

Preventing Honor Abuse

Only 0.21% of players reported for consistent trading
0.63% of players actively trying to trade Honor
0.01% spamming Honor for dishonorable reasons

These players have all had their Honor reset to zero.


Champions who should not be getting through:

Maybe also Eve, Kat Twisted Fate, Yorick. They are really less important though.

Okay I haven't been gone too long... WTF happened.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
People realized Jayce has always been OP.

Eve got buffed.


Okay I haven't been gone too long... WTF happened.
I've felt Jayce was in a good place since the start, but he's pretty strong top, and I guess he's thought of as OP and needs nerfed (I think people played him in the world championship).

I did way worse with new Kat, and didn't like her as much, but I think on average people started winning more with her, so presumably she needs nerfed. She's been nerfed once since her remake, apparently there's another nerf coming, and I'm cynical about the whole thing. I practically never play Kat anymore.

Eve started doing well once someone posted on the Riot forum that AP Eve with deathfire grasp and magic penetration works well (shortly after her ult was reduced from the crazy 3 minute cooldown or whatever it was before). Now, she can use her ult ever minute or two, along with deathfire, and if she farms and/or gets enough magic penetration she can assassinate weak characters very well. This will presumably also be nerfed in the near future.

I really wish before the above nerfs, Ezreal would get nerfed until his popularity and win rate matched Ashe or something, but, Pulsefire Ezreal. >_>


Could someone explain to me the controversy over Riot this weekend?
They had connections problems during Day 3 of the quarter-finals/semi-finals so most of the day's matches were postponed. It was pretty embarrassing since it happened during ongoing matches, one of which was literally a minute away from victory.

Also, TSM are sore losers :D


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD


I have found a new love that is Blitz. Kinda avoided him until now and wow he's fun. Boots of Mobility, increase MS in runes and masteries, Shurelia, and W means I'm out running just about everyone. I think I've passed him off b/c coming from dota, I was used to Pudge's hook range and was disappointed at how much shorter this was.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I have found a new love that is Blitz. Kinda avoided him until now and wow he's fun. Boots of Mobility, increase MS in runes and masteries, Shurelia, and W means I'm out running just about everyone. I think I've passed him off b/c coming from dota, I was used to Pudge's hook range and was disappointed at how much shorter this was.

He's getting banned more and more often nowadays, it sucks. That, and god forbid you ever miss a single grab. Your team will never remember the hooks you landed, but they'll never let you forget the one hook you missed.
In what way?

He has a better escape then Corki and Graves (considering it can be used to escape Blitzcrank grabs). His Q has a ridiculously long range. His attack speed passive coupled with his attack speed debuff (which also buffs allies) easily beats any attack speed Grave's gains from his E.

His ultimate allows him to have presence anywhere like Ashe. However, the damage potential for his ultimate is much higher than Ashe's ultimate. Furthermore, he can use his ultimate to clear minions that are pushed to a far tower (unlike Ashe). This can allow his team to keep pressure in one lane since one of the enemy players might have to leave to respond to a large minion wave or risk losing a different tower.


He has a better escape then Corki and Graves (considering it can be used to escape Blitzcrank grabs). His Q has a ridiculously long range. His attack speed passive coupled with his attack speed debuff easily beats any attack speed Grave's gains from his E.

His ultimate allows him to have presence anywhere like Ashe. However, the damage potential for his ultimate is much higher than Ashe's ultimate. Furthermore, he can use his ultimate to clear minions that are pushed to a far tower (unlike Ashe). This can allow his team to keep pressure in one lane since one of the enemy players might have to leave to respond to a large minion wave or risk losing a different tower.
my problem with ezrael is that he have better than flash escape with a very low cooldown and very very low mana cost to his moves.

fix his bugs against blitz, adjust his mana cost and add more cd to e and he is fixed.
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