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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He has a better escape then Corki and Graves (considering it can be used to escape Blitzcrank grabs). His Q has a ridiculously long range. His attack speed passive coupled with his attack speed debuff (which also buffs allies) easily beats any attack speed Grave's gains from his E.

His ultimate allows him to have presence anywhere like Ashe. However, the damage potential for his ultimate is much higher than Ashe's ultimate. Furthermore, he can use his ultimate to clear minions that are pushed to a far tower (unlike Ashe). This can allow his team to keep pressure in one lane since one of the enemy players might have to leave to respond to a large minion wave or risk losing a different tower.
His ult isn't even as strong as Ashe's, because the stun opens up so many possibilities. I don't know why you'd bring it up. Ezreal's attack speed debuff also is significantly less than Graves self buff, so again, I don't know why you are bringing this up. 70% is more than 40%, last I checked. This is one of the reasons Graves is often used as a counterpick to Ezreal.

Someone like Draven will just out-trade Ezreal in almost every scenario. Being afraid of Ezreal is ridiculous when he's a fairly standard AD carry. There are much more dangerous champions you can ban out. Like let's say you ban him. Oooooh no they have to pick Corki or something.


Unlocked Brolaf, played bot game, 52 minutes later BROLAF KEEENG

The spoils of drunk LoL/ 4v5
His ult isn't even as strong as Ashe's, because the stun opens up so many possibilities. I don't know why you'd bring it up. Ezreal's attack speed debuff also is significantly less than Graves self buff, so again, I don't know why you are bringing this up. 70% is more than 40%, last I checked. This is one of the reasons Graves is often used as a counterpick to Ezreal.

Someone like Draven will just out-trade Ezreal in almost every scenario. Being afraid of Ezreal is ridiculous when he's a fairly standard AD carry. There are much more dangerous champions you can ban out.

Early game with Essence Flux, you will lose out on the attack speed front. A one second stun does not beat a mass damage AOE ultimate that scales with AD. If Ashe were to get the maximum 3.5 second stun, she would have to carry teleport to even be near the fight. Ashe was my favorite AD carry but there is a reason you never see her being played on a professional level.

In regards to Draven, Ezreal does lose 1v1. However, this is a team game. In a typical team fight setting, Ezreal is going to have the mobility to stay safe while doing damage.


An experienced miss fortune player will beat ezreal easily

Keep that passive up to dodge skillshots while staying behind minions and Qing once in a while wins the match up
Ya his flash is what makes him op, oh you managed to wade through the front lines to get to the ad carry, oh he just flashed away, flash to him, oh he flashed again. Then you're dead and he's back in the fight


An experienced miss fortune player will beat ezreal easily

Keep that passive up to dodge skillshots while staying behind minions and Qing once in a while wins the match up

Yeah but his W shuts down her W, and his E can avoid her E and R.
Unlocked Brolaf, played bot game, 52 minutes later BROLAF KEEENG

The spoils of drunk LoL/ 4v5

9 deaths in a bot game, brooooooo thats too many.

I finished my solo que 10 req matches, Got 1360 ELO, not sure whether I should try for the 1500 or just give up. I realize how big of a jump in skill level there is in ELO gains as you go up higher and higher. What day does the season cutoff for the rewards happen on?

So basically don't commit to any and every fight during laning phase.

Lol well I was playing support janna for my friend's draven against a Ez bot and we denied him so much farm. By the time my friend reached 150 CS the Ez was around 60 ish. They managed to get two kills when I went to ward river and my friend decided to go aggressive by himself T_T but even after that he came back and we pushed a tower down and picked up a double easily.

Recieved a "Dat Sona Carry" today, feels good :)

Gotta get Leona...

Honestly man, Sona's Q's+ the Q auto attack buff you get is such a quick and powerful one-two combo early that getting kill steals from your ADC accidentally is so common. Sona is ridiculously strong Level 1-7 I find.
Ahahahah this guy on my team randomed teemo jungle... and dominated with him. Too funny. Helped that the enemy jungler and mid gave him a free double kill about 4 minutes in (never dive Anivia; egg baited lol). We won so hard. Stupid teemo.


my problem with ezrael is that he have better than flash escape with a very low cooldown and very very low mana cost to his moves.

fix his bugs against blitz, adjust his mana cost and add more cd to e and he is fixed.

The cooldown used to E used to be around Trist jump. Now THAT was spammable back in the days. The cd is fine now if you ask me. (leave my ezreal alone ;_;)

Played a normal with some friends last night and went Blitz top vs a Jayce and won my lane lol. Blitz has no business in solo lane though.


I love you for playing against BOTS when drunk or trying out a new hero. Hate people doing that in either ranked or unranked normal games.

Playing a new champion against bots doesn't teach you anything. You could carry hard with AD Soraka against bots. Although I guess I'm kinda known for trollpicking in unranked normals - I don't troll, but I pick weird champions like jungle Blitzcrank and support Lee Sin.

Now, playing someone for the first time in a ranked game... THAT is messed up.


Pretty much. There's more tweaks coming her way (fixing her W, Q/E interactions, etc.), though nothing concrete on the changes planned.


I play new champions in normal blind pick. I also play normal blind pick when I want to try some new techniques/builds/etc that I'm not sure are going to work. I feel I have enough game knowledge to hold my own in a normal game even if it's on an unfamiliar champion.

I don't find a lot of value in co-op vs AI.
Playing a new champion against bots doesn't teach you anything. You could carry hard with AD Soraka against bots. Although I guess I'm kinda known for trollpicking in unranked normals - I don't troll, but I pick weird champions like jungle Blitzcrank and support Lee Sin.

Now, playing someone for the first time in a ranked game... THAT is messed up.

Support lee sin is awesome against certain match ups, definitely not a troll pick if you do it right.


Ezreal isn't any more OP than Graves/Corki... I think you'd have to ban all 3 to have an effect on the ADC choices, and banning ADC is worse than the other ban choices available. In fact, I would even pick Graves against an Ezreal because you can chunk him so hard at early levels and burst matters more than sustained damage at the early levels.

Ya his flash is what makes him op, oh you managed to wade through the front lines to get to the ad carry, oh he just flashed away, flash to him, oh he flashed again. Then you're dead and he's back in the fight

If you're doing this as ADC you're teamfighting wrong.

Anyway, 1435 now and still climbing towards that Janna skin. Played like shit last night but still got carried somehow. Had an amumu game where skarner killed me at level 2 by red because I ran the wrong direction, followed by a bunch of missed bandage tosses and ults for the first 15-20 minutes of the game. It was not looking good, but we won in the teamfights and eventually caught up.

Next I supported as Taric and fed some kills to corki/leona/naut when I went to place wards in bushes and rivers, but my Graves was a boss and wrecked everybody's face, even if he was complaining about me not stunning. Can't help it if the enemy team is being wary and keeping out of my stun range lol. I should buy more pinks to counterward when I support, but I never remember until after I've bought sight wards with all my money.

Then I played Annie vs Ahri. Did even in lane, but we lost both top and bot. Was a close game but we lost because I was late to the baron fight and fought anyway, effectively throwing since we had lost the inhib towers and me sticking around gave them the ace. Really didn't help that our ez was shut down and did no damage. :<

Jungled amumu again, starting with a blue steal against shen jungle. We actually FBed shen because for whatever reason he still started blue, but fucked up and smited early, giving top nid the starting blue. Oops. Did really well this game, got my jungle going and snowballed all the lanes. Ended up in a ~25 minute surrender by the enemy team.


Nice merc can you get me to gold now since I'm too lazy to do ranked(I know I can't get to gold =p).

Let me get myself there first crackbaby :p GAF games are too alluring and I end up stalling progress and not solo queuing. There's only 2 weeks left and if last season was any indication all the retards will be back in queue for a last minute push soon.
Ezreal isn't any more OP than Graves/Corki... I think you'd have to ban all 3 to have an effect on the ADC choices, and banning ADC is worse than the other ban choices available. In fact, I would even pick Graves against an Ezreal because you can chunk him so hard at early levels and burst matters more than sustained damage at the early levels.

If you're doing this as ADC you're teamfighting wrong.

Anyway, 1435 now and still climbing towards that Janna skin. Played like shit last night but still got carried somehow. Had an amumu game where skarner killed me at level 2 by red because I ran the wrong direction, followed by a bunch of missed bandage tosses and ults for the first 15-20 minutes of the game. It was not looking good, but we won in the teamfights and eventually caught up.

Next I supported as Taric and fed some kills to corki/leona/naut when I went to place wards in bushes and rivers, but my Graves was a boss and wrecked everybody's face, even if he was complaining about me not stunning. Can't help it if the enemy team is being wary and keeping out of my stun range lol. I should buy more pinks to counterward when I support, but I never remember until after I've bought sight wards with all my money.

Then I played Annie vs Ahri. Did even in lane, but we lost both top and bot. Was a close game but we lost because I was late to the baron fight and fought anyway, effectively throwing since we had lost the inhib towers and me sticking around gave them the ace. Really didn't help that our ez was shut down and did no damage. :<

Jungled amumu again, starting with a blue steal against shen jungle. We actually FBed shen because for whatever reason he still started blue, but fucked up and smited early, giving top nid the starting blue. Oops. Did really well this game, got my jungle going and snowballed all the lanes. Ended up in a ~25 minute surrender by the enemy team.

I was hecarim, not sure what gave the impression I was adc since like you stated that would be completely wrong


I was hecarim, not sure what gave the impression I was adc since like you stated that would be completely wrong

Oh sorry, I think it was because all the arguments beforehand by others were comparing Ez to another adc. But replace Ezreal with Graves or Corki and you have the same problem, which means you'd have to ban all 3 to eliminate that problem.
Oh sorry, I think it was because all the arguments beforehand by others were comparing Ez to another adc. But replace Ezreal with Graves or Corki and you have the same problem, which means you'd have to ban all 3 to eliminate that problem.

Eh I don't find graves dash as bad for some reason, corki however is obnoxious as well.


9 deaths in a bot game, brooooooo thats too many.
Spoiler taaag
I love you for playing against BOTS when drunk or trying out a new hero. Hate people doing that in either ranked or unranked normal games.
<3 I've played him before, just wanted to have fun and was not capable of playing normally.
Playing a new champion against bots doesn't teach you anything. You could carry hard with AD Soraka against bots. Although I guess I'm kinda known for trollpicking in unranked normals - I don't troll, but I pick weird champions like jungle Blitzcrank and support Lee Sin.

Now, playing someone for the first time in a ranked game... THAT is messed up.
If all you want to do is get a sense of how their mechanics work, it's fine.


So this whole banning Ezreal thing

I don't think it's really hard to understand what soda is saying. He believes that banning Ezreal when there are comparative AD picks that can be made is a waste of a ban, that there are more crucial bans to be made. Like, a shitty player playing Morgana is much more dangerous than a shitty player playing Ez.

But obviously if you have a hard time dealing with Ezreal and you aren't afraid of other "must-ban" champs, ban Ezreal, I don't think soda disagrees with this.

I don't see Draven winning against Ezreal, like why would Ezreal ever go toe to toe with Draven. I also just bought Draven tho. And I don't consider Ezreal overpowered, he fits pretty well in the Rock Paper Scissors bot lane line of thought.

listen to Rex on MF. you dodge his unguaranteed skillshots, you harass with your guaranteed harass, ez pz. people aren't wrong when they say that Ezreal is powerful, but it really seems like what they have trouble dealing with is the playstyle associated with the character, not the character itself.


So this whole banning Ezreal thing

I don't think it's really hard to understand what soda is saying. He believes that banning Ezreal when there are comparative AD picks that can be made is a waste of a ban, that there are more crucial bans to be made. Like, a shitty player playing Morgana is much more dangerous than a shitty player playing Ez.

Basically. Ezreal scales really well with player skill. Him at his very base, he's really not that intimidating. His kit is entirely up to the player to perform well with.

I don't see Draven winning against Ezreal, like why would Ezreal ever go toe to toe with Draven. I also just bought Draven tho. And I don't consider Ezreal overpowered, he fits pretty well in the Rock Paper Scissors bot lane line of thought.

Draven has the best Level 1 of the ADCs. Give him a proper kill lane support and he can bully out some of the softer ADCs.

MF also has one of the better pokes as well. She's a little unsafe in lane, though, but her damage output is good for it.


The true top priority ban is Blitzcrank because Soda Blitz jungle op.

Also Teemo so people stop picking him and playing him APC bot lane.
The true top priority ban is Blitzcrank because Soda Blitz jungle op.

Also Teemo so people stop picking him and playing him APC bot lane.

In terms of laning I actually think Blitz is really easy to deal with if you have the right type of support and your ADC knows how to farm safely by keeping a wall of minions in between him and blitz. He's a much bigger threat mid-late game when everyone is roaming more and he's pulling your teammates through walls.

P.S. Who is soda? :(


In terms of laning I actually think Blitz is really easy to deal with if you have the right type of support and your ADC is competent. He's a much bigger threat mid-late game when everyone is roaming more and he's pulling your teammates through walls.

P.S. Who is soda? :(

dimb's LoL name is 'soda cop'

I tried blitz jungle a few weeks ago... it did not go well lol.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Oh you are dance in my blood, gaf forced a name change on you?

What is the gaf channel called on mumble? and where is the neogaf "chat"

P.S. Naut still a better support than blitz :p LOL
Neogaf chat is just the chat window labeled "neogaf" that you can set to autojoin on the startup of League. The mumble stuff is here and you can find people in there sometimes at night in the League channels.


Honestly man, Sona's Q's+ the Q auto attack buff you get is such a quick and powerful one-two combo early that getting kill steals from your ADC accidentally is so common. Sona is ridiculously strong Level 1-7 I find.
Yeah, completely agreed. It's the reason I like her most, harassing with her is a lot of fun and if they make the mistake of picking a melee support against me I'll make sure they feel it :)

It was a pretty amazing match, though, our cappy banned for himself, so their team was CC heaven with Trundle, Kennen, Malphite, Yorick and Diana. They were pretty terrible at chaining their CC, so they'd waste all their ults at once and didn't aim for me for some reason, so I re-engaded using my ult and we'd just clean up afterwards. I got a few kills during lane phase, and the other team just run at my sight, even if I wasn't building any AP. Ended up 5 0 15, so pretty decent :)

The true top priority ban is Blitzcrank because Soda Blitz jungle op.

Also Teemo so people stop picking him and playing him APC bot lane.
lol that's actually a good ban now that I think of it. Me and my friends have a few rules, like "always dodge if there's a Teemo or Alistar in your team in Ranked", so banning for your own team might be as useful as for the other. I can always go Malph/Morg if that one got passed through...


Draven has the best Level 1 of the ADCs. Give him a proper kill lane support and he can bully out some of the softer ADCs.

MF also has one of the better pokes as well. She's a little unsafe in lane, though, but her damage output is good for it.

yeah I mean the whole point of ezreal is that it's hard to force a trade or a fight on him. He can farm w/ Q safely from a distance, poke you safely if you are trying to zone him, do decently if he has hit W on you, etc.

in my experience, Draven's damage is pretty much equal to the burst of popular ADs, unless you are having some sort of prolonged fight at bot which doesn't really happen that often. maybe if you have some sort of support that can help stop disengages and keep them in the fight

it's hard to "win" against ezreal, but it's not that hard not to "lose"

Blitz is actually a pretty good example of champ that doesn't need to be banned, is popularly banned in my shit elo, and is just something that shifts the playstyle in a way people are uncomfortable with


Wait, what do I get if I do 10 ranked matches?

Ranked placement? Once ranked, there's a chart somewhere that will tell you your rewards based on the tier you fall under. Most likely just an avatar icon.

Edit: Here's the link: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2568236

Edit 2: I just realized you get borders on the load screen, likely similar to how badges are getting displayed for honor :O. That's going to be cool! It's also going to dishearten me when I 5 man with GAF and see us play against teams of gold and platinum.


Ranked placement? Once ranked, there's a chart somewhere that will tell you your rewards based on the tier you fall under. Most likely just an avatar icon.

Edit: Here's the link: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2568236

Edit 2: I just realized you get borders on the load screen, likely similar to how badges are getting displayed for honor :O. That's going to be cool! It's also going to dishearten me when I 5 man with GAF and see us play against teams of gold and platinum.

That's terrible.


in my experience, Draven's damage is pretty much equal to the burst of popular ADs, unless you are having some sort of prolonged fight at bot which doesn't really happen that often. maybe if you have some sort of support that can help stop disengages and keep them in the fight

At Level 1, Spinning Axe auto with his passive is just really effective (34 damage at Level 1). Blue side getting an early level 2 makes his early game just a lot scarier than most ADCs.

Blitz is actually a pretty good example of champ that doesn't need to be banned, is popularly banned in my shit elo, and is just something that shifts the playstyle in a way people are uncomfortable with

The way I see it, most the popular champ bans aren't due to them being "MUST LOCK DOWN" due to the champ themselves but that they take more effort to outplay than to perform properly with. For instance, Blitzcrank; to dodge hooks endlessly is a lot harder than it is to eventually land one hook.


yeah I mean the whole point of ezreal is that it's hard to force a trade or a fight on him. He can farm w/ Q safely from a distance, poke you safely if you are trying to zone him, do decently if he has hit W on you, etc.

in my experience, Draven's damage is pretty much equal to the burst of popular ADs, unless you are having some sort of prolonged fight at bot which doesn't really happen that often. maybe if you have some sort of support that can help stop disengages and keep them in the fight

it's hard to "win" against ezreal, but it's not that hard not to "lose"

Blitz is actually a pretty good example of champ that doesn't need to be banned, is popularly banned in my shit elo, and is just something that shifts the playstyle in a way people are uncomfortable with

Blitz doesn't need to be banned from a stats/team fight standpoint but he does change the way you have to play. I have a strong understanding how to lane against Blitz as an opposing support but I usually ban him anyway because I don't trust anyone else I'm playing with to understand how to play against him and I also don't enjoy how it changes my early game playstyle.
My friend messages me telling me he needs to win a match with zilean to be eligible for some exp he will get for some gamers club that gives away free stuff/discounts. He asked me to teach help him play Zilean. teaching people league is too hard ....so I'm gonna troll as hard as I can with the syndra combo ;).

edit: just got back from playing with friend, I forgot how bad new players are too the game. intermediate bots too hard yo



I suppose I should have just /ff when Lux was like 0/5 and made a Sheen.

1 step forward 2 steps back. Ranked needs an idiot test before people can enter queue.
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