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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Try being in your senior year of engineering school, friend :p.

First year of CS is enough to keep me occupied. Can't imagine senior year.

I've been practicing jungle as of late and I've gotta say, when I'm not failing hard, I can support my team way better than just carrying hard. Just an Aegis or Shurelya and a couple of good ganks go a long way.



Finally getting lucky these last few games as carries.


I've been practicing jungle as of late and I've gotta say, when I'm not failing hard, I can support my team way better than just carrying hard. Just an Aegis or Shurelya and a couple of good ganks go a long way.

Snowballing a lane feels so good.

I'm working on trying to be at a lane for a countergank when I jungle. I've jungled enough to somewhat accurately intuit when and where the opposing jungler will show up before wards are placed in the early game, just I'm never there to capitalize on it.

I like counter ganking because usually junglers will gank when their ally's lane is lower health than the opponent to effectively bait (unless the enemy is just way pushed up) so if you can be there for a countergank, you will have even numbers AND health on your side. In the other scenario, junglers will gank when both are near full and believe they can trade for a slightly extended duration, in which you can swoop in while they're distracted/already being slowed, so a countergank in this case will still end in an even matchup, with surprise on your side.

The problems I'm currently having as jungler is either, the enemy team gives me too many opportunities to gank, so I'll be constantly ganking top and mid, but bot gets left on it's own and possibly shut down because I can't pass up good gank opportunities, or the enemy plays too passive and I waste my time trying to create a gank opportunity when I should instead be farming my jungle and/or placing enough vision to countergank them.

The first one can probably be solved by just not going back to the easy gank lane and 100% camping the lane in trouble, but I don't know if it's worth it and I'm always afraid if I do that then my lack of presence in those lanes leads to my previously snowballed lanes getting ganked back to equal or worse, combined with the trouble lane not being easy to gank because of extended ward coverage from doing well, or just passive playing by the enemy.


I, too, am catching up on work. And you, sir, are not in architecture school!
Try being in your senior year of engineering school, friend :p.

I went through 5 years of engineering school to get my bachelor's and master's in an engineering degree, and yet I would agree that the architecture students in the building next to mine had a rougher time of it. The hours they work are insane.

How's school going for you, ElectraStar?


if I had income coming in instead of going to school and eating a lot of rice and beans

I might even try a game that cost money! (jk itd all go to music equipment)


Hey. Hey Chloe. We're both low ELO and neither of us sucks at this game at all.

We should duo sometime.

I'm kind of scared of duo queuing because I hate to be that guy who throws the game or feeds. If I'm solo queuing no one I know will be affected if I accidentally feed.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
You kids and your college stuff! Try having a real job and real living!

Its a lot easier than school is for gaming :)

Filling out applications every other week man >_>.


So, TF on Vayne. Why am I not seeing this more often? Every single tumble procs TF, and the Phage bit can help a bit more with chasing/peeling.

Short version: Vayne is heavily dependent on late game. If you play her early game (what triforce makes you do), then you pretty much forfeit the game.

Long version: Vayne is in stupid and broken tier late game after she gets a phantom dancer and a bloodthirster.

She can 1v1 anyone if you know how to tumble skill shots.

She can kill you in 4-5 auto attacks.

Triforce scales well with early game hence why corkii and ezreals get it. They are known to win their lanes 90% of the time because of their ridiculous burst. Triforce scales with early game because of sheen and phage procs. Corkii and ezreal can utilise this with their spammable skills early on without having to worry about mana issues after sheen.

Vayne sucks early game. I mean she really sucks. If you commit to a fight and take a bit too much minion damage, you're going to die. If you die, you'll get denied if the opponent knows what they are doing because denying vayne is one of the most easiest things to do in the game.

If you fall behind in laning as Vayne, you lose mid game 100% because the other team has an ad carry while you can't do anything without farm.

If you get triforce on vayne, you have to play aggressive early game or you pretty much wasted over 3000 gold on a useless item for one of the most strongest late game heroes in the game. If you play it badly, you will lose the game and you will not get enough gold for items late game because triforce is such a burden on your gold count.

And if you get triforce, you never get phantom dancer because you pretty much give up your defensive item slot for it. As vayne, you need to escape cc so QSS is vital on her (unless the other team doesn't have any hard cc or you're really ahead then you can settle for a GA). Phantom dancer will always be better than the crit+attack speed you get from triforce. Vayne needs attack speed. Her damage late game comes from her silver bolts. THe faster you attack, the more damage you'll do. Late game and mid game, it doesn't even matter about phage procs for vayne because if you're relying on those, then that means you're chasing someone just to kill them since vayne's range is low. If you play like this, you're playing vayne wrong (actually you're playing the entire adc role wrong).

Never chase for kills as adc in a team fight. You hit what you can while avoiding damage and cc. That's why phage is useless on vayne.

The only good thing about triforce on vayne is the sheen and it gives ap scaling which is useless on vayne. The entire triforce item is completely and utterly useless for vayne compared to the BT/PD route.


Channeled my inner Shynged. Man, I forgot why I love this character. Best moment? Diana, Mumu and Shyvanna all trying to gank me, I escape with 100 health, a double kill and Lee Singah picking up the third.



Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Holy shit that cinematic is so laughably bad.

Where's your money going Riot?


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I thought it was kinda funny. The skillshots were entertaining.

Jarvan was pretty badass, and some of the characters did look alright, but the rest just looked off. Lux didn't look all that great.

Also got a kick out of Jarvan and Ryze ducking for cover while rushing MF. League confirmed for chest high rocks + cover system in future patch :p

It wasn't HELLA AWFUL (worst rating on the Tomat scale). Maybe I'm just too damn spoiled by Blizzard CG.


Yay 30 minute wait time because I dodged a game where someone got upset that we had an Orianna mid and chose Teemo mid.


Who the fuck sends 3 bot.
Haha, first thing that popped in my head as well.

Jarvan was pretty badass, and some of the characters did look alright, but the rest just looked off. Lux didn't look all that great.

Also got a kick out of Jarvan and Ryze ducking for cover while rushing MF. League confirmed for chest high rocks + cover system in future patch :p

It wasn't HELLA AWFUL (worst rating on the Tomat scale). Maybe I'm just too damn spoiled by Blizzard CG.

According to a Riot- post, the trailer was unfinished, and was prematurely released in an event. Which might explain why some of the assets used in the trailer looked off.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I changed my mind, that trailer sucked. Thanks for bringing me to my senses dimb.


Man, I'm hopelessly going down on ranked. I just can't seem to get a decent team ever. One more defeat and I'm in the 900s and I didn't even get to fuck up myself.


Let's all prematurely congratulate Mercviper on hitting gold.

(because he better not lose to Fizz jungle)

Oh yeah someone teach me how to be best solo top.
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