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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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My ISP is a huge jerk.

Oh I see you just aced them and can now push... HERE'S A DISCONNECTION FOR YOU.


Oh your Nexus just got demolished? Here's your internet back, please enjoy the game. :)

Wukong being a dick and kept calling me a jerk for running away when the fights become 3v5. He kept saying I have 3 lives so I should stay. Noct kept diving into 1v3s.
Thanks Corgi :D

Supports win games :x
Congrats and i totally agree with you on that. I just play support in ranked because I'd rather have a safely farmed/fed ADC over being farmed/fed well mid/top. Late game the Adc matters so much in the team fights. If I play mid or jungle I try to get bottom ganks if i can but then it comes down to ward coverage and how the lanes are pushed.

Plus I feel that a lot of people don't play support properly, a lot of people play it like it's just another role slot they need to fill in(Bad ward placements, spamming abilities too often when they arent needed, not baiting out enemy abilities safely/at all, over extending themselves in the bush and getting caught out).

edit: HOLY BLAM!


1500 ELO, damn, congrats but I don't know how you people do it...

Lots of patience lol. Each game feels like it's a matter of who makes that first mistake, and then if you can keep baiting them into making that mistake again. If you get antsy because nothing is happening in your lane? Well too bad. Stick it out and focus on farming and staying alive and not engaging until you clearly have the upper hand.

Congrats and i totally agree with you on that. I just play support in ranked because I'd rather have a safely farmed/fed ADC over being farmed/fed well mid/top. Late game the Adc matters so much in the team fights. If I play mid or jungle I try to get bottom ganks if i can but then it comes down to ward coverage and how the lanes are pushed.

I say this but it's a pretty blanket statement and I don't think it really applies to sub-1200 where you get people who don't understand the value of wards. At lower ELOs you're probably better off playing a carry role and buying a few extra wards to place around your lane. Yes even if you're ADC because it hurts to see your support have wards and not be placing them where they need to go. On the flip-side, 1400+ you can more reliably find a decent player to support and giving them proper support and peeling will win you the game.

Plus I feel that a lot of people don't play support properly, a lot of people play it like it's just another role slot they need to fill in(Bad ward placements, spamming abilities too often when they arent needed, not baiting out enemy abilities safely/at all, over extending themselves in the bush and getting caught out).

This is probably the biggest reason I take the support role unless someone else calls it in lobby. It's a slightly more passive role that a lot of people do not like to play because of it's perceived passiveness, so when they get 'stuck' with playing support, they focus on other things and end up not placing wards when previous ones fall, or not placing them in the right place, etc etc. Plus it's always good to make your teammates happy by 'taking one for the team'.

So I still have ~700 games to go till my penta?

I just got 2 quadras in succession as Morde. Feels so bad man. V_V Garen flashed over the wall. I flashed too but he Q'd to run away. That was already the last fight too so I was hoping he would've given it.


I was just sifting through my box of video game related swag, and I found a code for a PAX Jax skin I got a few PAXs ago. Out of curiosity, did a search - and it turns out it is kinda rare-ish.

I don't play the game, so I have no use for it. I'm looking to sell it - pm me with an offer if you're interested, otherwise I'm taking this to Ebay.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Every second, 75 Teemos dies

Please, won't you think of the Teemos?

Don't pick him, and together we can save all the Teemos.


Syndra changes sound interesting, though I think she still needs some numbers tweaks to go with the smoothing out of her play. We'll see.

In other news, I need to work on my Orianna.


Lots of patience lol. Each game feels like it's a matter of who makes that first mistake, and then if you can keep baiting them into making that mistake again. If you get antsy because nothing is happening in your lane? Well too bad. Stick it out and focus on farming and staying alive and not engaging until you clearly have the upper hand.
My problem with Ranked is the ratio of normal human beings to derping randoms doesn't favor me as much as it does in Normal. In Normal I can play with three or four friends, so usually the normal people are in the majority. In Ranked, three (at best, could be four) outta five are gonna be feeding, not placing wards, not ganking, dying while doing the golems, etc.

And I'm not good enough to make up for all of that. I heard you should play jungler or top in low level solo queue, and those are the two roles I almost never play, so that might have something to do with it...


Depending on how good you are, top lane carries pretty hard. It's basically purely on how much you outclass everyone else, however. And, well, what champ you play. Some snowball and carry games harder than others. Realistically, the greatest impact you'll get out of top lane is forcing their Jungler to focus on you top. This lets your Jungler get ahead with counterjungling or just ganking the other lanes hard, though you'll cry bitter tears when nothing comes from you being camped.

Mid is probably the lane with the most mid game impact, which is where most disorganized games end up being decided in my opinion. Though, this is largely dependent on what mid you play. Strong roamers (Kat, Eve) can roam and help boost top/bot lanes so well with ganks, for instance. The high burst potential on most mids is also great just for being able to blow up the other team's one good guy (and/or their ADC) and swinging a fight in your favor almost immediately.


My problem with Ranked is the ratio of normal human beings to derping randoms doesn't favor me as much as it does in Normal. In Normal I can play with three or four friends, so usually the normal people are in the majority. In Ranked, three (at best, could be four) outta five are gonna be feeding, not placing wards, not ganking, dying while doing the golems, etc.

And I'm not good enough to make up for all of that. I heard you should play jungler or top in low level solo queue, and those are the two roles I almost never play, so that might have something to do with it...

True, but the other team will have derpy randoms as well. In fact, since you are not a derpy random, your team should on average have fewer derpys. The real key to getting out of ELO hell is taking charge and responsibility for your team and be a leader, knowing when to take objectives, when to end lane phase, etc etc. Just direct your team to what they need to be doing, 70% of the games they will follow. Most people sub 1200 either don't know the flow of the game and just focus on winning (or losing) their lane, or they do know and they're too timid to man up and say what needs to be done. Unless you've been shit talking your team the entire game, chances are they will follow your pings and do what you say. Additionally, even a hint of organization from your team can demoralize the enemy and cause a 20 minute surrender in lower ELOs.

Are you not confident you're making the right call? Do it anyway. You'll learn if it was good or not the hard way, and you'll make the better call next time. The game is a team game, and teams work ridiculously better under organization.

You can't always carry your lane and win the game, but you can improve the overall play of others if you have the proper game sense. And sometimes that's all you need.


You can't always carry your lane and win the game, but you can improve the overall play of others if you have the proper game sense. And sometimes that's all you need.

Winning your lane is important but most don't actually "get" what winning your lane means. You win your lane so you benefit the other lanes, not just yourself. A successful top lane is one where you tied up their Jungler. A successful mid lane is one where you try to roam top/bot to help get a kill or pressure the lane. A successful bot lane is one where you control Dragon.

Just coming out with more gold than your lane opponent isn't winning the lane. Creating advantages for your team with that lead is when you actually win your lane. It is, after all, a team game. The team actually coming together to do things is what will win the game.


Winning your lane is important but most don't actually "get" what winning your lane means. You win your lane so you benefit the other lanes, not just yourself. A successful top lane is one where you tied up their Jungler. A successful mid lane is one where you try to roam top/bot to help get a kill or pressure the lane. A successful bot lane is one where you control Dragon.

Just coming out with more gold than your lane opponent isn't winning the lane. Creating advantages for your team with that lead is when you actually win your lane. It is, after all, a team game. The team actually coming together to do things is what will win the game.

Right, and that's what I mean when most sub-1200 don't know the flow of the game. They push back the opposing bot lane to base with a jungle gank and then back themselves because they feel they earned a break and it's shop time. Well, if you can, you should take dragon first and then shop. You can break that mentality simply by pinging the dragon, suggesting, "Hey let's do dragon now." and it'll force an assessment in their minds of whether or not they can do it.


Apparently I played against SK Ocelot's smurf account. We won in convincing fashion! We invaded Amumu's blue early and Amumu w/o blue early slows and sets him back so far.

In about 6 out of last 7 ranked games, Blitz was banned, which is funny because I just started picking him up.


Apparently I played against SK Ocelot's smurf account. We won in convincing fashion! We invaded Amumu's blue early and Amumu w/o blue early slows and sets him back so far.

In about 6 out of last 7 ranked games, Blitz was banned, which is funny because I just started picking him up.

No blue amumu is a bluer amumu :<.

Blitz is fun stuff. Pretty much always banned when I play though. Like 19 out of 20 times. I really started liking him after I read a guide with the suggested playstyle of maxing W first to fly at their ADC like a bat out of hell and knock them up with E, and then using Q to grab when they run/flash/shift away. The mind games with that are so good. You can force flashes just by running up to them.


Good advice, fellas, thanks. I know I've also been having terrible luck on Ranked, with terrible terrible teams, AFKers, and such, while doing pretty great on Normal. I mean just yesterday we were doing duo, winning bot lane, we defended dragon when it needed defending, same with the blue, but by 15 minutes top was 1 5 0, mid was 0 5 1 and jungle was 0 5 1. That's what's happening to me every time, and it's probably because I like doing duo bot lane, while we should split up and make sure at least two lanes aren't feeding, but I just can't get past people being so terrible lol.


Right, and that's what I mean when most sub-1200 don't know the flow of the game. They push back the opposing bot lane to base with a jungle gank and then back themselves because they feel they earned a break and it's shop time. Well, if you can, you should take dragon first and then shop. You can break that mentality simply by pinging the dragon, suggesting, "Hey let's do dragon now." and it'll force an assessment in their minds of whether or not they can do it.

Yeah. Not sure if my post came off as if I was disagreeing with you but this, basically. Once you get an advantage (e.g., successful jungle gank), you have to do something with that opportunity presented. Merely getting the opportunity is meaningless if you don't take it.

Performing well in lane doesn't mean all that much if your team loses objectives because you didn't capitalize on anything you did. "I went 5-0 in lane but my team fed" is missing the point. Successfully playing your lane doesn't end with you getting more kills/gold than your lane opponent. You have to try and make plays.
Good advice by Merc again, he's on a roll

Unless you've been shit talking your team the entire game, chances are they will follow your pings and do what you say.
In addition to this also try to de-escalate arguments between other team members. I find that telling them "what's done is done" and just encouraging them to stay positive because the game is still easily winnable is good enough to keep them positive. And keeping everyone positive helps a lot. Having 2 teammates argue makes them less focused on actually playing properly and more likely to make bad calls/feed/afk. Some players are a hopeless cause but don't even say it cause that can make things worse. It's hard at times but it's less of a headache to argue with someone then it is to de-escalate/ignore an argument.
Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
  • Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
  • Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
  • Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.

What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?


You can probably get away with flat magic resist blues with any build, so start with buying those. Almost same with flat armor yellows. Reds and quints are the most likely to vary, so I would just build Jax's for those, since it probably has some AD quints, and that'll help you CS even with AP mids.


Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
  • Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
  • Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
  • Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.

What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?

For a generic ADC page, you can run:

- flat armor yellow
- scaling MR blue
- flat AD red
- flat AD quint

I run that for all my carries. It's still very useful for Jax, and I ran it for him until I racked up the IP for my current Jax page, which I also use for jungling:

- flat armor yellow
- scaling MR blue
- AS red
- MS quint


Just logged out after a couple of good games with Diana and Evelynn.
I feel Diana isn't stupidly op anymore, but still very viable.
I jungled Eve in the second game, and I feel she's really a fucking monster, since I straight up mauled everyone even if I haven't been playing her for a while... DFG+R is ridicolous, I think...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
  • Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
  • Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
  • Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.

What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?
Flat Armor yellows, Flat Magic Resist blues, Move Speed quints, armor pen or flat AD reds.



This happens way too often whenever I play top. I don't really know how to deal with ranged harass as a melee champion.
Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
  • Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
  • Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
  • Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.

What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?

I know you said your not level 20 yet, but you might want to hold off for the Halloween even and see if they have the same runes for reduced prices. I think they have movement speed quints in there, I don't fully remember what they offer during the Holiday runes.

And did you fear him Corgi? Yorick is after you.
No blue amumu is a bluer amumu :<.

Blitz is fun stuff. Pretty much always banned when I play though. Like 19 out of 20 times. I really started liking him after I read a guide with the suggested playstyle of maxing W first to fly at their ADC like a bat out of hell and knock them up with E, and then using Q to grab when they run/flash/shift away. The mind games with that are so good. You can force flashes just by running up to them.

Entwain has been doing this for a while. Best Blitz NA.


Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
  • Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
  • Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
  • Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.

What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?

I would just go something safe like Movespeed quints (mobility OP), MR blues, armor yellows and then flat AD/AP or ArPen/SpellPen for each of the two pages.


This happens way too often whenever I play top. I don't really know how to deal with ranged harass as a melee champion.

Depends on the champ but, generally speaking, sacrifice some cs if need be to let your lane get pushed back towards your tower. Hope your jungler follows up when they're this badly out of position. Irelia is a good tower farmer so you shouldn't even lose much here, honestly. Just cs really well. You're essentially going to punish their better harass by moving to a place where they have to risk something when they go to harass.

Also, Masteries help. My Irelia page is weird at 9/14/7 I guess but the extra Health and Regen from Defense Masteries helps for sustaining in lane.
Thanks for the tips guys. Based off your feedback I'd go something like Armor Yellow, MR Blue, AP or AD red, and either AD or move speed quints!

I know you said your not level 20 yet, but you might want to hold off for the Halloween even and see if they have the same runes for reduced prices. I think they have movement speed quints in there, I don't fully remember what they offer during the Holiday runes.

:O I didn't realize that the sales go for Runes with IP as well? I always just assumed that sales were for things bought with RP!

Also, thanks for those who gave me Jax build order advice earlier! That and consciously playing a little smarter have stepped up my game tremendously!


:O I didn't realize that the sales go for Runes with IP as well? I always just assumed that sales were for things bought with RP!

Yup. Bought my Halloween MS quints for 1k a piece compared to the 2k normal quints costs. Just be sure to double check the stats and make sure they're the same because I remember one time they had reduced IP runes, but they were tier 2.5 or something instead of tier 3, so they didn't give the full benefit.


Thanks for the tips guys. Based off your feedback I'd go something like Armor Yellow, MR Blue, AP or AD red, and either AD or move speed quints!

:O I didn't realize that the sales go for Runes with IP as well? I always just assumed that sales were for things bought with RP!

Also, thanks for those who gave me Jax build order advice earlier! That and consciously playing a little smarter have stepped up my game tremendously!
What's your Jax build? I've been starting with boots+3 pots, then building 2 doran's, level 2 boots, phage into TF, GA and then hextech gunblade, but I'm not sure. It's pretty standard I think.

Also, when's Halloween?
Thanks for the tips guys. Based off your feedback I'd go something like Armor Yellow, MR Blue, AP or AD red, and either AD or move speed quints!

:O I didn't realize that the sales go for Runes with IP as well? I always just assumed that sales were for things bought with RP!

Also, thanks for those who gave me Jax build order advice earlier! That and consciously playing a little smarter have stepped up my game tremendously!

I guess its not really a true sale, they just have Holiday runes that are cheaper but some of them are like tier 2.5, but I think MS ones are equal just check them out when they are put in the store.
What's your Jax build? I've been starting with boots+3 pots, then building 2 doran's, level 2 boots, phage into TF, GA and then hextech gunblade, but I'm not sure. It's pretty standard I think.

Also, when's Halloween?

October 31st is the Holiday.

I've started with boots + pots. Upgrade boots into a Ninja Tabbi. Then I work on a Sheen for the Trinity force. After that I work on either finishing the Trinity Force or working on a Hexetech gunblade, basically whatever pieces I can afford when I head on back. Then I work on a Guardian Angel. I may work on the GA earlier if I, personally, am getting beat on hard during the round. Throw in Wards as needed.

I do the Sheen first as to get the extra damage to trigger after E, which I try to spam as much as I can. I was doing Phage first but the slow triggers way to rarely to rely on. I have been getting the Phage before the Zeal though.
Damn I totally forgot about the possible holiday sale for runes. I spent around 7k ip on runes last week for gp runes and a naut page. Im prolly gonna regret that

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
According to sv's stream Legion and TD have disbanded. Does NA even have 8 teams for season 3?


lol last second missclicked Alistar so picked Akali as "support" in bot. Lane phase was ridiculously bad, I bought a Kage's just to get some gold in but it was terrible. Then in teamfight phase it was still pretty bad, our team was full with melee champs (Katarina, Kha, Lee Sin, Akali and Ez) against the likes of Lux and Caitlyn. Then at a certain point we decided to go all in all the time, and it was assassination time. So glorious, we rained swift death on our opponents, and even their Shen couldn't save them.

Victory by surrender :)


people are such assholes in this game, pick and lock ap leona with surge ignite. No fucking thank you, Ill take the 5 min wait
You guys need to take normal less seriously. Asshole is an attitude. That guy just wanted to have fun - maybe you're the asshole for shitting on people's ideas. I mean look at this support akali winning:

lol last second missclicked Alistar so picked Akali as "support" in bot. Lane phase was ridiculously bad, I bought a Kage's just to get some gold in but it was terrible. Then in teamfight phase it was still pretty bad, our team was full with melee champs (Katarina, Kha, Lee Sin, Akali and Ez) against the likes of Lux and Caitlyn. Then at a certain point we decided to go all in all the time, and it was assassination time. So glorious, we rained swift death on our opponents, and even their Shen couldn't save them.

Victory by surrender :)

And my last game I had a support jax and we dominated. Anything is possible in soloqueue


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
honor system is really broken, they just gave me a ribbon.
i rage in like every game.

Hopefully there is a way you can lose the ribbon if you get reported enough. Not talking about you specifically, but you don't want people going back to being assholes because they got their shiny ribbon.

people are such assholes in this game, pick and lock ap leona with surge ignite. No fucking thank you, Ill take the 5 min wait

Normals are for having fun! Ranked is for tryharding.
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