Boken please keep the thread PG.Pay me RP and Ill give you an elo job
Boken please keep the thread PG.Pay me RP and Ill give you an elo job
Congrats and i totally agree with you on that. I just play support in ranked because I'd rather have a safely farmed/fed ADC over being farmed/fed well mid/top. Late game the Adc matters so much in the team fights. If I play mid or jungle I try to get bottom ganks if i can but then it comes down to ward coverage and how the lanes are pushed.Thanks Corgi
Supports win games :x
1500 ELO, damn, congrats but I don't know how you people do it...
Congrats and i totally agree with you on that. I just play support in ranked because I'd rather have a safely farmed/fed ADC over being farmed/fed well mid/top. Late game the Adc matters so much in the team fights. If I play mid or jungle I try to get bottom ganks if i can but then it comes down to ward coverage and how the lanes are pushed.
Plus I feel that a lot of people don't play support properly, a lot of people play it like it's just another role slot they need to fill in(Bad ward placements, spamming abilities too often when they arent needed, not baiting out enemy abilities safely/at all, over extending themselves in the bush and getting caught out).[img][/QUOTE]
So I still have ~700 games to go till my penta?
I just got 2 quadras in succession as Morde. Feels so bad man. V_V Garen flashed over the wall. I flashed too but he Q'd to run away. That was already the last fight too so I was hoping he would've given it.
Every minute, 75 Teemos die.
Please, won't you think of the Teemos?
Don't pick him, and together we can save all the Teemos.
D: Don't hurt Teemo!!!!
I love infographs
My problem with Ranked is the ratio of normal human beings to derping randoms doesn't favor me as much as it does in Normal. In Normal I can play with three or four friends, so usually the normal people are in the majority. In Ranked, three (at best, could be four) outta five are gonna be feeding, not placing wards, not ganking, dying while doing the golems, etc.Lots of patience lol. Each game feels like it's a matter of who makes that first mistake, and then if you can keep baiting them into making that mistake again. If you get antsy because nothing is happening in your lane? Well too bad. Stick it out and focus on farming and staying alive and not engaging until you clearly have the upper hand.
My problem with Ranked is the ratio of normal human beings to derping randoms doesn't favor me as much as it does in Normal. In Normal I can play with three or four friends, so usually the normal people are in the majority. In Ranked, three (at best, could be four) outta five are gonna be feeding, not placing wards, not ganking, dying while doing the golems, etc.
And I'm not good enough to make up for all of that. I heard you should play jungler or top in low level solo queue, and those are the two roles I almost never play, so that might have something to do with it...
You can't always carry your lane and win the game, but you can improve the overall play of others if you have the proper game sense. And sometimes that's all you need.
Winning your lane is important but most don't actually "get" what winning your lane means. You win your lane so you benefit the other lanes, not just yourself. A successful top lane is one where you tied up their Jungler. A successful mid lane is one where you try to roam top/bot to help get a kill or pressure the lane. A successful bot lane is one where you control Dragon.
Just coming out with more gold than your lane opponent isn't winning the lane. Creating advantages for your team with that lead is when you actually win your lane. It is, after all, a team game. The team actually coming together to do things is what will win the game.
Apparently I played against SK Ocelot's smurf account. We won in convincing fashion! We invaded Amumu's blue early and Amumu w/o blue early slows and sets him back so far.
In about 6 out of last 7 ranked games, Blitz was banned, which is funny because I just started picking him up.
Right, and that's what I mean when most sub-1200 don't know the flow of the game. They push back the opposing bot lane to base with a jungle gank and then back themselves because they feel they earned a break and it's shop time. Well, if you can, you should take dragon first and then shop. You can break that mentality simply by pinging the dragon, suggesting, "Hey let's do dragon now." and it'll force an assessment in their minds of whether or not they can do it.
In addition to this also try to de-escalate arguments between other team members. I find that telling them "what's done is done" and just encouraging them to stay positive because the game is still easily winnable is good enough to keep them positive. And keeping everyone positive helps a lot. Having 2 teammates argue makes them less focused on actually playing properly and more likely to make bad calls/feed/afk. Some players are a hopeless cause but don't even say it cause that can make things worse. It's hard at times but it's less of a headache to argue with someone then it is to de-escalate/ignore an argument.Unless you've been shit talking your team the entire game, chances are they will follow your pings and do what you say.
Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.
- Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
- Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
- Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?
Flat Armor yellows, Flat Magic Resist blues, Move Speed quints, armor pen or flat AD reds.Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.
- Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
- Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
- Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?
Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.
- Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
- Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
- Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?
No blue amumu is a bluer amumu :<.
Blitz is fun stuff. Pretty much always banned when I play though. Like 19 out of 20 times. I really started liking him after I read a guide with the suggested playstyle of maxing W first to fly at their ADC like a bat out of hell and knock them up with E, and then using Q to grab when they run/flash/shift away. The mind games with that are so good. You can force flashes just by running up to them.
Well, I should be hitting 20 either this weekend or early next week at the rate I'm going. I'm excited to finally have access to level 3 runes after not bothering with level 1 and 2 runes. So now I'm starting to put together my Rune buying strategy. I've been tossing around 3 ideas:
I was leaning toward the last one at this moment but I go back and forth in my head. The reasoing being that no matter who I play as, the defense will always help, and that at my skill level, a super specific build probably isn't necessary so go with one that will help out the most no matter what I'm doing.
- Since I've been playing Jax, I'd just go to a guide and go with a Jax Rune build.
- Go with a generic 'good attack' build that would be kind of useful for generic AD Carry or somthing like that.
- Go with "Generic Defense Build" that would be decent for most champs.
What are your guys thoughts on this and... what would a good all around defensive build even be?
This happens way too often whenever I play top. I don't really know how to deal with ranged harass as a melee champion.
I know you said your not level 20 yet, but you might want to hold off for the Halloween even and see if they have the same runes for reduced prices. I think they have movement speed quints in there, I don't fully remember what they offer during the Holiday runes.
And did you fear him Corgi? Yorick is after you.
:O I didn't realize that the sales go for Runes with IP as well? I always just assumed that sales were for things bought with RP!
What's your Jax build? I've been starting with boots+3 pots, then building 2 doran's, level 2 boots, phage into TF, GA and then hextech gunblade, but I'm not sure. It's pretty standard I think.Thanks for the tips guys. Based off your feedback I'd go something like Armor Yellow, MR Blue, AP or AD red, and either AD or move speed quints!
:O I didn't realize that the sales go for Runes with IP as well? I always just assumed that sales were for things bought with RP!
Also, thanks for those who gave me Jax build order advice earlier! That and consciously playing a little smarter have stepped up my game tremendously!
Thanks for the tips guys. Based off your feedback I'd go something like Armor Yellow, MR Blue, AP or AD red, and either AD or move speed quints!
:O I didn't realize that the sales go for Runes with IP as well? I always just assumed that sales were for things bought with RP!
Also, thanks for those who gave me Jax build order advice earlier! That and consciously playing a little smarter have stepped up my game tremendously!
What's your Jax build? I've been starting with boots+3 pots, then building 2 doran's, level 2 boots, phage into TF, GA and then hextech gunblade, but I'm not sure. It's pretty standard I think.
Also, when's Halloween?
people are such assholes in this game, pick and lock ap leona with surge ignite. No fucking thank you, Ill take the 5 min wait
You guys need to take normal less seriously. Asshole is an attitude. That guy just wanted to have fun - maybe you're the asshole for shitting on people's ideas. I mean look at this support akali winning:people are such assholes in this game, pick and lock ap leona with surge ignite. No fucking thank you, Ill take the 5 min wait
lol last second missclicked Alistar so picked Akali as "support" in bot. Lane phase was ridiculously bad, I bought a Kage's just to get some gold in but it was terrible. Then in teamfight phase it was still pretty bad, our team was full with melee champs (Katarina, Kha, Lee Sin, Akali and Ez) against the likes of Lux and Caitlyn. Then at a certain point we decided to go all in all the time, and it was assassination time. So glorious, we rained swift death on our opponents, and even their Shen couldn't save them.
Victory by surrender![]()
honor system is really broken, they just gave me a ribbon.
i rage in like every game.
people are such assholes in this game, pick and lock ap leona with surge ignite. No fucking thank you, Ill take the 5 min wait