who did galieo kill other than minions?
He's like Miss Fortune -- good at killing minions with ult.who did galieo kill other than minions?
There needs to be a feature where you can queue of for the current meta. Like in WoW.
Dear Corgi,Why do I have to lose ELO or suffer a 25+ minute wait time for idiots like this.
Dear Corgi,
1. You didn't even offer an explanation as to why they were idiots! And
2. You're complaining when you're like 950 elo higher than me. You should be glad you're that good! Don't forget
3. Didn't you tell me that I need to play support to raise elo? Clearly that's your problem, you gotta go all Sona.
Also, if dodges were free then ranked could be a never-ending series of dodges, which is presumably why you can't do it for free! On average, over 100-200 games, good and bad players should even out so your elo ends up where it should be. It can be frustrating in the short run though.
Oh, I missed your thing in chat but I'll duo with you if you want some time. I don't play ranked very often though, so I warn you in advance.1. Zilean can't jungle. Goes up to my lane and feeds Kha'Zix, leeches experience and minions, and gives up jungle and jungle presence.
2. You can complain at any ELO.
3. I was going to support but someone else said they were duo queuing bot.
I missed the game count, but now I want toast.Blizzard, it's pretty obvious who the troll is in that game.
Blizzard, if ELO is to eventually match you players around your skill level. He's not still 'figuring out" his ELO, he's played 250+ games.
Blizzard, buttered toast.
I do that when i'm in the loading screen for ranked. I only check my lane opponent to see what they main so I get a main idea on how they play laning and whether anyone is duo queueing.
Gives a huge advantage if I can predict whether they'll play passive farm or crazy harass.
Except he lolking'd his own teammates and banned out our most played champions.
who did galieo kill other than minions?
Was he duo with ez? Because you said amumu did bans.
And yeah, that amumu was bad. I spectated the last 10 minutes and lol he was so gung ho, but melted like butter :x
From the way Ezreal talked ("we"), I assumed they were duo'd. Amumu was captain and Ezreal was last pick.
lets pretend someone didnt actually write this.Played against an Ez jungler today. We would've won if stupid Cho'Gath would've actually done something instead of goofing around and hiding behind the carries. Seriously we had 20 kills in a mostly teamfights match and the guy only participated in four.
Wasn't pretty getting the annoying "Ez jungle OP scrubs" and whatever... we should've invaded him so hard...
Duo que bots are the worst. THE WORST.
?lets pretend someone didnt actually write this.
move on.
New Soraka comic.
How many wins would it take to reach 1500 if I'm at 1360? I only have 10 games under my belt.
My picks, leaning more towards real Sona...Edit: Thinking about changing avatars, can't decide:
Pro tip for buying items: you almost always want to start boots three pots right now. Unless you're the support, and sometimes the jungler buys different stuff. It's pretty basic for the most part though.
And by "pots" he means "the red health potions that cost 35 gold under the consumables (or whatever it's called) category". And by boots he means "the cheapest shoes under the movement category".
New Soraka comic.
I hope you reported this jerk. People like this are the reason I stick with normals.
Edit: Thinking about changing avatars, can't decide:
Soraka got some upgrades.
I'd guess if you managed to have 7 more wins than losses, it would take you to 1500 since I think each win/loss right now for you is ~20 rating.
Now then, do I want to push for platinum??? 300 rating away :/
I wouldn't recommend her until a little later. She really needs her own rune page to be effective and later on once you start playing draft you'll find a harder time using her because she has a lot of champions that counter her well. But she's a really fun champ to play so I like using her when I play blind, and I'm delighted when i get her in ARAM. But unless you have ip to burn on specific rune pages for her I wouldn't recommend buying akali.Thanks, do you guys recommend any champions to start with? Im digging akali, I wish code redemption was working =[
Soraka got some upgrades.
I'd guess if you managed to have 7 more wins than losses, it would take you to 1500 since I think each win/loss right now for you is ~20 rating.
Now then, do I want to push for platinum??? 300 rating away :/
I wouldn't recommend her until a little later. She really needs her own rune page to be effective and later on once you start playing draft you'll find a harder time using her because she has a lot of champions that counter her well. But she's a really fun champ to play so I like using her when I play blind, and I'm delighted when i get her in ARAM. But unless you have ip to burn on specific rune pages for her I wouldn't recommend buying akali.
Thanks Merc
I wouldn't recommend her until a little later. She really needs her own rune page to be effective and later on once you start playing draft you'll find a harder time using her because she has a lot of champions that counter her well. But she's a really fun champ to play so I like using her when I play blind, and I'm delighted when i get her in ARAM. But unless you have ip to burn on specific rune pages for her I wouldn't recommend buying akali.
Is there anything you would recommend? Just did my first game co-op and played lux, dont think I quite understood what I was doing until the end of the game. Played the mid as the only ap character, also died the most .
Think the next game I play ill try out Nunu, while hes free.
Trundle isn't that cheap, and there are much better ways to learn jungling.Ashe/Nunu/Trundle/Jax/Ryze are all great champs to get. They cover the 5 major roles of the current North American Meta(AD Carry/Support/Jungle/Top/AP Mid).
Yeah, there's no rush.jungling is not viable until level 20 anyway.
Agreed around level 20 you want to start learning how jungling works. And by that time you should have enough for trundle. Finding a jungler you like might take a longer time compared to other roles. But the other 4 champs I mentioned are really good picks for starting off. I'm sure the others would agree with me on that.
.....Also don't buy Yi
My picks, leaning more towards real Sona...
Can I ask why you keep recommending Trundle? I know his clear is pretty easy, but I don't think his ganks are good for the most part and doesn't provide as much in team fights compared to other easy jungles such as Skarner, Nocturne or Maokai who are easy and have better ganks. Or if IP is an issue for those 3 I would go for Warwick over Trundle.
Real bewbs are always superior (except that ninja anime where girls shot milk out of their tits and chopped people's heads off with it), even when they're not Sona massive.Yea same here, I'll try this for a bit.
Won two ranked in a row, and now defeat. Teemo top blaming jungle Kha, Caitlyn blaming Teemo and Fizz, Fizz going kamikaze on Cho'Gath or Nasus, and Kha didn't say a word or pulled off a successful gank in the whole match. I missed this :3
Yeah, 1v1 no problem, but he would dive into the whole team, and a couple times it worked, but most of them they engaged on someone else while he was trickstering away and we got destroyed.All things being equal I would assume Fizz would eat Cho? or at least not die to him :S. His dodge is like the perfect counter to cho's knock up.
Yeah, 1v1 no problem, but he would dive into the whole team, and a couple times it worked, but most of them they engaged on someone else while he was trickstering away and we got destroyed.
Anyways, into more important matters... Foxfire Ahri or Arcade Sona?