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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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That would make it amazing to kite with red paired with Blood Rush!

LMFAO. I watched the replay just to make sure what happened to Blitz. He should have had enough HP to survive my passive. He flashed over a wall and his ult randomly struck Baron which attacked him in return.


If you stand still, the axe will land on you or near your position. If you move, the axe will land along your current trajectory. This is dependent on when the axe hits. So if you don't want to chase the axe, make sure you are not moving when it hits.

Good Dravens will kite melee with axe+blood rush spam while moving back when the axe hits so they can continue moving along their kiting path. Any melee that doesn't have a slow or hard cc strong enough to beat blood rush will die to this.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Can someone explain Soraka to me? Tried playing her last night and she didn't feel all that useful. I'm assuming as a support I'm supposed to leave all farm to the AD in bottom lane and get my income through the gold per 5 second items. That's what I usually do as support.

Her single heal is pretty nice, but seems to taper off later in the game unless you start building a buttload of AP (Is this what you're supposed to do?). Same deal with her ultimate, which is great early game, not so much later on.

Infuse is a fantastic skill. It's risky to harass with it early on, especially if you're playing against a player who doesn't overextend (because in this case, you practically have to be in their asshole to silence them).

Starfall is starfall I guess. Seems like a waste of a spell slot.

Now, I get there's probably some stuff I'm doing wrong when playing her, but I'd like to know: Is she seen as a weak hero right now or am I just not getting how to play her properly?


Well, she's pretty straighforward. Heal, give mana, heal more, build utility/auras like Shurelyas and Locket. Yes her silence is somewhat hard to land, but it can be useful if the teamfight is going your way. You have global presence too which is nice when the other lanes are ganking. Helps rack up the assists.

Starfall scales nicely with AP and is great for spamming, so some people play her mid as an AP carry/utility champ. Otherwise, there's not much else to her. Some people find her boring to play exactly for those reasons, but I have fun playing with her.
Also you can harass early game with her autoattacks, and remember that her heal gives a powerful armour buff for a few seconds, on top of healing.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Can someone explain Soraka to me?
Soraka's strength is in providing the utility all supports do while offering massive amounts of sustain.

By and large, the support is around to ward and make sure that the AD carry doesn't get ganked, and that it's known if the jungle is invaded so that buffs are tracked. This is a shared responsibility between supports and the most important thing. Soraka specifically is all about that sustain and also protection.

CDR is the most valuable stat for Soraka, and for your build you combine that with items that provide utility. Something like Shurelya's Reverie is core for the mobility it provides your team, as is something like Aegis of the Legion for the stat boost. Shooting for AP after capping CDR and stuff is fine, but survivability for yourself is usually more beneficial.

Understand that when it comes to her abilities Soraka provides buffs and debuffs. Her passive grants allies MR. Starcall might seem useless but it shreds a bunch of MR. Your heal might not feel like it heals for a lot but at max rank it provides over 100 armor. The silence on your infuse is something like 2.5 seconds at max rank, which can be devastating to casters if timed correctly, or can interrupt important channeled spells. Wish will always be good, and by the numbers the health it provides across your entire team is pretty large, and it scales hard.


Also you can harass early game with her autoattacks, and remember that her heal gives a powerful armour buff for a few seconds, on top of healing.

Basically that, and starfall isn't an attack spell, think of it as a magic resist debuff for your AP carry.


Can someone explain Soraka to me? Tried playing her last night and she didn't feel all that useful. I'm assuming as a support I'm supposed to leave all farm to the AD in bottom lane and get my income through the gold per 5 second items. That's what I usually do as support.

Her single heal is pretty nice, but seems to taper off later in the game unless you start building a buttload of AP (Is this what you're supposed to do?). Same deal with her ultimate, which is great early game, not so much later on.

Infuse is a fantastic skill. It's risky to harass with it early on, especially if you're playing against a player who doesn't overextend (because in this case, you practically have to be in their asshole to silence them).

Starfall is starfall I guess. Seems like a waste of a spell slot.

Now, I get there's probably some stuff I'm doing wrong when playing her, but I'd like to know: Is she seen as a weak hero right now or am I just not getting how to play her properly?

She's weaker than she has been in the past, but she's still really good. Few points:

Her heal doesn't really taper off. The key is not getting the individual heals to be more powerful, but reducing the CD so you can cast it more often. With Shurelia's + CDR boots, you can cast it like every 13 seconds instead of 20. This maximizes heals + the massive 100 armor buff, instead of just the heals (like an AP build would). Also gets your ult CD down to like 80 seconds, which is once per fight end game.

The use of Infuse varies between team comps. The silence can be absolutely pivotal against some supports like Alistar and Leona that want to chain CC your carry. If you have mana-hungry carries like Ez/Corki/Urgot, it's also pretty clutch.

Starcall is again dependent on team comps. If you're trying to push lanes quickly, it's really good. Also really good on double AP teams because it reduces the enemy's MR.

As she is, she's really comp dependent. She's not a universal pick like Sona, but in the right comps she's really game-changing.
Jarvan is ridiculously manly.

I repeatedly fucked an Ez and an Ahri today with my Standard Spear combo. Got them to burn their escapes and then...



Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Thanks everyone, got a few new things to try and consider next year when I finally play another game of League.




formerly sane
Can someone explain Soraka to me? Tried playing her last night and she didn't feel all that useful. I'm assuming as a support I'm supposed to leave all farm to the AD in bottom lane and get my income through the gold per 5 second items. That's what I usually do as support.

Her single heal is pretty nice, but seems to taper off later in the game unless you start building a buttload of AP (Is this what you're supposed to do?). Same deal with her ultimate, which is great early game, not so much later on.

Infuse is a fantastic skill. It's risky to harass with it early on, especially if you're playing against a player who doesn't overextend (because in this case, you practically have to be in their asshole to silence them).

Starfall is starfall I guess. Seems like a waste of a spell slot.

Now, I get there's probably some stuff I'm doing wrong when playing her, but I'd like to know: Is she seen as a weak hero right now or am I just not getting how to play her properly?

While zero cs support is nice, if your adc can't take certain cs at certain points than they can't really yell at for taking things they cannot get. Learn the art of stealing cs but not when the adc needs it.

Everything in her kit is useful. Her q is especially useful and you should probably look at troll mid or top videos to see soraka make her enemies think twice about coming at her. Basically when I harass a lane you often get a q, autoattack, and e off if people are dumb and after a while it will hurt a lot more than sona can. People just forgot she can be used like this and tend to think she should only be in the back using w or e.

You do need some AP so the healh works. Yet her ult and that with a heal summons will basically ensure you can keep anyone alive granted certain items like executioners calling isn't involved.

To me soraka biggest advantage is the fact she has a silence. Learn to actually time this well and not spam this. The difference this can make in a team fight especially when enemy initiates and tries to close it quickly or their tank get silenced is immense. Her E for teammates is basically permanent mana.


So I've been trying to play more top lane recently, usually Jayce when he's not banned but since he's always banned now I've been playing a lot of Irelia. I've been running AD runes to help with last hitting and 9/21/0 to help trade better and survive the laning phase.

Anyways how does Riven compare to Irelia? The only thing she has over Irelia, IMO, is her lack of mana bar but she doesn't have much sustain besides that and lacks multiple damage types like Irelia?


Riven's strength is her early game where she beats out champs like Irelia. Come late game, she doesn't offer too much so she falls off compared to, again, Irelia. Riven is a great lane bully, though. Maxing W first gives you an offensive all-in approach to it and maxing E first makes it a safe harass approach.
Funny, but why didn't he ult on you back before he was even in the Baron pit?
He probably would've died earlier. I'm fairly certain I only needed one more attack + passive to kill him but he managed to flash out of my range. But if you mean the ult passive, his ult active was on CD.

Can someone explain Soraka to me?
Soraka is more for a passive lane phase. You'll have a very hard time trying to force them to recall back because of the huge sustain she provides. Her E is also a free strong long range poke. She's pretty useful for and against poke comps.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He probably would've died earlier. I'm fairly certain I only needed one more attack + passive to kill him but he managed to flash out of my range. But if you mean the ult passive, his ult active was on CD.
No it wasn't. Blitzcrank only shoots off lightning bolts when his ultimate is available.


CLG Black just beat Invictus to qualify for IPL... I wonder if lag played a role? Never thought they would 2-0 IG, with a sub and a role swap nonetheless.


Played Khazix today. Kinda regretting not getting the bundle now, if anything because his evolution stuff looks pretty neat. I wish shit wasn't as expensive.


Fixed a bug where in rare instances Champions would not be able to autoattack


And it didn't seem rare at all to me.

Activating Hiten Style after Equilibrium Strike on Irelia had me stop auto attacking.
After activing Nautilus E he would stop auto attacking.

Among others.
That must explain why I often stop auto-attacking whenever I'm clearing the jungle. I thought it was an NA thing since it doesn't happen in our region.


Fixed a bug where in rare instances Champions would not be able to autoattack


And it didn't seem rare at all to me.

Activating Hiten Style after Equilibrium Strike on Irelia had me stop auto attacking.
After activing Nautilus E he would stop auto attacking.

Among others.

fuk, I think that was happening to me just now.
Riven's strength is her early game where she beats out champs like Irelia. Come late game, she doesn't offer too much so she falls off compared to, again, Irelia. Riven is a great lane bully, though. Maxing W first gives you an offensive all-in approach to it and maxing E first makes it a safe harass approach.

really? I find that Irelia is the only champ that bullies me in lane as riven. And late game i tend to mop the floor with her. Riven is great for her interruption and escape kit. Her build is extremely flexible, from flat dmg, to tank. With proper positioning she can peel away champions from a carry, or counter an opposing carry with proper stun and dodging.


it's weird cause when people say that irelia has a weaker early game, what they mean is that she has to play safe pre lvl 4. after that she can run wild on most matchups
I think she definitely beats out riven around lvl 4/5/6, I mean, if the riven is dumb enough to blow all their cooldowns on stupid shit. it's a weird lane, any side can win really, depends on jungle pressure.

irelia isn't so hot late game if the other team knows how to protect their carry. like all she can really do is try to kamikaze the other team's damage, if she tries to focus on peeling or whatever she can't really put a dent on whatever bruiser is coming, I mean she can but all her cooldowns will be down and she'll be pretty shitty and just be getting beat up

whereas riven is good at messing with the flow of a team fight. but I've never really seen one contribute THAT much unless she has been snowballed like crazy throughout the game. that's kind of the gimmick for riven though, where she really tries to put the hurt on her lane during early game. I dunno, you just gotta know how to play the different match ups


What I've noticed is that you can't really trade well or sustain until you get a few points into W...so around level 4+ is when you can start doing things.


Late game riven = CRAZY ass aoe damage or one of the best 1v1 champions
Late game irelia = dont give no fucks gonna chase down your ADC or one the best 1v1 champions



formerly sane
Fixed a bug where in rare instances Champions would not be able to autoattack


And it didn't seem rare at all to me.

Activating Hiten Style after Equilibrium Strike on Irelia had me stop auto attacking.
After activing Nautilus E he would stop auto attacking.

Among others.

Happens a lot to my vayne. Usuually I get these problems when I auto attack animation cancel and it refuse for several clicks afterwards to attack.



Would. (click on the pic for the NSFW version)

I just played against a team who had members called Xiang One, Xiang Two and Xiang Three lol. I'm done with smurfing, it's filled with chinese account farmers, and if I want to get my ass kicked I can just play ranked :p


really? I find that Irelia is the only champ that bullies me in lane as riven. And late game i tend to mop the floor with her. Riven is great for her interruption and escape kit. Her build is extremely flexible, from flat dmg, to tank. With proper positioning she can peel away champions from a carry, or counter an opposing carry with proper stun and dodging.

Early game Irelia is about the easiest match up in the game for Riven. You can QW Level 2 her and keep her low or just kill her outright. Late game Riven suffers the same problem pretty much all top laners suffer, though that's not really an issue with random teams I suppose. She isn't a tank, however. She's still an AD Caster. Her shield makes up for the fact that she's rather squishy.

it's weird cause when people say that irelia has a weaker early game, what they mean is that she has to play safe pre lvl 4. after that she can run wild on most matchups
I think she definitely beats out riven around lvl 4/5/6, I mean, if the riven is dumb enough to blow all their cooldowns on stupid shit. it's a weird lane, any side can win really, depends on jungle pressure.

Riven should win it until closer to 9, though each level after 4 will be harder and harder. Level 9 is when Irelia really picks up with Hiten Style sustain making it so that you have to trade remarkably well or just try to 100-0 her to force her out. 1-3 points into Hiten Style isn't enough damage to significantly win trades or enough sustain to heal up between trades.

For random games, I'd also say Riven snowballs better due to her amazing AD scaling. A mid-game snowballed Riven is basically an AD burst caster. Irelia scales better into a bruiser, however.

And, yeah, Jungle presence basically means all match ups have an asterisk next to them. *You're going to get 2v1'd if you do really well, or get baited, or because you overextended, or because fuck your top lane.

irelia isn't so hot late game if the other team knows how to protect their carry. like all she can really do is try to kamikaze the other team's damage, if she tries to focus on peeling or whatever she can't really put a dent on whatever bruiser is coming, I mean she can but all her cooldowns will be down and she'll be pretty shitty and just be getting beat up

whereas riven is good at messing with the flow of a team fight. but I've never really seen one contribute THAT much unless she has been snowballed like crazy throughout the game. that's kind of the gimmick for riven though, where she really tries to put the hurt on her lane during early game. I dunno, you just gotta know how to play the different match ups

Irelia is able to zone an ADC really well and she'll survive the incoming damage a lot better than a Riven will. Granted, this is usually due to the fact Irelia builds bruiser-y and Riven builds are mostly AD. Irelia also gets to basically ignore CC during team fights so her diving carries is a lot easier than Riven, even with Riven's gap closes.


Gotta love spamming the OPs for freELO. Up like 50 points this week thanks to Vlad, Eve and Taric.

Speaking of which, are there any common top laners that are strong counters to Vlad? Or do you have to get into niche picks like Fizz before you really see any significant threats? The only semi-common top lane picks I can think of would be something along the lines of Katarina or Jayce (but who doesn't Jayce wreck?).


Early game Irelia is about the easiest match up in the game for Riven. You can QW Level 2 her and keep her low or just kill her outright. Late game Riven suffers the same problem pretty much all top laners suffer, though that's not really an issue with random teams I suppose. She isn't a tank, however. She's still an AD Caster. Her shield makes up for the fact that she's rather squishy.

I remember the time I made the mistake of listening to Boken's advice once. He was all Riven destroys Irelia early, yo, and I tried 1v1'ing him at level 1 or level 2 and got completely destroyed. Irelia probably had like 200+ health left. :(

I may have tried it too early, or may have taken too much minion damage, but I prefer to think Boken just wanted another opportunity to insult me. :(


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Speaking of which, are there any common top laners that are strong counters to Vlad? Or do you have to get into niche picks like Fizz before you really see any significant threats? The only semi-common top lane picks I can think of would be something along the lines of Katarina or Jayce (but who doesn't Jayce wreck?).
People used to run Swain vs. Vlad. Or Irelia with an MR page. Sometimes Olaf can do okay too.


Speaking of which, are there any common top laners that are strong counters to Vlad? Or do you have to get into niche picks like Fizz before you really see any significant threats? The only semi-common top lane picks I can think of would be something along the lines of Katarina or Jayce (but who doesn't Jayce wreck?).

Jayce is open to be outplayed and doesn't offer much when the jungler does come to help him. It's still a rough match up if only due to the fact he can just Hammer E to equalize things. Anyone with better range or really good gap close can take Jayce to at least an even match.

Vlad can lose to Riven, Rengar, and other early pressure laners. He can sustain well, yes, but it's not like he does it really fast at low levels (or even at the middle levels). Anyone who can pressure him early will win the early levels. If you keep fearing his Transfusion, you'll just give him free life in lane in the long run. Figure out how much he heals for and you'll have an idea of how much damage you need to do per Q he gets in order to come out ahead.

I remember the time I made the mistake of listening to Boken's advice once. He was all Riven destroys Irelia early, yo, and I tried 1v1'ing him at level 1 or level 2 and got completely destroyed. Irelia probably had like 200+ health left. :(

I may have tried it too early, or may have taken too much minion damage, but I prefer to think Boken just wanted another opportunity to insult me. :(

No, the matchup is basically really far in your favor. Standard 19/11 Masteries lets you just not care too much about the minion damage so you can QW combo Irelia at a low level. At best, she can stun you. Low level Irelia offers nothing.


I probably didn't know 19/11 masteries were standard on Riven either, since I usually go 21/9/0 or 9/21/0. I also feel like Irelia was lifestealing. I should try it again some day if someone wants to make a custom game with me.


I beat you because you sucked lol

Anyway, servers are back up

I also think Irelia can beat vlad. So can renekton, pretty hard actually. And swain, all in addition to what scy said


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Late game riven = CRAZY ass aoe damage or one of the best 1v1 champions
Late game irelia = dont give no fucks gonna chase down your ADC or one the best 1v1 champions


Late game Olaf = Lol I can't be stunned or CC'd imma dive your carry k?

Would. (click on the pic for the NSFW version)



I beat you because you sucked lol

Anyway, servers are back up
Like I said, you just wanted a chance to say I sucked, without explaining the precise process I was supposed to use to beat you. :(

Are you available for a custom game some time this week? I want to try the level 2 19/11 suggestion and see if Riven can 1v1 Irelia at that point. If it's in Riven's favor, I would expect an Irelia to stay behind the minion line and avoid damage until level 6 or so, regardless.


I probably didn't know 19/11 masteries were standard on Riven either, since I usually go 21/9/0 or 9/21/0. I also feel like Irelia was lifestealing. I should try it again some day if someone wants to make a custom game with me.

Honestly, I can't do top lane without my 11 Defense; all my pages rotate around this. Tough Skin and Indomitable means you can shrug off a lot of minion damage and Vigor is just nice to have for the early game. It's not like you lose anything from Offense anyway.

As for the actual Level 2, it's basically just taking the opportunity to Q-Auto when you can and knowing when you can switch to the QW all-in to get the kill.


Honestly, I can't do top lane without my 11 Defense; all my pages rotate around this. Tough Skin and Indomitable means you can shrug off a lot of minion damage and Vigor is just nice to have for the early game. It's not like you lose anything from Offense anyway.

As for the actual Level 2, it's basically just taking the opportunity to Q-Auto when you can and knowing when you can switch to the QW all-in to get the kill.
Thanks for the advice.

It may be a bad idea, but I started playing pretty much all AP mids as 9/21/0. I figured the very few extra points (10-20?) of AP I might get wouldn't be worth it compared to being more defensive. It seemed to work okay.
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