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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Thanks for the advice.

It may be a bad idea, but I started playing pretty much all AP mids as 9/21/0. I figured the very few extra points (10-20?) of AP I might get wouldn't be worth it compared to being more defensive. It seemed to work okay.

I would think it depends on the character. Someone with low AP ratios (Ryze) might be better off this way. I think characters that depend on the early game (LeBlanc) might suffer though.


I would think it depends on the character. Someone with low AP ratios (Ryze) might be better off this way. I think characters that depend on the early game (LeBlanc) might suffer though.
I play semi-melee assassin mids (Eve, Katarina) which is probably also why I am biased in that regard.


I play semi-melee assassin mids (Eve, Katarina) which is probably also why I am biased in that regard.

I'm going to experiment more with Kat and masteries. Right now I'm 21/9/0 with some in AD as well as AP. Really helps with last hitting.

However, I'm thinking a 9/12/9 might be better. AD, cooldown and magic pen offense tree, health+health regen in defense tree and movespeed in utility.

The more movespeed the better with Kat and I don't buy spellvamp anymore so I'd enjoy the sustain from the health regen.

I might do the same thing with Kassadin.

edit: oh god. With the TF new model everyone is going to be playing him. Watching Oddone's stream and he's commenting how tall TF is. Really is! Not sure if I like it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm going to experiment more with Kat and masteries. Right now I'm 21/9/0 with some in AD as well as AP. Really helps with last hitting.

However, I'm thinking a 9/12/9 might be better. AD, cooldown and magic pen offense tree, health+health regen in defense tree and movespeed in utility.

The more movespeed the better with Kat and I don't buy spellvamp anymore so I'd enjoy the sustain from the health regen.

I might do the same thing with Kassadin.
I am at a loss as to what benefits you are finding from the utility tree that are worth nine points on someone who doesn't need mana regen.


9/21/0 is my Kat staple; not sure if 9/14/7 would be a worthwhile swap for me (2 points of Initator? 2 points of Enlightenment? One each? Neither and get Veteran's Scars?). AD/CDR/MPen from Offense, as if that's actually a surprise.

As for runes, I run Magic Pen reds, HP Regen per Level yellows, Scaling MR blues, and Movement Quints; I could probably swap to Scaling AP blues though and not actually notice the difference.

Eve uses the same page for the most part, though I think I definitely do have Scaling AP for her Rune page.

I am at a loss as to what benefits you are finding from the utility tree that are worth nine points on someone who doesn't need mana regen.

Reduced Death timer, faster recall, Flash CDR, and Movement! Yeah, I'd rather just get Initiator if I want the Movement boost. +3% when above 70% HP vs +2% flat is fine and it keeps me in the tree for Enlightenment and Juggernaut.


I am at a loss as to what benefits you are finding from the utility tree that are worth nine points on someone who doesn't need mana regen.

9/21/0 is my Kat staple; not sure if 9/14/7 would be a worthwhile swap for me (2 points of Initator? 2 points of Enlightenment? One each? Neither and get Veteran's Scars?). AD/CDR/MPen from Offense, as if that's actually a surprise.

As for runes, I run Magic Pen reds, HP Regen per Level yellows, Scaling MR blues, and Movement Quints; I could probably swap to Scaling AP blues though and not actually notice the difference.

Eve uses the same page for the most part, though I think I definitely do have Scaling AP for her Rune page.

Reduced Death timer, faster recall, Flash CDR, and Movement! Yeah, I'd rather just get Initiator if I want the Movement boost. +3% when above 70% HP vs +2% flat is fine and it keeps me in the tree for Enlightenment and Juggernaut.

Basically that. It'd be an experiment. Currently I run 21/9 with magic pen and AD. More movespeed the better.

edit: It's probably all for nothing anyways. They're revamping the masteries again.


New Champ: Elise, The Spider Queen or Zyra if her vines were legs.

(Way it was worded could mean new game mode, but probably just a lore location)

I'll probably buy her, regardless of role.

I'm weak like this.

Edit: Also, aren't the Shadow Isles just ... part of the lore? Yorick, Hecarim, and Evelynn are from there (and, presumably, Karthus and Mordekaiser since they're shown on the site there).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Whoa that link has lots of stuff. Like the Halloween skins.

Death Blossom Elise
Headless Hecarim
Haunted Maokai
Underworld Twisted Fate
Also this:

Ward Skins and Icons

Soon available in the Store for both RP and IP, these ward skins add a bit of atmospheric flair to your battles on the Fields of Justice. Also be on the lookout for details regarding Harrowing-themed skins and intimidating new summoner icons.


New Champ: Elise, The Spider Queen or Zyra if her vines were legs.

(Way it was worded could mean new game mode, but probably just a lore location)

Edit: Changed link to previous page if that works better.
Works like shit to me, but the skins and the wards look pretty good.

Hope she's not too spider-y. I'm not too fond of the little critters, even when they have bewbs on them.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kinda disappointed that its another humanoid. :/
I'm prestty sure people who wanted to see spider queen since beta are expecting a female Urgot design. Oh well.
I'm reading that she is a shapeshifter and turns into a spider.
Muaha. Awesome. I'll buy her. I love more AP mids.
Last thing the game needs more of. In fact seriously fuck Riot if this is another AP mid.
Just met a guy who has only played Jarvan in Ranked, he had like 78 games (54-24ish). No idea how that worked out, but goddam if he didn't dunk the shit out of the other team as J4. Went 13-1 in a 21min game.

In other news that game got me to my new highest elo. Been floating above 1500 for a while, have been steadily increasing since the Elo Reset where I was at 1380 haha. Currently at 1543.
I'm reading that she is a shapeshifter and turns into a spider.

Last thing the game needs more of. In fact seriously fuck Riot if this is another AP mid.
If they really prefer humanoid, they can play around the old victorian spiderqueen design instead of settling to another female sillouette that is shared by Zyra, Syndra, that moon girl(so forgettable I forgot the name). The new spider queen even have that tight leathers and headpiece similar to Syndra.

Victorian Spider queen is far more interesting than just another "from the darkness" character.
Riven does indeed beat Irelia early.

That being said, Irelia is much scarier late game imo

(oh god why can't anyone stop her she's coming right at me oh god)
Just met a guy who has only played Jarvan in Ranked, he had like 78 games (54-24ish). No idea how that worked out, but goddam if he didn't dunk the shit out of the other team as J4. Went 13-1 in a 21min game.

In other news that game got me to my new highest elo. Been floating above 1500 for a while, have been steadily increasing since the Elo Reset where I was at 1380 haha. Currently at 1543.

I must learn his ways.

Also, anyone want to help me get to Gold in Ranked? I may have time soon. I so, so, so regret not being able to get Victorious Jarvan...


Screw new champions... I'm excited for ward skins. Hope there's a lot of variety. Edit: Specifically I hope they continue expanding them post halloween as most of the champs I play don't have skins worth buying.


Thanks to everyone on gaf who has been providing me with advice this week. I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like but im almost level 7 now and feeling more confident each game about my spacing and last hits( although I feel like I have a ton to improve on). I've been sticking to nunu/trist practicing ad and support roles.
Thanks to everyone on gaf who has been providing me with advice this week. I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like but im almost level 7 now and feeling more confident each game about my spacing and last hits( although I feel like I have a ton to improve on). I've been sticking to nunu/trist practicing ad and support roles.

Glad to hear that. Another piece of advice is unless you don't plan on ever spending money on league, don't use the free rp you get, on one of the cheaper champs/ip bonuses.


The themed wards are supposedly temporary if the plans didn't change. The ecommerce rioter mentioned them a while back. Not sure how that will work. Maybe they'll let thethe RP ones stay and the IP ones could be temporary.


Totally expected a Broodmother rip-off when I heard about the new champ being called 'The Spider Queen' and also considering that Rengar and Khazix feel Dota2-esque to me. Looks pretty cool to me.

Sure she looks like Zyra on the promo page, but to be fair we've yet to see the official splash art & models. Would be interesting if Elise's ulti turned her into a spider. Akin to Shyvana's ult or something similar.

The themed wards are supposedly temporary if the plans didn't change. The ecommerce rioter mentioned them a while back. Not sure how that will work. Maybe they'll let thethe RP ones stay and the IP ones could be temporary.

Ward skins are clearly part of Riot's plan to get the entire player base buying wards.


Just had a Nunu support (as Cait) who didn't help get kills and fed 3 kills when they were already ahead just to say "ELO resets in 4 days."

Stay fantastic League community.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Tried AS lulu top for the first time tonight. It's pretty fun.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
*Morello keeping is classy.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
so im thinking in season 3 of really settling down and focusing on some champions, last 2 seasons ive been bumblefucking my way around ranked playing anything i wanted and ending up, in both seasons, at around 1400 elo on several accounts. My mechanics seem fine but i feel (read hope) that if i narrow my pool and learn a champion inside out i can finally break into gold territory.

What do you guys think of this as a pool?

Singed, Renekton, Amumu, Ezreal, Karthus, Nidalee (AP)

These arent always the best pics but they are by far my favourite champs to play. And if pro player streams have taught me anything there are no bad picks if you know your champion better than your opponent knows his.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Elise, the Spider Queen Revealed

What about Sona makes her fun for you, Pancakes?

Not sure what to tell you for this one. I own basically every support besides Leona and Karma and I still enjoy playing Sona the most (even when Janna was the queen support and Sona was never seen). I guess playing the whole risk/reward with poking in lane is something I find enjoyable. Outplaying Blitz/Taric players when they try to punish me for poking their carry never gets old. Sona just does it all. Heals, MS, and a poke that hurts quite a bit. Her ult is a major game changer especially in combination with flash.

I know people like to joke that Sona is a faceroll champion but great Sona players know that this isn't the case. You need to manage your power chords well and be very careful with pokes since Sona is so squishy.

-Blitz can be fun if you're landing hooks and on the same page with your carry. But you start missing hooks and your team never lets you forget.
-Lulu is pretty fun to play in lane since she has a similar play style to Sona with the pokes. But she's been nerfed pretty hard and lacks the sustain that Sona has.
-Soraka is heal/mana bot pure and simple, little room for aggression with her
-Nunu is a bloodboil bot. His snowball can be annoying and his ult can turn around teamfights but only truly terrible players will let you make use of it.
-Janna is a fun champ that I still enjoy playing every now and again. She lacks sustain aside from her ult but peeling aggressors from your carry and filing them around is fun too. Her ult can be troublesome if you use it incorrectly and can really hurt aoe comps.
-Karma, lol karma
-Leona played her for a couple free weeks. Seemed pretty fun but very all-in champ. I really wish she wasn't 6300 ip.

TL;DR I like being able to play support and not just sit in a bush buffing/shielding my carry.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Hm, kind of want new hero.

She's no QoP/Arachna buuuuut...
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