Elise, the Spider Queen Revealed
What about Sona makes her fun for you, Pancakes?
Not sure what to tell you for this one. I own basically every support besides Leona and Karma and I still enjoy playing Sona the most (even when Janna was the queen support and Sona was never seen). I guess playing the whole risk/reward with poking in lane is something I find enjoyable. Outplaying Blitz/Taric players when they try to punish me for poking their carry never gets old. Sona just does it all. Heals, MS, and a poke that hurts quite a bit. Her ult is a major game changer especially in combination with flash.
I know people like to joke that Sona is a faceroll champion but great Sona players know that this isn't the case. You need to manage your power chords well and be very careful with pokes since Sona is so squishy.
-Blitz can be fun if you're landing hooks and on the same page with your carry. But you start missing hooks and your team never lets you forget.
-Lulu is pretty fun to play in lane since she has a similar play style to Sona with the pokes. But she's been nerfed pretty hard and lacks the sustain that Sona has.
-Soraka is heal/mana bot pure and simple, little room for aggression with her
-Nunu is a bloodboil bot. His snowball can be annoying and his ult can turn around teamfights but only truly terrible players will let you make use of it.
-Janna is a fun champ that I still enjoy playing every now and again. She lacks sustain aside from her ult but peeling aggressors from your carry and filing them around is fun too. Her ult can be troublesome if you use it incorrectly and can really hurt aoe comps.
-Karma, lol karma
-Leona played her for a couple free weeks. Seemed pretty fun but very all-in champ. I really wish she wasn't 6300 ip.
TL;DR I like being able to play support and not just sit in a bush buffing/shielding my carry.