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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Pretty good winstreak today. I got ~roughly 2k IP just from the last 24 hours or so.

On a separate note, does anyone know how the hell you beat Katarina in lane? Every Kat I've gone up against has destroyed me with the exception of my TF where I could match her both in lane and roaming but I still couldn't beat her. I figure Malzahar would be the absolute hardest counter but damn, she is just really strong right now.


Pretty good winstreak today. I got ~roughly 2k IP just from the last 24 hours or so.

On a separate note, does anyone know how the hell you beat Katarina in lane? Every Kat I've gone up against has destroyed me with the exception of my TF where I could match her both in lane and roaming but I still couldn't beat her. I figure Malzahar would be the absolute hardest counter but damn, she is just really strong right now.

Pick someone with a stun. Wait past 20 minutes. Stun her every team fight gg no re.

Also hope your jungler keeps in mind minion waves and her shunpo CD when ganking.


Pretty good winstreak today. I got ~roughly 2k IP just from the last 24 hours or so.

On a separate note, does anyone know how the hell you beat Katarina in lane? Every Kat I've gone up against has destroyed me with the exception of my TF where I could match her both in lane and roaming but I still couldn't beat her. I figure Malzahar would be the absolute hardest counter but damn, she is just really strong right now.
Her early game is supposed to be weak and awkward. I think even Scarra (well-known Kat player) said he thought it was awkward. So I guess if you can send her back before level 6 that could help, but then again a smart Kat would just sit there out of range and avoid letting you hit her before level 6.

Personally I seem to recall having problems with Kat versus heavy pushing or zoning champions, such as Morde (14 potions lolz), Heimer, Zyra, or Sion. Maybe champions who can clear waves in single abilities.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I just want DFG nerfed so I can play Karthus and safely press R again.

Her early game is supposed to be weak and awkward. I think even Scarra (well-known Kat player) said he thought it was awkward. So I guess if you can send her back before level 6 that could help, but then again a smart Kat would just sit there out of range and avoid letting you hit her before level 6.

Personally I seem to recall having problems with Kat versus heavy pushing or zoning champions, such as Morde (14 potions lolz), Heimer, Zyra, or Sion. Maybe champions who can clear waves in single abilities.

I'm gonna start learning AP Cho'gath so I can counter her. And because AP Cho sounds like silly fun.
Pretty good winstreak today. I got ~roughly 2k IP just from the last 24 hours or so.

On a separate note, does anyone know how the hell you beat Katarina in lane? Every Kat I've gone up against has destroyed me with the exception of my TF where I could match her both in lane and roaming but I still couldn't beat her. I figure Malzahar would be the absolute hardest counter but damn, she is just really strong right now.

Hardest time I've had as Kat was against Syndra, oddly enough; dat knockback. Was still pretty even and I did more damage in teamfights though. I do ok against her as Anivia with the Q to stun her if she ults and E + R to return harassment. Its annoying pre 6 though, she can push hard and make you lose cs to the tower while you go out of mana.


just did a good come back from 7-21 (turned intp 15-30) to victory
bottom died 4 times at lvl 1, but with me as rengar jungle and orianna mid we carried hard.

it was all about composition, they had:
-vayne (which was fed as fck)
-jayce (who built carry instead of bruiser).
-lee sin

we had:


Also Diana is good against Kat.

Having played this match-up plenty (as both) it really depends on the player. A good kat can harass and knows Diana can't do much until 6 w/ mana issues. Once Diana hits 6 though it's pretty much over if Kat isn't careful or somehow ahead.
Who is still laning GP? I mean I want to but...I dunno. Maybe your post will make me go through with it.

Died once early. GP completely froze the lane in a spot where we'd need 3+ to gank him out and still not lose CS to his tower. I went around to jungle and gank other lanes yet the lane still didn't move. He had regular boots and TF by around 18 mins.


I had two different Eve ranked games where I had a decent record (9/1/4, 12/3/4) and still lost in each. In the latter one it was 4v5 part of the time and no one else had over 3 kills. Maybe I was stealing them all, and maybe I don't help other lanes enough -- I probably have many problems. I also won a 6/1/5 Eve game between those two.

Then finally I had my fourth Eve game, which lasted for 46 minutes, and I think all lanes had fed 3-5 kills early, and was only 1/1/1 or so mid. The other team was maybe 14 to our 4 and destroying us, and I was CONVINCED that there was no chance we could win. But then thanks to the enemy Graves continuing to wander alone for the next 30 minutes, we came back. I nearly threw it at the end, stupidly dying to Ahri by the nexus right as we nearly won the game, and we had to regroup while they got a free baron, but I might have picked off solo Graves again after that, and we pushed up to win.


Please forgive the long story. I had frustrating games today and was happy that one ended on a good note.



Yup, fuck ranked, normal's where it's at.

Pretty sad that the top two matches with Morg and Ori, I suddenly became incapable (might be the drowsiness of it being 6 AM in the morning) of actually killing anyone. The only one I got with Ori was just my friend playing Skarner grabbing a random Katarina and handing her to me with like 150 HP so I could get my sad little one kill.

We also got a guy in our team last match saying "I wanna play Draven since I just bought it". Nobody wanted him to try it so I just jokingly said "captain, ban Draven" and he actually did it lol. Can't believe the guy that wanted to play Draven actually was OK with it and played well none-the-less.

We should all change our avatars to our favorite champions for a day for no reason at all.
I'll go for it the day InstantIP decides to do a smexy Lux.


I've learnt that end of season is by far the worst time to play ranked, especially around 1500. It's super serious here and everybody cares so much about their elo that they rage at the first mistake that happens. I've lost a few games because a douche got real annoyed and I let him lose
Like a fool I bought Eve just before the announced the nerfs. I didn't have any idea what her kit was like when I bought, but just played her and holy shit... how did anyone ever think that an ult that does % damage to every champ in range would ever be balanced?

I'm going to have to play her a lot til that patch hits I guess. DFG is pretty toxic too balance-wise, but without it some mids are too weak early game. The nerf to that will make it useless, should have just removed it from the game.


Like a fool I bought Eve just before the announced the nerfs. I didn't have any idea what her kit was like when I bought, but just played her and holy shit... how did anyone ever think that an ult that does % damage to every champ in range would ever be balanced?

I'm going to have to play her a lot til that patch hits I guess. DFG is pretty toxic too balance-wise, but without it some mids are too weak early game. The nerf to that will make it useless, should have just removed it from the game.

Do what I do and spam her for quick wins/free ip!
Sigh IP farmers. Three players (who admitted queued together) goes 0/4 before 10 minutes, keeps trying to surrender while feeding. I tell enemies to report him, then he tells enemies to report me for getting less kills than he (Ezreal) did. All he did was get 6 Amp Tomes then snipe after teamfights.

Next game, Ryze (random) who did not disconnect just AFKs at the fountain and never talked. On rare occasions decides to go to lane to auto attack a few times then just stand around to get killed.


Like a fool I bought Eve just before the announced the nerfs. I didn't have any idea what her kit was like when I bought, but just played her and holy shit... how did anyone ever think that an ult that does % damage to every champ in range would ever be balanced?

I'm going to have to play her a lot til that patch hits I guess. DFG is pretty toxic too balance-wise, but without it some mids are too weak early game. The nerf to that will make it useless, should have just removed it from the game.

Play her AD top/jungle, the way she was meant to be played. I can't wait 'til people stop banning her so I can go back to abusing AD Eve.


Does anyone know, if I'm in a team that has gold ELO, despite not playing in any of the matches, will I get the Janna skin?



Sometimes I feel like everyone else just wants to lose.

I can't wait until Khazix free-week is over and Jayce & Eve get nerfed. They're in every one of my games, literally every single one.



Sometimes I feel like everyone else just wants to lose.

I can't wait until Khazix free-week is over and Jayce & Eve get nerfed. They're in every one of my games, literally every single one.

Khazix players are the worst people on the earth.

unless its me, because I'd never jungle him


Sigh IP farmers. Three players (who admitted queued together) goes 0/4 before 10 minutes, keeps trying to surrender while feeding. I tell enemies to report him, then he tells enemies to report me for getting less kills than he (Ezreal) did. All he did was get 6 Amp Tomes then snipe after teamfights.

Next game, Ryze (random) who did not disconnect just AFKs at the fountain and never talked. On rare occasions decides to go to lane to auto attack a few times then just stand around to get killed.

Didn't see any of these until this morning. Its like around 6 or 7 someone flipped a switch and all the assholes poured in. "Surrender or afk", bitching, racist bullshit and all that showed up after a remarkably good night.

11K ip and not sure what to do with it. Don't really like any of my champions all that much on SR. Not even sure what role I want anymore beyond "Not melee" "Not squishy" "c-cup."


Why is no one playing Diana much? I just played her a couple times yesterday and destroyed with her. The burst is insane.
Hey guys,

I just picked LoL up a few days ago because I was getting sick of sc2 and needed some RTS in my life. I'm only level 10, mainly playing Corki, with an occasional match as Sona when my team has too many carries. I've been getting all my strats/info from www.mobafire.com. The only problem I've been having is that a lot of the guides are a year + out of date. Is there a teamliquid.net equivalent for LoL out there?


Hey guys,

I just picked LoL up a few days ago because I was getting sick of sc2 and needed some RTS in my life. I'm only level 10, mainly playing Corki, with an occasional match as Sona when my team has too many carries. I've been getting all my strats/info from www.mobafire.com. The only problem I've been having is that a lot of the guides are a year + out of date. Is there a teamliquid.net equivalent for LoL out there?

I would advise against using mobafire, use www.solomid.net
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