Not pr0n anime version: you guys won, I am changing to LoL avatar. Can't find one with Ahri that doesn't look like it is from some porns, so I am using ori instead.
Mundo Mundo Mundo Mundo Mundo Mundo Mundo MundoGot a good chunk of IP from the double weekend and bought Corki and Leona. My next champion will definitively be a jungler, so I finally learn how to do it. Recommend me some cheap, easy, junglers, because Shy's gonna take a while...
Where's your own poppy avatar?
Just start with a Doran's Ring and watch them cry.Goddam hell Janna is worthless now. So fucking heavy in lane.
P.S. I was just talking about Ez cause everyone wants him nerfed into the ground.
In my opinion Cait needs a buff. 200% passive and her ult does 150% to the intended target or stuns any intercept. Also, her net slows a wider area of effect and her traps work instantly.
Uses Pron Orianna instead....Okay you guys won, I am changing to LoL avatar. Can't find one with Ahri that doesn't look like it is from some porns, so I am using ori instead.
What champion is that?I have 17k IP. Don't know what I'll do with it; maybe buy more health regen quints.
Ez doesn't deserve to be nerfed so hard. Corki can out damage ez in a head on fight already. Poor ezrealMaybe if they'd nerfed him several patches ago when it was obvious he was OP. But he's been played in 50+% of all matches and been obnoxiously OP for so fucking long I'm just sick of him. Riot's garbage level balance team strikes again!
Uses Pron Orianna instead....
What champion is that?
Vote on whether shadow isle skins (maokai, elise, hecarim) skins are legacy or permanent
tbh, i dunno why people are voting to make the skins temporary, I guess having limited edition skins makes it more special?
Ez doesn't deserve to be nerfed so hard. Corki can out damage ez in a head on fight already. Poor ezreal
People only looking out for themselves. "I have the money to buy the skins over the release period for sure so I'll make my purchase more special by voting that they be legacy, never mind that others might be less fortunate at this time."
People are jerks.What makes it interesting is that it's the customers that are willingly prompting additional artificial value in to virtual objects... You'd think that most people would want to give everyone a fair shot and make all goods permanently available.
I guess that turned out to be a pipe dream.
Solo queue bot lane is just toxic right now. With the shrinking pool of un-nerfed supports there is fewer than ever people willing to play support seriously and fewer champions for them to play and literally half time ezreal is picked there. It's just a repetitive and trashy experience at the moment.
Well, I bought Katarina with the IP boosts. I played my first game and went 7/8/21. We won, but I thought I did pretty meh... So, I know it varies but should I go kages -> wand -> sorc shoes -> Rabaddons -> DFG? I just feel too damn squishy.
I killed the Karthus I was playing against only once, and I tried to roam but didn't manage much. I also started building Zhonyas, but I should've went Abyssal instead I think.
tbh, i dunno why people are voting to make the skins temporary, I guess having limited edition skins makes it more special?
People only looking out for themselves. "I have the money to buy the skins over the release period for sure so I'll make my purchase more special by voting that they be legacy, never mind that others might be less fortunate at this time."
Rabadon's is great if you're farming well and have a couple kills. You'll be very strong. Abyssal if I'm facing a LeBlanc or Annie (something bursty) and/or people are building more MR. I recently learned I'm always going to build a QSS against veigar now too. Lesson learned. Own him early in lane, later in teamfights get stunned and burst down to nothing every time. sigh.
I suggest giving the Spell Pen route a try over an early Deathcap. Early DC means around 200 AP so that's roughly +600 Damage from it (closer to 650, I wager). Abyssal/Guise means you can shred down around 70 MR which is around a 70% damage increase*, basically (70 MR = ~58.82% Damage Taken). For laning, this just makes your harass combos that much more potent. Most of Kat's damage is from her base damages, not so much her scaling (1.25 scaling for her QEW, up to 835 base damage).
*If they actually don't have >50 MR, it isn't quite as effective if only due to some of the pen being "wasted." Still, that means you only need the Abyssal first for lane to shred down 50 MR which is a 50% damage increase.
I hear ya. Seems like in solo queue all I play is Mid or support. Support if I don't get mid because everyone else "calls" a role. Sona is the only fun support for me right now. I played a little Leona and she's good but requires a strong AD player to capitalize on it otherwise I'm just going in to get chunked down and offer no auras or heals.
I want to buy Zyra as soon as she goes on sale, she looks like a fun support. Morgana is pretty fun too. Need to spice it up.
Just saw this. I revel in the squishyness. Tanky Kat is a Kat that isn't dishing the deeps.
But seriously, I start kage's then go sorc shoes. That gives you some AP with gp/5 and enough magic pen that you should be dealing true damage to most opponents. From there I go 3 ways. DFG, Rabadon's or Abyssal. Probably 70% Rabadon's, 20% Abyssal, 10% DFG. I'm trying to break the DFG habit as it's losing it's CDR and getting a big damage nerf.
Rabadon's is great if you're farming well and have a couple kills. You'll be very strong. Abyssal if I'm facing a LeBlanc or Annie (something bursty) and/or people are building more MR. I recently learned I'm always going to build a QSS against veigar now too. Lesson learned. Own him early in lane, later in teamfights get stunned and burst down to nothing every time. sigh.
well between masteries and runes, I should have around 32? magic pen with sorc shoes. A standard AP page gives an extra 12 or so MR. So an Abyssal rush means I'm wasting 10 of the 20 reduction if they aren't building MR. However, I can see the benefit for >50 MR. You're right, Kat's ratios are pretty poor. That's why I rush sorc shoes after a kage's (that and the mobility).
This patch you should 100% go kage's, sorc boots, dfg on Kat unless you're trying out builds for the next patch when DFG gets overnerfed. DFG's burst is just waaaay too good for kat to delay.
What times in the game do you consider haunting guise and/or abyssal to be necessary in order to be doing well? Or like, by level X? (with infinity edge and 200 minions by 20 minutes, of course)-29, 10% of the remaining. Chalice is a pretty common start for many mana hungry champs and then there's a few with MR/level. 50-70 is a pretty common amount to see. That said, this is one the reasons I wanted to try Guise before Abyssal. You'll shred them to zero (or close enough to zero) and then they'll get MR via a Chalice/building their own Abyssal so your own Abyssal shreds that and helps deal with their damage. Or they just don't get any MR at all and you win so hard that you cry softly to yourself at your fortune.
As for the range, Q is 675. You can just stay closer than that or you can go Haunting Guise first and not deal with the range (especially if it's hard to visualize 600).
What times in the game do you consider haunting guise and/or abyssal to be necessary in order to be doing well? Or like, by level X? (with infinity edge and 200 minions by 20 minutes, of course)
Honestly, I'm probably the worst judge of this. I'm pretty consistent on having 3k-5k+ gold on my second back and just outright buying Guise + Abyssal (or Abyssal + Deathcap) in one go many times.
I know a good game for me with Kat is Boots2 + Guise + Abyssal + Deathcap by the 25m mark. I'd say Guise + Abyssal + Kage's + Boots2 by 20m isn't unreasonable (6000 gold + Pots/Ward expenses).
"Man I really should shop. I have 5500 in the bank right now. But my lane opponent hasn't gone back yet so I can't shop! :<"
Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable that people can be such dumb assholes.Uses Pron Orianna instead....
What champion is that?
Vote on whether shadow isle skins (maokai, elise, hecarim) skins are legacy or permanent
tbh, i dunno why people are voting to make the skins temporary, I guess having limited edition skins makes it more special?
I tried starting sorc shoes + haunting guise + abyssal on Katarina yesterday. I think I already have magic penetration runes, and I just seemed to do so incredibly little damage with haunting guise, I think I would have to practice a lot to learn that. I had like 1 kill and 10+ assists early since even the ult was dealing hardly any damage, despite the 40-50 + 40-50% magic penetration.
I also miss spellvamp SO MUCH. Once upon a time katarina could buy the spellvamp gun and gradually farm back up to full health from minion waves.
This patch you should 100% go kage's, sorc boots, dfg on Kat unless you're trying out builds for the next patch when DFG gets overnerfed. DFG's burst is just waaaay too good for kat to delay. From there abyssal is very good. Next patch I'm pretty sure you should go sorc boots abyssal. Abyssal just makes you a way better duelist against other AP mids thanks to the MR, and it's perfect for Kat's low range kit. It's even basically as good as deathcap 1st for damage thanks to the MR reduction.
I tried starting sorc shoes + haunting guise + abyssal on Katarina yesterday. I think I already have magic penetration runes, and I just seemed to do so incredibly little damage with haunting guise, I think I would have to practice a lot to learn that. I had like 1 kill and 10+ assists early since even the ult was dealing hardly any damage, despite the 40-50 + 40-50% magic penetration.
I also miss spellvamp SO MUCH. Once upon a time katarina could buy the spellvamp gun and gradually farm back up to full health from minion waves.
This patch you should 100% go kage's, sorc boots, dfg on Kat unless you're trying out builds for the next patch when DFG gets overnerfed. DFG's burst is just waaaay too good for kat to delay. From there abyssal is very good. Next patch I'm pretty sure you should go sorc boots abyssal. Abyssal just makes you a way better duelist against other AP mids thanks to the MR, and it's perfect for Kat's low range kit. It's even basically as good as deathcap 1st for damage thanks to the MR reduction.
lol @ you guys thinking Morganna isnt the easiest champ to farm on!!
lol @ you guys thinking Morganna isnt the easiest champ to farm on!!
If skin purchases gave you the champs I'd be more inclined to buy some. I feel some are extremely cool but I can't give a fuck when I have barely enough IP to buy like 1 champ a month. (Ya, I don't play that much).
I was looking at the rewards page and I'm thinking of making some different accounts to get the IP boosts for my main. Would I get in trouble for this?
Edit: Another question. Does normal blind pick still group you by some skill level? I have <100 wins and I'm constantly matched with people with 1k+. A few times I get so stomped it's not even funny.
Edit: Another question. Does normal blind pick still group you by some skill level? I have <100 wins and I'm constantly matched with people with 1k+. A few times I get so stomped it's not even funny.
I'd say Morg has the easiest Wraith camp steal, but I just like to mess around and laser the enemy wraiths with Lux lol.
I definitely don't notice this. Janna still offers loads of CC, some decent harass, and heavy speed buff/debuff options.Goddam hell Janna is worthless now. So fucking heavy in lane.
Kha'zix post-six can clear entire waves with one W if you aim it and time it @ you guys thinking Morganna isnt the easiest champ to farm on!!
Q - 200 maxxed (since we max that first) w/ 45% ap ratio (also her highest ratio and most likely to make a strong AP build viable).
I definitely don't notice this. Janna still offers loads of CC, some decent harass, and heavy speed buff/debuff options.
I definitely don't notice this. Janna still offers loads of CC, some decent harass, and heavy speed buff/debuff options.
Kha'zix post-six can clear entire waves with one W if you aim it and time it right.