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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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From what I've read Sona and TF are just a few of those getting model size changes. Apparently there will be game wide size changes in season 3.

Makes sense to me. Some of the champions should really be bigger. There could be problems with creep blocking and things like that but that's what testing and iteration is for.

Also, THIS so much.


Karthus bot is great. I love watching people whine when he triple kills. The guy's got a constant if (isAnyChampWeak()) ult(); tick for sure. It's like the programming department wasted all the AI time in developing the perfect requiem algorithm and didn't waste a second on any of the other bots.

Well, Renekton bot and Cassiopeia bot are also kind of decent.
Fiddle Bot's fear always seems to work in his favor too - either pulling you toward him for a kill or pushing you away for an escape.

Also I think whining about Requiem is going to happen bot or human. One match I had a flawless escape only to be destroyed by a Requiem while at my own fountain. Rarely do I rage in the game but that time was the exception. :p
Yeah, I know, but I seriously couldn't find stuff I liked better and using the official art is lame :3

Might have to grab one of her porn pics to get an ahegao expression and just crop the wee wees and woo hoos or something.

What champ would you like?

Motherfucker do you want a piece of the champ?
Motherfucker do you want a piece of the champ?

That's old. Use this instead.



While the game downloads... from what I've been seeing and reading, support seems like my kind of thing. Is it a good role to begin playing? Any begginer support tips?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
While the game downloads... from what I've been seeing and reading, support seems like my kind of thing. Is it a good role to begin playing? Any begginer support tips?
You can always start as support, and it will probably be beneficial to teams in low level games because you probably won't see them otherwise. I haven't played in those sort of games for awhile, but its my understanding that you won't really see the metagame that has developed in those low level games, and you might just find it more helpful to practice and work on some of the more basic mechanics like last hitting minions and positioning as you start. Although you can certainly do these things on a champion intended for support, you probably won't have a good idea of how the role really plays until you have some games under your belt.

Really the best advice I can give as you're starting out is to just feel the game out and try to have fun with it. Learn as much as you can and don't worry about your mistakes even if you run into people who flip out or something. As far as support specific tips: always buy more wards.
While the game downloads... from what I've been seeing and reading, support seems like my kind of thing. Is it a good role to begin playing? Any begginer support tips?
Easiest role to play and most boring. Just babysit the AD carry. Buy wards and try to zone their adc out. Use exhaust and feed your ad carry.


guyg guys guys

i have an idea

we should

make a beginner's guide

to lol

and post it in the

the second post of ot
I wouldn't even bother playing support on lower levels unless you find a legit smurf. One point of support is so that one player hogs all the gold by last hitting minions. I don't expect lower level players to last hit well, so he'll miss a lot of minions that you could've taken yourself. Wards you place will probably be wasted because newer players don't have good map awareness.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
guyg guys guys

i have an idea

we should

make a beginner's guide

to lol

and post it in the

the second post of ot
Someone would have to write it.

Also, the second post is pretty cool the way it is right now because it means pretty much the first typed word in this thread is my name.

Core Zero

While the game downloads... from what I've been seeing and reading, support seems like my kind of thing. Is it a good role to begin playing? Any begginer support tips?

I just started not long ago myself, and played Sona several times while she was free as support. Even at low levels support is appreciated, just don't steal minions or kills, unless you think your lane partner won't get them. At lower levels you can get away with it though, just better to learn "correctly" imo.

Also, I agree that learning to play a more standard role is useful too, for skills like last hitting and positioning. From what I know, at higher levels, you can't always assume you'll get to play your preferred role, so it's best to know a decent variety.

That said, if you (or anyone) is looking for a low level partner, feel free to add me. I'm Core Zer0 in game, and I'll be in the NeoGAF channel when I'm on.

NOT AN EDIT: And yeah, buy wards, even if you're not support. I don't think I've seen many other people do it, and it is extremely valuable and important at higher levels to ward well and often, so better to get used to it early.


Someone would have to write it.

Also, the second post is pretty cool the way it is right now because it means pretty much the first typed word in this thread is my name.

We could all contribute to it. I mean it's not like we actually spend our time playing the game. Could do something like...

Who you are: You take all the blame when your ADC dives in on stupid fights.
What you do: You ward the map and get yelled at for not warding the map.
What items to build: Kage's, Deathcap, Blasting Wands because QWERQWRERQQWRQW
Typical Support Champions: Sona, Sona, Sona, and Sona.
Tips and tricks: Buy all the wards.
GAF Supports to watch: Achtius because trinity force sona

I think we have enough people who know a lot about the lanes they play like Summons and Soda so I'm sure we could make a decent guide to get more people into the game.

Core Zero

I wouldn't even bother playing support on lower levels unless you find a legit smurf. One point of support is so that one player hogs all the gold by last hitting minions. I don't expect lower level players to last hit well, so he'll miss a lot of minions that you could've taken yourself. Wards you place will probably be wasted because newer players don't have good map awareness.

This is a good point. I know I was taking any "extra" minions I thought I could in my Sona games, and played more aggressively than a Sona probably should. However, I'd say it's still useful to learn how the champ plays, even if at low levels you're not playing "pure" support.

As another note, in at least one game where I was intending to play Leona support, I was left alone in lane near the start of the game and had to try to play 1v2, so, don't assume anything going into low level games about what role you'll end up with.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
As another note, in at least one game where I was intending to play Leona support, I was left alone in lane near the start of the game and had to try to play 1v2, so, don't assume anything going into low level games about what role you'll end up with.
I wish this stopped at low level games.

Also, up and coming secret support is Fiddlesticks.


Download one hour away. Looking at free people available, I think I'll start with ms. fortune and play AD Carry whatever that is. (ranged dps? That's it?).

I think I'll leave something like support to when stuff is clearer.


Download one hour away. Looking at free people available, I think I'll start with ms. fortune and play AD Carry whatever that is. (ranged dps? That's it?).

I think I'll leave something like support to when stuff is clearer.



Don't play support as first role in the game, you'll get bored to death and everybody will hate you. Besides, don't leave these scrubs fool you, support is actually a tough job to do. Just go ADC and right click on whoevers' closest, the end.

We all know what that means.
Might be the nerf they were talking about. Riot always shitting on our fun.

Some quick 'n dirty avatars:


I need to find a psycho Lux...


I just started not long ago myself, and played Sona several times while she was free as support. Even at low levels support is appreciated, just don't steal minions or kills, unless you think your lane partner won't get them. At lower levels you can get away with it though, just better to learn "correctly" imo.

Also, I agree that learning to play a more standard role is useful too, for skills like last hitting and positioning. From what I know, at higher levels, you can't always assume you'll get to play your preferred role, so it's best to know a decent variety.

That said, if you (or anyone) is looking for a low level partner, feel free to add me. I'm Core Zer0 in game, and I'll be in the NeoGAF channel when I'm on.

NOT AN EDIT: And yeah, buy wards, even if you're not support. I don't think I've seen many other people do it, and it is extremely valuable and important at higher levels to ward well and often, so better to get used to it early.

Even if you decide to focus on support, try jungle (when you have some rune, or take an easy jungle champ) and ad once in a while. Since support never get kills or minions, it is hard to tell the difference between a good and bad supporting without seeing it in the ad's perspective.

Trying out jungle is important, so you can have a basic understanding on jungle's ganging opportunity, how to bait a fight, or how to tell if an opponent jungle is hiding near you.


guyg guys guys

i have an idea

we should

make a beginner's guide

to lol

and post it in the

the second post of ot


Edit x3

Talking about lux....



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sigh, just lost a 5v4 because my team is full of retards that refuse to group because herp derp it's 5v4 ez win right?

Wrong, a 16/5/2 Vayne will wreck your shit.


IIRC Cho has the highest base AD in the game, which makes sheen/TF proc on him really good. Attack speed is good on him, AP is good, AD is good, slow is good, movement speed is really good.

TF is a good item on him, it just doesn't fit into the normal flow of a game very often.


Kat top op~

Poor Cho'gath :|
I would think multi-second silence would cause huge problems for riven or katarina...did they not gank or silence you? I would also expect cho to have heavier sustain with the passive and/or items, but maybe not.
Just had a really good Midalee game.

Spears chunking people for half their hp.

Pounced through some walls into top lane and got a GP twice in a row, then flash pounced in for the kill and took tower. After that it was pretty much game over.


Also about CLG.NA, Voy, etc - I think Hotshot was actually ahead of his time as a top.

A lot of the time he would push hard, get caught, then get angry at his team because "I was putting so much pressure on top and you guys didn't do anything." And he was right. A lot of the time he was able to win his lane and keep pushing and attract the attention of the entire enemy team but his team didn't use that to take advantage, instead they just kept farming, even at 40+ minutes into the game when they could sneak a baron or take multiple towers while the enemy team chased Hotshot around.

Even NA teams now are starting to move away from the farm forever strategy, so if HS can still do that the rest of his team may be able to do something off of it rather than just derp around.

Voyboy was awful for CLG and lost his lane almost every single game in every single tournament, even when he got an early lead, so benching him was a total no-brainer.


This is a good point. I know I was taking any "extra" minions I thought I could in my Sona games, and played more aggressively than a Sona probably should. However, I'd say it's still useful to learn how the champ plays, even if at low levels you're not playing "pure" support.

As another note, in at least one game where I was intending to play Leona support, I was left alone in lane near the start of the game and had to try to play 1v2, so, don't assume anything going into low level games about what role you'll end up with.
I left passive 100% support Sona behind when I was left to 1v2 one too many times. I'll still support your ass, but if you aren't around or otherwise occupied I will eat me some minions and 'secure kills' without apology.


I would think multi-second silence would cause huge problems for riven or katarina...did they not gank or silence you? I would also expect cho to have heavier sustain with the passive and/or items, but maybe not.

E lands you behind him, W speed means you can juke the silence if you anticipate well. Dodging the spikes is about the easiest thing in the world at Kat speeds as well (+ Shunpo). Lane was basically pushed against his tower and harass was out-of-tower-range Q then walking in for max range Ws to chip his health out faster than his sustain (fast enough to walk out after tower aggro but before it shoots; if not, Shunpo for the DR% to mitigate the damage). Pre-MR shred, it was a pretty dumb lane though as I couldn't dent him and he couldn't actually hit me so it was just stalemated.

Skarner didn't come pre-6 and the ganks he did try were just met with taking way too much damage to effectively do anything. They didn't play around my ult very well either, though.

I kind of wish I had the replay for it. Oh well.


Also about CLG.NA, Voy, etc - I think Hotshot was actually ahead of his time as a top.

A lot of the time he would push hard, get caught, then get angry at his team because "I was putting so much pressure on top and you guys didn't do anything." And he was right. A lot of the time he was able to win his lane and keep pushing and attract the attention of the entire enemy team but his team didn't use that to take advantage, instead they just kept farming, even at 40+ minutes into the game when they could sneak a baron or take multiple towers while the enemy team chased Hotshot around.

Even NA teams now are starting to move away from the farm forever strategy, so if HS can still do that the rest of his team may be able to do something off of it rather than just derp around.

Voyboy was awful for CLG and lost his lane almost every single game in every single tournament, even when he got an early lead, so benching him was a total no-brainer.

I mean that sounds completely backwards when you consider that voy is known to be one of the most aggressive top laners, and that it is insinuated that the difference in his playstyle after joining CLG was imposed on him by CLG
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