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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Voy was just flat out outplayed by almost everyone he went against in top, consistently made terrible decisions throughout every phase of the game, and even when given an early lead couldn't break even.

Now maybe some of him doing badly was because CLG.NA was forcing him to use certain champs or adopt a certain strategy, but that doesn't explain constant terrible decisions like diving into the enemy team 1 v 5 as Akali to try to kill Sona and getting instantly blown up.

Even if him doing badly is solely because he didn't mesh with CLG it's still wise to ditch him. xHazard did better as a random sub.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
xhazard was awesome, he brought few new top characters like malphite and nidale.
oh boy more Malphite.


I make such a terrible Ahri, I think this will mark my last game as her. I'm not even close to being decent and I barely even enjoy playing her anymore. At this point I really only want to learn her because the Foxfire Ahri skin is great, and I'm not even that interested anymore.
I make such a terrible Ahri, I think this will mark my last game as her. I'm not even close to being decent and I barely even enjoy playing her anymore. At this point I really only want to learn her because the Foxfire Ahri skin is great, and I'm not even that interested anymore.

Play Dominion. Practice skill shots.


Here you go:


I can add in teemo eyes/mouth if anyone wants.
Huh, thanks, but that screams IMMA RAPE U a little more than I hoped for. I like the crazy of my current avatar enough :p

Current one is more of "I'll steal your cat, dress him up in a little cat tuxedo and marry him". That sounds about right for me.

Play Dominion. Practice skill shots.
Not really a matter of not landing my skillshots, since all my mids are skillshot based, but I'm just incapable of making her work for me. I feel useless T_T
Not really a matter of not landing my skillshots, since all my mids are skillshot based, but I'm just incapable of making her work for me. I feel useless T_T

What are you building on her? I usually go for a lot of flat magic penetration, sorc boots, abyssal since you need to get in close for fox fire to do damage, which does the most damage out of her first 3 abilities. Naturally Deathcap for the mass AP.

It's probably best to use smartcasting with her. So you can fire off all her abilities quickly instead of having to click twice for Q and E.

Q for poke.

E is basically your non ult opener. If it hits, spam WQ for damage. Ult initiation is W>R, then E>Q. Afterwards use the remaining charges for dodging and/or damage. Do not underestimate the damage of W, especially when leveled. It also has a half second or so delay where the fires won't hit anything, so you can start it up in minions as long as an enemy champion will be in range after that half second.

If you're going to smartcast, I would suggest aiming skill shots by placing your mouse behind the enemy champion, or behind and ahead of their path if leading.
Jesis christ I can't go more than a single game without some retard/asshole ruining the game by griefing/afk/being terrible. Please tell me it gets better at higher levels. I'm only level 13 but i thought it would be better by now.


Jesis christ I can't go more than a single game without some retard/asshole ruining the game by griefing/afk/being terrible. Please tell me it gets better at higher levels. I'm only level 13 but i thought it would be better by now.

Well theres a lot less afkers/dcers the higher up you go, but people are still prone to anger attacks.


What are you building on her? I usually go for a lot of flat magic penetration, sorc boots, abyssal since you need to get in close for fox fire to do damage, which does the most damage out of her first 3 abilities. Naturally Deathcap for the mass AP.

It's probably best to use smartcasting with her. So you can fire off all her abilities quickly instead of having to click twice for Q and E.

Q for poke.

E is basically your non ult opener. If it hits, spam WQ for damage. Ult initiation is W>R, then E>Q. Afterwards use the remaining charges for dodging and/or damage. Do not underestimate the damage of W, especially when leveled. It also has a half second or so delay where the fires won't hit anything, so you can start it up in minions as long as an enemy champion will be in range after that half second.

If you're going to smartcast, I would suggest aiming skill shots by placing your mouse behind the enemy champion, or behind and ahead of their path if leading.
It varies, usually Abyss -> Rylai -> Rab's. I smartcast with all my champs, and play a lot of mid, but I just can't do anything right with her and I feel I don't do any damage. It's stressing me out, man.

I'd rather go back to Orianna, and just pray I don't get matched against Katarina...

Jesis christ I can't go more than a single game without some retard/asshole ruining the game by griefing/afk/being terrible. Please tell me it gets better at higher levels. I'm only level 13 but i thought it would be better by now.
A bit, but not really. I find that Draft pick is a lot better than Blind, and Normal is a lot better <1300 elo.

But yeah, LoL would be a much better game if everybody except your friends were just mega trained bots. Know that the act of interacting with other humans is gonna be displeasing 99% of the times.
Against tankier opponents your damage won't be that great. And I mean people who build super tank, where you need to hit them a lot just to take a decent chunk out of their hp bar.

Against squishies though you can gib them if you have 49 spell penetration from items. Naturally DFG helps but it's possible without it. I check people's magic resist to see if I'll completely negate their MR for true damage. If so, I make it a priority to hit them with everything in a fight because that's where my damage will do the most good.

For a while I didn't feel like I was good enough with Ahri. After playing about 20 Dominion matches with her I became pretty confident and consistently got high kills/low deaths each game.

I know people around here knock Dominion a lot but it's good for learning how to fight against champions since that's all you're doing for 10-20 minutes.

If you're getting Abyssal and Sorc boots I would recommend skipping the Rylai's and just working towards a Deathcap. You'll want to take advantage of that 49 flat magic penetration as early as possible to do huge amounts of damage before anyone starts building significant magic resist.


Yeah, Ahri is one of those champs that if you get behind in levels and farm can feel kind of useless. Her poke doesn't really do much at that point, if she goes all in she can't do much, and she doesn't really have constant DPS.

You really want to do as much damage as possible with her as you use her ult, so if you are at the point where people are shrugging off 1 or 2 Q hits you're kind of screwed as you get out of that window.

On the other hand she's a champ that when she starts off well can get kills in mid 1 v 1, can effectively roam, etc.


i really cant wait for the next patch, too many toxic characters right now (eve on top of them). so many things need to be fixed.


I make such a terrible Ahri, I think this will mark my last game as her. I'm not even close to being decent and I barely even enjoy playing her anymore. At this point I really only want to learn her because the Foxfire Ahri skin is great, and I'm not even that interested anymore.

Just takes practice. I was absolutely dreadful as her at first (like I am with Zyra atm lulz). I just kept playing her and now she's one of my go-to's mid.

Jesis christ I can't go more than a single game without some retard/asshole ruining the game by griefing/afk/being terrible. Please tell me it gets better at higher levels. I'm only level 13 but i thought it would be better by now.

I wish I could tell you it gets better. I wish I could...


If you missed the CLG matches last night and wanted to check out the new lineup (sans Loco):

Vs Orb - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVike5FzhZk

Vs mMe.Ferus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSLepDsYWhU&feature=plcp

Oooh, thanks for this. I really wanted to see mMe play.

Jesis christ I can't go more than a single game without some retard/asshole ruining the game by griefing/afk/being terrible. Please tell me it gets better at higher levels. I'm only level 13 but i thought it would be better by now.

It does get better. It'll still happen but I can safely say I'll play 10 games and 1-2 will be ruined. Those 1-2 really suck though :(

It varies, usually Abyss -> Rylai -> Rab's. I smartcast with all my champs, and play a lot of mid, but I just can't do anything right with her and I feel I don't do any damage. It's stressing me out, man.

I'd rather go back to Orianna, and just pray I don't get matched against Katarina...

I've mentioned this before. Don't build Rylai's anymore. Just stop :p It's not doing anything for your damage and with Ahri's mobility she doesn't need the tankiness. It's WAY too expensive for what it gives you on Ahri. It's fine to start Abyssal but if you're doing max range skillshots, the nerf on that means you aren't getting any MR reduction out of it. Abyssal's range is 600 and most of Ahri's skills are around 800.

I haven't played Ahri in awhile but your goal is going to be poking your lane opponent down to half health then all-in. Spirit rush to an angle and smartcast your E->Q->W right into them. They'll get a face full of charm, Q and all 3 fox fires. If that doesn't finish them off, ignite and spirit rush to a different angle (don't forget the autos). If you're maxing W you might get another off if they decide to fight. If they run you might get one more spirit rush and a Q to dive them.

Land the skill shots. Use her mobility (I run movespeed quints with her too). Get to know her burst so you know when you can all-in.


Some quick 'n dirty avatars:


Hmm, this one is pretty cool. I may take this. Thanks for them!


DFG into Abyssal is probably the best Ahri build. DFG into a dash and Charm is basically a secured kill. Abyssal doesn't help her Q poke that much (range, half of it being true damage) but it helps her all-in.

Rylai's is basically not worth it on basically anything but a select few champions.

Opiate has been adopted by Pop-GAF. That means we are free to run wild again.

His war never ends.


Voy was just flat out outplayed by almost everyone he went against in top, consistently made terrible decisions throughout every phase of the game, and even when given an early lead couldn't break even.

Now maybe some of him doing badly was because CLG.NA was forcing him to use certain champs or adopt a certain strategy, but that doesn't explain constant terrible decisions like diving into the enemy team 1 v 5 as Akali to try to kill Sona and getting instantly blown up.

Even if him doing badly is solely because he didn't mesh with CLG it's still wise to ditch him. xHazard did better as a random sub.

yeah I was just addressing this whole hotshot's aggressive play was before his time thing


It varies, usually Abyss -> Rylai -> Rab's. I smartcast with all my champs, and play a lot of mid, but I just can't do anything right with her and I feel I don't do any damage. It's stressing me out, man.

Who were you fighting against? Problem of jungle gang? If you're opponent outlaned you, just try roaming and feed up the other lane, 3 dash + flash + charm should be pretty easy gang as long as they call out the wards.

You never really need to kill the other mid to win a lane, as an alternative you can just harass them to 3/4, and force them back with your ult + ignite, and it is a free bar...err dragon.

Just have to make sure either the lane is push, or the jungle is near by to farm your lane when you were gone. People tend to push and aggressive like crazy whenever they see jungle busy in another lane.


Jesis christ I can't go more than a single game without some retard/asshole ruining the game by griefing/afk/being terrible. Please tell me it gets better at higher levels. I'm only level 13 but i thought it would be better by now.
Even after 1000+ games, and probably even in ranked, you will still have people go afk or disconnect. I don't know if it's usually internet problems and I'm just lucky that it has so rarely happened to me, or if it's because no one does tribunal anymore due to no IP, but people not being around for 5-15 minutes of a game is not really surprising to me no matter what the level. :(


We could all contribute to it. I mean it's not like we actually spend our time playing the game. Could do something like...

Who you are: You take all the blame when your ADC dives in on stupid fights.
What you do: You ward the map and get yelled at for not warding the map.
What items to build: Kage's, Deathcap, Blasting Wands because QWERQWRERQQWRQW
Typical Support Champions: Sona, Sona, Sona, and Sona.
Tips and tricks: Buy all the wards.
GAF Supports to watch: Achtius because trinity force sona

I think we have enough people who know a lot about the lanes they play like Summons and Soda so I'm sure we could make a decent guide to get more people into the game.

Who you are: You're the scapegoat for every losing lane. Always. Even when you're winning. E.g. Top lane says "ez kill top no flash". Your two options are 1) gank top for the easy kill, and then you hear bot yell "Why the fuck didn't you help bot? We're losing so badly. Their ADC is now fed and the game is now over." or 2) help bot and then you hear top yell "Why didn't you come top? It was an easy kill and now I'm losing lane because their jungler is better than you and ganked me. Their top will snowball and the game is now over."
What you do: You ward the map and get yelled at for not warding the map. You also gank lanes and get yelled at for not ganking lanes.
What items to build: Philosopher's Stone, Boots of Mobility, Heart of Gold (Madred's Amumu/Maokai too OP to be included)
Typical Jungle Champions:
Easy Clear: Shyvana, Nunu, Amumu
Medium Clear: Skarner, Maokai, Lee Sin
Hard Clear: Shaco, Alistar
Tips and tricks: Buy all the wards.
GAF Junglers to watch: Nobody because GAF is sorely lacking in Junglers.


Who you are: You're the scapegoat for every losing lane. Always. Even when you're winning. E.g. Top lane says "ez kill top no flash". Your two options are 1) gank top for the easy kill, and then you hear bot yell "Why the fuck didn't you help bot? We're losing so badly. Their ADC is now fed and the game is now over." or 2) help bot and then you hear top yell "Why didn't you come top? It was an easy kill and now I'm losing lane because their jungler is better than you and ganked me. Their top will snowball and the game is now over."

And nothing good ever happens in mid lane.


I've mentioned this before. Don't build Rylai's anymore. Just stop :p It's not doing anything for your damage and with Ahri's mobility she doesn't need the tankiness. It's WAY too expensive for what it gives you on Ahri. It's fine to start Abyssal but if you're doing max range skillshots, the nerf on that means you aren't getting any MR reduction out of it. Abyssal's range is 600 and most of Ahri's skills are around 800.

I haven't played Ahri in awhile but your goal is going to be poking your lane opponent down to half health then all-in. Spirit rush to an angle and smartcast your E->Q->W right into them. They'll get a face full of charm, Q and all 3 fox fires. If that doesn't finish them off, ignite and spirit rush to a different angle (don't forget the autos). If you're maxing W you might get another off if they decide to fight. If they run you might get one more spirit rush and a Q to dive them.

Land the skill shots. Use her mobility (I run movespeed quints with her too). Get to know her burst so you know when you can all-in.
DFG into Abyssal is probably the best Ahri build. DFG into a dash and Charm is basically a secured kill. Abyssal doesn't help her Q poke that much (range, half of it being true damage) but it helps her all-in.

Rylai's is basically not worth it on basically anything but a select few champions.
Yeah, I'm kinda avoiding DFG at the moment because of the incoming nerf, but I may try it anyways, in case it helps me get around her playstyle.

lol. It kinda does.

edit: now I can't unsee. Swapped. lol
Well, first time I see the potential for lesbian kinda-incestuous sex taken as something to avoid.

The original full-sized pic is pretty cool, since it sits perfectly in the blurry line between fight to the death and makeout session, but the crying expressions are kinda weird, yeah...

Who were you fighting against? Problem of jungle gang? If you're opponent outlaned you, just try roaming and feed up the other lane, 3 dash + flash + charm should be pretty easy gang as long as they call out the wards.

You never really need to kill the other mid to win a lane, as an alternative you can just harass them to 3/4, and force them back with your ult + ignite, and it is a free bar...err dragon.

Just have to make sure either the lane is push, or the jungle is near by to farm your lane when you were gone. People tend to push and aggressive like crazy whenever they see jungle busy in another lane.
Yeah, last night was a lot of bad luck, also. I was going against an Akali, and I just planned to outfarm her and keep the lane pushed to force her not to gank, but she managed to gank a few times anyways and got herself fed, and you shouldn't ever feed an Akali...

It didn't help that all other players lost their lanes either...


Well, seems like an image search of Riven renders infinite possibilities. C'mon, avvy up, scy.



So. Many. Bunnies.

edit: forgot about this one :D

I absolutely love Ahri and she's my fave champ by far. I wouldn't mind taking that one avatar if that's okay! - been wanting one for a while that I liked. I agree with those saying building abyssal into Raba's is solid. I used to always get Rylai's but found when I did my damage was lacking/rarely did I need the slow onto people. I sometimes throw DFG in first, it just depends on how I'm wanting to play/who I'm laning against or if I'm behind.
On it.


I absolutely love Ahri and she's my fave champ by far. I wouldn't mind taking that one avatar if that's okay! - been wanting one for a while that I liked. I agree with those saying building abyssal into Raba's is solid. I used to always get Rylai's but found when I did my damage was lacking/rarely did I need the slow onto people. I sometimes throw DFG in first, it just depends on how I'm wanting to play/who I'm laning against or if I'm behind.


yeah rylai's is a weird item

like basically if you need an ap with a slow you choose an ap with a slow you know?
Even APs that benefit from it more than others (Vlad with passive scaling on hp and ap, rumble with stacking slow on E and Ult) will opt for other items most of the time, plus it's so expensive (though the way it's built up is pretty useful).


I absolutely love Ahri and she's my fave champ by far. I wouldn't mind taking that one avatar if that's okay! - been wanting one for a while that I liked. I agree with those saying building abyssal into Raba's is solid. I used to always get Rylai's but found when I did my damage was lacking/rarely did I need the slow onto people. I sometimes throw DFG in first, it just depends on how I'm wanting to play/who I'm laning against or if I'm behind.
Did you say Ahri?



Don't blame me if you get banned for too much hotness, Ahri was created with fappery in mind :p

I'm putting all my stuff here, if anyone wants it: http://zkylon.minus.com/mzXH0EHjcwEmr


Meanwhile, somewhere in my HDD, dozens of apps are not being programmed lol...

yeah rylai's is a weird item

like basically if you need an ap with a slow you choose an ap with a slow you know?
Even APs that benefit from it more than others (Vlad with passive scaling on hp and ap, rumble with stacking slow on E and Ult) will opt for other items most of the time, plus it's so expensive (though the way it's built up is pretty useful).
Yeah, I've just removed it from my self-recommended items and I'm gonna try out DFG->Abyss for a while, if I'm feeling like Ahring.
Who you are: You're the scapegoat for every losing lane. Always. Even when you're winning. E.g. Top lane says "ez kill top no flash". Your two options are 1) gank top for the easy kill, and then you hear bot yell "Why the fuck didn't you help bot? We're losing so badly. Their ADC is now fed and the game is now over." or 2) help bot and then you hear top yell "Why didn't you come top? It was an easy kill and now I'm losing lane because their jungler is better than you and ganked me. Their top will snowball and the game is now over."
What you do: You ward the map and get yelled at for not warding the map. You also gank lanes and get yelled at for not ganking lanes.
What items to build: Philosopher's Stone, Boots of Mobility, Heart of Gold (Madred's Amumu/Maokai too OP to be included)
Typical Jungle Champions:
Easy Clear: Shyvana, Nunu, Amumu
Medium Clear: Skarner, Maokai, Lee Sin
Hard Clear: Shaco, Alistar
Tips and tricks: Buy all the wards.
GAF Junglers to watch: Nobody because GAF is sorely lacking in Junglers.

I jungle =(. I just like to hang out with my buddy big golem.


Don't play support as first role in the game, you'll get bored to death and everybody will hate you. Besides, don't leave these scrubs fool you, support is actually a tough job to do. Just go ADC and right click on whoevers' closest, the end.

Might be the nerf they were talking about. Riot always shitting on our fun.

Some quick 'n dirty avatars:


I need to find a psycho Lux...

Got the source to the diana/leona one?

edit: HEY only one riven avatar allowed on GAF. I saw her first, especially before people jumped on the bandwagon!

Who you are: You're the scapegoat for every losing lane. Always. Even when you're winning. E.g. Top lane says "ez kill top no flash". Your two options are 1) gank top for the easy kill, and then you hear bot yell "Why the fuck didn't you help bot? We're losing so badly. Their ADC is now fed and the game is now over." or 2) help bot and then you hear top yell "Why didn't you come top? It was an easy kill and now I'm losing lane because their jungler is better than you and ganked me. Their top will snowball and the game is now over."
What you do: You ward the map and get yelled at for not warding the map. You also gank lanes and get yelled at for not ganking lanes.
What items to build: Philosopher's Stone, Boots of Mobility, Heart of Gold (Madred's Amumu/Maokai too OP to be included)
Typical Jungle Champions:
Easy Clear: Shyvana, Nunu, Amumu
Medium Clear: Skarner, Maokai, Lee Sin
Hard Clear: Shaco, Alistar
Tips and tricks: Buy all the wards.
GAF Junglers to watch: Nobody because GAF is sorely lacking in Junglers.

I jungle... and Ali is hard to clear with? Did they nerf him really good while I've been gone?


yeah rylai's is a weird item

like basically if you need an ap with a slow you choose an ap with a slow you know?
Even APs that benefit from it more than others (Vlad with passive scaling on hp and ap, rumble with stacking slow on E and Ult) will opt for other items most of the time, plus it's so expensive (though the way it's built up is pretty useful).

Or if you can't aim, and want to play something like AP kogmaw or Ahri, once you land one spells everything else will hit. But then again CDR is such great stats on ahri, if you go rylai, deathcap, void staff/abyssal, then finally cdr you are either super fed or got to the late game where you damages are no longer relevant.


Did they mention anything about the patch? Is it tomorrow? :(


I jungle... and Ali is hard to clear with? Did they nerf him really good while I've been gone?

I jungle =(. I just like to hang out with my buddy big golem.

Lol I'm just poking fun at how I always end up jungle with gaf. I don't mind. I main support/jungle, but I find I don't play support with gaf too much because we also have a surprising number of supports.

Re: Ali jungle. It's not particularly hard but it's more that the style to clear is different than standard. You can standard clear with Ali but it will take forever due to mana costs/spell cooldowns and you'll use most of your buff timers to do so. Instead you should aim for getting both buffs ASAP and focus more on early lane presence which is how you would jungle with non standard junglers.
Got the source to the diana/leona one?

edit: HEY only one riven avatar allowed on GAF. I saw her first, especially before people jumped on the bandwagon!

I jungle... and Ali is hard to clear with? Did they nerf him really good while I've been gone?

Riven always seemed pretty popular from her launch to me, not much a bandwagon. And Ali's clear is pretty slow after about the first 2 clears is what he's maybe talking about.

Edit: Why you gotta beat me Merc.
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