Voy was just flat out outplayed by almost everyone he went against in top, consistently made terrible decisions throughout every phase of the game, and even when given an early lead couldn't break even.
Now maybe some of him doing badly was because CLG.NA was forcing him to use certain champs or adopt a certain strategy, but that doesn't explain constant terrible decisions like diving into the enemy team 1 v 5 as Akali to try to kill Sona and getting instantly blown up.
Even if him doing badly is solely because he didn't mesh with CLG it's still wise to ditch him. xHazard did better as a random sub.
Now maybe some of him doing badly was because CLG.NA was forcing him to use certain champs or adopt a certain strategy, but that doesn't explain constant terrible decisions like diving into the enemy team 1 v 5 as Akali to try to kill Sona and getting instantly blown up.
Even if him doing badly is solely because he didn't mesh with CLG it's still wise to ditch him. xHazard did better as a random sub.