She's basically one of the best AP Mids right now. A weird thought when compared to the "omg so much worse after the remake!" reaction, I suppose!
But please don't nerf her! I need my safety net of "fuck losing games, gonna play Kat" to fall back on.
The sad thing is, PRE-remake Katarina was what I played my 100+ ranked games with to gain 500 elo back to 1200...and then I didn't really like the remake, AND THEN she has already been nerfed at least once (minor nerf if I think?) since the remake, and now she'll presumably be nerfed again. I'm nearly positive I even posted a pessimistic prediction about the remake, since the two situations I could see resulting would either be that she's worse than before, or else that she will be considered too strong and will be nerfed to a point where she's worse than before. Maybe I'm wrong and they will somehow nerf her back to a level near before, but somehow not strong enough that anyone will complain. I just wish they hadn't messed with her so I wouldn't have to worry, leaving her as a bad champion that you could do well with in low-level games.
In other news, Ezreal isn't content with being picked in 55% of games for bot lane, he also seems to show up for mid lane periodically, rushing triforce or going AP or doing who knows what.
In other other news, I must fight Ferrio for the Riven hipster spot. I don't remember which of us started playing her first, but she was the first champion I started keeping per-game notes on, and I think I had some 80-100 games with notes written down, with her top lane starting boots potions first, before I even started practicing mid lane.
*edit* The other funny thing was that I picked Katarina partly BECAUSE she was not a top pick back then, and she was hardly ever banned.