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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I played a bunch of LoL yesterday after having given up the game a year ago due to the shitty community, and I'm having fun with it again. Granted I was playing with my 1500 ELO friend on Skype who was showing me the ropes since I've forgotten everything about items and building my character (and I do mean everything), but I did have quite a bit of fun. We played ARAM though so maybe that was why haha.

I also played Dota 2 for the first time...man, that game is confusing. I thought I'd be OK since I played LoL for so long, but jeez there's so much to learn and I'm not sure I want to go through all that again.


-Buy Elise
-Play Mundo
-Mundo Kills Elises
-Like Mundo


New TT doesn't seem much different than old TT outside the items and shrines. Maybe I haven't done it enough yet. Jungle creeps still hurt at level 1, but then I wasn't runed either. Being able to go from top to bot so quickly now is going to screw all those people who never paid much attention to the mini map. Guess that's good?


i just got the bundle, i thought it was ok from the videos :/

that skin is cheap fan service. beside the boobs everything about it is bad.



There is a little bit of power creep going on within the new champions lately. Even if you nerf their damage they still have great utility to make up for it.

Jayce doesn't really have much utility. Zyra was a utility caster with too much damage to begin with. Diana has practically no utility. Syndra has practically no utility. Kha'zix has no utility and I'd probably say the same for Rengar (arguable since, regardless of damage, he sustains so well and has a good mana free ranged harass slow/snare).

I can't believe you guys are complaining about an offensive blink

I'm surprised people are calling her safe. I guess Diana is a super safe champ too. :| They both can escape into the jungle!

Edit: To expand on this, Rappel is an all-in gap closer. In lane, Rappel means you better get the kill off of it. Do note that she's most likely an AP Bruiser top laner where Rappel is basically gank bait if done incorrectly. You cannot target friendly units or the ground or basically anything but a hostile target. Troll pool and Trickster are better invuln escapes simply by virtue of them allowing you to escape with them regardless of lane setup; Jax jump is a better offensive/defense gap close than Rappel. All of these are on shorter cooldowns as well. The ~1000 range vision from Rappel is nice, though, and the long animation can give it an effective ~1500 range (cast on target at ~1000, ~1s delay for Elise to rise and drop), though that might get changed ala Skarner ult.

Cocoon is basically Morgana binding without any damage to it (and I think ~100 faster unit speed?). Her steroid is really good though, especially since she has a .2 AP Ratio on her auto attack. That said, she'll probably be built AP Bruiser so she won't see much AP beyond like RoA and Abyssal.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Are there any good guides I should read/videos I should watch to get a better feel for game strategies? I've been out of the game for a while now so I need to relearn stuff like when to farm vs. when to gank, how to adjust my item build based on what's going on in the game, etc. I don't know if that stuff comes from guides or just playing lots of games.


Ranged/Melee transforms are so done.

I hope the next transform champion is a ranged/ranged transforming support champion that swaps between offensive and defensive support kits.

Or a ranged/ranged transform AD champion with average range that swaps between ad caster and auto attack based kits

How about a melee/melee bruiser that tanks in one mode, and has offensive kit in another mode. His passive would be that damage taken in tank mode will generate anger, which can be used to unleash powerful versions of his offensive kit.

Yeah, seriously, fuck ranged/melee. Not only is it problematic, its been so done.

Are there any good guides I should read/videos I should watch to get a better feel for game strategies? I've been out of the game for a while now so I need to relearn stuff like when to farm vs. when to gank, how to adjust my item build based on what's going on in the game, etc. I don't know if that stuff comes from guides or just playing lots of games.

I'm not sure if there are any guides on game flow/sense, if you play more that should just come naturally. Good guides might tell you when X item is useful for when, but otherwise, knowledge of the item stats and the enemy team is most useful for item building.

Also, Curse got smashed by the WE B team. Curse suck.


Are there any good guides I should read/videos I should watch to get a better feel for game strategies? I've been out of the game for a while now so I need to relearn stuff like when to farm vs. when to gank, how to adjust my item build based on what's going on in the game, etc. I don't know if that stuff comes from guides or just playing lots of games.
This guy's videos are kind of decent: http://www.youtube.com/user/Paladin14.

I have Youtube disabled here so let me know if the link doesn't work.


I'm still really surprised at how I even ended up with this composition on my ELO.
I don't think composition is such a problem in low ELO, it's more of a lack of understanding of the overall strategy of the game that I feel cripples most matches. Like, you'll win a 5v5 teamfight and they'll just base and not take any objectives. Or people will chase instead of destroying a tower, etc.

Not that troll picks aren't a problem...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I normally have login music disabled but just for kicks I thought I would turn it on to see what was up. Then I turned it on and it was pretty chill for awhile and all of the sudden "Oh god voices."

I think it was supposed to be a poem/story or something.
Are log in muffed for u cats?
Just a queue.


ah yeah cool deal, the web site was down too for a bit. Anyways I have no idea why I never check GAF for people to play with. I been playing this game for over a year with my friends, but when no one is on I often time solo que. And well yeah...sometimes solo que sucks ass lol.


I think it was supposed to be a poem/story or something.

It's a little tale on the Shadow Isles and Elise. I need to listen to it since I want to place the VA for Elise as it sounds familiar.
Yes, that matters to me.

Edit: Listening to it some, sounds like Karen Strassman (Zyra, Shyvana, Fiora, Cass). oboy


Also, Curse got smashed by the WE B team. Curse suck.

Tell me about it. Curse seemed to have a lot of momentum going into Season 3 after beating Azubu Blaze once, winning* the MLG event, taking games off TSM and placing 4th at regionals. They look awful now - it's hard to point fingers, but they've definitely taken a dive since they started playing with Salce. They lost to CLG with two subs and Chauster playing a different role each game, then they got 0-2ed after flying 15 hours to China...

On the other hand, Acer is looking really good. Their new lineup is beast, Citizen Wayne is so good.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You guys are nuts, Death Blossom Elise is the best skin.
I think it's probably one of the worst skins released in a pretty long while. There has been a lot of good stuff lately and all but still, it's a pretty weak skin. The flower part on the back really needs to become more apparent than it does.
Tell me about it. Curse seemed to have a lot of momentum going into Season 3 after beating Azubu Blaze once, winning* the MLG event, taking games off TSM and placing 4th at regionals.
It's still season two.


I think it's probably one of the worst skins released in a pretty long while. There has been a lot of good stuff lately and all but still, it's a pretty weak skin. The flower part on the back really needs to become more apparent than it does.

It's still season two.

That's why I said GOING IN TO :p


I think it's probably one of the worst skins released in a pretty long while. There has been a lot of good stuff lately and all but still, it's a pretty weak skin. The flower part on the back really needs to become more apparent than it does.

Something about her in-game model with that skin strikes me as Evil Disney Queen for some reason. I'll probably buy the bundle anyway but the basic Elise splash art is a lot better, even without the gratuitous cleavage. The whole "Queen on her throne" vibe from it.


Won lane every game with Elise's W. Damage with just runes/masteries is pretty good. Poking with Q seems to work too. Dunno about the rest. Teamfights in SoloQ seem mostly random luck on whether your team bothers. Winning Mid easy enough, so that's a step up for me.


1800 for Zombie Brand? +6300 IP of course, cus I do't own him... LOLOLOL, Yea, no thanks. (And I just bought 1300 RP yesterday). Might get Yorick or something boring like that =/


Eh, Zombie Brand has new lines, completely new animations (dance, taunt, death, respawn, and even a unique pursuit animation), new spell effects and particles, etc. As a skin, it really does seem well and above beyond a 975 RP skin.

That said, I was expecting 1350 since Mecha Kha'zix is a pretty beefy skin as well for the price.


I know that, but I've never agreed with their champ/skin prices in the first place. Didn't think it would be a legendary skin, other recent ones with new particles and animations don't seem to be that price. I really regret not getting Mecha KhaZix, but I was worried he might be relegated to be a low tier jungler and I don't enjoy playing jungle anyway. I guess you could play him top too, but whatever, will wait a year for a sale or something...


I know that, but I've never agreed with their champ/skin prices in the first place. Didn't think it would be a legendary skin, other recent ones with new particles and animations don't seem to be that price.

I'm a bit sad that Headmistress Fiora is 975 :( Her only extra bit is the new taunt, I believe. But boobs and all, I guess.

I really regret not getting Mecha KhaZix, but I was worried he might be relegated to be a low tier jungler and I don't enjoy playing jungle anyway. I guess you could play him top too, but whatever, will wait a year for a sale or something...

Once they said he was a 1350 skin, I immediately bought the bundle. Granted, I've bought like all the champ bundles since I've started playing (sans Rengar) but ... still.

I really hope Kha'zix gets some tweaks. He needs some love it feels like, though some of his problems (as a laner) may just be due to the meta and all.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I really hope Kha'zix gets some tweaks. He needs some love it feels like, though some of his problems (as a laner) may just be due to the meta and all.
The only thing I would want to see is his active ultimate getting some extra time or the damage reduction lasting for a short time after the stealth ends. Right now it kind of sucks outside of activating the passive.
Would it be justified if I insist on using one champ for ranked, whichever ones teammates already picked?

I'd really prefer to just carry myself as Eve mid until 1300s at least, but I only get to pick mid less than half the time. I always get the upper hand on my lanes but other lanes just keep being horrible. I feel that as mid AP carry I can do a lot to prevent other lanes from snowballing. If I'm on top I can only help mid at best.

I lost more ELO than I gained today. It's really rearing its ugly head.
- Ashe rushing Madreds Bloodrazor because enemy had a lot of tanks, to the point of rushing claws before she had ANY other item. No boots, no sustain, no potions. Nothing. Nevermind that she should be able to kite Garen, Volibear and Amumu especially because she bought SWIFTIES. Katarina got fed so hard. I was Cho and I kept shutting her ult down, but the entire enemy was so fed I instantly blew up in team fights even I already had 3000HP, 200armor/mr and they had no pens. Glasscannon Xin kept blaming our jungler whenever he dies after thinking he'll win after diving a 1v2s and 1v3s.
- Enemy picked Shaco. Teammate picks Amumu just because he's free. Ends with 1/14/1. I can still handle the fed Shaco since I was Jax, but their Darius also got fed.

I just want to stop seeing these awful builds so much. It's so sickening. Eve is just so effective in my ELO because I see SO many loners popping on the map.


The only thing I would want to see is his active ultimate getting some extra time or the damage reduction lasting for a short time after the stealth ends. Right now it kind of sucks outside of activating the passive.

I really wish his ult was just chambered like, say, Akali's ult.

Also, increase the W healing range and maybe decrease the mana cost.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Also, increase the W healing range and maybe decrease the mana cost.
It is already too easy to clear waves with it, although I wouldn't mind seeing the mana cost go down I guess.


fml, no internet til weds.

When they set up the internet when we moved in, they set it up under the apartment next door. Someone new moved in and made a new account, so they cancelled the previous one (ours). Tech scheduled to come by and fix it on weds lol. Good thing I was planning on being outta town this weekend. Would've been pretty bored.


It is already too easy too clear waves with it, although I wouldn't mind seeing the mana cost go down I guess.

You can melee a target and hit the W but not get healed by it.

fml, no internet til weds.

When they set up the internet when we moved in, they set it up under the apartment next door. Someone new moved in and made a new account, so they cancelled the previous one (ours). Tech scheduled to come by and fix it on weds lol. Good thing I was planning on being outta town this weekend. Would've been pretty bored.

Dang, was hoping to get some ranked done with you this weekend :x

Wait, who's going to jungle for GAF without you?!
It is already too easy too clear waves with it, although I wouldn't mind seeing the mana cost go down I guess.

It's only really awesome for clearing when evolved, but the healing range is fine. Mana cost could be lower though considering how much damage it does compared to other ranged poke that have lower mana costs


- Enemy picked Shaco. Teammate picks Amumu just because he's free. Ends with 1/14/1. I can still handle the fed Shaco since I was Jax, but their Darius also got fed.
If by "free" you mean "not picked" then okay, but if you mean "free week", ranked was changed a while back so no one can pick free week champions.


4v5 for the first 30 minutes and we won!
Jungle Hecarim dominating in a Soda Cop game, wasn't Soda Cop hating on Hecarim. :p

Also tank Eve jungling with no offensive items, I have no idea how that isn't an intentional griefer unless they sold their items at the end.
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