Her kit is insane.
Ya, I mean, she's basically 2 champs. Don't know what her cooldowns are, but she's got stun, burst dmg, life steal, gap closing/escape and invulnerability. C'mon...
Better buy her before they nerf her, amirite?
Her kit is insane.
I think you guys are overestimating her potential, depending on the numbers her spiderlings put out. While she has a stun it's only usable while in a specific form, lasts 1.5 seconds and doesn't increase in duration, and is a skillshot (although the range is incredibly good).Ya, I mean, she's basically 2 champs. Don't know what her cooldowns are, but she's got stun, burst dmg, life steal, gap closing/escape and invulnerability. C'mon...
Better buy her before they nerf her, amirite?
I think you guys are overestimating her potential, depending on the numbers her spiderlings put out.
As such, her human form is a stage that offers some utility and the ability to play/farm safely from a range but it's also sort of a road block where she has to build up an effective spider form with a full set of spiderlings. At late stages of the game this could take as many as five spells.
She seems like a champion who will wind up going top/jungling, and I see her being more useful as a tank potentially than a damage dealer, as weird as that sounds.
Oh, and Rappel is not really an escape. Elise acts as a predator, and is only able to move in with it because it has to target an enemy. The situation where she gets away with it in the video is pretty rare. Really though the vision it grants even through brush is what will make it strong.
Played nothing, but TT for the past week on PBE. I'm in love.
I saw these numbers, and they're pretty high, especially late game. I'm not sure how Elise's attack speed impacts the spiderlings entirely though or how their attack patterns and targeting will work, so it's something I need to see in game to get a better feel of.10/20/30/40 with +10% AP scaling. Thats with 2/3/4/5 Spiderlings.
When Elise dies, she will respawn with maximum Spiderling Charges.
What's that, Southern? He's not showing up in bot lane OR mid in 55% of games anymore? Isn't that an improvement? Wouldn't it be a little selfish of you to feel otherwise?
I saw these numbers, and they're pretty high, especially late game. I'm not sure how Elise's attack speed impacts the spiderlings entirely.
Are you kidding?Losing the attack speed debuff is big. It's probably the biggest nerf this patch, particularly to his late game.
Yeah the DFG nerf is brutal.Are you kidding?
Hmm, no Elise login screen?
Oh. I don't care about DFG and I'm glad it's gone but yeah.Are you kidding?
Well shes not out
She appears to be ridiculous. You know, at least we still have Trundle. Right?
Right? I'm just being a bit of a bitch, but seriously. There are so many worthless champions that are completely neglected then they come out with this - lol. She will be nerfed into the ground if she's too OP - which I can only assume she will be. No joke, playing against an Elise basically means Flash is no longer an issue. Flash over a wall in a jungle when you know your enemies flash are down? DGAF ELISE GUN GIVE IT TO YA.
Maybe when Elise spawns she'll just pop a skill and pounce to your location at your spawn, proceeding to wtfspider your face off. Hey anything's possible these days. I'm waiting for the time where champions have THREE options for kits/swaps to go to. Cmon Riot, make it happen. I want to be a Spider, Fox, AND a shining example of Ionia courage. (Maybe Demacia too, I could use a spin and win).
I like how rappel has no mana cost.
It just seems so right for elise. She's this ap bruiser champ who has a free escape when she is in melee form. It's really nice especially since she's pretty squishy.
Wow she sounds op as fuck, that attack speed steroid is nuts and rappel shouldn't reveal units, thats just overkill
Voli is pretty cool bear.
Give me some fun but underplayed champions to try out.
Voli is pretty cool bear.
Give me some fun but underplayed champions to try out.
Lazy design means Riot doing more work...ok!Wait... no mana cost? Lol?
Also, they need to stop making champs that start with ultimate or have changeable skills due to shifting with ults. I feel like it's lazy design.
I'm way over on wins in normals so obviously there's something to her.I'll just answer for Soda, get Sejuani.
They put all the camps right on top of the lanes specifically so you could grab them while still farming in lane. I really don't understand a lot of the design of the map. Who is going to want to take the double lane and share farm?
Thanks for replying. Oh, and you came up today when I was talking to someone from old HoNGAF. I was curious as to what it was you were working on at Riot that's been released, though I don't know if that's something you're allowed or want to talk about.Jungling is probably slightly too strong right now, but I've seen some very successful dual-laning. You generally will want to dual-lane when...
1. You know your dual bully will cause the opposing solo to get screwed over.
2. You believe that the amount you can screw over the opposing solo is enough to offset the jungle gold.
3. You want to push fairly quickly.
I saw a Vayne+Taric bot and top Swain completely shut down a Jax bot, Lee jungle, top Karma. Finished the game in 17 minutes. YMMV, and there still needs to be a good bit of tuning, but I think there's definitely viable choices here, especially after we spend some more time tuning the jungle.
What if.... what if....
SR had 6 players per team?
Elise+shadow isles skins + halloween skins are out.
Zombie Brand is legendary legacy. /cries
zombie brand legendary, make sense.
was steal at 975 now its not worth shit tbh.
So it's like 1800 RP or something?
Yup. All the others are 975rp. Was really looking forward to zombie brand but 1820 is too much for a champ ill rarely play so meh
Got my haunted maokai. Looking forward to playing with all the gaf headmistresses and zombies
Good thing I don't play Brand.
Poor acrid
"must have minimum of 6 players"
God damnit! I want to see my new skin.
You can unless they patched it out? I used to do it all the time to test ping and try out new champions.
Can't do it right now
First bot game after patch; Zombie Brand and Ugly Flower Elise.
Legendary pricing no problem.
that skin is cheap fan service. beside the boobs everything about it is bad.Hmm...Haunted Maokai and Headmistress Fiora are the only ones that seem great.