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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Guess I'll have to man up and let Kiunch jungle!

I try to not jungle, since my jungle shaco is such an easy win.

By the way I just saw this in reddit:

"ADC Jayce, Support Nidalee, Mid Swain, Elise and Shyvana top/jungle"

Team transfromer, GAF PLS!!!!!!! TONITE!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Jungle Hecarim dominating in a Soda Cop game, wasn't Soda Cop hating on Hecarim. :p
Without a mid he got the farm from that lane and it really helps a lot on a champion who needs lots of items. :eek: Also I was there to help him snowball. It was a fun game either way. We had a pretty good comp for having fewer players than the other team. Enemy team was just joking around really. They should have run Cho jungle, Eve mid, and Elise top.

But Hecarim was a real jerk to the other team in all chat. What does that say about Hecarim players?
Without a mid he got the farm from that lane and it really helps a lot on a champion who needs lots of items. :eek: Also I was there to help him snowball. It was a fun game either way. We had a pretty good comp for having fewer players than the other team. Enemy team was just joking around really. They should have run Cho jungle, Eve mid, and Elise top.

But Hecarim was a real jerk to the other team in all chat. What does that say about Hecarim players?

That they like horses more than people?


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Crack, stop posting in here and get on Steam. I gotta think of ways to waste all my money.


Without a mid he got the farm from that lane and it really helps a lot on a champion who needs lots of items. :eek: Also I was there to help him snowball. It was a fun game either way. We had a pretty good comp for having fewer players than the other team. Enemy team was just joking around really. They should have run Cho jungle, Eve mid, and Elise top.

But Hecarim was a real jerk to the other team in all chat. What does that say about Hecarim players?[./b]

Non-GAF player has to carry GAF team, gets annoyed at GAF players, sounds totally understandable. ;p Hopefully you all honored him!

Also spider clearly underpowered, loses even 5v4. :(


Elise's spiderlings are great at blocking skillshots (and can be targeted by Ignite)!

Elise secret counter to people bad at skillsh--actually, I guess they counter themselves, huh.
Non-GAF player has to carry GAF team, gets annoyed at GAF players, sounds totally understandable. ;p Hopefully you all honored him!

Also spider clearly underpowered, loses even 5v4. :(

He wasn't annoyed with us, and as for Elise maybe that was their first game. Also, Achtius played his carry Sona so it didn't matter what the other team had.


I try to not jungle, since my jungle shaco is such an easy win.

By the way I just saw this in reddit:

"ADC Jayce, Support Nidalee, Mid Swain, Elise and Shyvana top/jungle"

Team transfromer, GAF PLS!!!!!!! TONITE!
I call dibs on Jayce and/or Nidalee. I don't have 6300 yet or I would call spiderdibs too@
AP Shaco mid is all about doing cold hard math on trades. I've seen it done well but you have to win your lane so goddamn hard to be worth anything late game.



Buddha help us :(


Thanks for replying. Oh, and you came up today when I was talking to someone from old HoNGAF. I was curious as to what it was you were working on at Riot that's been released, though I don't know if that's something you're allowed or want to talk about.



Alright, picking up this game and can't get enough. Level 13, been using Akali but want to pick up someone else...Cho'Gath and Veigar are ok but don't think I'll get comfortable enough to PvP with. Preferring someone ranged, maybe glass cannon. Advice?


Alright, picking up this game and can't get enough. Level 13, been using Akali but want to pick up someone else...Cho'Gath and Veigar are ok but don't think I'll get comfortable enough to PvP with. Preferring someone ranged, maybe glass cannon. Advice?

Glass cannon is the hardest role to play in these kinds of games. Tristana is a good choice for a ranged carry, because her W is a great escape tool and her ult can save your ass. And her attack range is bonkers.


Hurts to lose when you're 11 2 4 T_T

Oh and Elise looks pretty underwhelming and really does not affect my phobias one bit. Coolio then.
Fucking jungle warwicks. It's worse than AP Yi in the 'you know you're dealing with bad' category.

He has absolutely nothing to gank with pre 6, no gap closers no cc no slow, absolutely nothing. It's effectively a 4v5 until he hits 6 he has so little. Even post 6 He is strictly inferior to skarner, just absolutely worse in every respect. He doesn't farm the jungle well, he doesn't gank better than other champions, he doesn't have a better late game than other champions. Picking warwick jungle is a total admission you have no idea how the role of jungler works. And people still pick this trash. GOD NO PLEASE.


Fucking jungle warwicks. It's worse than AP Yi in the 'you know you're dealing with bad' category.

He has absolutely nothing to gank with pre 6, no gap closers no cc no slow, absolutely nothing. It's effectively a 4v5 until he hits 6 he has so little. Even post 6 He is strictly inferior to skarner, just absolutely worse in every respect. He doesn't farm the jungle well, he doesn't gank better than other champions, he doesn't have a better late game than other champions. Picking warwick jungle is a total admission you have no idea how the role of jungler works. And people still pick this trash. GOD NO PLEASE.

Haha, I can't agree more. Anytime I see a Warwick run out of the jungle pre-6 I'm simply like Awww look a warwick is running towards me....and I right click and run away...and....then he just goes away. He's so bad lol.

Which is why I hear of most WW's rushing 6 asap. Usually that's their goal...at least for some, anyway. You can't do much else...
Just fought against a Surge/Smite Cho. He thought he was Skarner. He built Tabi and three TFs.

I wonder how Warwick will fare with Jungle 3.0. His pre-7 sustain is worse than before but the damage output is better. I just hope that there's actually some kind of need for sustain that isn't supplied by just outright killing camps before they hurt you + Philo.
There is worse than Warwick jungle that also gets picked... Kha'zix jungle. It's like Pantheon jungle except strictly worse and pantheon jungle isn't very good. I have no idea why people pick this awful shit.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Fucking jungle warwicks. It's worse than AP Yi in the 'you know you're dealing with bad' category.
We ran jungle WW at least twice yesterday in GAF games and won both times. I'm pretty sure crack had pretty solid scores each time too.


To be fair, Warwick's main "flaw" is he has absolutely no map presence. His ganks are basically entirely Ultimate reliant. He's a great ganker on over extended (and unwarded) lanes but ... so are a lot of other junglers.

Hurts to lose when you're 11 2 4 T_T

Oh and Elise looks pretty underwhelming and really does not affect my phobias one bit. Coolio then.

She seems like an ideal AP Bruiser. Both her Qs don't NEED AP to scale (flat damage that does not scale with AP, Current HP/Missing HP% that scales with 2% of AP) so she can do things like a Rod of Ages into Frozen Heart, Abyssal, Rylai's, etc. sorts of builds. In mid lane, she probably wants to level W more than Q early on since it scales rather well with AP (80%) and her Spider attacks are 20% AP so the better Attack Speed steroid earlier helps.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
She seems like an ideal AP Bruiser. Both her Qs don't NEED AP to scale (flat damage that does not scale with AP, Current HP/Missing HP% that scales with 2% of AP) so she can do things like a Rod of Ages into Frozen Heart, Abyssal, Rylai's, etc. sorts of builds. In mid lane, she probably wants to level W more than Q early on since it scales rather well with AP (80%) and her Spider attacks are 20% AP so the better Attack Speed steroid earlier helps.
To me ideal is like Morde and Rumble, who have a lot of abilities that scale with AP and have a lot of potential to scale hard and still offer their team that AP damage you're looking for while still having survivability. I don't feel like Elise is bringing that right now, and it's why I don't and can't see her being run as an AP mid. Her scaling is frankly awful when you look at the whole picture, so why build in that direction at all?

Without being able to run mid you're left with jungle or top. I haven't played her myself so I can't really say anything definitively, but in my games she simply lacks presence. She doesn't have the damage output or CC to really feel threatening, although this could simply be that it's too early and people are building her wrong.


To me ideal is like Morde and Rumble...

I was thinking like Singed. AP Scaling but builds tanky (Rod, Frozen Heart, etc.) rather than an AP that can deal damage primarily but take a hit secondary. Her Q is decent damage (230 +8% Current/Missing Health, +2% AP) and on a short cooldown so no AP is still decent sustained output.

Edit: I suppose I should say AP Tank instead? Dunno. Regardless, she doesn't NEED AP for her Q's to be effective so she's free to build more tank items.

I don't feel like Elise is bringing that right now, and it's why I don't and can't see her being run as an AP mid. Her scaling is frankly awful when you look at the whole picture, so why build in that direction at all?

I agree that she probably shouldn't be run as a mid. Her W is her best scaling skill and it's unreliable as a damage dealer barring Spider -> Human -> Spider situations ... that you wouldn't want to do as a squishy AP Mid. Her Q is more a harassment tool rather than a burst caster tool.

My issue with her so far is I'm not entirely sold on what she does in team fights. Spiderlings melt to AoE damage, even with their 40% DR, and her W Heal needs either better scaling or needs to get better with points in W (right now, 4 + 2% AP flat; I'd even be fine with 4/5/6/7/8 +1% AP, honestly).

Also, her E needs something passive to it :(
Fucking jungle warwicks. It's worse than AP Yi in the 'you know you're dealing with bad' category.

He has absolutely nothing to gank with pre 6, no gap closers no cc no slow, absolutely nothing. It's effectively a 4v5 until he hits 6 he has so little. Even post 6 He is strictly inferior to skarner, just absolutely worse in every respect. He doesn't farm the jungle well, he doesn't gank better than other champions, he doesn't have a better late game than other champions. Picking warwick jungle is a total admission you have no idea how the role of jungler works. And people still pick this trash. GOD NO PLEASE.

Guys are making me sad. Skarner doesn't have a team AS buff, can't reveal low targets without vision while WW's bloodscent boosts his MS(and gives vision of low stealth targets too), his ult has double the range on Skarner's. I really don't think he is as bad as people make him out to be, I know he isn't the greatest though but still fun and pretty good.


Guys are making me sad. Skarner doesn't have a team AS buff, can't reveal low targets without vision while WW's bloodscent boosts his MS(and gives vision of low stealth targets too), his ult has double the range on Skarner's. I really don't think he is as bad as people make him out to be, I know he isn't the greatest thought but still fun and pretty good.
I'm convinced stealth is an eternal argument. I think I was in a game once and people were arguing one way or the other. I just tried googling it, and yes, I got I think two different sites with people saying two different things. One claimed that warwick DOES reveal stealthed champions at low health, and another claimed he DIDN'T, but got the speed boost from them anyway.

So I guess until I try a custom game and test it I'll never know for sure since I can't believe anyone. :p


Stealthed units will not be revealed even if they are sensed by Warwick. He will still gain the movespeed bonus, but he will not be able to see the unit.
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