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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Stealthed units will not be revealed even if they are sensed by Warwick. He will still gain the movespeed bonus, but he will not be able to see the unit.

Maybe eve was just too close to me. Still forget that you see her in a certain range now >.>, I am use to the old eve.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm convinced stealth is an eternal argument. I think I was in a game once and people were arguing one way or the other. I just tried googling it, and yes, I got I think two different sites with people saying two different things. One claimed that warwick DOES reveal stealthed champions at low health, and another claimed he DIDN'T, but got the speed boost from them anyway.

So I guess until I try a custom game and test it I'll never know for sure since I can't believe anyone. :p
You can always use the wiki if you need to look up very specific intricacies of abilities.


formerly sane
Guys are making me sad. Skarner doesn't have a team AS buff, can't reveal low targets without vision while WW's bloodscent boosts his MS(and gives vision of low stealth targets too), his ult has double the range on Skarner's. I really don't think he is as bad as people make him out to be, I know he isn't the greatest though but still fun and pretty good.

He isn't as good as he use to be either. Since they nerfed his damage and lifesteal he has become a threat you can easily deal with. His ultimate still has uselessness factor same for skarner and it's called quick silver sash. WW ult was useless when cleanse got you out of it but in a stun, wombo combo, and knock around friendly environment we have it's worse than before when a summoners or qss downplayed his ult. I'd rather have S1 ww in various forms over the current crap he is now same applies for poppy and yi.

I'd complain more about WW but I'm slowly beginning to realize whoever is involved in balancing this game is far worse at thinking it out than what I ever saw in hon or dota. Certain champs have too much kit or power while other champs who had been near the top or the top have been thrown under a bus for babies who can't adjust to easy cheese setups.


I say ADC. You learn how to last hit with a nice margin of error since you'll be building AD, and you also see what you need from a support, when to dragon, when to freeze the lane, teamfighting, etc.


A word of warning: ADC definitely requires the most focus on positioning. "Just attack things" is probably the worst way to approach team fights. You do have less general execution (of skills) during fights but a lot more awareness of your position and range.

As for free ADCs this week, Miss Fortune and Vayne. ADCs tend to run in bot lane but low level games are all kinds of strange shit so eh.


What are this weeks adc's?

What's there lane and general strat?

MF and Vayne.

Bottom lane (the lane next to the Dragon that's not middle lane).

You...last hit minions, try to avoid harass or trade damage, and when you have the opportunity to engage and try to get a kill on the other team. The last thing usually happens when your jungler comes by to start something.


What are this weeks adc's?

What's there lane and general strat?
Usually you'll want to go bot with a support teammate and just farm minions, while not pushing your lane by last hitting them. Farm farm farm is your priority in lane phase. You may get kills based on situation and jungler presence but just try to outfarm your rival ADC, get a few shots at them every now and then using your skills and play passive for the most part.

Then as match goes on and towers begin to fall, you'll have to stay behind the front lines in teamfights, trying to deal as much damage as possible without getting killed.

This week you can try Miss Fortune or Vayne, or just buy Ashe for 450 IP.


formerly sane
I play ADC because I am terrible and it is easy.

Stay far away from people beating the shit out of each other and go pew pew pew

You could say that about most classes and their roles on a team. Mobas are one of the genres where I say everything is pretty easy just gotta give in to the urge to be a cheesing try hard.

Despite good advice given about adcs. Knowing how to itemize for a specific adc relevant to the actual situation at hand. Find good guides for builds to defeat various meta and always remember to defensive gear if you're dying quickly. The right items especially in mid to late game situations is the difference between doing the damage or getting killed instantly.
I'd disagree with recommending ad carries for beginners, you die so very easily if you don't have a decent idea of positioning and kiting and they are so gold dependent its unforgiving if you fall behind. I'd probably start with a top lane bruiser. But everybody has to be a newbie at every role at some stage, just gotta dive in and play to learn.


SouthernDragon should be happy, since Ezreal is still played in 45-50% of games, and continues to win 54-55% of games, barely affected by the nerfs. (stats from lolking, feel free to compare with other sites)

I think he's been in 2/3 or 3/4 of my games today alone.


SouthernDragon should be happy, since Ezreal is still played in 45-50% of games, and continues to win 54-55% of games, barely affected by the nerfs. (stats from lolking, feel free to compare with other sites)

I think he's been in 2/3 or 3/4 of my games today alone.

Like I said before, the ezreal W nerf won't affect him in solo queue at all. I'm pretty sure people outside of the top 1% of ADC players don't think like this:

"Okay I hit my W for the AS speed buff, now i'll go all in for a kill while the debuff is active".

My mindset for ezreal is more like:

"okay the support missed/wasted their only cc ability, I'll E in for an easy double kill"

People play ezreal because of his high damage early game and just abuse it in solo queue. That's why he is such a terror.

The nerf will only affect his constant appearance in tournament play because not many people base their entire play style over the W's AS debuff so nothing will change after the nerf.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
SouthernDragon should be happy, since Ezreal is still played in 45-50% of games, and continues to win 54-55% of games, barely affected by the nerfs. (stats from lolking, feel free to compare with other sites)
It's the same for Sona.
And Eve but she's not as popular.
Lolking.net on the champions with the lowest win rates
There is already a new lowest. It's Elise by a good margin. Also that article sucks.


There isn't enough data on Elise yet to show up on lolking stat charts, however. I don't think I've seen any Elise do very well though. Currently I get ganked by them and it's more like "well that's annoying, but I survived".

I just got what might be my first unofficial pentakill...got the quadra with katarina, and killed ezreal last, but too slowly to count. I probably also missed another earlier that game in mid. I think I got silenced and ended up with a triple instead.
It's the same for Sona.
And Eve but she's not as popular.

There is already a new lowest. It's Elise by a good margin. Also that article sucks.

I wouldn't be suprised if Elise turns up low. Most people are still working out where to play her, how to build her and how to manage her transforming skill set. Not really a champion that is obvious how to play immediately on release.
It's so depressing seeing teamates pick teemo and kha'zix and thinking "oh we're going to lose so hard" and then winning your lane really well... and then losing so hard. The predictibility... so depressing.

And its not the losing hard that's depressing, its seeing it coming and then having your pessimism confirmed.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It's so depressing seeing teamates pick teemo and kha'zix and thinking "oh we're going to lose so hard" and then winning your lane really well... and then losing so hard. The predictibility... so depressing.
GAF games are fun. You just have to be on Mumble.


The nerfs to sona didn't seem that bad, but she feels so fragile in game now. I had a normal game earlier with a Taric and Brand (yes, no ADC) and if I got stunned once, it was game over. Brand could take me down with one spell rotation with no AP items.

Maybe he's just Brand being Brand, but I feel like she's incredibly weak now.
The nerfs to sona didn't seem that bad, but she feels so fragile in game now. I had a normal game earlier with a Taric and Brand (yes, no ADC) and if I got stunned once, it was game over. Brand could take me down with one spell rotation with no AP items.

Maybe he's just Brand being Brand, but I feel like she's incredibly weak now.

That's good, she should be weak (defense wise).

Her kit is incredibly strong for just being passive abilities.

You should be punished for being caught.


I just lost mid lane to Elise (or rather to Elise and 2+ teammates after I died). It could be that I'm terrible, but since I'm clearly the most awesome player ever I'm going to suggest that Elise mid lane works better.

...that said, her build was weird. She had tons of health and tank and attack speed items in addition to presumably AP items.
I started playing last week, only Corki and Sona. Of course Sona gets nerfed and Corki's main early/mid game item (phage) gets nerfed right away. Haha. C'est la vie.

I'm having a lot of fun playing aside from the morons/kids/trolls that I run into every few games.


I started playing last week, only Corki and Sona. Of course Sona gets nerfed and Corki's main early/mid game item (phage) gets nerfed right away. Haha. C'est la vie.

I'm having a lot of fun playing aside from the morons/kids/trolls that I run into every few games.

Corki is still frigging amazing. My favourite ADC. He's strong against ezreal too, so thats a bonus with all the ezreals around

And you guys recommending ADC to new players. Such trolls lol.

The easiest role for new players is easily the Mage. Can scale purely off levels, just press a few buttons to do all your damage, learn the different types of CC, AOE spells can make farming easy.


First champion for anyone should be nasus or Annie.

You learn and appreciate last hitting with those 2 champs.
I think I did the training with Ashe and got into the main game, she wasn't available. I asked my boyfriend what champ I should pick that was similar and since it was a Caitlyn free week, I got played with her while learning the ropes.

First champ I bought tho was Teemo because he looked cute. :3
Corki is still frigging amazing. My favourite ADC. He's strong against ezreal too, so thats a bonus with all the ezreals around

And you guys recommending ADC to new players. Such trolls lol.

The easiest role for new players is easily the Mage. Can scale purely off levels, just press a few buttons to do all your damage, learn the different types of CC, AOE spells can make farming easy.

Yea, Corki is my favourite to play out of the two. It's been hard getting the hand of last hitting and positioning, but I've been getting a lot better now that I have flash and a dozen or so hours of practice. The only downside to Corki is 75% of the time my partner at bot either pushes way too hard and handicaps my farm and put us in terrible positions to get ganked. Plus it seems like NOBODY at low levels ever uses wards. I had one arrogant 14 year old tell me they were a waste of money before going AFK. If I'm not putting them down constantly I never have any vision. Nobody wants to properly play support nor has the patience to wait for a gank. It's all PUSH PUSH PUSH most of the time. Makes me a tad bit frustrated when I'm trying to get my early game farm on without getting caught between a rock and a hard place.


First champion for anyone should be nasus or Annie.

You learn and appreciate last hitting with those 2 champs.

In that case, learn to last hit with Karthus, Anivia, or Ryze. Auto attack only.

Everything is easy after that!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
thanks yo.

Are any of this on sale 450 champs top tier?

For 1350 there's Morgana if you want an easy mage to learn, and I agree with Boken, mages are the place to start. For the most part I would really just recommend saving your IP and playing as many free week champions as you can. Certain champions like Annie are just good for beginners to learn the game on.

Try to have fun and worry less about winning and more about taking every game as a learning experience. Playing the entire roster can really give you an idea of the capabilities of each champion, even if you don't plan on playing them it helps when you have to fight them. This will also show you which champions you like playing the most and you can just buy those.


In that case, learn to last hit with Karthus, Anivia, or Ryze. Auto attack only.

Everything is easy after that!

Maybe it's just me, but I'd add Elise's human form to that list. I can never see it travel and can never get the timing right on it, more practice!


Maybe it's just me, but I'd add Elise's human form to that list. I can never see it travel and can never get the timing right on it, more practice!

It's hard to see but I think she has a rather fluid auto animation, projectile speed, etc. Maybe it's just from all the Ryze practice though!


So if I buy Shen, every time someone dies it will be my fault, right? Maybe I'll just go for Graves considering my only adc right now is Ashe.


Thanks to LoLGAF, I was able to save $30 from buying Farming Simulator 2013. I guess I can use that money and buy more skins.


formerly sane
Yea, Corki is my favourite to play out of the two. It's been hard getting the hand of last hitting and positioning, but I've been getting a lot better now that I have flash and a dozen or so hours of practice. The only downside to Corki is 75% of the time my partner at bot either pushes way too hard and handicaps my farm and put us in terrible positions to get ganked. Plus it seems like NOBODY at low levels ever uses wards. I had one arrogant 14 year old tell me they were a waste of money before going AFK. If I'm not putting them down constantly I never have any vision. Nobody wants to properly play support nor has the patience to wait for a gank. It's all PUSH PUSH PUSH most of the time. Makes me a tad bit frustrated when I'm trying to get my early game farm on without getting caught between a rock and a hard place.

Gotta find some bros and duo queue dat bot. Plenty of gaffers that do support get one or two don't troll and carry em for a freebie win.

Game is a lot better with a comrade in battle.


Easiest role to learn is adc. A good support will allow you to make a few mistakes. All you really gotta learn is kiting and then you're good.
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