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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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It's hard to see but I think she has a rather fluid auto animation, projectile speed, etc. Maybe it's just from all the Ryze practice though!

I think things other than fluidity should be considered. Poppy has a fluid animation, but I would strongly argue she's harder to last hit with than any of the champions you've mentioned.


That's good, she should be weak (defense wise).

Her kit is incredibly strong for just being passive abilities.

You should be punished for being caught.

It was borderline ridiculous. Maybe a champ designed for ap mid is just imbalanced in the bot lane, but i was literally dying under my tower to a level 3 brand from one spell rotation. All he had were boors1. I agree she was too strong, but she seems far too fragile now. It wasnt that i was being caught overextending, but there was no safe haven aside from behind my tower. Ill have to play her more against adcs to see if she is as fragile as she seems. I shouldnt be dying under my tower from a level 3 spell rotation from full health.


Maybe it's because i'm playing at this time but blind pick tristed treeline seems to be filled with "new" players.

I'm seeing some weird builds on people.


ADC is the easiest role? No wonder I'm still bad at the game then. I've always avoided it like the plague. So squishy and your generally the main target. Plus you usually lane against whatever fotm carry is popular and laning against Ezreal sucks right now.

I liked top. Sit back, farm, avoid ganks. Some champs make it a pain, and its often 2v1, but your not squishy. Mid works too with wards or keeping an eye on the jungle. I've tried support a lot, and I've rarely done well with the usual disorganized teams.

Tried Elise jungle after seeing people in game mention it a lot. I don't get it. Full armor yellows, cloth5, and defensive masteries and she still took a lot of damage from creeps. Healing off spider W didn't seem to help much early on. Maybe I'm missing something.

I have 16.6k IP, do I save it to buy runes or just splurge on some champions? I'm currently level 19.

I'd wait and buy a full tier 3 rune page. That'd give you a bit of an advantage from 21-30. I wish I'd bought less champions and more runes coming up myself.


I think things other than fluidity should be considered. Poppy has a fluid animation, but I would strongly argue she's harder to last hit with than any of the champions you've mentioned.

For a ranged auto-attacker, it's about all that matters.

Last hitting with melees is largely dependent on what you're against. Laning vs a Jayce, Vlad, or even an Elise in top lane is annoying with the poke they'll have vs you. Hell, laning vs an Olaf is annoying if he's on top of Reckless Swings :(

ADC is the easiest role? No wonder I'm still bad at the game then. I've always avoided it like the plague. So squishy and your generally the main target. Plus you usually lane against whatever fotm carry is popular and laning against Ezreal sucks right now.

At average-ish elo (and beyond, really), most Ezreal's aren't changed by the nerf. Not that many people actually properly utilized the W slow. He's still a highly mobile ADC with good damage output, he just lost his ability to flat out facetank duel an ADC after landing a W.

I liked top. Sit back, farm, avoid ganks. Some champs make it a pain, and its often 2v1, but your not squishy. Mid works too with wards or keeping an eye on the jungle. I've tried support a lot, and I've rarely done well with the usual disorganized teams.

Top was my favorite lane from 1-30 since bruisers are relatively easy to play, scale well with items typically, and they have a great impact on the early-to-mid game. But, as you get closer to 30 (and beyond), top lane gets closer to a lane where the Jungler is always there and it's not as fun then. Mid lane is probably the simplest lane as far as laning phase is concerned.

Better as support after the nerfs.

Had my first game as Zyra support last night. I think I still went 6/2. Oops.


I have 16.6k IP, do I save it to buy runes or just splurge on some champions? I'm currently level 19.

Youll have enough for two basic rune pages for when you hit level 20:

flat AD reds/flat AD quints/flat armor yellow/flat mres blues
Mpen reds/flat AP quint/flat mana reg/flat mres blues

Youll probably have ~8-9k left over when you buy for the slots you can actually use at level 20
I have 16.6k IP, do I save it to buy runes or just splurge on some champions? I'm currently level 19.

Buy Nunu, Ashe, Sivir, Malphite, Morgana, Jax, Taric and Twisted Fate. That's a good cheap lineup that lets you own several champions for every role for under 8k IP. Saving IP for some runes is nice but it's good to also learn a variety of roles and have good picks for them before you hit 30.


BTW someone teach me how to be pro Jax top lane SR so I can justify buying Nemesis Jax.

I wanted to get Nemesis Jax too, although I'm not sure if it's worth it, since I have Jaximus. What's your opinion on Nemesis Jax? I like the purple effects, but since I can't try out skins, I'm not sure if the purple will be noticeable enough.

As for top lane Jax, I think knowing/timing the E (Counter Strike) is pretty crucial. Use it to punish certain harasses (ex. Xin), use it to start attacking, or just plain save it for jungle ganks. Remember not to just spam E though, it has a really long cooldown, which means a good laner/jungler will use that downtime to attack you when you can't escape. Also, it's kind of mana-heavy for Jax.

Jax animation-cancelling is also essential. There's 2 things if I recall:
1) Obvious one is W (Empower). Wait for your auto-attack to finish, and immediately press W to empower his face. Good for last-hitting under towers, and good for harassing certain melee opponents. Most people level-up Empower first over Leap Strike for this reason.

2) Some people know this, some don't, but you can Leap Strike an opponent, and immediately as you strike him, right-click him again (or spam right-click) to immediately follow up with another guaranteed auto-attack.

2b) So at level 6, you can attack the creeps 2 times (so you have the 3rd Grandmaster's Might hit prepared), then Leap Strike -> right-click for some massive damage harass to his face.

2c) Also, if you're in the right position/distance (which is only sometimes), or if you have some sort of slow (like Phage), you can Leap Strike -> right-click -> Empower for a nasty 3-hit combo. Combine that with the ultimate strike and you'll be doing tons of damage to his face.

- Jax does have some bad opponents though. In that case, just get lots of potions, and a ward to cover jungler ganks. Save your mana, be prepared to leap away, dodge away, etc. You may also want to keep a ward in hand to emergency leap over walls or whatever. Try to hang back until around level 6. Even if you can't get any creep kills, just stay alive and get some experience. Doran's Blade/Shield are good for bad lanes, or you could just try to get a Phage asap.

- Maybe you know this already but, for most top laners, in the Defense Mastery tree, you may want to get 2 points in "Tough Skin" that reduces minion damage, and 2 points in "Indomitable", that reduces damage from any source. Most people use this to "lane freeze". When the enemy creep wave is pushing towards you, instead of letting the creeps die under the tower, you're stalling them outside of the tower range, so that the creeps stay near your tower. The points in the Defense tree will help reduce the damage from lane freezing. Lane freezing allows you to farm more safely and be safe from ganks.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Today I decided to look up Kha'Zix guides. There aren't really a lot of top lane guides for him even but...

Still, it gave me some ideas and I still feel like I really want/need to mess around with builds on him. His early game mana costs are just brutal on me. His ultimate alone takes like 1/3 of his mana pool.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Youll have enough for two basic rune pages for when you hit level 20:

flat AD reds/flat AD quints/flat armor yellow/flat mres blues
Mpen reds/flat AP quint/flat mana reg/flat mres blues

Youll probably have ~8-9k left over when you buy for the slots you can actually use at level 20

Cool, my friend who's kinda coaching me (he's just over 1500 ELO) told me the same, except he told me to always use flat armor yellows. Is there a reason to get mana regeneration over armor yellows as an AP champ?

Buy Nunu, Ashe, Sivir, Malphite, Morgana, Jax, Taric and Twisted Fate. That's a good cheap lineup that lets you own several champions for every role for under 8k IP. Saving IP for some runes is nice but it's good to also learn a variety of roles and have good picks for them before you hit 30.

I think I own most of those guys actually. Here's who I currently own (I've been playing on and off since closed beta in 2009):

Master Yi
Twisted Fate

I kinda wanna learn Rammus since I have the King Rammus skin and want to flaunt it lol.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Cool, my friend who's kinda coaching me (he's just over 1500 ELO) told me the same, except he told me to always use flat armor yellows. Is there a reason to get mana regeneration over armor yellows as an AP champ?
In lane trades are simply less focused on defending against auto-attacks, so having additional mana regen can open up more opportunity to harass with spells. Armor has its place though for defending against ganks/auto-attacks, but I usually roll mana regen on my mid laners if they have mana. It's a choice thing.


formerly sane
ADC is the easiest role? No wonder I'm still bad at the game then. I've always avoided it like the plague. So squishy and your generally the main target. Plus you usually lane against whatever fotm carry is popular and laning against Ezreal sucks right now.

Considering the damage output of most adcs early or late game once your use to the tier 2 and higher there is a reason for your squish. Doesn't mean much once you have decent lifesteal it becomes hard to kill without a team effort.

PLaying vs ez is easy if you have great support. Yes it sucks he gets away a lot but sending him back early game is pleasure each time one allows me to do so. He isn't the cheese machine people make him out to be learn to zone him he deal damage but he is adc and can't take much not like a sivr, corki, or graves can. Unless he is fed late game he will drop off if you let ez have a good time like anyone who is having a good time you will have to counter him. Most adcs have nasty weakness a few defensive or debuff items will stop.

Depending on the adc I use a mana per level rune really helps. Some adcs are far more skill heavy and hate being out of money on them.


Garen get some patch love? Used him a lot this morning and was generally pretty fun. Thinking of using him more. Which quints work best for him, AD?
Just had a really stupid match where it was basically who can snowball harder: Eve (me) or Rengar (enemy). Teammates were just there to fill in the rest of the slots. Just look at our assists!
I lost. :(


Does Banshee's work on Rengar's Q? I would have grabbed that instead of Thornmail if it was. GA's CD is way too long. It was just a game of who kills the other first. I bought a shit load of wards which definitely set me back. It's only my duo friend who bought the few other wards.

Next game had another Rengar, but my friend thought of just playing Teemo to counter Rengar and it worked great. Shrooms totally took a dump on his effectiveness. We lost because we just got outplayed and we didn't have an ADC either.

I really think Teemo is an effective counter to Rengar and Eve, though more so on Eve. If I'm playing draft I just don't pick Eve.

Stealing barons is amazingly easy with Eve's ult. I stole both barons in the game across the wall. Wiki says the damage caps at 1000 but I'm not sure if that's before or after MR is computed. The only time I failed a steal so far is when I misclicked and made Eve try walking to Baron because I tried casting out of range.

Garen get some patch love? Used him a lot this morning and was generally pretty fun. Thinking of using him more. Which quints work best for him, AD?
I love Garen and yeah I'd go with AD quints. He can go either flat or scaling since last hitting is pretty easy with him and he scales so hard with AD. Hell he scales really well with so many stats (HP, Armor, MR, AD). Just a strong champ overall that isn't played too often, specially since lots of people still build him pure tank then wonder why he's useless.


Top was my favorite lane from 1-30 since bruisers are relatively easy to play, scale well with items typically, and they have a great impact on the early-to-mid game. But, as you get closer to 30 (and beyond), top lane gets closer to a lane where the Jungler is always there and it's not as fun then. Mid lane is probably the simplest lane as far as laning phase is concerned.

What top bruiser(s) would you go with from 1-30? I'm level 9,own Annie and Ashe, and have 3015 IP.
Today I decided to look up Kha'Zix guides. There aren't really a lot of top lane guides for him even but...

Still, it gave me some ideas and I still feel like I really want/need to mess around with builds on him. His early game mana costs are just brutal on me. His ultimate alone takes like 1/3 of his mana pool.

I've been playing him top a lot lately, 9/21 masteries with ad reds and quints armor yellow and mr per level blues. Start boots pots, I usually get Bruta first just for some dmg, usually get merc treads next then farm for bloodthirster, after that I usually go giants belt into frozen mallet for some health and a little more ad, after that it's situational. Most of the guides I looked at were pretty bad, this builds been working alright though


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
[–]SaintViciousStream 312 points 1 day ago
Do you watch me?
[–]Doomay 680 points 1 day ago
nope sorry. mostly watch sing from dota. friend told me you got removed from bad team. find good team. let me know if help

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member

What a sage. A true inspiration to us all.

I just played two games with a really good team, so I friended them all. We didn't have a jungle but damn if we didn't hold down our lanes like pros. It was funny though because for the bans our leader basically banned every AD the other team had, so we played two games against teams with no AD lol. Obviously that wouldn't work in ranked games but who cares, it was funny.

Question: how do you deal with a fed Jax? We went up against a Jax who got 6 kills in the early game and proceeded to own us throughout the whole game, so we basically just always stuck as a team and burned all our CC on him as soon as he got within range. His team wasn't very good so they weren't able to take advantage of our focus, but is there any other way to deal with him when he's that fed?


i've been experimenting with a jungle build, i take yellow boots 1 offensive item (like madred/phage/hex/bruta) then rush aegis.
works pretty well on darius jungle and rengar so far, tried it once on khazix (got bruta second item) and it was really good (although this time it was normal draft unlike the other two).


Tried Elise jungle after seeing people in game mention it a lot. I don't get it. Full armor yellows, cloth5, and defensive masteries and she still took a lot of damage from creeps. Healing off spider W didn't seem to help much early on. Maybe I'm missing something.
I take far too much damage with Eve jungle, even if I use 21 defense masteries and maybe even have armor. Similarly I really don't think Elise jungle is a good idea unless people are just clueless about it.

I saw another one last night. We started out taking her wraiths and red lizard (I think we gave first blood in the process to one or two bot lane people who showed up, but whatcha gonna do). We then proceeded to slaughter her whenever we happened to find her in the jungle, ganking, or whatever. She went 3/15/9. Now granted, this was apparently just a bad ranked player and a bad team (I went 19/1/12 with Eve mid in 38 minutes that game, and I didn't even build deathfire grasp), but even so the only Elise use I recall seeing that was decent was mid or top.


Tried Elise jungle after seeing people in game mention it a lot. I don't get it. Full armor yellows, cloth5, and defensive masteries and she still took a lot of damage from creeps. Healing off spider W didn't seem to help much early on. Maybe I'm missing something.
i run bootsx3 and i clear blue red with 1 smite ( 9/12/9 masteries from the spotlight).

edit: tried clothx5 in custom no leash and i cleared the jungle extremely fast, almost lost no health vs wolves first camp with w.


Is TP/Ghost viable for solo top Jax? I get that Ghost might be better for chasing with Jax but Flash for the big plays. Don't really know. Too used to Flash/Ignite to try anything new.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Is TP/Ghost viable for solo top Jax? I get that Ghost might be better for chasing with Jax but Flash for the big plays. Don't really know. Too used to Flash/Ignite to try anything new.
Flash is too good to run anything else, although you can get away with Ghost. I think if you run TP instead of Ignite people will abuse that fact and try to force you into trades you can't win.


Flash is too good to run anything else, although you can get away with Ghost. I think if you run TP instead of Ignite people will abuse that fact and try to force you into trades you can't win.


Man I'm so bad at last hitting with Jax (everybody).

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
What do you guys think of Ashe as a champion? I've been playing a lot with Caitlyn but then she got picked in a game earlier so I rolled with Ashe, and I really like her. I miss Cait's escape with the net, which I would have killed for a few times in that game, but I think Ashe has a ton of utility with her slows and her ult.


What do you guys think of Ashe as a champion? I've been playing a lot with Caitlyn but then she got picked in a game earlier so I rolled with Ashe, and I really like her. I miss Cait's escape with the net, which I would have killed for a few times in that game, but I think Ashe has a ton of utility with her slows and her ult.
I'm not good at the game, but my opinion is that if Ashe is careful and gets ahead with some early kills, her constant slow for chasing and kiting is really scary. If she can hit closerange or midrange arrows, the ult is great.

If Ashe gets killed once or twice early, or if you can't reliably hit arrows, then you're probably gonna have a really bad time.
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