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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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League Lesson of the Day: Vlad shuts down Kass
Witnessed my friend shutdown a Kassadin's CS, using Vlad in a draft game yseterday. The Kass had 3 CS at around the 15 min mark. It was horrifyingly funny.

just like the karma rework
is that before or after the sejunai rework?
League Lesson of the Day: Vlad shuts down Kass
Witnessed my friend shutdown a Kassadin's CS, using Vlad in a draft game yseterday. The Kass had 3 CS at around the 15 min mark. It was horrifyingly funny.

is that before or after the sejunai rework?

That's just a bad Kass then, I've become really good at CSing with Kass. Let the other champs push to the tower and then farm at the tower with W.


I'm so god damned rusty. Having some shitty ass games though, especially playing with my new friend.

He's been playing Galio and poppy... so not starting out on the best foot. Last game I played with him he topped as poppy vs a teemo ...that was a fed teemo.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The more I play Kha'Zix the more I like him. His evolution paths open up a lot of options, and his play style where you're rewarded to pop out on enemies is just a lot of fun while offering what feels like a greater challenge. The damage scaling he offers is just obscene compared to other similar champions.


The more I play Kha'Zix the more I like him. His evolution paths open up a lot of options, and his play style where you're rewarded to pop out on enemies is just a lot of fun while offering what feels like a greater challenge. The damage scaling he offers is just obscene compared to other similar champions.

Glad to hear that. I've been debating buying him. I like the assassin style champ and he seems interesting.


I don't recall if I said it before but I'd say it again, I hate Kat to the point of banning her every game. She's picked just as often as Ezreal.
She may be one of the most common mid picks, but I am nearly certain she's not picked as often as Ezreal. Do you have the numbers for that? I just checked a day or so ago, and Ezreal was still near 48-50%. Kat appears to have been 15-20% of games for most of the last month. That's a huge difference -- are you exaggerating?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Glad to hear that. I've been debating buying him. I like the assassin style champ and he seems interesting.
He is not for everyone. Also I have had a lot of easy games recently so matchmaking might be busted for me or something and I'm getting away with a bunch of goofing off while winning every game so my Kha'Zix games aren't always as hard as they should be. Still, his initial burst is astounding, and he can actually keep up very excellent sustained damage because his Q is on such a low cooldown.

You don't even need to build any attack speed on him, and frankly I am finding CDR to be more valuable to his damage output than it.


She may be one of the most common mid picks, but I am nearly certain she's not picked as often as Ezreal. Do you have the numbers for that? I just checked a day or so ago, and Ezreal was still near 48-50%. Kat appears to have been 15-20% of games for most of the last month. That's a huge difference -- are you exaggerating?

It probably just feels like she is picked as much as him recently since she is free this week.


You don't even need to build any attack speed on him, and frankly I am finding CDR to be more valuable to his damage output than it.

His biggest flaw right now is that he doesn't lane well vs tankier bruisers. He has great damage output, though, and he really opens up the possibility of straight up outplaying an opponent with brush jukes and proper isolation.

And, yeah, I agree with the CDR for him. Elise functions similarly; CDR helps her more than raw AP will for her role in top lane. I just wish Kha'zix's heal radius was tweaked a bit, though I believe the KZ champ designer mentioned it as a QoL fix to come.


It probably just feels like she is picked as much as him recently since she is free this week.
Ah, that's a good point. I actually saw some Caitlyns and Corkis in bot lane the last few days. It was nice. One Volibear + Corki lane stomped their opposition. It made me so happy when even support Volibear was like 4/0/6.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
And, yeah, I agree with the CDR for him. Elise functions similarly; CDR helps her more than raw AP will for her role in top lane. I just wish Kha'zix's heal radius was tweaked a bit, though I believe the KZ champ designer mentioned it as a QoL fix to come.
It is awful to the point where I pretty much ignore it. It isn't enough of a heal to be particularly useful or reliable anyways. If I get it, great, but otherwise I'm not going to actively seek it out. I would rather see the heal removed and the mana cost on his spikes reduced to be honest.


It is awful to the point where I pretty much ignore it. It isn't enough of a heal to be particularly useful or reliable anyways. If I get it, great, but otherwise I'm not going to actively seek it out. I would rather see the heal removed and the mana cost on his spikes reduced to be honest.

It only irks me because it's there and getting it to land feels way too cumbersome.

But, yeah, the heal is awful. Lowering the mana cost would go a long way to improving his laning phase.


Starting to think building Elise Tanky AP isn't much different than just building her tanky. Can't seem to do much damage out of laning.


She's pretty common in Normals, not quite as common in Ranked.


She may be one of the most common mid picks, but I am nearly certain she's not picked as often as Ezreal. Do you have the numbers for that? I just checked a day or so ago, and Ezreal was still near 48-50%. Kat appears to have been 15-20% of games for most of the last month. That's a huge difference -- are you exaggerating?

Just going off of my games. In my last 20 ranked games from 1700-1800s elo, she's been picked like 75% of the times. I normally believe "snowballing" is exaggerated a little and it's possible to bounce back from most things but Kat snowballed is a nightmare.


formerly sane
Just going off of my games. In my last 20 ranked games from 1700-1800s elo, she's been picked like 75% of the times. I normally believe "snowballing" is exaggerated a little and it's possible to bounce back from most things but Kat snowballed is a nightmare.

I always took snowballing to mean someone is just fed not that the outcome is fixed rarely is it in these games


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Free Champs this week:

Plz stay away from Lulu she's mine.


Well, I only play lowly normals, so I don't know anything about these 'ban' things you are talking about.

Just realized I've never played Riven. Gonna try that.


formerly sane
Well, I only play lowly normals, so I don't know anything about these 'ban' things you are talking about.

Just realized I've never played Riven. Gonna try that.

There is Normal Blind Pick and Normal Draft Mode. Its been a few months since you had to be in ranked for draft mode.


Not only is blitzcrank almost always banned, but if you're first pick and you DON'T ban him, your team will probably rage at you for not banning.

It's anti-robot bias!


Well, I only play lowly normals, so I don't know anything about these 'ban' things you are talking about.

Just realized I've never played Riven. Gonna try that.

There is Normal Blind Pick and Normal Draft Mode. Its been a few months since you had to be in ranked for draft mode.


I haven't played Blind pick normals in ages. Maybe if I'm trying out a new to me champ. I play ranked if I'm in the mood for stress, otherwise normal draft pick for a more laid back game. Draft pick is a great thing. More strategy and you have to learn other roles.


formerly sane
Yea, it seems there is. How the fuck did I miss that? Can you ban champions you don't own?

Yep. Whoever the captains are see the entire roster during the banning phase. Just a tip if you can't find people use the search function and type a part of their name in to find them before time runs out. After banning phase is over your character selection goes back to normal. Play draft as you will not find blitz that often like other top bans unless teams are going for first pick steals.


Blitzbans make me sad :(. (well when I want to play him)

There's two characters that'll cause me to laugh my ass off. Blitzcrank, and ap teemo.
it call makes sense now


omg mountain dew all over my keyboard fuck


formerly sane
I suck.

Should I switch back to co-op vs ai or rough it out in pvp?

COOP vs AI teaches really bad habits and will make you worse vs humans. We all start off bad in this genre really bad. Give it time be honest about what you're good at it and hope for good teammates.

Who are you using?


COOP vs AI teaches really bad habits and will you worse vs humans. We all start off bad in this genre really bad. Give it time be honest about what you're good at it and hope for good teammates.

Who are you using?
I own Ashe, Annie, and just bought Jax to try top bruiser later on.

I've tried out Ziggs and Vayne in PVP with a friend. I didn't know I was a carry with Vayne and pissed off everyone, lol. I ended up going Janna for support of focusing on shielding players and weakening enemy champs.

I have trouble determining what role each hero is (for example, there's no bruiser filter, looks like some of the carries don't have carry listed by them specifically) and I haven't really gotten down what I should do with each role.


I own Ashe, Annie, and just bought Jax to try top bruiser later on.

I've tried out Ziggs and Vayne in PVP with a friend. I didn't know I was a carry with Vayne and pissed off everyone, lol. I ended up going Janna for support of focusing on shielding players and weakening enemy champs.

I have trouble determining what role each hero is and I haven't really gotten down what I should do with each role.
Well, that's expected on your first matches. Back when I started playing I just fed like crazy so don't put yourself down about it.

You should stick with PVP, since training against bots really does more harm than good, unless you're just goofing around or trying a new champ.

A couple of tips on Annie and Jax: Jax is pretty bad at early levels, so play passive until you hit level 6, then chances are if you have a couple items you're just gonna win any 1v1 duel you face, and even sometimes 2v1 if you play your cards right. Just remember to use your jump to attack only when it's 1v1, if you're against two guys use it for escaping (you can target friendly minions, wards, etc.). With Annie, make sure you use your Q to last hit minions since it costs no mana if you kill them with it. Try to always keep your stun counter on 3 stacks, and when you feel like killing someone press E to get your stun up on your next skill and go all in (combo should be RQW).

Get defensive summoner spells if you're dying too much, just go heal ghost or something.


formerly sane
I own Ashe, Annie, and just bought Jax to try top bruiser later on.

I've tried out Ziggs and Vayne in PVP with a friend. I didn't know I was a carry with Vayne and pissed off everyone, lol. I ended up going Janna for support of focusing on shielding players and weakening enemy champs.

I have trouble determining what role each hero is (for example, there's no bruiser filter, looks like some of the carries don't have carry listed by them specifically) and I haven't really gotten down what I should do with each role.

I use vayne all the time and even with skill it's unavoidable some games we just are utter crap. Vayne is hard stay away from her.

I use solomid, the official forums, mobafire, and league craft to get a good idea of characters. After that trying them out even once or twice can give a good idea of what they are like.

A lot of chracters have a variety of roles depends on what you what you do with them relative to the team comp you have. Thats where these games become a cluster fuck.



What's the hero etiquette?

I've been doing blind pick and people tend to call top fast, and I've been wanting to practice Jax.



What's the hero etiquette?

I've been doing blind pick and people tend to call top fast, and I've been wanting to practice Jax.

Really the only etiquette is try to fill in the blanks on what's missing on the team, and not whatever just because you didn't get what you want. Not having an ADC then picking shaco is a good (and recent example).


Well, it should be to keep a well rounded team that sticks to the meta, with ADC, support, AP mid, top, jungler. Early on very few people jungle though, so some might even run a dual lane top.

If you want to try Jax, pick him, call top, but don't lock him in until the team communicates. Some people are more accommodating than others, but the worse thing is to insta lock something like some douches do.

Top is a good lane to learn the ropes early on because you can pick almost anyone there.



What's the hero etiquette?

I've been doing blind pick and people tend to call top fast, and I've been wanting to practice Jax.
Presumably you want to do one of the following:

1. Pick Jax, then start typing "top please :)". Before you finish typing, someone else will have already typed "top", and if you point out that you picked Jax first, they will say that they called it first and their call overrides your pick.

2. Type "top please :)" and then try to click Jax. Before you click Jax, someone else will have already clicked a top-lane champion, and if you point out that you asked for top first, they will say that they clicked their champion first and their pick overrides your call.

Then you, being the nice player, will pick a different role that the team needs, and the other player will proceed to feed the enemy top lane champion.

You can also try playing draft since at least two people can't pick at once then. In that case you can try to type "top please :)" before other people type it, but then one of the following may well happen:

1. A player with an earlier pick than you will say something rude and choose top anyway, and/or

2. Someone else will pick a top-lane champion since they connected to the lobby slightly after you and did not see your "top lane please :)" chat message, and/or

3. Someone will pick Teemo because they want to play Teemo, even in draft, even in ranked, with no role in mind, just Teemo "anywhere". I think this happened to me yesterday since I asked Teemo where they wanted to go and they said anywhere.

At the end of the day, you can ask politely and occasionally you may get to play a role and help your team. :p



I understand you need to be flexible to help your team, but it's hard to learn a role/hero if you can't play it consecutively.

I guess getting to level 30 will make it all even out, but, at the start it's frustrating.



I understand you need to be flexible to help your team, but it's hard to learn a role/hero if you can't play it consecutively.

I guess getting to level 30 will make it all even out, but, at the start it's frustrating.

Just be quick on the draw. If someone gets it before you, ask politely. If they still don't, then don't take it out on the team.


Re: Picking ettiquette, honestly, if you wan't to play someone, I'd just pick them as long as its not ranked. Maybe it's just me, but if I want to try hard and play to the meta, I play ranked. Normals is for practicing new characters and strategies.

EDIT: Or I smurf and just pick w/e cuz no one gives a fuck sub 30.


Re: Picking ettiquette, honestly, if you wan't to play someone, I'd just pick them as long as its not ranked. Maybe it's just me, but if I want to try hard and play to the meta, I play ranked. Normals is for practicing new characters and strategies.
I'm level 9.

EDIT: Or I smurf and just pick w/e cuz no one gives a fuck sub 30.
I see people calling out lanes at my level.
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