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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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What do you guys think of Ashe as a champion? I've been playing a lot with Caitlyn but then she got picked in a game earlier so I rolled with Ashe, and I really like her. I miss Cait's escape with the net, which I would have killed for a few times in that game, but I think Ashe has a ton of utility with her slows and her ult.
I can't kite for shit, so I hate her :p



So dead....


formerly sane
What do you guys think of Ashe as a champion? I've been playing a lot with Caitlyn but then she got picked in a game earlier so I rolled with Ashe, and I really like her. I miss Cait's escape with the net, which I would have killed for a few times in that game, but I think Ashe has a ton of utility with her slows and her ult.

She still has mega team utility compared to other adcs. Her volley is still a nasty move to get hit by and can slow multiple targets at a longer distance than her q with an auto attack. As blizzard mentioned you need to nail her arrows and have a good sense of using them.

Using her slow isn't a problem the effect last for 3 seconds. Just learn to toggle it on and off very quickly and learn to sprint/kite around people. I tend to take a run in a little and then rinse and repeat her slow will give you a ton of mobility compared to the target you are slowing.

Ashe main weakness damage. She can kill other adcs especially with an IE but they usually can burst her down just as quick if not quicker.
Ashe would need a team built around her utility to make the most out of her. She's just not like the big three who can do fine on their own. She torments anyone who can't close the gap or nuke her from above 600 range though.

She'd be a lot better if her passive bonus crit chance wasn't spent if she didn't crit though that might be too OP. She was top pick way back, a lot because of her ult having lower CD than now. Stun arrows everywhere.


I've been playing Vlad recently and I'm still debating a bit on his build.

Boots: Sorc or Lucidity. The latter lets me spam E even more often, and more Qs means better sustain too.
Spirit Visage: Y/N? CDR is nice, but I feel that WotA + more AP would do much better for sustain.

Last game I ended up with this build:
Sorc Shoes

I ended up solo top against Volibear. Man, it was such a lopsided match up, he just couldn't do anything. I rushed Revolver then Abyssal then Sorc. I proceeded with other items then picked up Rylai and WotA last. I'm not sure if I even need Zhonya for the active since Vlad already has a mobile Zhonya.
I've been playing Vlad recently and I'm still debating a bit on his build.

I almost ALWAYS goes for Sorc over Luc. You heal based on the damage dealt, enemy gets MR you will fall off fast or need to rush guise/void.

Visage is entirely situational, I almost always get it mid lane but if they only have one threatening AP, then don't. The heal benefit/CDR is good but it delays better items. You might as well just get Abyssal since Vlad's range is low and he's always in range for the debuff.

If mid, I usually go boots + pots, rush revolver, get a NRR or GB depending on how well I'm doing in lane or outright buy a visage if there are two APs on the other team and I'm taking some harass in lane.

From there, Zhonya's if they can burst me down easy, Rabs if I'm feeling cocky, WOTA if we're double AP. Guise if I didn't get Visage and they have some MR. Abyssal if I didn't get Visage.

Late gate you should have SORC-WOTA-RABS-ZHONYAS-ABYSSAL(or void if someone else got it)-Rylai.

Rylai is situational but sometimes you really need it.

Vlad gets countered hardest by -

TOP: Warwick, Riven, Yorick, gap closers with early game power

MID: Swain, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Mordekaiser, Malzahar, Ryze

I wouldn't get Abyssal early vs voli. Doesn't do much for you.

Don't pick Vlad top against exceptional gap closers, you will get raped early game. You want him against someone that can't outpace Q spam. Vlad does well mid against a lot of the usual AP champs but has some bad match ups, top lane he loses to a lot of the new bruisers early.
Have I mentioned how horrible it is when the support skimps on wards. Goddamn it you had the wards in your inventory, but noooooo save them as much as possible. That 75 gold is expensive. Only cost us 3 deaths to ganks. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGHHHH.

It's even worse than having a support that doesnt buy wards. At least then I know I have to buy them. But a support that buys them but is too stingy to place them... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


My Vlad build is basically Revolver -> Guise -> Sorc Shoes -> Deathcap/WotA, depending on well I'm doing for the order. Zhonya's is a nice way to round off the build. If Abyssal is necessary, it gets subbed in as appropriate.

As for overall damage, Sorc Shoes is better than Lucidity assuming you're hitting your Q whenever it's up.

Visage is a meh item unless you're vs an AP Lane, I guess. Even then, you shouldn't need it. It's a nice item in theory but you don't gain much out of it compared to a Haunting Guise or something.
Spirit visage should get the hex drinker treatment

Also Kha'zix loses to so many of the popular top champs. Maybe once the S3 jungle hits I can take him in there without gimping myself.


Build armor and stay out of his blades range, would be my guess. He's really fallen off a cliff imo. I think I have a smurf I made only to buy Talon... he used to be awesome top.
Sorry, Talon mid.

That teleport thingie has like a 100000000 range.

I go for dorans rings and a chain vest for zhonyas and play really safe and passive. Helps if you have an armor AP rune page. Talon's usefulness kinda falls of a cliff lategame if he doesn't snowball so you can sacrifice falling behind early for the sake of not giving him a chance to snowball. You gotta stay on the ball about warning of him roaming too. Harrass him as much as you can for the first couple of levels and then switch to playing safe.


I love this game. My team feeds all game, constantly gets picked off, caught out of position does no warding etc. Then at the end they see my build (Mind you I'm 10/1 and legendary at this point) and they decide that if I had a better build I could've carried harder!

I don't think God himself could've carried that team. I tried, I bought wards, I made suggestions on when to do things and when not, but we were so far behind so fast that there was nothing to be done.

For the record my build was:

Armor boots
Blood Thirster
Tri Force
Last Whisperer
Wits End

and I was Graves.

Enemy team was Ez, Sona, Mordekaiser, Xin, Amumu. I admit its probably not a perfect build but I know it wasn't why we lost.


I love this game. My team feeds all game, constantly gets picked off, caught out of position does no warding etc. Then at the end they see my build (Mind you I'm 10/1 and legendary at this point) and they decide that if I had a better build I could've carried harder!

I don't think God himself could've carried that team. I tried, I bought wards, I made suggestions on when to do things and when not, but we were so far behind so fast that there was nothing to be done.

For the record my build was:

Armor boots
Blood Thirster
Tri Force
Last Whisperer
Wits End

and I was Graves.

Enemy team was Ez, Sona, Mordekaiser, Xin, Amumu. I admit its probably not a perfect build but I know it wasn't why we lost.

Phantom Dancer? I can't say I've ever seen a Wits End on an ADC before. I usually go Berserker Greaves, Bloodthirster if I'm ahead and Infinity Edge if I'm not, Phantom Dancer, and Guardian Angel if they have no armor or Last Whisperer if they do. After that I just finish up with whatever damage item I didn't get after boots.

Replace BT with Trinity Force on Corki/Ez.

Anyways, if you had enough item to make a BT, Tri Force, and Wits End and they had a Morde on their team I'd imagine it's pretty tough to beat him.
For the record my build was:

Armor boots
Blood Thirster
Tri Force
Last Whisperer
Wits End

and I was Graves.
Just commenting on the build.

Not the worst build but for any AD carry, you want the attack speed boots, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, and you don't want Wits End. Some carries like Ezreal get Trinity Force but Graves shouldn't. (Bloodthirster and Last Whisper are good.)
I love this game. My team feeds all game, constantly gets picked off, caught out of position does no warding etc. Then at the end they see my build (Mind you I'm 10/1 and legendary at this point) and they decide that if I had a better build I could've carried harder!

I don't think God himself could've carried that team. I tried, I bought wards, I made suggestions on when to do things and when not, but we were so far behind so fast that there was nothing to be done.

For the record my build was:

Armor boots
Blood Thirster
Tri Force
Last Whisperer
Wits End

and I was Graves.

Enemy team was Ez, Sona, Mordekaiser, Xin, Amumu. I admit its probably not a perfect build but I know it wasn't why we lost.

... yeah that's a pretty flawed build. Graves has medium cooldowns so he can't make great use out of Trinity Force unlike Ez and Corki. I'd only consider getting Wit's End on Vayne or Kog but that happens very rarely.


Yeah.. I can't enjoy TT with blind pick... I so want to enjoy the map but I can't do it with blind pick

So many clueless people running around the jungle getting 0 exp thinking that they can insta-win with their teemo, shaco, jax picks and get outleveled by 5 levels and die in one shot
Yeah.. I can't enjoy TT with blind pick... I so want to enjoy the map but I can't do it with blind pick

So many clueless people running around the jungle getting 0 exp thinking that they can insta-win with their teemo, shaco, jax picks and get outleveled by 5 levels and die in one shot
I agree, needs to be draft, but I don't want to play ranked because I'm no good.


Phantom Dancer? I can't say I've ever seen a Wits End on an ADC before. I usually go Berserker Greaves, Bloodthirster if I'm ahead and Infinity Edge if I'm not, Phantom Dancer, and Guardian Angel if they have no armor or Last Whisperer if they do. After that I just finish up with whatever damage item I didn't get after boots.

Replace BT with Trinity Force on Corki/Ez.

Anyways, if you had enough item to make a BT, Tri Force, and Wits End and they had a Morde on their team I'd imagine it's pretty tough to beat him.

Just commenting on the build.

Not the worst build but for any AD carry, you want the attack speed boots, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, and you don't want Wits End. Some carries like Ezreal get Trinity Force but Graves shouldn't. (Bloodthirster and Last Whisper are good.)

... yeah that's a pretty flawed build. Graves has medium cooldowns so he can't make great use out of Trinity Force unlike Ez and Corki. I'd only consider getting Wit's End on Vayne or Kog but that happens very rarely.

Oh I 100% know it wasn't the right build, but I don't think it was a disaster or anything.


lol you're useless.

Just out survive him, ward your river so you can call out to your team when he roam. Assassin is useless if they don't get any early kills. Kinda like fighting against Leblanc.
I think I should roll Lux against these guys. I have the range and the utility to keep me out of danger and I'm comfortable enough with her not to give free kills. It's what I'm doing nowadays against Kat, just don't let her get fed. I think I made the mistake in this match of taking down Talon's tower too early, so the guy just roamed the rest of the match.


I don't recall if I said it before but I'd say it again, I hate Kat to the point of banning her every game. She's picked just as often as Ezreal.


I love this game. My team feeds all game, constantly gets picked off, caught out of position does no warding etc. Then at the end they see my build (Mind you I'm 10/1 and legendary at this point) and they decide that if I had a better build I could've carried harder!

I don't think God himself could've carried that team. I tried, I bought wards, I made suggestions on when to do things and when not, but we were so far behind so fast that there was nothing to be done.

For the record my build was:

Armor boots
Blood Thirster
Tri Force
Last Whisperer
Wits End

and I was Graves.

Enemy team was Ez, Sona, Mordekaiser, Xin, Amumu. I admit its probably not a perfect build but I know it wasn't why we lost.

I don't doubt your assessment of the game but you were giving up a lot of damage for tankiness in that game. Others have already pointed out but with Graves, the Triforce and Wit's end really isn't a good synergy for damage. He attacks slow and has longer cooldowns. He's already pretty tanky with his passive so really you were built more like a bruiser. You need to be focused on doing damage as an ADC.

I've been playing Vlad recently and I'm still debating a bit on his build.

Boots: Sorc or Lucidity. The latter lets me spam E even more often, and more Qs means better sustain too.
Spirit Visage: Y/N? CDR is nice, but I feel that WotA + more AP would do much better for sustain.

Last game I ended up with this build:
Sorc Shoes

I ended up solo top against Volibear. Man, it was such a lopsided match up, he just couldn't do anything. I rushed Revolver then Abyssal then Sorc. I proceeded with other items then picked up Rylai and WotA last. I'm not sure if I even need Zhonya for the active since Vlad already has a mobile Zhonya.

I start sorc shoes and if the game gets into lategame and I have a void staff, I sell them for lucidity boots.

Zhonya's is very valuable on Vlad. Get in the middle of the fight and R->E->Q->pool->E->Q->Zhonya's. You'll dish out a ton of damage and be mostly untouchable for the entire fight. And if for some reason the fight is still going on, you'll have a chance for another E->Q and might be able to stall for another pool.

I buy spirit visage if I'm up against an AP champ. I also run heal, flash so it helps the heal summoner too.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
She's pretty common in Normals, not quite as common in Ranked.

Lolking charts still show her as the most commonly picked mid lane champion in both ranked and normal games.


Lolking charts still show her as the most commonly picked mid lane champion in both ranked and normal games.

I need to lolking better.

Edit: That said, it's not like Kat doesn't have bad mid lane matchups. And she's not enough to carry an entire game by herself if the rest of the enemy team is remotely competent / at least comparably fed.
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