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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Maokai has a skillshot...he throws trees that deal extra damage if they hit someone, right? They can also be used to ward bushes and damage jungle monsters. He also has a unique mechanic in his ult, which can be used to push a tower without taking as much damage, or otherwise protect his team if they can force a fight in a certain location.
Dude you might as well say Anivia's ultimate is a skillshot. Circular AOE effects are not considered skillshots. Mao is easy mode and super boring to play.


Junior Member
Sapling is definitely a skillshot, eventhough it's AoE. And actually Q is also a shortrange skillshot with mini-AoE.

Q->W->Q feels damn great in peeling... you're safe, my carry. I like that I am basically playing a different support. Only I need gold or I won't be tanky so jungle it is. :p


I mean
I guess you can call whatever a skillshot

but there is a big difference between ez Q and maokai sapling, just sayin


Maokai's ultimate doesn't reduce tower damage if I remember correctly. Only non-tower sources.
Interesting. I guess I always saw tournament Maokais using it to push towers, so I thought it might affect their damage too. I guess it could be used to help reduce the damage you take from baron, though.

Sapling is definitely a skillshot, eventhough it's AoE. And actually Q is also a shortrange skillshot with mini-AoE.

Q->W->Q feels damn great in peeling... you're safe, my carry. I like that I am basically playing a different support. Only I need gold or I won't be tanky so jungle it is. :p
Yeah, I think I thought one of the other attacks might also be a skillshot too, but didn't mention it because I figure a close-range skillshot isn't much of a skillshot. Aren't the sapling tosses so slow that hitting someone directly for the bonus damage with them is more difficult than hitting someone with a fast Ezreal Q?

Remember that no one was saying it was super difficult to hit minions or enemies with a sapling, but someone was saying there was no skillshot that makes it worthwhile, and I was pointing out that throwing trees is cool and some people probably enjoy it. The bonus damage for direct hits might not be very worthwhile though. Both the saplings and the ult are unique mechanics so as far as I know that objection someone raised is flat-out wrong.


If Tristana doesn't get the kill then no one gets the kill. Selfish yordle.

Oh shit, scy almost escaped time to ult them back towards him for the kill!

Guess which one also homes in on targets after you miss them?

While true, landing it is a nice amount of bonus damage that helps separate "faceroll Maokais" and "good Maokais." Though, leading with it to guarantee the explosion lands is also a good idea and worth missing the impact (or leading with it to change their running path).

Tried ultimate squishy killer build.

Failed because people built MR(eventually).



Tried ultimate squishy killer build.

Failed because people built MR(eventually).


Rylai's isn't cost effective on her, really. Zhonya's would've been better than the Rylai's.

As for MR, just get ready to pick up a Void Staff when their MR is over the 100 mark across the board; sell the Guise if you need the room for this.

I don't know why you didn't run towards Sona. If you did everything would have worked out, silly spider lady.

In my head, outrange the R and move left to juke the Q while you guys get the kill. Then she got ulted over. I still should've reacted and insta-Q'd her but I hesitated and then died.

Much better. It seems to me that squishes can work well in TT provided you have tanky teammates who can tie up the enemy tanky champs. Blitz and Shen provided good distractions so I could mash QWER until most of them died in teamfights.

Rylai's isn't cost effective on her, really. Zhonya's would've been better than the Rylai's.

As for MR, just get ready to pick up a Void Staff when their MR is over the 100 mark across the board; sell the Guise if you need the room for this.

I picked up the Rylai's because I was missing kills due to people running away from the ult AOE. How would the Zhonya's have prevented this? Keep in mind they just ran away completely, not re-engaging once my ult was over.

Dropping the guise for the void staff is a good idea. At that point the 20 mpen wasn't doing anything for me.


Speaking of Maokai... why doesn't anyone play him as support? Damage reduction ult, two strong/easy to land CCs, strong poke damage that can double as temporary wards, etc. I've tried him a few games to a lot of success, but wondered he doesn't see much pro play.


formerly sane
Speaking of Maokai... why doesn't anyone play him as support? Damage reduction ult, two strong/easy to land CCs, strong poke damage that can double as temporary wards, etc. I've tried him a few games to a lot of success, but wondered he doesn't see much pro play.


Two of my queue buddies who are non gaffers either whore out the tree in jungle or come bottom and give me support.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Speaking of Maokai... why doesn't anyone play him as support? Damage reduction ult, two strong/easy to land CCs, strong poke damage that can double as temporary wards, etc. I've tried him a few games to a lot of success, but wondered he doesn't see much pro play.
His spells require/put him into extremely close range. As a support I just don't think you can invest enough into being a tank to not be putting yourself into a dangerous situation just to do your job.
Why not play him like Leona bot?

Also, I'm really liking Kat now. I never really tried her out after the rework, but I find her a lot more fun to play now. Just got a quadra last game with some assistance from your friendly neighbourhood Shen.
Speaking of Maokai... why doesn't anyone play him as support? Damage reduction ult, two strong/easy to land CCs, strong poke damage that can double as temporary wards, etc. I've tried him a few games to a lot of success, but wondered he doesn't see much pro play.

He uses a TON of mana, especially early game. I imagine this would be quite limiting. His damage is also not great.


Man, I don't think I will ever get to the level of some of you guys with so many different characters. I went mainly Ashe from 0-level 28 right now, and am still pretty nooby. Trying to branch out and am barely learning Ezreal and Tristana. Way too daunting to try out too many other champs, not to mention different positions.


Don't know if posted, but 10 free IP boosts!


We're thrilled to announce that League of Legends has taken home GDC Online’s Audience Award. We also took home the awards for Best Live Game and Best Community Relations. To thank you for your support, we’ll be sending active* summoners in NA a 10 win IP Boost early next week. You should see your boost by Tuesday, November 6th.

Thanks for playing and thanks for voting. We'll see you on the Fields!

*Summoners who have logged in between Sept 1 and Nov 1.
Man, I don't think I will ever get to the level of some of you guys with so many different characters. I went mainly Ashe from 0-level 28 right now, and am still pretty nooby. Trying to branch out and am barely learning Ezreal and Tristana. Way too daunting to try out too many other champs, not to mention different positions.

A lot of us have played over 1,000 games. Don't beat yourself up. I was terrible until about game 800. I still can't play top or jungle well.


A lot of us have played over 1,000 games. Don't beat yourself up. I was terrible until about game 800. I still can't play top or jungle well.

That's the thing, you're always terrible because you're always improving. I remember in Season 1, I thought I was hot shit and I look back at my victory screens now and see I have like 90 CS in a half hour game and items that don't even make sense :(


Riot is teaching me so much about this game right now with these pop up tips. Did you know that if you curse, you only have a 13% chance of winning? Well...fuck!
I'm digging Garen top. Been dominating other tops and generally feeling like an unkillable badass. But i stink at carrying that advantage into winning more than the usual 50%. I can wallop the other team squishes, but not before they kill a few on my side and slowly start building up.

Ghostblade worth it? I've been getting the Avarice blade early and sitting on it and the Brutalizer most of the game. I've generally been building Guardian Angel and Randium's after the brutalizer. Too much defense?

Another 6300ip. Tempted by Zyra. Elise was a bit of a bust for me.

Ghostblade is awful. You'll want an IE on him, and then go straight up CDR and tankiness. You should rarely be attacking, just shifting around between QEQ. Garen doesn't need AS. With IE and possibly a WE he remains a threat the entire game.

Anyone tried this site yet? Shows you how much IP you've earned on your account.


Apparently I've earned 572,749 IP on my EUW- account.


Enough to buy 66% of all champions, no runes.



Riot is teaching me so much about this game right now with these pop up tips. Did you know that if you curse, you only have a 13% chance of winning? Well...fuck!

I didn't know that turrets do more damage with every hit.

Of course I wouldn't know because turrets just tickle people past 10 minutes.


Riot is teaching me so much about this game right now with these pop up tips. Did you know that if you curse, you only have a 13% chance of winning? Well...fuck!

13% is good enough for me

And I agree with all the Maokai posts about him being boring. He is boring.

Main reason why I play him: I miss playing boring champions after a long time.

And I don't have to rage at myself when I start missing skillshots such as my Lee sin Qs.


35,951 IP. I used most of it to buy my runes since I have only played Ashe and other ADC champs. Only need to buy one more quintessence, and then need to buy cheap champs so I can rank once I'm 30.

So my friends keep telling me that Ashe sucks and I should stop playing with her. I don't know why but I really like using her. Am I just handicapping myself? Should I play a stronger ADC?


35,951 IP. I used most of it to buy my runes since I have only played Ashe and other ADC champs. Only need to buy one more quintessence, and then need to buy cheap champs so I can rank once I'm 30.

So my friends keep telling me that Ashe sucks and I should stop playing with her. I don't know why but I really like using her. Am I just handicapping myself? Should I play a stronger ADC?

If you like her then keep playing her. It's not like there's one ADC that is the best at everything; Ashe has one of the best initiation ultimates for an ADC IMO but lacks a blink and escape. I like to play Jarvan because of his dunks; he has to be pretty low tier but whatever. Crackbaby plays WW and Soda plays Sejuani and they have a ton of games played. Just play for fun and don't worry about "handicapping yourself." Ranked tryharding is for worrying about that stuff, IMO.

BTW since you seem to be on all the time send me an invite for SR so I have someone to play with.


If you like her then keep playing her. It's not like there's one ADC that is the best at everything; Ashe has one of the best initiation ultimates for an ADC IMO but lacks a blink and escape. I like to play Jarvan because of his dunks; he has to be pretty low tier but whatever.

BTW since you seem to be on all the time send me an invite for SR so I have someone to play with.

I do like playing her, I just die a lot because of the lack of escapes lol. Also I am still learning positioning and all that, and fail at proper initiation with that arrow. I tend to save it for when I'm chasing someone down lol.

What's your summoner name? I'm usually just idling but I'll add/invite you next time I can.


I do like playing her, I just die a lot because of the lack of escapes lol. Also I am still learning positioning and all that, and fail at proper initiation with that arrow. I tend to save it for when I'm chasing someone down lol.

What's your summoner name? I'm usually just idling but I'll add/invite you next time I can.

Corgi the Chloe.

Lack of escapes just means you have more opportunity to learn what your opponents can do, and how far you can push without getting punished. Buuut I don't play ADC so I wouldn't know about that stuff.


Corgi the Chloe.

Lack of escapes just means you have more opportunity to learn what your opponents can do, and how far you can push without getting punished. Buuut I don't play ADC so I wouldn't know about that stuff.

Oh that's you haha. The few times I do invite, you are afk or something. Plus you're super pro so I didn't wanna drag you down :)


Regarding the soft elo reset coming on the 6th on November
A player with a 2200 rating will be around 1700 after the reset.

A player with an 1850 rating will be around 1550.

A player with a 1500 rating will be around 1400.

A player with an 1150 rating will be right around 1200.

A player with an 800 rating will be around 1000.

A player with a 450 rating will be around 850.

I'm already silver. Oh yeah.
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