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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Regarding the soft elo reset coming on the 6th on November

I'm already silver. Oh yeah.

Seems that I'll be simply knocked back to gold league according to that graph... Which I'm okay with.

Is it according to current elo, or peak elo?


Seems that I'll be simply knocked back to gold league according to that graph... Which I'm okay with.

Is it according to current elo, or peak elo?

Current elo.

The full END OF SEASON FAQ for anybody else that is interested:


When does the season end?

Season 2 will end with the patch that’s slated for the morning of November 6th. If the patch is moved back, the season will continue until the patch downtime.

When will I get my rewards?

We will start granting rewards with the patch downtime, although it may take a few days for them to show up for every player.

How does the bonus fourth icon work?

Players who earn an icon in all three queues will unlock the bonus fourth icon based on the lowest tier achieved in the other tiers. In other words, a player who achieved Gold in all three tiers will get a bonus Gold icon. A player who achieved Diamond in Solo queue, Bronze in 5v5, and Diamond in 3v3 will get a bonus Bronze icon.

Who will see my loading screen border trim and when will it be displayed?

They will only show up when playing in the queue where you earned them and they will only be displayed to your allies. We made these decisions because we want to be very careful about influencing perceptions around the fairness of the matchup before the game begins.

If I have an honor ribbon and the loading screen trim, will they both be shown?

Yes, they will both be displayed. The honor ribbon sits on top of the border trim.

If I got Gold in Season 1 and Platinum in Season 2, will I have two forum badges or one?

You’ll have two forum badges, one for each season.

Are the forum badges split out by ranks? Or do they show the queue where you achieved the medal?

No, in Season 2 the ranks were intended just as a way to show some visual progress towards the next tier. The forum badges are very small and already need to indicate the tier and the season, so we aren't currently planning on using them to convey more information.

What will happen to my icon border from Season 1?

We are removing the icon borders and giving everyone who had one a Season 1 summoner icon commemorating the tier that they achieved. We have big plans for summoner icons in the future, and this gives us the freedom to integrate borders into the icons themselves where it makes sense.

If I got Gold in Season 1 and didn’t play ranked in Season 2, will I still have the Gold profile banner trim?

No, the profile banner trim is based on performance in the most recent season.


Why are we resetting Elo and what is a soft reset?

With a new season comes a fresh chance to prove your skills. A soft reset means that we'll be compressing everyone's Elo towards 1200 and resetting the system's confidence in those ratings so that large Elo swings are possible.

Why aren't you just resetting everyone back to 1200?

Since matchmaking is based on Elo ratings, this would mean that matchmaking would be entirely random, which would lead to incredibly lopsided matches for the first few days or weeks until ratings again converged towards appropriate levels.

Is the soft reset formula the same as season 1?

No, the formula has been modified in two ways:

1. We’re shifting everyone’s rating upwards to re-center the average around 1200 Elo (it had fallen due to the old queue dodge penalties and ratings decay).
2. The formula now compresses average players less aggressively and compresses outliers more aggressively.

Does the soft reset use current rating or top rating?

The reset will be based on current rating at the end of Season 2.

Can you tell us the exact formula?

We won’t be giving out the exact formula, but we’ll be providing some examples.

Examples pls!

A player with a 2200 rating will be around 1700 after the reset.

A player with an 1850 rating will be around 1550.

A player with a 1500 rating will be around 1400.

A player with an 1150 rating will be right around 1200.

A player with an 800 rating will be around 1000.

A player with a 450 rating will be around 850.

Will team Elo ratings also go through the soft reset?

Yes, team ratings will go through the same reset formula.


How do I qualify for rewards with a team?

You need to have either joined the team before September 1st or you need to have won five games in the appropriate queue.

So if I win five games in the 5v5 queue, will I get 3v3 rewards with that team?

No, you need to win five games in the 3v3 queue as well to get those rewards.

Is there any benefit to qualifying for rewards with multiple teams at the same tier?

Not in terms of rewards. You will only earn rewards based on the team with the highest Top Rating (that you’ve qualified with).

How do I know if I've qualified with a team?

We'll be sending out emails shortly to everyone who's on a team where they aren't yet qualified for rewards. The email will specify how many games you still need to win with that team in each queue.

If I am kicked from my team will I still receive rewards?

No, you will only receive rewards from teams where you're still a member when the season ends.


Is November 6 the start of Season 3?

No, November 6 is the start of the preseason. We'll be expanding on what's in store for the preseason in an announcement coming soon.

Will I see my Elo when the preseason starts?

No, you will be unranked, and you’ll need to finish provisional matches before you can see your Elo again. You’ll be playing against players of similar skill though because you’ll start your provisional matches with an Elo based on the soft reset.

If I’m an experienced player, will I still gain or lose only around 12 points after each game?

No, we’ll be resetting the system’s confidence in your rating. You’ll be gaining or losing similar amounts of Elo as when you first started playing ranked.

Will Elo gains during the preseason carry over into Season 3?


Will Season 3 use Top Rating for rewards?

Not exactly. Season 3 will work differently in many ways. More details on that later!


What is Elo boosting and why is it bad?

Elo boosting is when a highly skilled player logs into your account and plays in ranked games in order to raise your Elo. It ruins the games of unsuspecting players and is also against the Terms of Use.

Is duo queuing with a highly skilled player considered to be Elo boosting?

No, duo queuing in all forms is fine, as long as players are playing on their own accounts.

Is playing ranked games on a smurf considered to be Elo boosting?


Is duo queuing with a highly skilled player who’s playing on a smurf considered to be Elo boosting?

As long as it’s an account that they created and leveled to 30, then it’s not Elo boosting.

What happens if I’m caught participating in Elo boosting?

Your account will be suspended for at least a week and your eligibility for season rewards will be revoked. We are also considering permanent bans for accounts that continued to engage in Elo boosting after our initial wave of bans and the corresponding announcement.

What is win trading and why is it bad?

Win trading is when two highly rated teams queue simultaneously at offpeak hours in an effort to get matched up with one another, and then one team intentionally loses to the other to boost that team’s Elo rating. This goes against the spirit of fair play and undermines the ladder rankings when teams gain rating without actually competing.

Are you still planning on punishing players who are engaging in these behaviors?

Yes, we're still finishing up a sweep for both of them. As always, we want to be very sure before we pull the trigger and suspend players or revoke reward eligibility. If the end of season happens before we finish the analysis, we'll remove rewards retroactively from players who are identified


Holy shit, froggen just landed the sickest lee sin q I have ever seen in my life.

He made it go past the tiny gap between caster and melee minions as they walk towards lane and hit the Q at max range for a kill. Oh man. One day, I will be as good as that. One day.



Holy shit, froggen just landed the sickest lee sin q I have ever seen in my life.

He made it go past the tiny gap between caster and melee minions as they walk towards lane and hit the Q at max range for a kill. Oh man. One day, I will be as good as that. One day.


It's time rex, time to spam ree Singa games


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
...and Soda plays Sejuani and they have a ton of games played...

I think I've won most of my recent Sejuani games actually.


Holy shit, froggen just landed the sickest lee sin q I have ever seen in my life.

He made it go past the tiny gap between caster and melee minions as they walk towards lane and hit the Q at max range for a kill. Oh man. One day, I will be as good as that. One day.


That's one of the reasons why I like skillshots that stop when they hit something: More awesome looking plays like this.

Edit: Also, merc, come back so we can do ranked! Gotta get to ~1800ish so we can just start in Gold next season!


Some basic support advice from Aphromoo. I just discovered him and find his commentary hysterical hahaha.


Aphromoo is hilarious. He is so good at the game. Wildly aggressive but the moves he makes are phenomenal. His commentary is half the reason to watch though. There are times I'm just non-stop laughing.

Aphromoo, scarra and cruzerthebruzer are my favorite people to watch by far.


That's one of the reasons why I like skillshots that stop when they hit something: More awesome looking plays like this.

Edit: Also, merc, come back so we can do ranked! Gotta get to ~1800ish so we can just start in Gold next season!

Internet dude should be at my apartment now!


Newish LoL player here (created account in summer)... been playing off and on and decided to play a bit more now. Don't have too many friends that are playing it so figured I would jump in here and see what's up.

Are there usually people in the gaf chatroom? Currently lvl28 and wouldn't mind partying up to stomp AI games for XP grind....

before people start yelling at me for playing AI.... I've played both hon and dota for a long while so I'm not incompetent when it comes to pvp... I just like AI cause it's pretty much a guranteed quick win for xp grinding purposes
That's twice now I've seen these guys do teleport Sivir/promote Heimerdinger bot lane. They just push all day and won both games solely on the tower gold and map control advantage from all the towers they take, it's hilarious and pretty effective because people don't really know how to deal with it.


formerly sane
Newish LoL player here (created account in summer)... been playing off and on and decided to play a bit more now. Don't have too many friends that are playing it so figured I would jump in here and see what's up.

Are there usually people in the gaf chatroom? Currently lvl28 and wouldn't mind partying up to stomp AI games for XP grind....

before people start yelling at me for playing AI.... I've played both hon and dota for a long while so I'm not incompetent when it comes to pvp... I just like AI cause it's pretty much a guranteed quick win for xp grinding purposes

The US gaf channel is pretty active except for early mornining. Night and afternoon it can get pretty lively if certin people are here.

Don't need to be friends most gaffers are nice just ask for an invite when you're ready and prepare to lose.

Internet dude should be at my apartment now!

I should be back in 3 days or less. Us two ganging up on folks just ain't gonna be right. You with decent internet and me with a decent machine.


formerly sane

Enough to buy 66% of all champions, no runes.


Damn I just got that site to work for me finally


Enough to buy 100% of all champions and 6% of all runes.

Except I didn't buy all the champions spent my time on runes after getting who I wanted. I only buy champions now for stealing.


No more inhouses for a few more months
Boken is too strong. I spectated and he went Kassadin and I was predicting 15/1, but he went at least 16/1 instead. GAF was crushed into the ground.

Alternative solution, ban Kassadin. Void champion are OP, bro!


Holy shit, froggen just landed the sickest lee sin q I have ever seen in my life.

He made it go past the tiny gap between caster and melee minions as they walk towards lane and hit the Q at max range for a kill. Oh man. One day, I will be as good as that. One day.


It's really something else to watch him play Lee Sin mid. Dude is pretty damn good.


104,437 IP or 26% of all champions with no runes. I own about 35% of the champions and have a lot of runes. Fuck :|

I should be back in 3 days or less. Us two ganging up on folks just ain't gonna be right. You with decent internet and me with a decent machine.

Until we decide to do something stupid after winning a few games in a row.

professor boken wins at champion select
light glinting off his glasses as he smirks anime style

Early pick Karthus is going to get punished by a Katarina, Ahri, Kassadin, Orianna, etc. pick. Basically farm under turret all game and hope for clutch ults.

Beating a Karthus in lane is super easy. And then he ults a few times and becomes relevant (and then mid game, wave clears happen and he gets full farm anyway with skittles and Defile).


formerly sane
Until we decide to do something stupid after winning a few games in a row.

Should've just said me. LVL1 tower dive go go go!

This next season will be mega fun for me might actually take melees just to show people how broke they can be. Telling you dudes that arpen change with percents is gonna wreck the meta once smart people figure out the mid game costs for damage vs arpen.

Brian I have no luck in ranked. One of the lowest ranks for gaffers who tried its like 1200 somethings. My own fault should troll support and take mid more cause I often lose for these two reasons every season. I have a lot of normal wins with a pretty good win ratio and most of mine have come from blind not draft.


I need to learn more champs so I guess it's time I buy Nidalee and throw spears that never hit. Worst Nidalee NA inc guys

Should've just said me. LVL1 tower dive go go go!

1v5 under their tower bro, sounds good

This next season will be mega fun for me might actually take melees just to show people how broke they can be. Telling you dudes that arpen change with percents is gonna wreck the meta once smart people figure out the mid game costs for damage vs arpen.

I'm interested in the new itemization to go with this. I hope for a hyper offensive style of play to come from the resistance rebalancing + Armor Pen rebalance but maybe we'll just see more safe plays due to the new damages :(

Whatever, I'm intrigued as to what this means for champs like Elise that scale super well with Penetration items.


So I recently got back into the game thanks to the world championship and watching TheOddOne on twitchtv lately. Can someone list some Champions with great mobility? I absolutely adore Ahri mainly because of her R is a great tool for dodging ganks and chasing/tower diving (her design also helps). I recently got Vlad and will eventually get Ezreal, so those two are covered.


So I recently got back into the game thanks to the world championship and watching TheOddOne on twitchtv lately. Can someone list some Champions with great mobility? I absolutely adore Ahri mainly because of her R is a great tool for dodging ganks and chasing/tower diving (her design also helps). I recently got Vlad and will eventually get Ezreal, so those two are covered.

Like, great mobility in general regardless of role? Anywya, as for mid, Katarina's Shunpo allows for some great skillshot jukes and a W first build is very much a darting in-and-out style of play (with enough mobility, you can actually max range a W and get out before their auto attack animation resets).

Since you mentioned TheOddOne, Shyvana is a highly mobile Jungler. Nidalee and Jayce both get some mobility from their kits and Singed is worth mention if only because his playstyle is basically running around (plus he's free this week, isn't he?).
I'm hoping for a bunch of new items to shake builds up a lot.

Right now there are a bunch of items that are pretty much never used because there are better ones available. Or builds that encourage using the same stuff across the board.
It's heartbreaking when people pick soraka or janna to support you. I don't want to see them like this. Soraka vs Sona is particularly ugly.

But they are both just so weak. I think I'd rather have support talon.


Like, great mobility in general regardless of role? Anywya, as for mid, Katarina's Shunpo allows for some great skillshot jukes and a W first build is very much a darting in-and-out style of play (with enough mobility, you can actually max range a W and get out before their auto attack animation resets).

Since you mentioned TheOddOne, Shyvana is a highly mobile Jungler. Nidalee and Jayce both get some mobility from their kits and Singed is worth mention if only because his playstyle is basically running around (plus he's free this week, isn't he?).

Thanks and yeah, I meant for any role. I like playing mid the most, but I'd like to be decent to good at all roles, and having high mobility champs will probably help.


formerly sane
I'm interested in the new itemization to go with this. I hope for a hyper offensive style of play to come from the resistance rebalancing + Armor Pen rebalance but maybe we'll just see more safe plays due to the new damages :(

During S1 I enjoyed being able to mega armor reduce or pentrate this was gone in S2 big time. Defense had increased so much and damage had been nerfed people could get away a lot more. Just having that extra edge of percentages be applied first then the pen will ensure certain troll builds I know of will remain far more consistent.

S2 will probably be more defensive or safe than S3 or S1. Only way for them to make it safe is the nerfs that I see them having to do once trolls like myself or really good players get the math and timing down of those builds.

Soraka and Janna are not weak. I love both and believe me both have tools to make you think twice about that. Soraka in defensive mode is a pain to actually kill and cause you to get killed. Any janna worth a damn is going to be keeping you out quite easily and with the shield it's not that easy to get away once you slow with w. I honestly think adcs are weaker than supports without lifesteal.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm actually finding Kha'Zix to offer a pretty large amount of mobility. Combined with his slow I feel probably more capable of chasing and getting away from enemy champions than I do with any other character.

The range on his evolved leap is like 1,000, so you're looking at something a little longer than Tristana's jump.


S2 will probably be more defensive or safe than S3 or S1. Only way for them to make it safe is the nerfs that I see them having to do once trolls like myself or really good players get the math and timing down of those builds.

My math is ready for the item overhaul. Hopefully there will be a good period of time between unveiling it and Season 3 starts. Need to crunch them numbers (/rememorize all them numbers >>).

Soraka and Janna are not weak.

On the subject of Janna, I think there's a few Support players who think she's one of the best supports right now from a purely "I do support things" standpoint. I like her when I'm playing Kat if only for more movement speed. I really do hate her ult, though; bad Janna ults can get people killed!

I'm actually finding Kha'Zix to offer a pretty large amount of mobility. Combined with his slow I feel probably more capable of chasing and getting away from enemy champions than I do with any other character.

The range on his evolved leap is like 1,000, so you're looking at something a little longer than Tristana's jump.

His pursuit is great eventually. He comes into having good mobility (Evolved E) and slow down (Evolved W proccing his passive slow). He's also kind of just fun to play and his Mecha skin sounds are just so satisfying.


I think the evolved leap was the main thing I liked when I tried Kha'zix. I didn't know how to do anything else but I could go BOINGGG and then land somewhere. :)


it is almost exactly the same potential except you can aim gragas ult and you can only aim janna ult well if you flash grag ult dont move teammates


Not as badly as a Gragas ult's potential to screw things up. At least Janna's ult only pushes enemies away and not teammates.

Er, Gragas ult does nothing to teammates. It has a smaller hit box (800 vs 1450) with a smaller knockback (600 vs 875) and is aimed. Granted, the same bad aim on a Janna ult still applies to a Gragas ult, it's just easier to aim a targeted ability like Gragas' ult. You can still screw things up by tossing someone out of range of a kill or into your ADC or whatever. At least Gragas' ult does damage in the process!
Soraka is so weak early on; the healing does so little, it can't really keep up with anyone's poke, let alone let you outright fight. She always did require you to be passive but its now weak to the stage where they can outright zone you in the early game. By about 5 its starting to get ok, but at 6 their support gets another big tool to help them in lane and you get a global that's not as much help to your lane directly. On top of the hard 1-5 you just had that's the last thing you need. It's so easy for them to get a farm advantage, and that's the best case scenario; if they manage to fight you outright they will crush you. Winning your lane is really good for carrying in solo queue, it's not like a tournament game where you have reliable players and soraka is really bad at that.

Janna was really hurt by losing the AD buff when the shield dies, before it was a great buff that let you do the damage to outright fight when you had the chance, but now it just does so little because the shield gets burst down and the buff is gone so quickly. All she can do is be defensive now. The Q does a 0.8 second knockup to 1.1s at full charge (nerfed from flat 1s) and a level 1 E is a pretty crappy 24% 3s slow (nerfed from 4s) so even her defensive kit is falling pretty flat pre 6. Her ult is amazing, but man the 150s cooldown for a level 1 ult (nerfed from 120s) feels like a freaking age. So even her defensive abilities aren't that amazing any more, and again when the soloqueue meta heavily favours winning your lane to carry a kinda mediocre defensive champion is just not good.
Anyone else think Ironscale Shyvana should have been her default design?

I don't like the current default one at all.

It seems among fanart too that the default is pretty much ignored completely in favour of Ironscale.
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