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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Pffft, I am Level 25 and have 20 normal wins. Yep, yep.
As the only hardcore bot player, here are my thoughts/suggestions:
*)Bot games are better than their reputation. The goal is not to win, it's to completely dominate. Bots give you a ton of oportunities practicing how to secure a kill. If you don't get good farm vs bots, you also need to practise this more.
*)Easy bot games are great for trying out new chars. No matter how bad, you can't loose it for the team. Some ranked players say that's what normal is for, I disagree.
*)Medium bot games are unfair. I am not certain of the income mechanics but basically, if your teams go even you will loose by minute 30. Unlees constantly killed bots in medium will just outitemise you hard and then win from pure damage and resiliance.
There are virtually no comebacks here unless your team suddenly shows it's really ace in defense.
*)Bot teamwork is actually decent and often better than that of low level players. I am not kidding.
*)Bot games don't require wards since bots use no brush. This leads to bad warding habits in normals.
*)Bots are terrible at zoning defense. Their offense is okay for the most but they do take damage like they want it.

You can learn a lot of stuff in bot games if you set your goals right.

Though that one match I had recently, my normal win no 20... couldn't have had that against bots. Will post a report and replay this eve. All I will say is, this match is almost instructional. Never give up, never surrender ;-)

Bots teach people to be reckless, take tons of damage to creeps, and to hang around with 1/10th health. I started LoL with friends who avoided PvP matches for bots. So I ended up like up in the high 20s with 20-30TT wins and only a few on SR. I didn't know diddly about how people tend to play pokes, or baiting or any of that jazz.

Bots don't play like soloQ. Even the streamed rank matches don't play like soloQ. I find its hard to even follow a build guide 1:1 since most of them are based around the kind of teamwork you won't be seeing. The only thing that seems to help is actual experience, hellish as it can be.

I think custom games with bots are better practice. With the AI's tendency to get stuck and other silly stuff, you find yourself as disadvantages that can be a bit more of a more a challenge then the usual co-op steamroll.
Damn Draven is a mustachioed monster truck. I'm horrible at catching axes and still doing really well with him. I like to max E 1st; the base damage is about as good as any other similar ad carry attack spell and they don't come with up to 40% slow. You're less reliant on catching axes that way. But then if you do, things just get crazy.

Strong and fun with a unique mechanic; yes please.

Draven is truly a beast. You are doing yourself a disservice though by leveling E first. Play dominion with him and you'll learn how to catch Q's easily real fast.

In lane you can dominate with just a few Q's on the enemy carry since their weak American damage pales in comparison to Draven's.

Also learn the Q>W combo for maximum kiting of enemy melee.


To be serious here, you'd get more practice with catching axes in hectic moments with Dominion or ARAM just due to the nature of the games (near constant team fights).

Consistently getting Draven to practice in ARAMs, however, is another matter entirely really.


Okay after playing quite a few games with my lvl 18 friend, seems that I can't dick around (elise, diana) with junglers that aren't extreme ganking orienated... the lanes just can't win without constantly babysitting. So who's currently the FOTMs for that?

For what I got

Alistar (have)
Maokai (have)
Lee Sin (getting next)
Draven is truly a beast. You are doing yourself a disservice though by leveling E first. Play dominion with him and you'll learn how to catch Q's easily real fast.

In lane you can dominate with just a few Q's on the enemy carry since their weak American damage pales in comparison to Draven's.

Also learn the Q>W combo for maximum kiting of enemy melee.

Nah I don't see it personally. It's not that much more damage on the Q considering early on a whole bunch of the Q's damage comes the passive proc which doesn't scale with Q's level.

Past the first level in Q you're getting 10% more of your base AD for each level; like 10 per 100 AD. That's vs 35 damage increase per level on the E, which comes with AoE and a whole bunch of slow which often saves me or secures a kill. The Q scales really well later but you go E -> Q -> W and you're fine.

boken said:
Maybe when they destroy mobility creep, draven will be really good

Also, I too want S3 info
He's already got a 51% win rate according to lolking; slightly worse than Ezreal, slightly better than Graves.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
People who willingly play Rengar are the worst. I can only ignore it when it's Dan.
He's already got a 51% win rate according to lolking; slightly worse than Ezreal, slightly better than Graves.
Lesser played champions often have higher winrates because those that play them are people more intimately familiar with that champ. Draven doesn't show up at all on the charts either, and daily win rates are meaningless. Add it up over the last month and Draven will be below 51%.
Okay after playing quite a few games with my lvl 18 friend, seems that I can't dick around (elise, diana) with junglers that aren't extreme ganking orienated... the lanes just can't win without constantly babysitting. So who's currently the FOTMs for that?

For what I got

Alistar (have)
Maokai (have)
Lee Sin (getting next)



I'm digging Garen top. Been dominating other tops and generally feeling like an unkillable badass. But i stink at carrying that advantage into winning more than the usual 50%. I can wallop the other team squishes, but not before they kill a few on my side and slowly start building up.

Ghostblade worth it? I've been getting the Avarice blade early and sitting on it and the Brutalizer most of the game. I've generally been building Guardian Angel and Randium's after the brutalizer. Too much defense?

Another 6300ip. Tempted by Zyra. Elise was a bit of a bust for me.


I'm digging Garen top. Been dominating other tops and generally feeling like an unkillable badass. But i stink at carrying that advantage into winning more than the usual 50%. I can wallop the other team squishes, but not before they kill a few on my side and slowly start building up back.

Ghostblade worth it? I've been getting the Avarice blade early and sitting on it and the Brutalizer most of the game. I've generally been building Guardian Angel and Randium's after the brutalizer. Too much defense?
he lack any sort of hard cc to be a real tank, even though they buffed his late game he is still easy to kite.


Junior Member
Okay after playing quite a few games with my lvl 18 friend, seems that I can't dick around (elise, diana) with junglers that aren't extreme ganking orienated... the lanes just can't win without constantly babysitting. So who's currently the FOTMs for that?

For what I got

Alistar (have)
Maokai (have)
Lee Sin (getting next)
You already have Maokai. Like Sona, he is perfect in his own way... as long as you want a Jungle Tank.
Now mid, I like Ahri but... I want more range. Maybe I should try AP Kog mid :p


Tempted by Zyra. Elise was a bit of a bust for me.

Honestly, Elise is rather good right now ... until late game. Her early game is just stupidly efficient and her low ratios means she doesn't lose much by going Haunting Guise -> Sorc Shoes -> Frozen Heart (or Rylai's first then Frozen Heart) for her build. She just needs some tweaks to her Human E and maybe some tweaks to her spiderlings to smooth out her play. Also, if Season 3 gives more CDR items, she might have some better options there.

Her late game doesn't feel all that amazing outside of being tanky and diving into things. Her damage falls off not due to her kit or anything but just by virtue of how easy her spiderlings die to random area of effect attacks (that and they're kind of dumb).

As for Zyra, I've had a lot of fun with her as support. Probably more fun than I've ever had with her in mid lane, anyway.


*)Medium bot games are unfair. I am not certain of the income mechanics but basically, if your teams go even you will loose by minute 30. Unlees constantly killed bots in medium will just outitemise you hard and then win from pure damage and resiliance.
Yeah they outright cheat. They can see into bushes and attack you. They also don't need to last hit minions or even kill early to be dangerous. Bots are given levels and items as the game goes on so they don't need gold like players. I've witnessed this in bot games when a player who was disconnected for a long while will suddenly rejoin the game. The bot that had set out will be same level and have a full item build like that of his teammates instead of being on the same level as the returning player. Also if you add up the numbers after a match you'll see that bots have more gold than they should rightfully have given their performance.
This is just a ploy to get more Dominion players. You'll get far more practice catching axes in Summoner's Rift.

Typical SR scrub. Can't handle the manliness that is dominion.

Average Dominion player's hands during play

You can't beat that.

Nah I don't see it personally. It's not that much more damage on the Q considering early on a whole bunch of the Q's damage comes the passive proc which doesn't scale with Q's level.

Past the first level in Q you're getting 10% more of your base AD for each level; like 10 per 100 AD. That's vs 35 damage increase per level on the E, which comes with AoE and a whole bunch of slow which often saves me or secures a kill. The Q scales really well later but you go E -> Q -> W and you're fine.

The Q isn't meant to be used once, you should be hitting someone with it multiple times if you're trying to kill them, combined with constant blood rush spam and you can stay in range without the slow although it is nice. I've leveled E first before and I found myself wanting for damage/cooldown when it came to finally leveling it past 2 and having my first big damage item. Usually I'll have someone with me to stun or slow, without backup I've always found blood rush to be enough after using low level E. I just think it's more important to deal as much damage as possible early on then leveling utility since Draven doesn't have any problems keeping up with people provided you can lead and catch axes consistently in addition to leveled Q, even with just a doran's blade or BF sword makes enemy AD carries cry.

Whatever works for you though, just thought I would give you a second opinion.

And don't forget that Dominion practice.


Okay after playing quite a few games with my lvl 18 friend, seems that I can't dick around (elise, diana) with junglers that aren't extreme ganking orienated... the lanes just can't win without constantly babysitting. So who's currently the FOTMs for that?

For what I got

Alistar (have)
Maokai (have)
Lee Sin (getting next)

lee and cho and maokai are the kings of ganking oriented junglers imo

alistar, but you need to not suck, whereas the top 3 are ez pz


influence points

Enough to buy 52% of all champions and no runes.

I'd say my IP distribution is probably spread to about 33% of champions and the rest to runes, but damn that's a lot of IP I've earned.


Yes, sooo boring... *hehehe*
Here have a boring replay:

Okay, my results, let me show them to you:

Hahaha, one of my best gaming experiences ever :-D
This was my first time playing Maokai in PvP. This is also my 20th win in PvP compared to my 170 bot wins. Go me :p

Didn't say he wasn't good, just boring. There's no neat mechanic, or skill shot or anything that makes it worthwhile. Just W to people, and pop them in the face.


Those games have bigger jerks than the average Xbox Live random. I tried playing LoL and HoN but had to quit due to people being assholes and the learning curve being so high.

We need to make that beginner's guide to LoL. D:


We need to make that beginner's guide to LoL. D:

Youtube video guide voiced by Boken, with pop in Q&A voiced by Summons ("Riven 3-0 me and stole our red buff while freeze the lane! What should I do boken-sensei?"). Xcloser and Scy can sing the opening theme songs.


75k. Wondering where I spent it.

Can probably count the times I've played Riven, Shy and Fiora on one hand. That's around 18k-19k.


Best beginner's guide is to find a coach to duo with! I've walked a few beginner friends through and it's just easier to communicate when you see something on the spot to tell them.


Didn't say he wasn't good, just boring. There's no neat mechanic, or skill shot or anything that makes it worthwhile. Just W to people, and pop them in the face.
Maokai has a skillshot...he throws trees that deal extra damage if they hit someone, right? They can also be used to ward bushes and damage jungle monsters. He also has a unique mechanic in his ult, which can be used to push a tower without taking as much damage, or otherwise protect his team if they can force a fight in a certain location.
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