I'm scared at the rage I'm going to encounter when I start doing ranked
Bought Lee Sin right before logging off yesterday.
Rex, teach me how to ree singa!
Just don't play ranked until you know a champion well enough to consider carrying with it. And then add 100~ games on top of that probably.
I bet that'll be what happens when I try to do shit like this
Oh my god, Voyboy actually did join CRS, :lol :lol :lol
Can't wait for vs Clg.bench.
So, that new Lulu skin...
I wish people ran Shyvana top when I go there as Lulu. Couldn't imagine an easier lane. Not that people can usually tell what the pick is until later on though, because the nice thing about Lulu is that she's usually an ambiguous pick that people expect as support.I'm going to run Shy against any lulu when that comes out. Q her stupid face off.
edit: Smash that stupid pixie too.
I wish people ran Shyvana top when I go there as Lulu. Couldn't imagine an easier lane. Not that people can usually tell what the pick is until later on though, because the nice thing about Lulu is that she's usually an ambiguous pick that people expect as support.
I wish people ran Shyvana top when I go there as Lulu. Couldn't imagine an easier lane. Not that people can usually tell what the pick is until later on though, because the nice thing about Lulu is that she's usually an ambiguous pick that people expect as support.
Remember the days when she came out, when her Q actually did damage? But Riot was like WAIT WE MEANT HER AS SUPPORT and I think nerfed her Q two or three times to prevent people from playing her mid.I'll admit to being one of those foolish people previously. In one of my ranked matches the 5th member requested mid so I gave it to him. He locked in lulu and I thought he was trolling. But he was destroying his lane in both CS and kills. A lot of people really don't know how to deal with lulu mid at all.
Good luck ganking me without CC.Didn't say I'd lane against her. I just might pop outta the jungle and Q her in the face. YOU THINK YOU CAN TAME ME?!!?
Lulu mid kind of sucks after they nerfed her ratios. It sounds like he just had a really bad lane opponent.I'll admit to being one of those foolish people previously. In one of my ranked matches the 5th member requested mid so I gave it to him. He locked in lulu and I thought he was trolling. But he was destroying his lane in both CS and kills. A lot of people really don't know how to deal with lulu mid at all.
Mistake of the day: pushed too hard without taking advantage. Me and Vayne mopped Teemo around, got 2 towers by ~15 mins. We didn't pressure it any further, so we pretty much let Teemo freefarm. I went top to help since Tryn was doing really awful, but that let Teemo harass Vayne so much. Glad Garen was really good. We were really losing but managed to hold on. Tryn and Vayne eventually get strong enough to be revenants that actually hurt. I'm looking for a new mouse cause I'm sick of my laptop mouse.
Anyone have a comfy lol mouse they like to use? Kiunch? Rex?
Oh, it's the same one I recommended.Doesn't Newegg have a promo on a mouse right now? Comes with Dark Shyvana code.
Cool I picked that up,
I needed a new mouse...and I guess now i need to get shyv....
Not sure if it works with external codes but usually when you are given a skin, you get the champ with it. Try redeeming without Shyvana.
Well hrm ... my mouse has been acting up...
That's how it is for the code here. You'll get Shyvana and the skin.
My mouse isn't even acting up and I'm tempted. I love my MX518 but I've had it for years and years. Surely it will die eventually. I don't like the reviews that say the mouse cord starts giving out before long though so I'll probably pass.
Bought Lee Sin right before logging off yesterday.
Rex, teach me how to ree singa!
Cool I picked that up,
I needed a new mouse...and I guess now i need to get shyv....
It's the electric guitar that gets you isn't it?Okay, that's pretty damn tempting...
Okay, that's pretty damn tempting...
How do you activate the LoL promotion thing? I guessing I'm just dumb and missing something on the store page?
It's the electric guitar that gets you isn't it?
That's what I use pretty damn good for most games. If you need more buttons try a different series but if you like the buttons and want a smooth mouse like 1ms at 1000mhz get that sucker and enjoy good tracking.
How do you activate the LoL promotion thing? I guessing I'm just dumb and missing something on the store page?
I went ahead and bought it. My mouse randomly double clicks :| Might as well get ready to replace it now before it fully shits itself.
Okay, that's pretty damn tempting...
How do you activate the LoL promotion thing? I guessing I'm just dumb and missing something on the store page?
Considering the hundreds of games you play to get to level 30, just go ahead and play ranked. Playing normals where you won't have a jungler/wards/invades/teamwork doesn't really help you learn.
Besides, play with GAF. Junglers, Wards, and even sometimes teamwork happens there!
Oh come on! Dont lie to the guy like that.....
Oh come on! Dont lie to the guy like that.....
Thanks.It says right on the page:
Considering the hundreds of games you play to get to level 30, just go ahead and play ranked. Playing normals where you won't have a jungler/wards/invades/teamwork doesn't really help you learn.
You like, maybe need to use one or two items in League. It's pretty easy to hit the one and two keys.I've gotten so used to having items mapped to mouse buttons that I can't go back. It's really nice to have skills and items "on" different hands, so you can use them simultaneously.
Why would it be different?I guess if you feel like you have nothing left to learn in normals, play Ranked.